6:25pm Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 7:41pm Nov 16 2010)
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Satisfied with the amount of damage he had created Redpaw sat on his haunches. His ginger sides heaved with effort as he gulped air into his desperate lungs. Steam rose from his sweat-soaked pelt as the chilling air leeched the warmth from his strong body. In his wake, he left shreds of twigs and leaves, along with long slashes on trees, and clumps of snow and dirt thrown askew. Puffs of moist air erupted from his maw as he glared around himself menacingly. The momentary pleasure of destroying things left him feeling a bit empty now that it was all over. All around him the air held a thin silence. Whispers from the breeze teased his pert, little ears but he couldn't understand what they were trying to tell him. Snapping his teeth in an angry snarl, Redpaw gathered his paws under himself and padded away aimlessly, to stop the trembles his body had brought upon him to create warmth. Redpaw wasn't quite ready to go back to the camp just yet. Just the thought of staring into all the empty gazes of his beaten clan mates sent claws of ice down his spine. Tasting the air, the ginger tom opened his jaws and let the smells of the forest tease his sensitive mouth before inhaling deeply through his flared nostrils. The first aroma to reach him made his whiskers twitch with pleasure; it was the heady scent of prey. Crushed clovers and a bit of musk told him it was a hare. Curious, Redpaw followed the scent as he took note of the other smells. The heavy pressure in the air was clean and moist, telling him that it would rain soon. At least its not snow, he thought with a rough, toothy grin. Nosing through some bracken fern, Redpaw froze with one forepaw in the air. Before him a strange tom padded beside Bloodmist. Redpaw wasn't too familiar with Bloodmist, although he did know that she was a bit rash at times, but he knew that the tom beside her was no clan cat as surly as he knew his own paw print. His sweaty fur ruffled in odd spikes because of the way it had dried without his attentive grooming. Short, sharp ivory claws unsheathed into the bitter, cold ground. Redpaw knew that his umber eyes were harsh like slashing claws as he crept from behind the bracken ferns. His long hair made him look larger than he actually was as his fluffed tail lashed back and forth with barely suppressed rage. "Who are you, rogue," Redpaw spat. With a quick stare at Bloodmist, he hissed, "Are you taking him to Rainstar? She is busy with more important matters." Sniffing at the word important, Redpaw continued to glare at the ebony rogue. I was like him once, he mundanely thought, I wonder if it would have been better to stay alone. The tom seemed fit enough, even with the lack of prey, but feeding one mouth was different than feeding a clan. Is the company worth the hunger? he wondered. Edit: >3< I fail sometimes... a lot of times.
Just call me Siri.
7:24pm Nov 15 2010
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Cavestar nodded to Rainstar and looked over her cats. "We are ready whenever you are Rainstar." she said and the cats from her clan yowled in determination. Keeping her gaze steady on the taller leaders ice blue eyes she held her head high and tail slightly off the ground. Her shoulders square and ears straight.
Painfullpaw starred at the leaders and saw each one was different. Worrying over Wolfstars sanity he shivered a bit at the thought of a leader becoming that. Insane and mad with power.
8:37pm Nov 15 2010
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Rainstar nodded with her head up high, "Then it will be," she murmured. I can't beleive this is happening! she wanted to jump into the air. Moving to a more prey filled land, with no two-legs would be the greatest thing for the Clans. Now that she had all the leaders on her side, she meowed, "Leaders, of all Clans, return here in one hour with all your Clan cats." Wolfstar dipped his head respectfully to her decision. "We shall begin our journey tonight!" she yowled. Shatteredrose lifted her head," Tonight..? Journey?" she meowed shocked. Rainstar's yowl had interrupted her sweet dreams, leaving her kind-of close to being stunned in her temporary nest. "The warriors that are here, may stay here. Be back as soon as you can." Rainstar meowed to the cats, and she seen the other Clan leaders begin to shuffle out to get there Clans. This is actually happening! We are not going to die here! she thought with joy, but her stomach interrupted her joy. The hollow feeling seemed to swallow her whole stomach, she shut her aqua eyes for just a moment. She knew she would have to deal with the feeling throughout the journey, and it would get worse with the cold weather. Padding up to the other Clan cats, she meowed, "Hi," shyly, but convincingly, she padded closer to her friend Riverbreeze. They had been friends before she was deputy. "Oh, hi Shatteredrose." she meowed, with trouble clouding her smokey blue eyes. "I will stay here with you when Wolfstar goes to fetch the other cats." she meowed still not sounding convincing of her own leader's decisions. "It will get better," Shatteredrose meowed, "You will see."
12:33am Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 12:35am Nov 16 2010)
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"As you say, Rainstar," the leader of TreeClan mewed with a small dip of her head. Looking at Stumpfoot all she did was flick her tail-tip and the gray tom was off in the direction of TreeClan. Twigstar, looking smaller now that the presence of her deputy was gone, held her head high. "Stumpfoot will be back before half that time with all of my clan. We were prepared for anything." Getting to her paws, she informed Rainstar, "I will go talk with your medicine cat...cats about traveling herbs. I think it would be best for the leaders and deputy's to take them before the trip." With that, Twigstar padded off in search of a certain tabby she-cat or an ebony she-cat, preferably both. Honest surprise filled Swiftdarkness. He never would have thought, in all the many moons, that Rainstar would declare the move to start this night. It wasn't a bad idea, as much as uncalled for. Day or night the clan cats were always tired. Since their night vision was so good any how, it was actually a good plan if one looked at it that way. Having decided earlier that he would be as supportive as any deputy could, Swiftdarkness meowed to Rainstar when they were alone, "An unexpected plan, Rainstar, but I like it. I think that the clan will prosper because of this plan." Getting to his paws, he asked, "What would you have me do, Rainstar? I am at your service." Realizing that a certain annoying cat was missing, Swiftdarkness looked around the camp. Two cats are missing, where is Redpaw and Bloodmist? he wondered. "I think I need to send Grayheart and Raveneyes out to search for Bloodmist and Redpaw, the two seem to be missing," he told Rainstar. Now was not the time to be left behind, so Swiftdarkness knew that he would have to be extra cautious. "Oh, and where is Emeraldrain?" OoC: Oh, that turned out smaller than I thought o3o' I hope you still like it ^.^
Just call me Siri.
1:52pm Nov 16 2010
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OoC; Are all the clans togetheer right noww'?
2:19pm Nov 16 2010
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ooc; Not quite E*censored*t, the leaders went out to get the rest of the Clan cats. And Siri: i still like it. xD bic; Rainstar looked into her deputy's sapphire eyes, "Yes, I would say that is good. Okay, uhm.." she meowed, "After that, could you maybe......." Rainstar's thoughts trailed off into meaningless words. She looked around the silent camp. "Oh, and where is Emeraldrain?"Swiftdarkness meowed to her. Confusion struck her. Emeraldrain wasn't watching at all when they were having the meeting... she was just sleeping. "Swiftdarkness, come here." she meowed when she spotted the queens black spotted brown pelt. She moved her feet swiftly through the snow toward the unmoving body. The kits. What are they doing? she wondered, then her tall figure soon revealed the sight of the other side of Emeraldrain's body. The kits were mourning. Here eyes widened, one of the medicine cats had already preened her to look as if she was living. "Oh no.." she murmured. That was allot of pressure on Echovoice to care for her kits too. "Emeraldrain," she murmured into her ear. Nothing meowed anything back. The framiliar scent of death drifted into Rainstar's nostrils, "She's dead," she whispered to Swiftdarkness, hoping the little kits didn't hear. >> Nightfall's eyes flung open, "I am sorry Starpaw," she meowed, her teeth showing. Jaws were holding back hissing, by only a thread. Her feet wanted to pounce on the little cat. Her eyes had a crazy look to them, and her voice had a vicious note. She pelted through the camp, pain jutting out of every stride she took. I won't kill him! P*censored*ing Twigstar, she let her eyes drop to her paws. I can't beleive this is happening now! The sharp feelings were consuming her body, and she felt as if she was not the one controlling her body. Strength and power swallowed her, but she didn't care. On and on she ran, not stopping, only to run into a tree. Her ebony body collapsed onto the ground, and her arm felt numb. Placing her paw where the numbed pain was a stick, stuck through her arm. What is this? Sicks don't grow this low on trees! she angrily grasped the stick in her teeth and pulled it out painfully, flinching every other second. Nightfall felt the blood well up around the deep punctured skin. She pressed it into the cold snow then looked ahead, not that her vision would reveal anything but darkness. "I gave you the power to kill that apprentice," A voice hissed into her hear, Nightfall shut her eyes, trying to block out the voice. "And no, you run away from him?" A different voice hissed. "Go. Away." Nightfall forced out of her mouth. "We can't do that.." the voices meowed together, and there scents faded. Nightfall opened her eyes to see 2 sets of amber eyes glaring back at her. Blackfang I will never do what you say.
4:41pm Nov 16 2010
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OoC; So still jsut IceClan ? D: -is confuzzled-
5:50pm Nov 16 2010
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ooc; No there is some of the other Clan cats in the Clan. Twigstar is in the Camp, her deputy went to get the Clan.
7:29pm Nov 16 2010
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((Meh, dunnno what to post. D;))
7:40pm Nov 16 2010
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Flicking his tail lazily Spider looked over his shoulder. "Rainstar? All I know is this odd Clan ca invited me to her Clan. Don't ask me. I'm pretty convinced she's as crazy as a fox who's eaten a piece of crowfood." Shrugging shoulders calmly he managed to turn around in the tight space between the trees, tilting his head and staring at the new cat.
"I'm guessing you're another one of those Clan cats," he meowed, though strangely enough there was no hint of curiosity in his voice. He had simply stated the obvious. "I'm genuinely hoping that you aren't as odd as her." Pointing his tail in Bloodmist's direction he flicked his ear and gazed at Redpaw with cold eyes, the blue as cold as flint. "But any move to attack me and you'll find yourself with a shredded pelt," he hissed, the fur along the back of his neck bristling.
Sliding out silvered claws as if to reinforce his words, narrowing his hard eyes and wriggling his shoulders as if preparing to pounce. Suns without food had left him with a nearly skeletal frame, but this only outlined his the sinewy muscles that rippled through his battle-scarred pelt as he stepped forwards slowly, deliberately. Folding his ears back against his head Spider curled his lips and bared long and thorn-sharp fangs that glistened slightly.
"You might have the advantage of size and bulk," he meowed coldly. "But I have experience and I've lived a far harder life than you have. Have fun trying to manouveur in these trees, kit."

8:27pm Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm Nov 16 2010)
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Rainstar flattened her ears, and released ma.ssive black claws digging 3 inches into the snow. "What? A cat of mine invited you? " she hissed. Her thin body was in no shape to fight, and her tall legs were like twigs off of trees. "You may not fight with one of my cats, whoever you may be. Come here, and I will talk with my claws sheathed to their ability." she meowed strongly. Rainstar sat down, her tall frame outlined in the cold moon, and her piercing ice blue eyes burned with an intense fire. "Where are you--" she spotted Bloodmist, "Oh and you come here." she meowed. Looking over the two cats, she continued, "Who is this? and why has he been invited into IceClan before we move the Clan placement."
5:27pm Nov 17 2010
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ooc; Bump <D
4:07pm Nov 18 2010
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ooc; Bump. I do no what to post.. :
6:42pm Nov 18 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Nov 18 2010)
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With an angry, hooded gaze Redpaw watched the loner weave around the trees. The scent of pine needles in the clean forest air intensified when Redpaw stepped forward and crushed a paw-full with his weight. His sharp fangs glittered menacingly in the shadows of the night. What the loner said about size and strength vs. experience was slightly uneven. Although, Redpaw knew he could do it. His fierce pa.ssion for battle would keep him alive. Falconwing had once told him that his instincts were quick too. Realizing that they were still stalking through the woods, Redpaw was a smidgen surprised that they were already back at the camp. The two toms were hackling at each other, Bloodmist having disappeared, when a familiar shadow approached. Redpaw wanted to bait the strange tom into a fight, but he knew that Rainstar and the others would frown upon such an act so he held his tongue. Instead he settled for a hard stare and let his tail lash out his pent-up anger. When Rainstar spoke, Redpaw was offended. "I did not invite this cat," he hissed defensively. With a sneer in Bloodmist's direction Redpaw snapped, "That fox-brained she-cat was the one that found him. I wanted to fight him off, but..." Whiskers twitching nervously, Redpaw glared at the black loner. He was not about to admit it out loud that he worried about his fighting abilities, but Redpaw really wasn’t sure he could win a battle against the loner. Redpaw had a bit more muscle compared to the other clan cats, only because he had snuck off to go on the journey, but that didn't mean he could gain experience that easily. "It's complicated, leader." Redpaw finally huffed, a roll of his eyes at the word leader. I still don't think any she-cat should be able to hold a ti tle like that. It is completely unacceptable, she's already shown that she's too soft for the position. Slumping to sit on his haunches, Redpaw gruffly meowed, "What do you want to do with him? He's a rogue and he should be chased out of here, if you ask me." OoC: I don't really know if that helps or not, Eklipse. I don't really know what to do becaues I'm waiting on Stray to reply to Patchpelt. So that leaves Swifty and Redpaw open for movement, but not too much.
Just call me Siri.
6:56pm Nov 18 2010
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"Well, I didn't get much of a choice," Spider meowed awkwardly. "And I don't like fighting little apprentices who try to find battles they can't win. If it's such a problem I can go. You Clan cats seem so soft anyways." It was bitterly cold out and all Spider wished to do was to go curl up in the new den he had found a few suns ago. The one beneath the large hawthorn tree that had retained plenty of warmth, ready for him to crawl into at night.
Settling on his haunches the tom glanced at Redpaw with a derisive ex pression on his muzzle. "Looking for battles you can't win isn't a very sound strategy," he meowed, allowing some amusement to tinge his tone. "It would only lead to a very painful, albeit honorable, death."
He glanced at the supposed leader Rainstar, who was looking at the strange she-cat, Bloodmist, angrily. "I'm sure she was too mouse-brained to know better," he pointed out lazily, sounding only slightly concerned for the odd warrior.
7:29pm Nov 18 2010
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Rainstar glared at Spider, "We are not soft as you say, rouge." she hissed. "We can do anything we please, now tell me why you are thinking of joining the Clan." she meowed more softly. Her frustrations were defiantly swerving back and fourth about to tip over to anger. First Wolfstar and now this. she thought stubbornly. Why must every cat enjoy frustrating her to the point she actually unsheathed her claws? Those cats seemed like a nuisance, and she wished she could just rid them from there speaking ability... and give it to Painfulpaw. "Redpaw, shut up." she snapped at him, piercing blue eyes flaring. "I am trying to figure out this, and the last thing I need is a little apprentice tugging on my tail." She knew that reply was harsh, but the apprentice needed a little discipline, like Featherpaw, who nearly killed Duskkit... Turning back to the rouge she looked him in the eye, then spotted Featherpaw trying to exit the camp. There was no reason she needed to do that... and no one told her to leave the camp. What is she doing..? she wondered. "Featherpaw, go get the kits settled." called with an angry note to her voice. Then Rainstar turned back the cats, and realized that she had just made a very bad decision. "Wait- Feather-" she started then realized the cat was gone. Whatever, the apprentice could do what she likes.. Turning back to the cats she was talking to before, she glared at Redpaw, mainly to silence him. Her eyes were so moon-lit that they seemed to have no pupil. She looked down at her mas.sive claws and they were still dug into the snow. She pulled them out, leaving deep holes in there place. Letting out a angered huff she looked at Redpaw, then to Spider and Bloodmist. Standing up, her tall and skinny frame looked like it was glowing from the moonlight. Stupid. Stupid. she flared her nostrils, and asked. "What are you even doing here?" Calmer than she even expected. >> Featherpaw stomped out of the camp, I am not listening to her! She didn't even kill that monster when I could have done it so easily... Padding through the backs of the make-shift dens, she wanted to sink her black claws into something. Something big. No. she lectured herself. But she longed for the feeling of causing pain. Claws unsheathed, she left more than paw prints in the snow. "Why did she let that kit kill Blackwolf!? If anything I should have killed him. I should have. " Snow fell off of some of the near by tree branches as the leopard colored cat padded through the small territory. Her anger was striking her, keeping her senses alive, always listening. Flaming eyes darted back in fourth, her pupils were slits. Lifting her head to the sky, all her fur lit up and she let out a loud hiss. "What is--" Poisonheart meowed from behind her, Featherpaw's eyes lit and her Claws instantly turned her toward the cat. Her ears shot back and she looked at her, her eyes becoming darker blood red. "What do you.." Poisonheart noticed the anger crazy look in Featherpaw's eyes, she dug her Claws into the sand/snow and pelted after the she-cat. "Featherpaw what has goten into you !?" Poisonheart hissed as she ran away, her claws gave her an extra bust while running when she seen a shadow above her, and Featherpaw had landed on her back. "This is pay back!" Featherpaw hissed, "You are going to pay!" her eyes were insane looking, and she slashed at Poisonheart's arms, frenching herself in blood as well as the white and Black she-cat's. "Featherpaw!" Poisonheart hissed, and pushed her off, a look of horror in her sickly green eyes. ooc; Tis okay Siri. Maybe the TreeClan cats could return now...? (just an Idea) Oh, and a cat can see Featherpaw attacking Poisonheart. Maybe a certain Red apprentice? xD
7:44pm Nov 18 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; I'm so confused. What is ahppenning? -dies-
7:57pm Nov 18 2010
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OoC: I can't post now, I'm going to the gym to work out. =3 But Eastie, you really need to look at the first page. At the top in Orange it tells you the current things that are happening and underneath it everything that has happened. ;D
Just call me Siri.
1:23pm Nov 19 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Eyes closed, breadth creating a misty cloud in the chilled air, Silentheart let the world around him disappear until it was only himself and Patchpelt. In a selfish way he wished it could be like that, just himself and the beautiful she-cat he now held close to him, no other worries but finding food and keeping her happy. No death, no sorrow, no hunger, or pain. Just, them. A soft sigh escaped his muzzle, the sound slightly trembling towards the end. The cold was not the cause, instead it was the fact that for the second, just this one moment in time, everything felt right. Again he knew that was selfish, but no cat ever said he was not. Just for that second there was not Rainstar or her decisions, there was no clan to look after, nothing to tear them apart. They were together. With time we will become united again. Much has challenged us as a clan, without any mercy, Silentheart." Her words cut him off from his day dream, letting the cold harsh reality sink back in. Looking down at her he made sure to place back up his mask of cold indifference, not wanting the fragile she-cat to see the longing and fear that had clouded them while he thought. Silentheart wanted to be her rock, a safe place to go when things got hard or confusing. Her shelter of sorts. But him being weak and emotional would not help. He chose to ignore her calling him Silentheart because his original name on her lips made him feel at home, more alive and like a cat then Copperfire did. "When we reach the new land everything will change, you'll see..." Silentheart really hoped that was true, that things would change for the better for the entire clan. The suffering was putrefying the air, making it suffocating to be in the clan ground for very long periods of time. "Yes, it will get better." He meowed softly, low voice making his chest rumble. It has too. She suddenly moved away, the space put between them feeling like a yawning void and he itched to chase after the retreating she-cat. But he would not, not wanting to seem like some sort of stalker. "Silentheart, do you really want..." He flicked his ears towards her, turning his face slightly so he could look her in the eyes. "Nevermind me, I need some rest." He blinked in confusion and curiosity, wondering what she really wanted to ask him. "Do I still get a nest by your side?" Getting to his paws slowly, he stretched as well, tail kinking above his back as his back bone popped unmercifully. "Of course, thats never changed." He mused, tone light as he padded up beside her. "And you know you can ask me anything, I won't get mad." He meowed quietly, a tiny smile playing across his muzzle. OoC: Sorry for the delay Siri, I started writing that at least three times and got cold feet each one. But I think that was one of the more fluffy things i'v ever written.

3:56pm Nov 19 2010
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"I have no idea why I'm here," Spider began slowly. Shaking his head he tried to clear it of any pointless thoughts. "I suppose..." The tom trailed off when he realized that he didn't know what he was doing in this camp. Scuffing the ground awkwardly with one paw he bowed his head at Rainstar's furious eyes. "Maybe it was..." I should try to finish my sentences, he thought with a small sigh. But they'll be shocked when they learn I believe in StarClan. Of course, just because I do doesn't make me a soft Clan cat.
But when he saw that ex pression on Rainstar's muzzle Spider felt his heart harden slightly. It was obvious that her best simply wasn't good enough for her Clan. Grumbling under his breath he wondered if he had to deal with it. Someone really should make her step down, he thought with a trace of bitterness. "You know, you might think you aren't fragile and soft, but from the looks of you and your cats you aren't caring for them too well," he pointed out frankly. "I may be thin, but that's just the way I am. However, with that many grown cats you'd think there would be more food in that pile over there. And don't give me some excuse about there not being prey." Spider shooks slightly as the words burst out of him, quiet, yet with a deadly accuracy. "That's a horrible way to lead your 'family'."
Turning around he glared at the apprentice that had challenged him. "And you're not very intelligent. Perhaps your mentor wasn't as good for that position as your leader thought. Hmm? You would be a great warrior if you learned that your head is actually used for something other than fighting."
