7:11pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Nov 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: So to get myself inspired to post, I did this for fun. 'Tis Patchpelt as an adult. I do not claim this picture, by the way, I just did some minor editing. ^.^ http://i775.photobucket.com/albums/yy37/siritachi3/Patchpelt.jpg Edit, her eyes turned out bluer than I wanted, but neh...what do you guys think?
Just call me Siri.
7:15pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: It's beautiful Siri! Exactly how I pictured Patchpelt.
7:18pm Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Nov 23 2010)
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OoC: Stray, you make me about fall out my chair I'm so happy, because of your praise. ::huggles:: Edit, oh, and I even got the scar on the left cheek from Grayheart ;D ::if you were wondering what that weird pink thing on her cheek was::
Just call me Siri.
7:18pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I love it! I never really guessed Patchpelt to be like that. Now I know! :)
7:20pm Nov 23 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, that's what I thought! I was like, I know what she looks like in my mind but does everyone else see her like that? So I made her to show. ^.^ I know the scar is supposed to be on her shoulder, but it was hidden in the picture and it is an important facter for Patchpelt so I extended it to her cheek too.
Just call me Siri.
4:40pm Nov 24 2010
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Glancing around at the many cats Kestrelheart sighed. Soon again we leave. His thoughts were swirled around in his head, he couldn't stop thinking about how their home is deestroyed and that they must go to the place that he and a few others discovered. Them! They weren't leaders, deputies or even medicine cats, why was it them whoo had been chosen?
3:34am Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 3:35am Nov 25 2010)
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::Past:: Never had Redpaw seen a she-cat act so maliciously. Feahterpaw was like a badger obsessing over a bee's nest. The problem was that Poisonheart was meat and flesh, a clan mate, a cat to protect and defend. About to jump in and return Featherpaw's strike, blow for blow, Redpaw hissed when she turned to him and cruelly spat, "You idiot, Why are you here? Just run home, I don't need you getting in my way." His umber eyes were like living fire as he stalked forward with a low, throaty *growl. Instead of complicating things further, Redpaw just watched with a hooded gaze as Featherpaw began to drag the half-dead warrior to camp. She parted him with, "You saw nothing of this." Snorting in disbelief, Redpaw was about to hiss about what Rainstar would say, but realized that Rainstar probably wouldn't believe him. Always quick to judge, the leader would most likely look down on him and say he was as crazy a badger's brain. What am I going to do? OoC: *Growl: You know when cat's aren't hissing but they are still really angry, they make a noise that is like a growl but not. What would you describe it as? I can only think of growl. BiC Sitting where Featherpaw had left him, Redpaw decided to head back to camp. It wasn't worth sulking over. He would live to forget this moment. When he reached camp his paws felt like stones; heavy and cold. His tail, normally lashing behind him, was dragging on the ground. If ever he wanted to believe in Starclan, it was now, but his heart was so confused that he shook his head at the thought. Lifting his brilliant eyes, Redpaw looked out at the beaten clan. Cat's mourned every where he looked; they mourned the loss of their home, the loss of Poisonheart, the loss of Emeraldrain, the loss of Mistsoul, the loss of Snowkit, and the loss of life. His face turned into one of wrinkled rage, his whiskers twitched with fury at the whole scene, and his ears were flattened to his skull. I don't even know what to do now. Slowly, so slowly he hardly noticed, something began to cloud his line of sight. No, not something, some cat! His entire body went oddly still and relaxed. His eyes went from boiling orbs of fury to curious burnt sienna ones, his little ears swiveled forward. Blinking repeatedly, Redpaw didn't believe his eyes. Not until the achingly familiar rumbling purr reached his longing ears in a melody long lost. Oh Redpaw, I'd do anything to change the past and be here for you. He knew that his maw hung open in a mixture of shock and delight, his eyes round and wide, but he couldn't stop himself. The notes of her voice were so tender that his heart wept as she came forward to lick his ear in that rasping way a queen would. "Falconwing," he softly choked, not wanting to break the spell but unable to stay silent. But alas I cannot, but know I am always watching, always right beside you though you cannot see me. And, know that I am so proud of you. The ice around his heart melted under her loving warmth, and he felt tears trail moist streaks down his cheeks. He had never cried before coming to Iceclan. Something about the coldly named clan had softened him, and Redpaw knew what that was. Falconwing. As she stood before him, shrouded in shimmering stars, Redpaw found himself enlightened. He saw the truth in her vivid emerald gaze. She truly was proud of him, and she always was watching him and always would be. Falconwing, he thought, you are my Starclan. You are my hope and Savior. When she spoke again, Redpaw shock with an emotion he did not know. One that he was too fearful of to identify. You are like a son to me Redpaw, though not my flesh and blood, and I love you as much as I do Shadowpaw or Littlepaw. Horror struck him hard, like claws to his unprotected belly, when Falconwing began to disappear slowly, like she had come to him, but he could see her leaving, and cried softly, "No!" As your mentor, what would I have you do? Trust your clan mates Redpaw, that it all you truly can do. Then she was gone. Wanting to yowl and fight the injustice of it all, Redpaw bowed his head and wept. When his tears emptied and the water upon his cheeks turned icy, the ginger tom went to the drinking pool and thrust his face in. Pulling out he briskly shock his head and began to wipe his face with a forepaw. Thinking as he cleaning his fur, ridding it of the evidance that he had cried, Redpaw drew comfort from one thing. Falconwing has never left me, and she never will. Looking up at the stars in the sky, Redpaw wondered which one she was, or if she was all of them at once so that she would never loss sight of him. "I will make you proud because what you feel now is nothing. I will try now to become what you wanted of me." She had tried to teach him to be like a warrior; strong, couragous yet fearful, and, most importantly, loyal, but he had rebelled. Now he would not. He would become all she ever wanted, and more. "For you, Falconwing," he promised. "For you." ::Now:: Hearing Rainstar's summoning call, Redpaw sighed in agitation. Of course this would happen the moment he pledged to be faithful, but not wanting to go back on his words so soon Redpaw went to the gathering cats. When Rainstar began to call the mentor-less apprentices' up, Redpaw felt his neck fur bristle. His agitation grew when his name didn't seem to be among the other, but lastly she addressed him. "Redpaw, your new mentor will be me." Oh great, merciful Falconwing, what did I ever do to deserve this, his mind seethed. Redpaw knew that his maw was set in a snarl, he knew that his neck fur was bristled, he knew that his ivory claws were sinking into the ground, he knew that he was angry, but he pretended that nothing was wrong. I will suffer through this for you, Falconwing, and know that you alone are what keeps me from fighting this. Stiff as a stick, Redpaw stopped before Rainstar. He looked up into her eerie eyes and scar filled face. As he stretched his nose to touch hers, he hissed softly, so only the two of them heard, "You will never replace Falconwing." A static jolt burst through Redpaw when his nose touched Rainstar's, and he jerked away to rub the sore spot with the back of a forepaw. "What was that?" he demanded hotly. As if to appease him, lightening shot through the evening and the clap of thunder followed closely. Swiftdarkness, still off balanced by an event that had happened a little while earlier, stepped forward. It was after Rainstar and Leopardwind spoke, and he knew with his heart what he had to say was correct, "It is time we leave." "Treeclan is in agreement," Twigstar yowled. "If we leave now, we may escape the coming storm." Her clan had gathered long before that of Caveclan and Fireclan, but had stayed hidden in the trees in fear of an attack. Seeing that this betrayal would not happen, the leader had motioned, during the new mentor ceremony, that her clan was to stand behind her. Now they stood en m*censored*, all eight; Twigstar, Stumpfoot, Speckledleaf, Oaktail, Alderpelt, Barksap, Maplepaw, and Fallenkit. EDIT OoC: That was a lot of pent up writer's block spilling forth. o.o' But I have to say, that is my favorite Redpaw post.
Just call me Siri.
4:34pm Nov 25 2010
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ooc; Siri: Maybe snarl... I think that is more of a dog noise than anything though. :P bic; Rainstar nodded to Twigstar, not that she might be able to see that is the flashing strobe lights of the coming storm lightning. "Lets go!" she yowled, and began to pad toward the exit of the Camp. Her tail was flicking back and fourth, and the weather made her fur stand on end. That was a really bad decision she made with Redpaw, he hated she-cats... But there were no more male cats in the Clan.... Changing her attention to the more important things, she led the Clans down with the other leaders through the territory. >>Later>< Rainstar's claws were unsheathed to help grip herself so she wouldn't slip. The first moments of the traveling had been okay, but now, it was miserable. The cats were drenched in freezing rainwater, and the cold winter breeze chilled their fur. Looking ahead, she could only see her own breath. The once dry sand had changed into a harder rock, with the occasional patches of gra.ss, and Rainstar didn't think the Clan could travel any longer. Looking over to Twigstar, she meowed loudly over the thunder, "Should we stop here?" she flicked her tail over to the tall rock cave. It was dark grey, and there was wood and tree branches around it. We could use that for shelter. she thought. "I will check it out," she called and bounded down the hill to the cave. Padding inside, her paws echoed on it's sturdy floor. It was not a deep cave, quite shallow actually. There were paw prints inside as well. "Cats have been here before?" she meowed as she continued looking around. ooc; This is the cave that the journeying cats had rested in the first day of there stay. :)
5:09pm Nov 25 2010
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It was dusky out now, due to the time of the day and the rainy weather that pounded down on the cats. The once light drizzle had turn into a full out downpour and it seemed to dampen the mood and lower to moral of the travelling Clans. Fur was slicked down until their ribs showed through, their bodies achingly thin from the long starvation that the forest had given to them. For now, it seemed and felt as if the journey was an endless traverse through a quagmire of mud and dirt.
Leopardwind shuddered as the bitterly cold wind ruffled her soaking fur, causing ice-cold raindrops to be flung every which way. Squeezing her eyes shut the she-cat wondered bleakly if the weather would let up, but the dark thunderheads looming in the horizon only promised another storm to come.
Was this really a good idea? she thought, going back on her previous musings about their soon-to-be new life in a new camp. Somewhere far away, she recalled sadly. But the bad luck seems to follow us anyways. Blinking her blue eyes open again she forged through the ma.ss of cats until she was near the front. While they were not on one of the two-legs' beaten pathways, the ground beneath her feet was dusty and well-trodden, or would be if it hadn't been churned into a thick mud by the rain and the pounding of cat paws.
Turning her head to the side Leopardwind could just make out Rainstar pad into a cave just off the path and down a short hill. Strange, Leopardwind thought. Flicking her whiskers to remove the droplets that had gathered there she padded off the edge of the path and looked down below at the cave, which looked like a large gaping hole through the gathering mists.
"Cats have been here before?" The meow came faintly, for it was blocked by the pitter-pattering of the rain. Blinking in surprise Leopardwind turned around to see if any other cat had heard the startling news.

10:31pm Nov 25 2010
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Past After speaking, Silentheart watched Patchpelt's eyes wearily, wondering if he had spoken to much or not. He loathed the fact that the once good humored sparkle seemed to be gone from her eyes, leaving them void and emptier. In a way it felt like it was his fault, for not being there for her when she needed him most. Instead he had been off padding after Mistsoul, thought he knew they could never be anything other then good friends. Her path had always lead back to the Medicine Cats den. He wished she was here thought, because she would know how to help the clan better then most. Shaking those thoughts from his head, he finally looked away from the she-cat face, off into the bitter windswept landscape that had once been their beautiful home. Now it was empty and cold, each shadow seeming to be waiting for some cat to come close enough so it could snatch them away as well. Once this was their safe-place, now it was their dying nest. He huffed, air forming a cloud around his to skinny muzzle. Her voice broke him from his revere "Watch what you say, tom, you know I can yack your ear off with all the questions I can come up with." That made a small smile creep up onto his mouth, seeing the old Patchpelt was still somewhere in there. "I know, but thats what makes you so likable." He added, blue eyes growing slightly warmer in the frozen landscape. Suddenly Rainstar's meow run through the camp, making his fur prickle in annoyance. He'd almost broken through the thorn bush that had separated him from his kit-hood friend and with the change of topic he feared it would grown right back. He forgot how much her company soothed him. "Oh no, Silentheart, look!" Her words forced his heart to race faster, the panic in her voice sending shivers painfully through his spine. Jerking his head around, he followed her line of sight until he spotted the tiny lump if fur on the ground. "Starpaw?" He whispered to himself, gaining his paws underneath him and leaping to the younger toms side. He liked the tiny fur-ball, even though he had as much self-confidence as a mouse, and hoped nothing to severely bad had happened to him. The conversation the two had shared entered his mind and Silentheart wondered if whatever the tom had done had finally gotten to him, and perhaps killed him. Nosing the medicine cat apprentice fearfully, he knew his fear scent was there, though he tried to hide it. Not one to show weakness in any form, Silentheart really did not want to let the already emotionally weak Patchpelt see how shook up he himself was. "Starpaw are you alright?" He asked, letting out a breadth he did not know he was holding the the tiny cat got shakily to his bleeding, chapped paws. But as he faced them, Silentheart almost gasped at the look in the silver cats eyes. Terror, pain, grief, self-loathing, anger. The last was surprising in Starpaw;'s eyes, considering he'd never seen Starpaw angry, ever. Patchpelt started talking, her voice calming even though she was talking to some other cat. Starpaw's eyes shifted eerily slowly around the camp, as if he was seeing it for the first time. Finally his dull eyes landed on Patchpelt and Silentheart wondered what Starpaw saw. A young she-cat with little to no life experience or a trustworthy cat he could talk to. The tiny cats maw opened the closed, pink tongue darting out the moisten his frozen nose. Silentheart had never seen a cat look as ragged and pathetic as Starpaw, and that was saying something considering how all the clans cats looked at the moment. His paws were so tiny they were dwarfed in the snow, red splotched of blood splattering as he shifted his weight. Backbone protruding so badly it was a wonder his skin did not rip around it, exposing the nerves and muscle. His fur was ragged and unwashed, sticking up in off little clumps. But it was his ex pression of misery that topped everything. "No." He whispered and Silentheart had to strain to hear. "Alcarié is long gone and I will never see my father again. He abandoned us, abandoned me!" There was the anger again. "He should have taken me with him, or I should have tried harder. Cats would not be dead then." Defeat. "I killed a cat Patchpelt. I killed a innocent queen, leaving her kits to be alone." Grief, so strong it nearly swiped Silentheart's paws out from under him. The words though, and what they meant fell on his deaf ears. It did not matter now, Emeraldrain was gone, her kits going to some other queen to live. Now Starpaw needed to find a reason to live. Silentheart felt a prickle of fear as the apprentices paws slipped out from under him, leaving him a pathetic piece of fur on the chilling ground. Present Silentheart's paws ached fiercely as the group of cats finally stopped, his lungs shooting icy fire though his body every time he breathed. His jaws felt ready to fall off as he set the silent Starpaw onto the frozen ground, stepping closer to the tiny tom to offer a little warmth as he shook. The apprentice had not spoken after his confession, either to horrified or to weak. He was pretty sure it was weakness. He himself felt as shaky as a new born kit, wanting to law down in the snow and pretend it was his mothers fur surrounding him. He huffed, throwing the thoughts from his head. The clan needed him strong now, ready to face anything. Not whimpering like a kit himself. He nudged Starpaw, glad when he made a tiny sound deep in his chest. At least he was alive. For now.

11:27pm Nov 25 2010
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"No. Alcarié is long gone and I will never see my father again. He abandoned us, abandoned me!" Those simple sentences were so full of anger, Patchpelt was mildly shocked that heat didn't radiate off of the little tom. A sideways glance at Silentheart told her, by his reaction, that this was not the tom's usual behavior. "He should have taken me with him, or I should have tried harder. Cats would not be dead then." Each syllable was punctuated by defeat. Utter loss of all hope and will. Patchpelt knew that her emerald eyes held tears close to the edge. As if at any moment she would burst into tears because of the despair clouding her all of her clan mates and this brittle apprentice. "I killed a cat, Patchpelt. I killed an innocent queen, leaving her kits to be alone." Not a single tear fell when Patchpelt listened to the heartbreaking admission. When he crumpled to the ground Patchpelt's fear scent exploded around her. Eyes wide, she flared her delicate nostrils to take in his scent. Death surrounded him but it did not cling. Thank you, Starclan, she praised with her emerald eyes closed in relief. Gazing over at Silentheart, Patchpelt thought about what she could say. Desperately wanting to comfort the tom, Patchpelt's maw opened but Rainstar's commanding yowl echoed, "Let's go!" A look of pain crossed her expressive facial features, but she quickly pushed the look aside. With a tender care, Patchpelt nudged the silver apprentice to his paws. The journey would give her time to think about a reply. One that was not so simple, but meditated upon. Never straying from Starpaw's side, no matter how far behind he got, Patchpelt padded behind the apprentice. Her attentive eyes were locked on Starpaw as if he was her prey, and in a way he was. Patchpelt would not give up on him. She liked to believe that she was a pure cat, not one to become prejudice. From what little she knew of Starpaw, he had been a wonderful apprentice for both Windprint and Nightfall; always willing to try even if he knew it was out of his ability. A cat like that would not purposely kill for the pleasure of it, something was hidden for her knowledge. As the task of traveling became more demanding, Patchpelt hung her head. A shadow to Starpaw, the calico warrior was only half a tail length from the tom. The booming of thunder rang in her ears as her eyes dilated with every flash of lightening. Not even a fox length from camp the clouds opened up upon them and showered them with unrelenting rain. Harsh and chilling, the water would cling to the fur and form icicles because of the frigid winds racing between the trees. The terrain became subtly different, and Patchpelt recognized that they were fast approaching the cave where her group had stayed the first horrible night away from camp on their journey. An unbearable urge to race forward swept through Patchpelt, to get to shelter, but she stayed beside Starpaw. He looked so breakable. The whole while, Swiftdarkness had padded at Rainstar's right shoulder; Twigstar was pressed close to his right shoulder and Stumpfoot to hers. His aging eye sight and hearing was of little help to his leader, but Swiftdarkness knew that his heart to protect would keep her alive if danger appeared. Always, though, he would glance over his shoulder to check and make sure that Littlepaw and Shadowpaw were keeping up. It surprised him greatly when Redpaw had begun to carry Littlepaw after she fell behind. Yet Redpaw had continued to carry her back to the front and drop her then repeat the process any time she lagged again. Swiftdarkness had lost count how many times he had seen the young tom carrying his little she-kit, and he was proud to see that the tom never gave up, even though he could hear his grumbles and sharp remarks about weak gender. "Should we stop here?" Rainstar's question interrupted Swiftdarkness from his thoughts, and he was about to reply when the Iceclan leader meowed, "I will check it out." As she bounded away, the ebony deputy yowled with fury. When he reached her and found that the cave was empty, Swiftdarkness still vented, "Rainstar, think before you act, please. There could have been a badger in here." His slate blue eyes were cold as he chided, "Next time let me clear it first. The clan needs you well. Not wounded." Though he did not yowl, Swiftdarkness wanted to but to undermine his leader in front of the other clans was unwise. So he merely scolded her softly as the other cats gathered into the safety and dryness of the cave. "Cats have been here before?" Rainstar mused. Redpaw, having just entered with Littlepaw gripped in his jowls, uncaringly dropped the she-cat. Looking at Rainstar with a seething glare, he hissed, "This is where we stayed when we went looking for the new land. Those are our prints, you know, your clan mates paw prints."
Just call me Siri.
11:51pm Nov 25 2010
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OoC: I forgot Patchpelt! O.o' ::adds:: BiC Watching as Starpaw safely walked inside, Patchpelt leapt into the cave. Shaking her body until she almost fell over the calico she-cat looked around. Even though they were four clans in one area every cat seemed to mingle with ease. Probably because of the exhaustion and cold, but it was lovely none the less. Every cat managed to squeeze into the cave, too, with room to spare but only a little. Spotting Silentheart's form a bit more inside the cave, Patchpelt padded over. Sitting beside her kit hood friend, she began to groom her chest fur which had many droplets of ice clinging to it. Her green gaze discreetly watched Silentheart prod Starpaw. When the apprentice gave sign of life, Patchpelt purred with relief. He was curled up so tight and still that she had feared the worst. Nudging Silentheart fondly, Patchpelt hoped that her eyes showed how much she wanted to rest beside him but she couldn't. Not tonight, at least. There would hopefully, Starclan willing, be other nights for them to share, but this silver-gray apprentice had her attention tonight. Padding around to the tom's back, Patchpelt shivered at the sight of the emaciated mountain of back bones sticking from his pelt, but she pushed the fear of hurting him away from her mind. Sinking down, she curled around him, easily surrounding him from nose to tail-tip. It was surprising since Patchpelt was a petite she-cat, but it was comforting oddly. It's like having a kit, she mused with a small smile. Her orange tail covered his delicate paws and nose while her belly fur, clean and dry, warmed his rain chilled back. Resting her head softly upon the crown of his, Patchpelt purred deep in her belly. "Starpaw," she whispered so softly that Silentheart might not even hear her, even as close as he was to them, "I want you to listen well." Nuzzling her nose to his ear, Patchpelt mewed, "Every cat has a time to go. Emeraldrain might have been young, but kits have been taken from their mothers before they can even take their first breath. Death is as common as life to cats of clans." Licking his gritty, wet cheek, Patchpelt continued softly, "When Emeraldrain died, she knew one thing, Starpaw, she knew that her kits would never be alone. Every cat in IceClan is responsible for her kits, even before her death we were an extension of her love. They will miss her dearly, but they will never suffer alone unless they wish it." Pausing for a long moment, Patchpelt felt herself succumbing to the demand of sleep. It had been longer than she could remember since she had rested fully. Blinking twice, her eyes grew fuzzy with sleep. Fighting it, she purred, "Don't ever let yourself feel alone, Starpaw. This clan is your family. All the she-cats are your mothers, all the toms your fathers, the apprentices' and kits your siblings to watch over and play with. Know that all the trials are worth the tender love of a clan. You are a good cat, I know that you did not mean for Emeraldrain's death." Not wanting to press matters further, Patchpelt surrendered to sleep. Removing her head from resting on his, in fear that her weight might smoother him, Patchpelt rested it next to his so that their cheek fur rubbed.
Just call me Siri.
5:58pm Nov 26 2010
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Starpaw could barely remember what had happened in the last day, his mind fogged up with so many emotions it felt as if his head would explode. But cats had spoken to him, their words slightly muffled on his frozen ears but their words were comforting, not angry like he had figured they would be, should be. The grief and pain he'd locked up deep into his fragile heart, trying to keep it from slowly but surely eating him away, killing him like the hunger and cold never could. Opening his eyes, half frozen from where he'd kept them shut pretty much the entire trek, he looked over at the cat curled up next to him. Her fur was warm and inviting, smelling clean and sharp against his back where it was warming his fur. At first he thought perhaps it was Mistsoul, mind not remembering her death in it's cationic state. But this she-cats fur was different colors in the gloom, ginger and white instead of silver. His heart sped up, and his fur instantly prickled. Who was this cat again? She was slightly familiar, the scar that was slightly visible on her shoulder familiar. "Patchpelt?" He whispered, voice cracking and high pitched. What was she doing with him, curled up like his mother. But he was not complaining, enjoying the comfort she offered. She was talking, though her voice was muffled and words unintelligent to his befuddled mind. Whatever she was saying though calmed him, sleep suddenly right behind his eyes. Laying his head on the ground, he let out a sigh. "Thank you Patchpelt." He whispered, voice tired.

6:07pm Nov 26 2010
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Starting in the journey Kestrelheart walked, head hung down. OoC; East has writers block I think? Also Raveneyes may not be posted for a while. xD Larkpaw stod beside Rosepaw and mewed, "Are we leaving now?" she could hear the shuffling of paws and rustling of cats fr aganits eachother, but she was disctracted, an uneasy thought was in her mind.
6:28pm Nov 26 2010
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tiShadowpaw huffed in annoyance as his paw slipped through a patch pf snow, freezing the entire limb until he could not feel anything. His dull blue eyes scanned the crowed wearily, making sure no cat had dropped unknown from his vantage point in the back. Suddenly his eyes landed on Redpaw and the fur at the back of the toms neck began to bristle at the sight of Littlepaw swinging from the cold apprentices mouth. He knew his sister was not well, and he'd looked for her at the beginning of the journey to see if she needed any help. If he known Redpaw was going to be the one with his sister he would have snagged her earlier. Claws sinking into the ground he hissed in annoyance. At least until a tiny pitiful wail met his ears. Flicking the appendages, he caught sight of the kits with some of the other she-cats. One of the tiny cats fell behind,ny tail quivering in the snow and dark brown fur plastered to his body. Leaping over, Shadowpaw scooped Wolfkit up with ease, the weight craning his neck. Following the other cats, he sighed in delight as Rainstar finally called a halt. --- Scarlethaze glanced around the group, m*censored*ive frame seeming to tower over the smaller, skinny cats around her. Never had she felt more awkward or out of place in the clan then she did right now. She felt sorry for Rainstar, her first friend in the clan, and itched to claw the ears off any other cat who looked at her with scorn. She was doing the best she could, in Scarlethaze's eyes, and the she-cat felt as if the clans were not giving her the credit she deserved. Once the clan stopped again and she could find Rainstar Scarlethaze decided to one way or another to prove her loyalty to her leader. Another cats skinny frame caught her eyes and she instantly felt sorry for Kestrelheart. He always seemed alone. Padding over, large furry paws easily keeping her body above the snow. Padding slowly to keep up with the toms pace, Scarlethaze tipped her head to the side so she could look at him. "Is new home good?" She asked, accent still strong. "You and other clan cats do good to find it. All clans thank you, I think."

6:33pm Nov 26 2010
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"We do," Leopardwind meowed warmly, returning to the body of cats that still held some heat, warmth radiating off the pelts of her clanmates. Giving Kestrelheart a kind lick on the ear she glanced at Scarlethaze, feeling her wiry frame dwarfed the by powerfully built she-cat. "Are you still settling in well, Scarlethaze?" she asked, curious about the strange she-cat that had joined their clan. Scarlethaze might have looked out of place, but she still had a spot in the hearts of most cats in the Clan. No-cat would...or could, doubt her loyalty.
"It's a tough time," Leopardwind mewed after a while, shivering as another gust of cold air carrying a flurry of snow hit her flank. "With so many kits...and we're all as weak as the oldest elder." Shaking her head in frustration, but just as much to clear the snow from her body, Leopardwind knew that while better times we ahead, the Clans had to work hard and keep their belief strong if they wanted to reach them.
7:10pm Nov 26 2010
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Scarlethaze blinked kindly at Leopardwind, moving to the smaller she-cats side so the wind would buff her own thick fur instead of the frail looking warrior. Though she was not made to deal with the cold temperatures, having lived in warmer climates with her Tribe, she was hardy and tried to do what she could for Iceclan. This was her home now, though vengeance still burned in her blood from time to time for what a clan did to her Tribe, her mate. Casting the thoughts from her mind, she concentrated on the small forms ahead of her so she knew where she was going. "I'm am doing fine, thank you Leopardwind." She meowed, gruff voice taking on a soft edge. "Yes, it hard time. But as long as clan cats stay together we survive." She promised, smiling, though the gesture was still slightly foreign to her face. "You strong, even smallest kits, because you clan blood flows strong." OoC: Fail post...
7:16pm Nov 26 2010
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"Clanblood isn't everything," Leopardwind meowed softly, her voice holding a double meaning. One for her, and one for Scarlethaze. "Even the most purebred kit can turn out to be a cold-hearted killer. It isn't the blood or heritage that makes the cat. It's their actions and personality." Blinking her amber eyes warmly she nudged Scarlethaze's shoulder with her head, a small gesture of thanks for the foreign cat's act of kindness.
Now that the bitter chill of the wind was off her, Leopardwind turned her mind to other things than the numbingly cold weather. "Kestrelheart...do you think we'll find a new home?" Leopardwind's meow was filled with an unexplained urgency and the she-cat closed her eyes and tried to still her heaving breaths, a new fear rising up inside of her.
What...what if there's no place for us? Could this journey simply be a misinterpretation of StarClan's will? I don't want to die out here, but...there's one small comfort. I can die in the company of my Clan. But of course, they would die too. The warrior shook her head, trying to rid herself of these morbid thoughts.

9:56am Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 9:57am Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
Rainstar nodded to Swiftdarkness and Redpaw. Eaglestar you idiot. she cursed in her brain. Looking outside of the shallow cave she beaconed the cats with a yowl and a flick of her white tail. "Of course, those are the other cat's prints.." she murmured. "Thanks Swiftdarkness." she meowed then looked around some more. >> There is Shadowapaw! Gingerstream padded over to the IceClan cats, regardless of the glares that the little amounts of FireClan cats gave her. "Hey Shadowpaw," meowed Gingerstream padding up to his side. The rain tumbled hard down on her, and her coat was plastered to her thin body. ooc; Since I am having trouble creating posts... I will put all the FireClan cats down, and maybe that will fix my brain.:P FireClan cats: Leader: Deputy: Medi cat Warriors: Dustprint>male Get photo later.. Blueshadow~Male
Silvermist>Female, Brother, Sanddust
Sandust>Male, Silvermist's brother/  Darkstorm
Apprenitce's Flamepaw>male 
Dimondpaw>Female, Flamepaw's sister  queens: Lilacshadow Get photo later. kits: Driftkit~Male  I will have the rest later.
10:44am Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Kestrelheart blinked warmly at the large red she-ca, "Yes Scarlethaze." he mewed softly, "The new home is good." He padded alongside the large red cat and smaller framed Leopardwind, "But, he other clans have nothing to thank us for. We were just doing our duty, and during that time we were well fed, while the rest of you were stuck here. Straving. I don't know why anyone would thank us for that" The guilty feeling of it all filled his mind as he inwardly cursed himself. What did we all do to desrve this move? Couldn't our old home have been good enough?