4:01pm Nov 10 2010
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Rainstar whipped her head around to stare at Crimsonfang, ice blue eyes blazing with a cold fire. "Can you not see what I am?" she hissed, "Are you blind? I should never be loved, no cat should ever love me..." She meowed the last part a murmur, as she almost got sucked in by her dark memories of loneliness and despair. Shaking the deep secrets from her current thoughts, she turned to pad away. Rainstar's legs were stiff, and she wanted to say sorry to Crimsonfang from the random outburst of low self-esteem, but her mouth was closed shut by clenched sharp teeth. Her eyes were caught in Crimsonfang's dark amber ones for just a moment... but then she walked away, leaving him. Her tail was trailing behind her, giving that up felt horrible to her. I don't want to have kits like Eaglestar had. She reminded herself. The Clan always came first. Always. Attempting to push her feelings away as she walked toward her deputy, she asked herself How could a cat love me? Halting, still troubled by the moment inside her den when a living cat had told her he loved her. Momentarily pushing away the thought, she straitened her back, and padded up to Swiftdarkness. He was crouched over his kit... who was still living. His kit. He has a KIT. Rainstar wanted to climb into her head and tear the thought of what Crimsonfang said out of her head. Then soon realized it was impossible, living with her problem, she sat down, silver pelt reflecting some of the white snow. "You needed to speak with me?"
9:38pm Nov 10 2010
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ooc; Bump. :)
1:51am Nov 11 2010
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Turning from his kit, Swiftdarkness gazed at Rainstar for a moment. He had forgotten what he had wanted to discuss, but it came back to him quickly. Waving his tail for her to follow, Swiftdarkness stopped in an a small, secluded part of the camp. The moon was rising higher and higher into the night sky and the other clan leaders were soon to arrive, so he decided to not delay at all. The night was still and silent after the betrayal from Blackwolf, but he knew that all the cats were strong and they would recover with time. A lot of time. "Rainstar, what I said earlier needed to be said but not in that manner," dipping his head in respect. Swiftdarkness leaned forward to lick her shoulder in a display of loyalty and submission. "I am to be your deputy, not an enemy." Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, Swiftdarkness didn't feel like he measured up to her expectations of him. Leopardheart was meant for his position, not me, he thought with sadness. "I was wrong to let my emotions rule my reaction to your announcement, though I am glad that you will name worthy apprentice's at a later date." With a gruff chuckle, he mewed, "Are we ready for more warriors? Rainstar, I think we should leave soon after this meeting." Off to the side of the camp a small commotion distracted him for a moment. "Rainstar, I want you to know that I am at your side with all of my loyalty. I will not disappoint you again, that is a promise." Looking back to where other cats had become more lively, Swiftdarkness found a familiar she-cat approaching. Even thin with starvation Twigstar walked with grace and nobility as she padded with determination toward Rainstar and Swiftdarkness. "Greetings IceClan warriors," she meowed in a mild tone. Then looked directly at Swiftdarkness, "Deputy," and Rainstar, "fellow leader." Swiftdarkness couldn't stop the genuine grin from spreading across his maw when Twigstar sat slowly, with slight hesitation, on the cold, damp ground. Curling her long spotted tail over her delicate forepaws, Twigstar was every bit a leader that Swiftdarkness could think of. Poised as if nothing matter, the she-cat didn't even twitch a whisker when Stumpfoot stood slightly behind her. Guarding her like a true deputy, Swiftdarkness cursed his slow mind as he backed up to stand behind Rainstar in a show of support. "Evening, Twigstar," he meowed with a tip of his head.
Just call me Siri.
10:23am Nov 11 2010
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Dipping her head to Swiftdarkness she meowed, "It was right for you to say that," she continued, "And I have respect for your decisions always." More than Mine. She thought then seen Twigstar appear. Rainstar nervously dipped her head to the other leader, I bet she doesn't have issues. "Evening, Twigstar," she heard Swiftdarkness meow beside her. Oh right. Rainstar told herself. "Thank you for coming," she meowed, then sat down. She knew she looked famished in front of the noble leader, and hoped that she didn't look less confident. "We will speak by my den over there." she meowed and flicked her silver tail to the space of sandy ground. As Rainstar looked around the Camp, she seen Poisonheart brining in the FireClan cats. She got up and padded closer to Wolfstar, "Greetings," she meowed, kind-of unsure of herself. "I trust you have come prepared not to fight?" hissed Wolfstar back at her. Rainstar's eyes narrowed, Fine. If you are going to be like this, I will play along to. Looked into his angry amber eyes, "We are not going to fight, Like I have as.sured you many times before. Now, Take your cats and go by my den." She shot him a glance that said, Remember who's Clan you are surrounded by. Wolfstar viscously whipped around, almost slapping Rainstar's face with his bristling tail. Poisonheart dipped her head awkwardly and Rainstar meowed, "Thanks," "Sorry about that," meowed Riverbreeze, "Gingerstream's brother died, and... well---" Riverbreeze was interrupted by Wolfstar, "Come here now." he hissed, and Riverbreeze kept her gaze on Rainstar, "Thank you," she meowed, then padded away with Gingerstream. Feeling confused, Rainstar padded over to the entrance of the Camp. No sign of CaveClan yet. she would have to wait. Going over to the outside of her den to join the other leader's, she felt hostile eyes burn through her from Wolfstar. And noticed Gingerstream looking around the camp, What is she looking for? she wondered, the light blue eyes were scanning all the cats in the camp, she was defiantly looking for some cat.
11:26am Nov 11 2010
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OoC: Gingerpaw is now Gingersteam, how exciting ^.^ Err..I don't really know what to post.
Just call me Siri.
12:55pm Nov 11 2010
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ooc; Yea, I guess we just wait for Electro. :3
7:17pm Nov 11 2010
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[o___o Sorry I haven't been posting. Meh, do you mind if I read in a little bit? Got some things I need to take care of first. >_>;]
8:13am Nov 12 2010
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OoC; East needs to get caught up, as she has had little time on the computer at a time due to stupid homework -punts- Someone mind giving me a quick summary xD
9:41am Nov 12 2010
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ooc; All the leader's of all the clans are at IceClan right now, well but CaveClan. Rainstar is going to hold a meeting with them to move the Clans, to the other territories. Wolfstar is having anger issues at the moment, and because of Rainstar's decision to let Painfulpaw kill Blackwolf, lots of her warriors are calling her week. Crimsonfang confessed to Rainstar that her loved her (ohhhoo! ) And Swiftdarkness found that Littlepaw is still alive! >Gasp!< xD Oh wow, this summery is weird.
11:28am Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 779
Sorry bout not posting I was gone yesterday Remembrance day and all. I have a lot of respect for that day. ))
Cavestar padded towards Rainstar Sharptalon beside her. "Greetings Rainstar. Swiftdarkness. My warrior informed me on the news." she stated dipping her head. Looking at Rainstar she new this was serious and did not wish to start a fight. "I do hope we will be leaving soon. This forrest is no longer our home." she remained calm with her words and motioned to the entrance with a growl. "I hope where we go...it'll be an actual home. Away from the twolegs and destruction." she stated and smilled to Rainstar. "You're a great leader. You've done alot to help your clan." she said and nodded to the leader and deputy once more.
Sharptalon padded away and looked for Nightfall. Hoping she could give him something to help her with and hopefully get some info on herself for him to remember.
4:20pm Nov 12 2010
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ooc; Agreed. bic; Nightfall shakily backed away from Emeraldrain's body, No! NO! How could my apprentice betray me like this?! Her eyes were clouded with fear, she knew that Starpaw had killed Emeraldrain. "Oh why?" she murmured as a silver tear ran down her black cheek. She padded out of the medicine cat den, and lifted her head to scent all of the present Clan leaders and cats. They were having their meeting, she couldn't tell Rainstar now. No. Or ever, it must remain a secret. she wanted to listen to what the cats were discussing. And then she bumped into a cat, Sharptallon. "Agghhh!" she hissed, "Will you watch where you are going?" she snapped at him as loud as she could so that he could hear, but not the leaders. >> Rainstar looked around at all the leaders, after Cavestar had spoke to her, she knew that the Clans would leave very soon. I am not a good leader. she wanted to hiss back at Cavestar, she was annoyed of complements, false complements. They were lies. Taking a deep breath she looked all all the leader's in the eyes, "We are here to agreement that there will be no fighting, and we will only speak." Sitting down, she looked up at the sky, "StarClan chose some of our cats to go on a journey, a journey to find new territories. And that was accomplished. We have been chased out of our original camp, and several of our warriors have perished by the two-legs monsters rampaging around our territory." Looking around she noticed that Gingerstream looked angry, opening her mouth to speak again, she was cut off by Wolfstar. "Why should we move, my territory is unharmed." he pointed out, not even trying to mask the venom in his voice. Anger trailed up Rainstar as the hostile leader spoke. "You can stay here if you would like, but if I were you, I would rather go then have my untouched Clan soon be ripped to shreds by the monsters." she retorted back to him. "I beleive it would be best to have all of the Clan out of their territories by tonight." She looked at the other leaders, feeling thin as a twig, she saw Wolfstar step forward. "Where is my brother?" He asked. Rainstar looked at him with confused sharp eyes. "Your brother...? Who....?" she asked, feeling more into this conversation. "Blackwolf.. Where is--" Rainstar cut him off, "There will be no speaking of him tonight." She looked nervously to Swiftdarkness, and she let her claws pierce the snow. "Rainstar, " meowed Wolfstar again, with a sudden mood swing. "My Clan is week. Too week. I don't think they will be able to go, they are dying, fast and......" Rainstar realized that the other defensive hostility in his voice was from frustration of his Clan dyeing. It was understandable.
4:46pm Nov 12 2010
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Keeping beside his sister, Shadowpaw watched with slight hostility yet curiosity as the leaders of the other three clans walked into their own. The air suddenly became harsh and unforgiving, the scents of so many new cats overwhelming the normal smell of damp leaves and the light musky scent of Iceclan. The apprentice had to stop himself from wrinkling his nose in distaste. But the gesture could upset some of the already tense warrior's. That was most defiantly not needed. Wolfstar's attitude towards the whole journey in particular got under Shadowpaw's pelt, itching like a hill full of ants. He should have been grateful for the chance his clan would survive, not obnoxious and cold. Looking over the other leaders warriors Shadowpaw only huffed. He guessed he could understand Wolfstar's point of view. Listening to each of the cats in turn, Shadowpaw could only sigh, wondering how the world they would be able to complete this journey together. One name in particular caught his interest. Lifting his head so he could try and peer over other cats ears, Shadowpaw caught sight of Gingerpaw, or was it Gingerstream now? So she got her warrior's name before me eh? He thought, slightly amused. In a way he was surprised the fiery she-cat had not clawed off some of his clan mates noses, seeing as she seemed aggressive even for her. --- Starpaw gave Featherpaw a hopeless stare before walking back towards the medicine cat area, tail leaving a groove in the snow where it feel to the ground. His paws felt heavy and drained, like he could no longer walk properly anymore. In a way he did not want to walk anymore, rather lie down and die an cowered death. Thats what he deserved after all. Nosing his paw into the area, his dull blue eyes took in the scene before him, and any strength he had left abandoned him. Laying there was Emeraldrain, dead. A wail rose in his throat, the sound catching. A pain like he'd never felt before pierced him like claw a claw could not, erasing Starpaw. In its wake let a shell, a husk of his former self, so sad and grief stricken he wanted to take one of those death berries himself. "Nightfall?" He whispered, the sound cracked and lost. OoC: I think that was one of my worst posts as of yet >.>; I'll get Silentheart's up soon, but Siri, it might not be anything compared to your post with the two. I'm romance retarded lol.

6:18pm Nov 12 2010
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ooc;It isn't a bad post Stray! Not as bad as mine... :< bic; Gingerstream caught sight of Shadowpaw, hmm. Did he get his warrior name yet? she wondered, then lifted her blue gaze to Wolfstar, who wasn't being fair to Rainstar and the others. She exchanged glances with Riverbreeze, the deputy had also took notice of his moody behavior. Letting out a hiss, she looked down at her feet, and bared her sharp white teeth. Why StarClan did you have to make my brother die? Looking back to Shadowpaw, she smirked at him. >> Nightfall shot Sharptallon a angry glance, "I will be right back." she hissed and padded slowly toward the framiliar whisper of Starpaw. Her ears were pricked, and she wanted allot of answers from him. Please, let him know what he has done! she meowed to StarClan from her mind. "Starpaw," she whispered, "Are you okay?"
6:55pm Nov 12 2010
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Starpaw nearly jumped out of his fur as Nightfall suddenly spoke beside him, not hearing the medicine cat approach because he had been to lost in his thoughts. Looking over at Nightfall he made a pitiful wailing sound, blue eyes shimmering with tears. He wanted nothing more then to curl up beside her, to have a little comfort, but he did not deserve it and he knew it. "I...I," He swallowed, closing his eyes tightly and letting his head fall against his chest as if it was to heavy for him to hold up any longer. "I killed Emeraldrain." He whispered, the words almost lost in the howling winds of leaf-bare. "Blackwolf told me to kill..kill Rainstar and..and Swiftdarkness." He stammered, words punctuated by sobs. "Told me to feed them death berries. I..I did but they put the..tainted prey back on the pile and some other cat got it." He meowed brokenly. "Why Emeraldrain, Nightfall! Why her out of all cats!" He finally wailed loudly, throwing his head back and staring at the darkening sky. "She did not deserve this fate, no cat did but me."

9:34am Nov 13 2010
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Nightfall felt the small cat's fear and deep depth of sadness. "There was no need to tell me, little Starpaw." she meowed softly as she began licking his head. "I knew you did it," turning to the camp where Sharptallon was she sighed, "Emeraldrain must have taken the prey before Rainstar or Swiftdarkness could have seen it.." She looked at Starpaw strait in the face, or where she thought his face was. "Don't you ever say you deserved to die. "she hissed, "You did not know what it would do, but you knew it would cause harm. This harm only killed Emeraldrain. Only her." She let her voice soften, "Emeraldrain had recently gone through the loss of Snowkit, correct?" she pointed out. Sitting down beside Starpaw again she meowed, "There is nothing more terrible to a queen then loosing a kit. Losing them, to another cat. Having them killed-" her voice cracked, "they will blame themselves the whole life they lead about it's death." As Nightfall's fur shimmered in the light of the moon, she continued. "I am not saying it is better for Emeraldrain to die, but..." Nightfall's eyes widened, she quickly slammed shut them. Sinking her silver claws into the snow, she bared her teeth in pain. No. Not now! ooc; Nightfall is all speaking through this, but she has some different things about her to be learned. >That is why some of the font is blue.
4:04pm Nov 13 2010
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ooc; bump.
1:54am Nov 14 2010
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OoC: Stray, I'm positive you will do just fine. ^.^ You always delightfully surprise me with your posts, and I don't mind the wait at all. Electro, I love Remembrance Day, though I didn't have anyone to hug in thanks yesterday. =( So it was a sad day. Det, just don't forget about us. ^.^ BiC Having blended into the background, Swiftdarkness stood like a loyal deputy would; near Rainstar's right shoulder. It was then that he felt the pride of his duty. He was protector of his noble leader, a listener when spoken to, an extra mind to create ideas, and peace maker when conversations struck too sensitive areas. Immersing in his role, Swiftdarkness said nothing about Blackwolf's absence because Rainstar implied that there would be no discussion about him. Steeling his slate blue eyes, he bristled his fur so that it was slightly ruffled, which made him look a smidgen larger than he actually was. Wolfstar was behaving a bit too aggressively for Swiftdarkness's taste. The leader was large and posed a lethal threat to Rainstar, should he attack. Although it was unlikely, Swiftdatkness decided he wouldn't let it be chance. Every muscle and tendon was taunt as he watched Wolfstar with a steady gaze. The ebony deputy didn't look threatening so much as protective. It was within his right to be. As Wolfstar continued to snarl at Rainstar, it was all Swiftdarkness could do to stop himself from snapping his fangs at the FireClan leader. It was disrespectful of Wolfstar to talk to Rainstar in such a way. Then a cool, collected meow interrupted his thoughts. "Wolfstar," Twigstar, leader of TreeClan, meowed, "we have all lost members of our clan. This is a sad time for every leader, but it does not give you permission to let your anger out on others. Rainstar has been generous in her offer to save every clan in the forest, when she could have kept this knowledge of abundant land to herself, for her own clan." Twigstar's mellow honey colored eyes looked to Rainstar's pure blue ones. In a low dip of her head, the TreeClan leader hoped that Rainstar understood how grateful she was. Twigstar knew that her clan could have died without even guessing there was other land for them. The idea of moving had never before occurred to her, but in this desperate time, Twigstar accepted it. She would adjust, no matter how afraid she really was, she would adjust without complaint because the sooner she did the sooner her clan could settle into normal life again. With every breath Twigstar took, she lived for her clan. "TreeClan will follow you, Rainstar." The spotted leader stated proudly, "We will hunt for ourselves and travel at a slower pace; you won't even know we are there besides the occasional check up from a warrior of mine to be sure that we are still on track. My clan is small now, because of death by starvation, but we are strong. Tell us the day we will leave, and we will all be ready at your command." Putting so much trust into Rainstar was hard for Twigstar. She was an independent cat by nature, but having taken over TreeClan after Lonestar's death changed her. Though, change was the correct word. She grew into her true self. Her loyalty to her clan expanded to a limitless amount she never understood before, and her confidence became more apparent yet she could listen to others opinions without sticking her nose in the air. Twigstar understood what true dedication was now, and she lived it every day.
Just call me Siri.
9:23am Nov 14 2010
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Rainstar dipped her head gratefully to Twigstar. "Thank you," she meowed, and shot a glance at Wolfstar. Wolfstar looked angry, as always, and he straitened his back and meowed, "I will come to, just because you brought this thing together though, doesn't mean---" Riverbreeze cut him off, "You heard what Twigstar said," she hissed, smokey blue eyes angered. "Rainstar has been generous to do this, and she deserves respect for this mission. " Rainstar looked at Riverbreeze, She would be a good leader, as would Wolfstar if he would stop showing off! "Very well," Rainstar meowed before Wolfstar could snap back at his deputy. Rainstar's piercing ice blue gaze looked forward to CaveStar, "Will you come?" she asked, knowing that Cavestar would agree, even after stubborn Wolfstar's attempt.
3:27pm Nov 15 2010
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::Bump:: ^.^
Just call me Siri.
3:38pm Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 3:38pm Nov 15 2010)
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Leopardwind sat near the back, her head held high and proud as she watched her leader take charge for once. Rainstar is becoming braver. All she needs to do is to learn to never give up and to take things in stride. Once her strength returns I'm sure she'll learn from the battle. Flicking her tail lightly before settling it over her mottled paws, the she-cat tilted her head from side to side as she glanced at the other leaders. "Wolfstar," she purred with amusement tinging her tone. "Always looking for a fight. Some cats...never change." I hope Rainstar does though. A noble effort she is making, but if she lets it go to waste no-cat will ever forgive her. Especially not the more hot-headed cats. She kept this thought private, knowing that it was considered treasonous. But these days, she reasoned to herself, my thoughts always seem to be perifidious. Rainstar's actions haven't helped at all. Shaking her head ruefully Leopardwind returned her dark gaze onto her own leader, who was now questioning the CaveClan leader. "Please," she mewed softly to herself, ducking her head down slightly. "I don't want any Clan to be left behind. Staying behind will only serve to unravel us further until we travel as a group of separate cats, not as a whole." Shivering slightly as a cool wind ruffled her spotted fur the warrior gazed at the other cats settled around her, their attentions seeming to be on the leaders.
