4:55pm Nov 19 2010
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ooc;Det:: I engoy these little battles between Spider and Rainstar. xD bic; Rainstar's eyes narrowed and she snarled with long sharp fangs showing. Letting her claws scrape against the ground again, she finally let her frustration snap into anger. What does this cat get out of insulting my whole Clan and me? I am a failure, I know that. I don't need some stupid cat in my Clan to remind me of that every day. She remarked in her brain. Mussels were straining, she flicked her ears in anger. Looking over the cats, anyone could figure out that she was angry because of the flame in the ice blue depths. "Get out of my Clan." she spat, her voice as venomous as it would ever be. As she stood up again, revealing a long battle scar on the side of her pelt, her silver pelt was not beautiful, and she knew that she looked like a tree in the winter. Tall and useless. Clenching down on her teeth as hard as she possibly could she stared at Bloodmist. "Bloodmist, I have no Idea why you brought us this kitty pet, get rid of him now. That is an order." she hissed. I don't need another mouth to feed. she wanted to scream at the self-centered tom cat. If the Clan cats were soft to him, he must have been ran over by a two leg car 5 times, and destroyed by badgers. Turning to Redpaw, her eyes narrowed burning into his fur, she meowed angrily, "Redpaw, go do something useful. Better yet, ask Swiftdarkness to give you a duty, I am busy." Glancing back at Bloodmist with a frost-bitten nose, she hissed, "Take this cat out of the Clan by the time the other leaders get here. That is your warning." Releasing some of her anger when she stepped beside Swiftdarkness, she felt a whole river full of water drench down on her. I am ruining this Clan. she thought as she looked at her paws, in front of them was a pool of softened ice and water. Looking down at her reflection, she seen a tall cat, with long thin legs. The cat had a white spotted silver pelt, deckled with battle scars around her thin body, and her face had one long scar painted across it, with two piercing, ice blue pupil-less eyes. Next she looked at her claws, mas.sive and black, even when she tried to sheathe them, they would still show, because they were that long. "I-I.." she murmured in shock at the look of her own twig shaped body. Rainstar's eyes widened at her own appearance. I never used to look like that. Her fur was standing out in silver spikes, much like Wolfstar's, because it had been un-groomed for that long. "What have I become?" she wondered. The memories flooded into her mind of her once stunning appearance. She had the smooth silver fur, and her eyes were still piercing, but less burning with stress. Her claws were actually sheath-able, and her pelt, unmarked with battle scars. no. not possible. she thought. She was well fed, but still was tall and thin. The no-mussels type, but one thing that she was missing, was the star on her right paw. The star from her leader's ceremony. That was a mistake. she thought, and gazed back at her current appearance. She was still pretty, but in a ... different way. I am not loved. Crimsonfang just said that to be nice, he knew that knowone could ever love me. she knew it. "Swiftdarkness, what is my purpose here...? I am not useful." she murmured with her head facing down, and eyes closed.
6:23pm Nov 19 2010
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OoC: Oh, I can't wait to type out my posts. ^.^ This is all so exciting. ::huggles Stray:: I don't mind the wait at all. I really enjoyed your post, no matter how frustrating it is that Patchpelt and Silentheart can't seem to get out their true feelings. BiC Nearly frothing at the mouth, Redpaw's neck fur was ruffled and stiff. He couldn't stand Rainstar. The arrogant way she flaunted her new ti tle, or how her quick decisions seemed so prejudice compared to Eaglestar's. Although, Eaglestar had always given her victims a chance to pled innocent or worthy; before calling an order on them. It was in that moment that Redpaw realized he hadn't minded Eaglestar's rule nearly as much as he had thought before. It didn't help the situation, though. His mouth open in a threatening snarl, Redpaw hissed, "I will do nothing you say." With a hard stare at the rogue named Spider, the ginger tom flattened his ears but kept his maw shut. Not wanting to fight with the tom, since he had made perfectly sensible points, Redpaw stiffly stalked away from the group. It's all Bloodmist's fault anyway. She should take care of Spider, he told himself grumpily, I had nothing to do with him. Without a glance over his shoulder, Redpaw disappeared into the forest again. The clan was leaving soon, but he knew the way so it didn't faze him much. Spider's smart remarks hard effected him more than he would like to admit. The tom seemed sharp and smart; like Crimsonfang and Swiftdarkness. Falconwing, what would you have me do? he questioned silently. "I have no mentor because you left me all alone. I wasn't near ready for you to leave me," Redpaw whined aloud. Hearing the weak hint of sadness in his voice, Redpaw slashed out at a nearby sword fern leaf. Spitting and hiss, the ginger tom ran deeper into the forest. Yet his thoughts chased him without mercy; Spider could teach me so many things, he knows the forest because he taught himself. He probably knows how to fight really good too since it must be hard to live alone, with no other cat to help protect you. The sound of chaos reached his dull ears about two paw-steps before he burst into a clearing. Again the heated sweat mist surrounded him from his labored run. His short gasps punctuated the battle before him. Black and white fur blurred with a silvery spotted pelt, and it took Redpaw a moment to realize that it was Poisonheart and Featherpaw who were brawling. His umber eyes widened with surprise before they narrowed with impatience. "What is wrong with you she-cats," Redpaw spat scornfully. "The clan is busy preparing to move to the new land, and all you two can do to help if create more work for the medicine cats? Look at those scratches, I feel bad for fox-heart Nightfall and mouse-brained Gentleheart. They have a lot of work to do." Wrinkling his nose at them, Redpaw stared down at them from his superior frame. Sniffing in their direction he advised, "If you two don't want to be lost in the forest together, you should head back to the camp." Rolling his eyes, Redpaw thought, fools. Those two she-cats certainly didn't help his opinion on femmes. Meanwhile, Swiftdarkness sat placidly beside Rainstar. He was uncomfortable with the way she was handling the current situation, but she didn't ask his opinion so he kept silent; even when she ordered for Spider to be chased out of the clan, though he would not be participating in this event. He didn't agree with the tom's choice of words about his clan and leader, but the rogue seemed more moldable than most loners. Panthergaze had always seemed to be too much of a loner to him, while Spider had a certain air about him that called out for a clan. When Rainstar made for a hasty retreat to the pool that the clan had been using for drinking water, Swiftdarkness looked steadily at the ebony loner. "I have no sympathy for you because of the way you described my clan and leader, we are a proud and noble clan." His slate blue gaze showed the opposite of his words, though, and sympathy there. "Spider, you do not know what we have gone through or come from, so do not be so quick to judge. I also do not know where you come from or what circumstances bring you here, but I do see a good cat in you," he purred. In a display of rashness that he had thought lost, Swiftdarkness meowed, "As deputy I counteract the order Rainstar has placed upon you, Bloodmist. Spider, you are free to observe the life of my clan mates so long as you are peaceful." His gaze turned cold and deadly, "If you act in any other way, the whole clan has right to chase you to Fourtrees and beyond." With that the ebony deputy turned to follow his leader. His skeletal frame a sad shadow of his youth. The air was turning frigid now that the sun was no longer up to heat the frozen earth. He could taste the breathless, clean air of coming snow and shivered violently. Looking around the clan, Swiftdarkness knew that they couldn't take another snow storm. It was a wise desicion to move the clan so soon, even during the night. "Swiftdarkness, what is my purpose here? I am not useful." It hurt him to hear such defeated words from his leader, so he meowed comfortingly, "Your purpose is to guide IceClan. I believe this is not an easy task. Rainstar, you are not to be useful. I am. The whole clan is. We are to be useful to you. Thirty cats can't tell you what to do or what they want, it would make for no thriving. We are here to do as you advise, so that the clan will prosper." Sitting beside her at the edge of the water, the ebony tom couldn't even look into the pool. He was afraid of what he would see...or wouldn't. "Don't let the hurtful words slow you down, Rainstar. I am here for you. The clan is here for you. Take a breath and realize that you are alive." There was a greeting yowl, and Swiftdarkness looked over his shoulder to see Twigstar talking with Stumpfoot. All of TreeClan seemed present behind him. "Be strong, Rainstar, because the clan's are coming."
Just call me Siri.
6:38pm Nov 19 2010
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"Hmm, leaders shouldn't lose their tempers so easily," Spider mused quietly. For all the other cats knew he seemed unfazed by Rainstar's outbursts, but tiny details suggested otherwise. His eyes, normally a light sky blue, had darkened to a cold slate gray. Beneath his paws lay deep furrows from the incessant scratching that had become his habit, silvered claws grasping the dirt hungrily. And his night pelt bristled, revealing pale scars that had been previously hidden. They ran down his flanks in such an orderly way that it could not have been accidental or from a fight. Spider had been tortured or marred purposely before coming here.
Turning his head he gazed at Redpaw defiantly, and then Bloodmist, daring them to say anything about his horrific markings. "It only shows bad leadership and a weak mind and heart," he meowed, continuing on. "Once a leader shows that...it's time they should step down." Spider flicked one ear with annoyance, feeling a deep anger well up inside his heart, tightening it.
"But if you're really going to listen to your leader, even after such an outburst, I'll leave gladly. I don't even know what compelled me to follow you anyways," he meowed evenly at Bloodmist, though there was a slight curl to his lips, revealing two thorn-sharp fangs.
"Once a leader shows that...it's time they should step down." Leopardwind flicked her ear as the words carried by the wind floated past her, and started slightly. Someone...is challenging Rainstar's leadership? I know it's unfair...perhaps not, but it's time it happened. Rainstar is too prideful to simply step down and give her command to another cat. The she-cat shook herself roughly as she stood, sparkling droplets of dew spattering off her pelt. Licking her chest roughly to flatten the ruffled fur she slowly made her way towards Bloodmist and Redpaw, the latter gazing at either Rainstar or the strange tom angrily.
"What's going on?" she meowed anxiously, coming up from behind Redpaw. Tilting her head to the side she swept a cursory glance over Spider. "Brave of you to challenge the leader of a Clan you don't belong to," she meowed drily. "Afterall, you have no plans of taking over from her, do you. If you were a member of the Clan...maybe I would give myself the allowance to think you have a chance." Letting out a rough purr she turned to Redpaw with a small sigh hovering on her muzzle.
"I wouldn't get so riled up about Rainstar. She's just pressured to do everything right. Otherwise, some cats might question her command."

10:56pm Nov 19 2010 (last edited on 9:30am Nov 20 2010)
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ooc; I ove it when I get to read alot. The big posts are fabulus. Bic; Rainstar's eyes turned to a dull blue, and her heart sank. After listening to the always comforting words of her deputy, she felt a little more grateful of her position. I don't feel as if this is my place. she told herself as she watched Redpaw misbehave once again to her orders. I won't bother, he can kill himself for all I care. she remarked bitterly. As she noticed the feeble FireClan warriors pad toward her, she knew they would need help from a stronger Clan. "Thank you Swiftdarkness.." she murmured to him before opening her mouth again to speak to Wolfstar. "Thank you," Rainstar meowed with a dull hint in her voice. The life before her was dull. And nothing but dull. Lifeless, and angry with the every move she did. I am sorry Eaglestar. she meowed in her mind to the StarClan cats. "You may bring your cats to that spot over there," she flicked with her tail to in front of her den, "And we will come together, and start our journey tonight." >> Edit.>Redpaw was watching Featherpaw, and she was too busy ripping Poionheart's fur out. Featherpaw stopped and let Poisonheart grasp some air, "You Idiot, Why are you here." She meowed harshly from where she was sitting. Bearing her teeth, she hissed "Just run home, I don't need you getting in my way." From Featherpaw's knowledge, she knew that Redpaw would hate being talked to like that. Oh well. He can be eaten by a badger for all I care. she though and then let her odd gaze rest on Poisonheart. She was bearly breathing, and knew that she should probably stop. When Featherpaw stepped closer to her, Poisonheart flinched. Grabbing Poisonheart's scruff, she began to swiftly drag her forward. Poisonheart's wounds were bleeding quickly, all over the ground were crimson stains from her wounds. Featherpaw payed no attention at all to them, she just continued dragging Poisonheart. She noticed Redpaw agin, and then spat, "You saw nothing of this." <Edit. Her feet felt frozen, and her eyes were dark with anger. Featherpaw dragged Poisonheart back to the Camp, she was breathing... bearly. She got in my way. she remarked to herself. As her paws hit the ground sharp and hard, she knew Poisonheart would never forgive her from what she had just done. Her paws, teeth, and muzzle were still covered in blood, and a cat would obviously figure it out sooner than later. "It was her fault." she meowed to herself, but even her own words didn't comfort the deep anger she still felt toward the whole of IceClan. They didn't beleive me when I told them Blackwolf killed Eaglestar. They didn't beleive..... Her thoughts trailed off, and she felt an urge to bring Poisonheart to the middle of the camp. After cunningly acting as if she didn't see anything, nor hear anything that happened to Poisonheart, she stepped back into the shadows and watched the kittly-pet Spider, the hot head Redpaw, and the mist cover she-cat Bloodmist, battle between each other. Her eyes shawn brightly in the dark as she watched them. She seen Redpaw's mouth open, and she imagined him saying 'You are an idiot, Rainstar is a mouse brain. She cats are dumb' Like him. she regarded at the end of her imagined word play. "Ha ah.. Those tom cats think they are all that. They have no idea." >> "That was harsh." Nightfall breathed as she stepped into the Camp. Her feet were defiantly frost-bitten, and every time she breathed, her breath was taken away from the whipping winter winds. Stiff limbs from fighting back to what she could not see painfully extended through her legs. Her mother and father had viscously spoke to her, and somehow, caused wounds in her actual life. Nightfall wondered about Starpaw, she had probably scared him by running off like that, leaving after nearly killing him under the slight control of two murderous cats. Dragging herself into the wind-swept camp, she smelt blood. Again, for the second time today. Rushing as fast as she could toward the scent; she picked up something else. "Nightfall..." meowed the cat before her. "Poisonheart?" she meowed her eyes stretching wide with disbelief. "How are you hurt..?" she meowed, looking from side to side, even though she would not make anything app ere from her dark vision. Did Blackfang do this to her? Nightfall wondered as she sniffed her injuries. "No, it is not what you think. Nightfall listen," Poisonheart meowed. "Don't give in to..........." there was a long silence. Judging by how the cat's blood was washed into streaks, she was dragged from where she was attacked. "Don't die Poisonheart, you are my only sister and.." she shook tears from her eyes; pleading was not enough. I know it will be painful for her, but I have to tell her the truth. Poisonheart took a deep breath, and she looked at her sister with softening poison eyes. "Beware of......" she looked around, then a stabbing pain shot up her spine. She let out a gasp, and her eyes slammed shut. Nightfall jerked forward, "Poisonheart!" she yowled, "I am okay.." her sister replied. "But beware of the unknown, it might sneak up as quiet as a feather and..................................." Nightfall's tears rose from within her eyes again. "Poisonheart," she meowed as she ran her paw along her body. There were long deep scratches, virtually everywhere on her pelt. She must have lost allot of blood, and then Nightfall knew that She was dead.
12:08am Nov 20 2010
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Bloodmist stayed silent. Why was the Clan so tense? And there were too many cats, all around. She trotted up to Rainstar swiftly. "What has happened here?" She hissed, her voice low. Through all the confusion, she couldn't focus on anything."And why, for goodness sake, are you so hostile toSpider? When we move, it'll be all allright, right?" She snorted. "Plus, he's a rouge, not a kitty-pet." ((FAILPOST That's all I could make out from the jumbled posts. Dx What's happening?))
12:59am Nov 20 2010
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[Redpaw is all mad at Rainstar and Spider and Bloodmist, I believe. He doesn't like Spider because Spider is patronizing him. Leopardwind is just musing about Rainstar's downfall, Rainstar is speaking with Swiftdarkness after she got all mad at Spider and...yeah. Sorry I can't sum it up well. :/]
1:48am Nov 20 2010
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OoC: I'm sorry if I didn't state clearly enough in Redpaw's second paragraph but he did end up leaving the discussion. He is a hot tempered little tom, well larger tom now. I still think about him as a kitten sometimes, even though he is about 14 moons old now. Redpaw stumbled across Poisonheart and Featherpaw fighting. ^.^' I might end up editing this for a post, but it's getting a bit late...Oh, and I will edit it so that Redpaw never met up with Poisonheart and Featherpaw. =)
Just call me Siri.
2:07am Nov 20 2010
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[Sorry. I thought Redpaw was still there. ^.^;]
2:07am Nov 20 2010
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[Sorry. I thought Redpaw was still there. ^.^;]
9:19am Nov 20 2010
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ooc; I will edit Featherpaw's post.
10:07am Nov 20 2010
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Perhaps it was what he'd gone, or perhaps it was the look in Nightfall's eyes right before she ran off that sapped the last of the wanning strength from his to skinny frame because his paws did not want to hold his weight up any longer. Starpaw let out a tiny wail, letting his legs crumbled underneath him squishing the limbs oddly beneath his body. The pain was in a way welcoming, allowing some small piece of justice to enter him. That look in Nightfall's eyes, wild and furious haunted him, and in a way made him feel even worse then when he found out he'd murdered Emeraldrain, a queen with kits and a future. The medicine cat looked ready to pounce on him and rip his throat out, and probably enjoy every minute of it. I'm so sorry! He mentally yowled, looking up at the sky above. He was not sure how long he looked to the sky, as if waiting for some sort of guidance but he knew after what felt like an eternity that the starry cats were going to tell him nothing. Looking away swiftly, with a dejected look, he tried to search for his mentor, hoping to get some explanation. I killed a cat for you Nightfall! Does that mean nothing, should I have let you die slowly at the claws of that traitor for my own selfishness! Tear blurred at his vision and his grief was suddenly replaced by a burning anger so strong it felt as if a wild fire had lit in his veins. Does anything I do mean anything?! Did I give up everything, my life to live as my own, my father, my true name for nothing! He inwardly screamed, leaping to his paws and slashing at nothing in particular. He legs screamed in protest, not liking the sudden abusing they were receiving after so many moons of being nearly immobile. Finally he stopped, though the fire never ceased, and looked around the camp with eyes slitted in tiny crescents. Nothing was as it seemed. Rainstar was trying to act like a noble leader when she was as un-confident as a newborn kit, Swiftdarkness was giving it orders as if he was stronger then most when his own weak body was betraying him, new clans were showing up as if they were going to follow Iceclan when in the end they were just going to betray them when they reached their new home. The tiny apprentice wanted to claw some cat, knock some sense into any of them. And then there was Nightfall, running over to the bleeding Poisonheart, watching as her sister bleed to death as she spoke. Some part of him itched to rush over and help the dying she cat, like he'd been taught. But his anger persuaded him not to, told him that Nightfall deserved to feel that hurt of losing someone precious, just as he'd done for nothing. Hissing, the medicine cat apprentice turned his back on his mentor and sat down on his trembling legs, breadth billowing from his muzzle in gasps. What was wrong with him? The fire was there, ever consuming, but looking away from it all had dampened it, made him see a little more clearly. Letting his head fall onto his chest, suddenly he did not feel like a Iceclan cat at all, but a rouge once more in a place he did not belong. --- Watching everything that was going on in the forest, Falconwing felt her heart constrict. Looking at every cat through new eyes, she felt so sorry for them, each of them even if she disliked them when she was alive. The Starclan warrior wanted to comfort them, tell them to not give up hope and that in the end the pain and darkness would go away. But they had to stick together and follow their leader, even if she was being rash and a bit unfair. Rainstar was a new leader, concerned and scared, and with her clan seeming to turn away from her she was getting even more disturbed. This was not the clan she had died to protect. Sighing sadly, she watched her mate confront Rainstar and purred at his comforting words. How I miss you my love. She whispered, padding over to her mate and licking his cheek though she knew he would not feel it or even know she was there. The way he looked, so skinny and fragile made her want to wail and bury her face in his fur, willing to do anything to make it better. Instead she could do nothing but watch as he went from a powerful, handsome warrior to this, a deputy to a clan that was falling apart. Sighing, she knew she could do nothing for her mate, so the former deputy turned and padded towards the forest, suddenly finding herself right beside the cat she had been watching closely. It was a toss up between who she wished she could allow to see her and hear her guidance when ever she pleased. Swiftdarkness or Redpaw. Her former apprentice needed so much help, and though he refused to admit it a lot of comfort. Because he called on her, spoke to her, she used some of her Starclan abilities to allow Redpaw to see her, to hear her for only this moment. Letting her body turn from invisible to transparent and starlit, she smiled gently at her apprentice, a soft purr rumbling in her throat. Oh Redpaw, i'd do anything to change the past and be here for you. She meowed, voice soft and comforting. Padding closer she licked his ear as she used to as his mentor. But alas I cannot, but know I am always watching, always right beside you though you cannot see me. And, she added, green eyes sparkling, know that I am so proud of you. And she was. Though he was hot headed and rash she believed he truly cared for his clan. Sighing, she knew she could not stay in sight much longer, but wished with all of her heart she could. You are like a son to me Redpaw, though not my flesh and blood, and I love you as much as I do Shadowpaw or Littlepaw. She felt herself disappearing. As your mentor, what would I have you do? Trust your clan mates Redpaw, that it all you truly can do. Falconwing found herself back in the ranks of Starclan, looking into the soft, sad eyes of Shimmerpool. He will be okay Falconwing, they all will be.

10:35am Nov 20 2010
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Nightfall let her body collapse onto her sister. How could I have let this happen? she moaned inside her head. Tears ran down her face and soaked into her sister's blood soaked fur. "And you will not have a proper vigil either, " she murmured her voice sharp, yet unstable from her tears. The Clans were going to leave soon, and Nightfall thought that Poisonheart would like to be buried in her own territory. >> Rainstar looked at Wolfstar, "So that is everyone...?" she meowed, trying not to upset the leader before something so big. "Yes," he replied with a drowsy voice, "Half our Clan has died, and left us with few." He looked over at his cats, there were only around 12 cats. Larkspur padded up beside them, "Our Clan is prepared to leave." she meowed with a velvet soft voice. Rainstar gave her a nod, then looked across the Camp, she scented blood again too. "Excuse me," she meowed to the FireClan cats, and padded over to the medicine cat. The sight she saw was normal, and that thought frightened her. Death should not be normal to see this often. she remarked to herself. "Nightfall, I will tell the Clan, and we can burrie her... We don't have time for a vigil." Nightfall looked at Rainstar with concerned blue eyes, "Of course," she meowed in understanding. Rainstar padded over to her den and called, "Cats of IceClan!" leaping onto a higher rock, she looked over the cats. "Poisonheart, Blackwolf, Snowkit, and Emeraldrain have died today, however, our Clan is right about to leave the territory, so we will not be having a vigil for them, but a burial ceremony for them in the middle of the Camp for them. And we have a few apprentice's withought mentors too; now would be a great time for them to learn.." she meowed looking over the Clan. Oh starclan let these cats accept this decision! she thought. Her Clan seemed to be picky about every thing she decided, so she would try to make this one worth it. "Greypaw, from now on Windprint will be your mentor," the two cats touched noses, "Painfulpaw, your mentor will be Shatteredrose, Featherpaw, your new mentor will be Crimsonfang," A good match I think. Rainstar joked in her head, and then gazed around, Redpaw. He needs a mentor. she remembered. Redpaw would probably be best off with a tom mentor. He doesn't like she cats too much... But there were no more males withought apprentices.. Rainstar breathed in, "Redpaw, your new mentor will be me."
7:20pm Nov 20 2010
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Crimsonfang nodded to Rainstar and padded towards Featherpaw. "I will do my best...and not be like you're old mentor." he mewed and touched his nose lightly on the younger cats and nodded. "I promise to not let you down." he said and sat down infront her. "On the journey I wish to know what Blackwolf has taught you."
Painfullpaw nodded and looked over to his new mentor. Wondering if she would be afraid of him he worried over his safety in the clan.
10:13pm Nov 20 2010
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Shatteredrose looked at him with intent, "So, do you want to go hunting?" she asked waiting for the apprentice to nod. This will be cool to know how to communicate with him. she thought as she padded around the camp, "Oh, wait, we are about to leave, aren't we?" she meowed correcting herself. Rainstar defiantly gave the apprentice's new mentor's just for the journey too. Looking around at the busy jumble of cats, she meowed again, "I guess we could just hang out then." Racing over to the fresh-kill pile she brought back a scrawny rabbit. "Here, we can share." she dropped the rabbit, leaving a small imprint as it rolled toward Painfulpaw. "You can take the first bite." she meowed softly, her blue eyes comforting and happy. >> Featherpaw looked at Crimsonfang with angered eyes, "You are not my mentor, I am not being taught by some stupid tom cat!" she hissed, ears back. Turning her back on him she yowled, "I have no mentor!" Rainstar had given her a mentor, but not one she would trust. Ever. I am not ready to trust another tom cat, They are mouse brains. she thought then padded away from him. "I am going to make this harder for you than any cat you will ever train." she vowed to herself.
10:18pm Nov 20 2010
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Leopardwind had heard Featherpaw's outburst and she gave a worried little mewing noise as she turned her head to look at the apprentice. Glancing around at the other cats she hurried up to Rainstar with an undiscernable ex pression on her muzzle. "Featherpaw doesn't seem to want to be trained by a tom," she meowed softly to the leader, making sure none of the other cats could hear. "If you want I could train her."
She made the offer in a neutral voice, knowing that if she sounded too eager Rainstar might get suspicious, though Leopardwind knew there was nothing for the leader to worry about. However much Leopardwind complained of Rainstar's duty as a leader, she was loyal enough to not go against the grain of the Clan and the will of the leader. Hopefully, if Rainstar allows me, Featherpaw might trust another cat again. And I can't blame her for being edgy around Crimsonfang. He's a mousebrain.
11:22pm Nov 20 2010
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Painfullpaw was happy she was happy to be his mentor ans saw the rabbit she laid down. Hearing her offer he smiled lightly and took a bite eating it and allowing her to take a bite herself.
Crimsonfang sighed and shook his head lightly. "I guess no one will trust me." he mewed and sat down. Looking to the etrance of the makeshift camp he saw Cavestar padding into the clearing and nodded to her warriors.
Padding towards Rainstar Cavestar nodded. "Good evening to you Rainstar. We have returned strong and prepared for leaving." she mewed and a huge tom stood beside her. The tom nodded to the leader as well and nodded to Cavestar taking his leave.
8:33am Nov 21 2010
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Rainstar turned around to Leopardwind, "That might be a good Idea," she pointed out, "But I don't want to take Crimsonfang's apprentice away from him so soon. How about we give him a chance to see?. I will give him 5 days, and then maybe think about switching Featherpaw's mentor to you." The answer Rainstar came up with was pleasing to Rainstar, It sounded wise. I guess. She noticed Cavestar too, "Good evening," she meowed, "All of FireClan is here too, and we are just waiting for TreeClan to arrive, then we can leave." Rainstar flicked her tail toward the group of FireClan cats. Hiding, so it seemed, by themselves away from the other cats. Leaping onto the Rock that she had announced the new mentor's from she called, "Cats of the Clans, we are leaving soon!" Looking around at the cats with both, fear and courage in their eyes she meowed to her warriors, "Grab a kit, and help Echovoice out of the nursery, and then get into a group beside CaveClan and FireClan." Then she looked around again, "Once TreeClan is here we will leave, make sure you are with your Clan!" Rainstar leaped off on the stone, she seemed to be stuck in the mid-air for a couple of seconds. Okay good, Poisonheart, Blackwolf, Snowkit, and Emeraldrain are buried too. Then her feet hit the ground leaving imprints in the cold snow. She ran toward the other Clans, stopping and standing between Wolfstar and Cavestar. >>> Gingerstream felt a small pinch of excitement through her legs. The Clans were actually going to leave! No more digging to find prey, no more crow-food for food, no more. She took in a deep breath, and forgot she was in IceClan territory, the icy wind took her breath away as it whipped through her fur. Looking over to the group of IceClan cats, she wanted to see Shadowpaw, she wanted to ask him if he got his name yet. Yet Gingerstream felt a strong longing to return to her camp, it was beautiful, undamaged and untouched by the two-legs. Scanning the crowd with sky blue eyes, she couldn't notice anything other than the noisy warriors. No Shadowpaw. She sat down, curling her ginger tipped tail around her feet. Well this may be hard. she thought and stared at the m*censored* of cats again.
11:59am Nov 21 2010
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"That sounds fair, to give Crimsonfang a chance," Leopardwind relented, dipping her head slightly as a sign of respect towards Rainstar. "But Featherpaw has so much potential and I don't want that to go to waste. If she doesn't trust her mentor..." The warrior let her words trail off, knowing that Rainstar could guess the ending. To Leopardwind, the strength and integrity of the Clan came first and foremost to her, right after protecting the leader, of course. But in these dark times it seemed more and more as if the two were becoming intwined with each other.
Hurrying after the leader when she ran off Leopardwind let out a small sigh of regret. Ever since she had been a kit IceClan had been her home. The move to the temporary camp had been difficult and trying enough, but journeying to a whole new place? The she-cat could barely comprehend this sudden shift in scenery. My whole world is changing as we speak, she thought with a shiver.
5:33pm Nov 21 2010
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When Silentheart's smooth, rea.ssuring meow informed her, "Of course, that's never changed." Patchpelt felt her heart leap like a rabbit. Overwhelmed with relief, Patchpelt hadn't realized how nervous she was to hear his answer. It was silly, really. The two of them had been friends for their whole lives, well Silentheart was starting over but he was still the same cat, and she knew that their companionship would always last. I just wish that what we have could be more, the calico she-cat mused with a soft glance at the handsome tom by her side. Even starved, Silentheart was strong and mysterious. Seeing his thin form made Patchpelt oddly proud, since it meant he cared enough for his clan to spare his meals for them. You are so independent, Silentheart. So strong. So..., her thoughts paused, lonely. "And you know you can ask me anything, I won't get mad." Patchpelt came out of her muddled mind as her quick little ears swiveled to Silentheart. All the traveling had made her tired not only physically, but mentally as well. Alert enough to sniff at his comment, Patchpelt gently bumped agaisnt him. "Watch what you say, tom, you know I can yack your ear off with all the questions I can come up with." She was too weary to actually go through with the question that had originally come to her mind. Would Silentheart really want me? Does he love me? Those were thoughts she did not have the courage to ask just yet. With a great yawn, Patchpelt almost leapt out of her fur when Rainstar called the clan together. Looking at Silentheart with disappointment clear in her emerald gaze, the calico warrior turned to go to the group of gathering cats. She didn't get far, though. Spotting a heap of gray fur on the ground, Patchpelt felt her heart stutter. Oh, Starclan, please not another one. "Oh no, Silentheart, look!" With quick steps, Patchpelt was by the cat in moments. Starpaw had gotten to his paws by the time she was near him, but Patchpelt was still greatly concerned for his well being. He was tiny. His backbones protruded like sickly mountains out of the horizon, and he had hallows above his eyes that only elders ever had. Staring into his pale eyes, Patchpelt whispered, "Starpaw?" The biting breeze was picking up speed as night grew heavier, and she could smell snow in the air. "I know we never had the chance to be close, but you can trust me. I don't think you look so good. Do you want to talk about it?" Glancing back at Silentheart, Patchpelt wished she could go back to him and sleep, but her instincts insisted that she stay with the apprentice. He looked so lost and broken. Looking around, Patchpelt took notice that Panthergaze had disappeared. "Starpaw, does it have to do with Panthergaze? Where is he?" OoC: o.o' I'm having major kitty fail today. Um, I still need to post for TreeClan and Redpaw, I can't wait for Redpaw. But I can't get in the mood. =( I will try for those two later. I hope that Patchpelt's post is ok..
Just call me Siri.
6:01pm Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; O.O Someone rmail me with details?