11:36am Nov 6 2010
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((Littlepaw's post'll come once I decide to wake her up. Right now, she's in a small coma. c:)) Bloodmist didn't reply to what Spider'd said. She just kept walking, pushing past him. The snow was heavy, but she could handle that. She stared up at the clouds, which were dark and bleak.
She suddenly remembered she'd gone to get prey. Her will to hunt took over, and she silently stalked through the snow, searching for any sign of edible life. She lifted her nose to the wind, and breathed in deeply. Her scent glands caught the strong scent of mouse.
She set to work, digging in the soft snow. She hoped Spider was watching. Maybe he'd come when he learned they were taught to hunt and fight. After a while of digging, she got what she wanted. A mouse nest, with three large mice living in it.
She grabbed all of them with a swipe of her paw, then killed them swiftly. She started carrying all three back to camp.
1:29pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf latched onto Painfullpaws scared throat...only his jaws were weakened and made it only bleed slightly. Looking down he closed his eyes and tears fell some more. Looking back he put his fangs on his step brothers throat and side of his head. Rethinking of the past he had with his brother..his only remaming family member he felt warnth in those thoughts but the cold chill of what he was going to do...scared his heart like a badgers claws to a cats face. Farewell...forever. Forcing himself he teared into the flesh and pulled. His brothers blood chilling cry of pain coarsing into the whole camp he thought maybe the once warrior Alcarie could hear it. His brother let go and fell to the ground with a thump. His one insane mad driven and corrupted living eyes in a dull dead gaze. Shaking the apprentice cried and for his lifetime...he never thought he'd have to do this to his own family or anyone of his clan. Looking at Rainstar he cried and his legs gave out making him fall in pure guilt, hatred to himself and regret to doing this deed.
Crimsonfang watched wide eyed at Painfullpaws decision and for once in his lifetime...he was scared what this would do to this cat. Painfullpaw was so loving and kind to everyone he didn't know this apprentice would kill. "P-painfull...w-why? Why didn't you let Rainstar do the job?" he asked and shook uncontrolably. He wanted to comfort the tom like a queen would a kit...but he was scared. So instead he stayed. Shivering and surprised like probably the others.
2:02pm Nov 6 2010
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Blinking his eyes coldly at her refusal to answer Spider crept after her slowly, his black pelt stark against the bright white snow. Flicking his ears slightly at her catch he allowed a shred of respect to enter him. It had been a good catch, especially considering the weather. Shrugging his black shoulders Spider lengthened his stride to reach her again, his long legs eating up the distance easily. "Ignoring me won't help," he meowed with amusement, though his body language and eyes were distant and cold. Tilting his head he appraised the she-cat with an avid interest, noticing that she seemed quite fit despite the famine raging through the forest like a wildfire, eating lives like prey. "You just make it harder for yourself, you realize. Perhaps I could just turn around. Feeding only myself seems...so much easier." Flicking his tail he realized that this she-cat fascinated him. The way she seemed to calm in such a storm, but had a certain vehemency that startled him. I wonder if she has lost someone dear to her, like I have, he thought. Closing his eyes and re-opening them after a moment Spider glanced at her again.

2:18pm Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 2:48pm Nov 6 2010)
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[Oops, forgot to post her. :o]
Leopardwind had shut her eyes against the bloody duel when it had started, cowering back against a large clump of bracken, a shivering wreck. The yowls and screams of a deadly battle echoed in her ears still, long after it had ended. Re-opening her swirling amber eyes she hardened her heart against the gorey scene.
Mangy excuse for a leader, she thought acidly of Rainstar, seeing the she-cat cower and flinch at Blackwolf. Always shivering, moaning about the Clan. She can't even fight her own battles. Sneering Leopardwind dug her claws deeply into the loam and concentrated her mind on other things, more important things.
Will that Clan really let Rainstar stay leader after this display? Littlepaw...no, Littlefire, dead, because of her. And to have an apprentice leap to her rescue as if she were a weak and timid kit without any strength of her own.
At these thoughts Leopardwind growled bitterly and lashed her tail, knowing that most cats would think she was simply being angry at Blackwolf. But the power-hungry tom did not bother her the least. Even though she was loyal enough as her heart and mind would allow, the warrior knew she had no use for the intrigues and trials of camp heirarchy. Simply small bumps in the path of her life.
And then it happened. Painfulpaw, his eyes tearful, crystal droplets trickling down his muzzle, latched his jaws around Blackwolf's throat. Dipping her head Leopardwind watched in horror as the apprentice bit down, a snap echoing across the clearing and blood flowing from the power-hungry warrior's body. Her eyes glazed over with confusion.
Painfulpaw, why? she thought desperately, hanging onto to some shred of hope that this wasn't true. That Painfulpaw, though not the easiest apprentice, had not really just killed his only family left.
But suddenly, Leopardwind's mind snapped into focus and she narrowed her eyes. He did what had to be done, she thought bitterly. And Rainstar...she stills stands there in shock while an apprentice kills her opponent. Snarling she blinked once and the fur along her back prickled with rage.
Slinking forwards her fear fell away as her natural prowess began shining through, amber eyes cold stones staring out with bleak determination. "A cowardly thing to do," she meowed harshly at the prone Blackwolf, settling down next to him. Curling her lip she flicked her tail and wrapped it around her paws.
"You attempted to take over IceClan. Do you feel proud?" Leopardwind didn't bother to care what the other cats were thinking, that Blackwolf was dead and he didn't matter any more. Painfulpaw had been special to her in a way, and Blackwolf's ambition had corrupted him. Caused him to hurt his own family. Leopardwind could not forgive him for this. "Do you feel happy now that you've caused so much strife in IceClan? Pain and hurt? What kind of devilish cat are you?" The last sentence she yowled in his face, leaning over him with ivory fangs glistening.
[Woah...that post just came out on its own. I just explained Leopardwind's personality, I'm guessing. O____O;]

2:19pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Siri, East, and fullmoon: Should we just hold the Grey,blue, and redpaw's apprentice ceremony? Because if Siri isn't ready to have Redpaw a warrior, then it would make scence to hold his siblings back. And Rainstar could go on with Naming Shadowpaw and Cardinalpaw. bic; Rainstar looked at the other cats around, they were glaring at her. They should be. Padding up to Painfulpaw she whispered in his ear, "You will become a warrior today." Looking up at the rest of her Clan mates, she meowed, "This is over. We will have Blackwolf buried before the other leaders get her, and ..." she looked around, Taking a deep breath, she knew the Clan was ready for more warriors."I will name some apprentices." she finished.
2:27pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
To Detneth: Painfullpaw killed Blackwolf. XD I'm sorry if it seeed the other way around.)
2:44pm Nov 6 2010
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[Lolwhut? It really did sound like Blackwolf tore out Painfulpaw's throat then lay down all dejected. O___O Now I've got to edit my post. ;c]
2:55pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
I'm sorry to make that confussing. ))
3:14pm Nov 6 2010
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Painfullpaw looked at Leopardwind and shrunk a bit. He wasn't sure wether she'd be mad at him for killing Blackwolf when Rainstar could of or if she'd be proud of him for destroying the demon that layed at his paws dead. Hearing her words he only wanted some comfort and leaned into the she cat shivering and crying like he had when his mother had died. He was scared lost and completely disoriented. P-please...I don't know what to do. Please Leopardwind...don't turn out to be like Blackwolf ever! I don't want that to happen to you too. Please I'm begging you. Looking at the warrior she was elegent in his mind. She was a great she cat in his mind and he would die if he saw that happen to her. Closing his eyes he shivered some more but not as much as he was before. Just having someone there was enough to comfort. Crimsonfang glared at the tom and hissed. "You killed you're own brother when our leader could of done herself. So don't be so sorry for yourself. Keep this up and you'll never get over it. So stop crying." he hissed and lashed his tail side to side in anger to the toms reaction. "Grow up." he growled and padded past the two.
3:17pm Nov 6 2010
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OoC: My post is coming, I shall say first. But now I will say what I really wanted. Littlefire didn't die? I thought she met up with StarClan cats? Oh, and Eklipse, there is no need to hold the others back. Rainstar can use the fact that he snuck off with the journey cats as an excuse for not naming. o3o
Just call me Siri.
3:46pm Nov 6 2010
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Littleaw moaned.Her head felt light,almost as if half of it was gone. She slowly lifted her head and lookedat her mangled body. With a sudden jolt, she realized that in her left eye, her vision was slightly fuzzy. "W-what happened?" She squeaked quietly, staring at all the cats around where she was laying. It came back to her in a flash. She tried to stand, but failed miserably. "Blackwolf!" She managed to hiss. "He deserves to die now!"
3:47pm Nov 6 2010
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((I repeat; I said ignore that post, I've decided to make Littlepaw so that she just went into rest-shock mode. c: Bu everyone thought she was dead.))
3:54pm Nov 6 2010
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hearing Littlepaws words he bolted up and stood over his dead brother fangs bared his muzzle still hoding his brothers blood and his eyes holding menace tears still in his eyes he glared at all the cats around as if telling them not to harm his now dead brothers body or he would harm them back. Even if Blackwolf was evil in the end he was still a brother in Painfullpaws eyes and mind. But he had destroyed that. Head low tail lashing he didn't let Littlepaw go near his brothers body. Shaking in hatred to the shecats words he wanted nothing more then to scratch her face. His p*censored*ive manner leaving for that moment.
Watching Painfullpaw the little shekit Sorroweyes padded away in fear. She had never seen him like this and she was devastated. Shivering the kit padded to her mother speechless and fearful.
4:01pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
I think if I was to give Painfullpaw a theme song this would have to be it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmLQutBjAuM I don't now why it just seems to fit him the most. Cause it's what he believes. Everyone is innocent.)
4:04pm Nov 6 2010
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OoC: ::stares:: -just finished reading the posts- ::blinks:: This is kind of scary. So much anger in IceClan. ::gulps:: I hope my post can add up to what's already been done. BiC With a shaky breath, Swiftdarkness lifted his to look at the chaos of his clan over the fallen body of his kit. Blood coated the ground in a distasteful burst of color against the muted green and brown earth. Like a stain upon a cats pelt, Swiftdarkness knew that this act of bitterness would seep into the soul of every cat. Not a single one of them would forget this sinful day. Curling his ebony lip with disgust, Swiftdarkness couldn't believe how far IceClan had strayed from StarClan's code. It was no wonder they were being punished by starvation. What Painfulpaw did should not be honored in his eyes. The silent cat just broke the warrior code; An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense. He softly hissed under his breath, "Blackwolf was a warrior within the code and he was killed outside of self-defense." Tears burned his slate eyes as he looked down at Littlefire. If only you could have defended yourself, he thought sadly. His stomach ached and rolled as Swiftdarkness realized that he was failing StarClan as a noble deputy. He was supposed to keep things like this from happening, he was supposed to find traitors within the clan before they killed. Bowing his head, Swiftdarkness prayed; StarClan give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I need your guidance more than ever before. Help me save IceClan. Lifting his head, Swiftdarkness knew that he was stronger looking. His lean shoulders were no longer slouched, his head was held high, his ears prick forward, and his black was straight. With all the authority he could manage, Swiftdarkness stalked with grace over to Rainstar. Staring into her blue eyes he dared her to stop him from speaking. "Warriors of IceClan, I am ashamed," he spat in a loud, roaring voice. "I am ashamed of myself, of my fellow warriors, and my leader. We all sat back as this apprentice soiled his heart by breaking the warriors sacred code. We let him sink to a level so low that he was as corrupt as Blackwolf." His slate, blue-gray gaze locked onto Painfulpaw. "I do not blame you, but I do blame myself. It is obvious to me that our clan is lacking in teaching and training. Where has our faith gone!" Anger blazed in his voice but his eyes stayed dull as he now looked to each cat. "When did we become as pitiful as rogues!" Closing his eyes and flattening his ears to his skull, Swiftdarkness shock his head as he let it lower. Then with a sigh, he again lifted his gaze. "Rainstar says we shall praise this act of merciless revenge by naming the apprentice. I will not challenge her, but I will not call his name." Looking to Painfulpaw, he softly added, "Not until I have seen a noble act from him; one that shows undeserving kindness to another." With that, the ebony warrior padded across the clearing. He had shared tongues with Littlefire for the last time. Now he would live for Shadowpaw. The one kit that had survived from his tender love with Falconwing. If he was strong enough to keep this kit alive. With the clan's faith and honor in StarClan slipping, though, he didn't know if he could stay much longer. His heart shattered with each break of the warriors code. We are to show mercy and kill only when we must. Tigerstar even had the mercy of Bluestar, for he had been exiled for his crimes not murdered before the clan as an example. OoC: Take no offence to this post, Electro or Eklipse. Swifty is just really emotional and honorable. He will follow the warrior code to his death.
Just call me Siri.
4:05pm Nov 6 2010
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OoC: x'3 I'm late. But it still, kinda, fits.
Just call me Siri.
4:14pm Nov 6 2010
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Pressing her smooth mottled bulk against Painfulpaw's Leopardwind started purring gently, her attempt at calming down the angry apprentice. "Hush little one," she meowed in a sing-song tone, her amber eyes softening to a dark brown as she saw the look of pain, fear and rage play across Painfulpaw's muzzle. "It is true you broke the warrior code, and agreeing with Swiftdarkness is something I feel to be right. But you were brave enough to stand up to the rogue and tyrant. To me, that in itself is honorable. Calm yourself, Painfulpaw."
Raising her spotted head she gazed at the cats around her. "I agree with Swiftdarkness," she stated in a loud voice. "As much as I rebel against the Warrior Code each day of my life, this reasoning is just and sound." Her voice became hard-edged then, for it was Leopardwind's way of pouring all her emotions into one sentence, and one only.
"Let us simply praise the fact that Blackwolf and his ambition is cleansed from us now." Her gaze challenged each and every cat to dare speak up and say that they were a part of Blackwolf's scheme. That they had dared to help the traitor in his quest to rule the Clan.

4:15pm Nov 6 2010
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"Dad?" Littlepaw stared up at Swiftdarkness. "I-I'm not dead." She blinked. "I'm alive! Right here! Remember? I promised..."
4:26pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
Looking at Swiftdarkness Painfullpaw nodded his head. He didn't want to be named for killing his brother and he was happy a warrior such as Swiftdarkness would agree to Painfullpaw this was wrong. He padded away from his brother to the apprentices. Thinking of how he could make his place in Iceclan again without having to kill another cat ever again. He believed he was wrong to kill his brother but he thought it would save his brother from anymore pain he had put him through with his death and the others like his father had put his stepbrother in. Hearing his brothers soft purr he looked around. Seeing he was gone he cried again. To much stress had happened and he wanted to die. "Shhhhhh it's ok my little brother. You saved me. You saved me from becoming like our father. He was the worst of us all." Blackwolfs spirit whispered and to Painfullpaw...it was comforting to know his brother was watching him. "You have you're own little power Painfullpaw...you can hear and listen to the spirits who had become like me. But those who had not known comfort or kindness. You welcome them. Because you believe everyone is innocent. Even if they were the worst of us all." he said and licked his brothers ear. "Don't worry my brother. I'll be with you forever. However...I don't think Swiftdarkness trusts you anymore." he stated and sounded uncertain. With that Blackwolf padded away.
A presence stood beside Swiftdarkness. Unseen but sensed. "Swiftdarkness...please be kind to my little brother. He didn't out of the warrior code. I would kill more. I lost it. He saved a lot more cats by doing this. And you're daughter will live. When our father attacked Painfullpaw for no reason...would you of killed him? To save the lives of kits? Or would you let him kill my brother and the others? He's not like our father. I was. He wasn't like our dad or mom. He was himself. He saved lives by doing. Show some respect. I would of killed you're son if it weren't for him." he stated and sorrow was in his voice. His soul was freed from his corrupted mind and he was scarred his brother would lose everyone he cared for.
((I'm making Blackwolf as a spirit that roams the earth. HAHA! XD I'm a tard. Also Siri I take no offense to it. Blackwolf however kinda does.)
4:41pm Nov 6 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang growled low. "I agree with Leopardwind and Swiftdarkness. But not for the same reasons. The fact the tom is too weak to belive he did a good thing by destroying and getting rid of the tom who would kill more. He killed Nightfang a cat I never knew. He killed Snowkit. What did they ever do to deserve death?!" He yolwed and glared at the apprentices back. "He's weak Crying over the dead body of a devil." he growled loudly. He didn't even think for one second the two were related or the fact the tom was going through a lot of pain at doing something against his faith.