12:01am Oct 14 2010
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OoC: Thank you very much. I took a bit of time to make sure everything was moved over, and I also made it really user friendly. Just in case an new user might want to join, it's easy for them to hop on in. ^.^ And here goes nothing....::goes to make a post::
Just call me Siri.
12:25am Oct 14 2010
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The pads of Patchpelt's feet were sore, but it had been well worth it. Her little band had made it home safely. Her sleek, glossy coat was damp with sweat and rain, but Patchpelt didn't mind because she was in such good shape. The journey had been better for her than she really knew. It had made her think like a true warrior, protecting her little clan, and making decisions that were anything but easy. It had also put more meat on her bones, as well as the others too. It hadn't truly hit her how bad of shape the clan had been in when she left, but returning now she could see it in the dull, defeated gazes of wandering warriors. Kits played near the nursery and Patchpelt felt a surge of emotions run through her. I have to save them. Trotting off to speak with Eaglestar, Patchpelt bunched her powerful muscles and leapt to the top of the great rocks to her leader's den. Pausing in respect, Patchpelt yowled, "Eaglestar! I have important news for you!"
Just call me Siri.
12:25am Oct 14 2010
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OoC: ::about faints with joy:: Patchpelt! ::huggles her favorite kitten:: Yay!
Just call me Siri.
12:49am Oct 14 2010
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Stretching in glorious relief, Redpaw stalked into camp with his head held high. He had grown quite a bit on the journey that had taken many moons. He knew that he was a warrior, even if his name was that of an apprentice. On the journey, he had shown his positive qualities many times: jumping to Lilac's aid without hesitation, protecting the she-cats from the dog attack, and the few other minor details. As cats greeted them, Redpaw felt like he actually belonged. Another thing he had learned on the journey was when to open his maw or keep it closed, though he still struggled with that. Dipping his head to Hawkmask, Redpaw frowned. Every cat seemed skinny as a twig. The mice we caught were bigger than those new kits, he thought sadly. When a bold, white tom walked up to him, Redpaw stared at him with bored amber eyes. Flicking an ear to the side, he gave a sarcastic look. Who is this? he wondered as he tried to remember the tom's name. Snowkit maybe. Mentally nodding his head, Redpaw remembered the tinny wimp. "You have your apprentice name yet, kit?" Redpaw asked a bit harshly. Guess I need a little more work than I first thought. Meanwhile, Firtail brightened when he heard the familiar purr of Hawkmask's soothing voice. His tawny-gold pelt had dulled considerably in the past few moons. Even with his hunting help, the clan was slowly starving. Yet he made sure to clean it twice a day to keep his ebony rosettes distinct for him to blend with the foliage. "I would love to go hunting with you," Firtail made sure to purr the last part as he teasingly flicked his tail-tip over her nose. Arching his back, Firtail let out a glorious yawn as he reached forward with a forepaw. Licking his chops, he meowed, "What do you think they have to say? Patchpelt took off like a rabbit to Rainst-" He stopped as saddness flooded him. She won't know about Eaglestar. None of them will. Or Falconwing. Looking at the gathered cats, Firtail was struck again by how different the cats were in the clan. Though, he could spot the kin. Shadowpaw was the striking, grayscale image of his mother and Littlepaw her father. Poor, poor kits. Shaking his head, Firtail nudged Hawkmask gently on the shoulder. "Why don't we ask Grayheart and Painfullpaw to join us," Firtail asked. "It would be good for them. Grayheart just lops around here and Painfullpaw misses having a mentor."
Just call me Siri.
3:10pm Oct 14 2010
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Stalking after his mentor, Shadowpaw let his eyes flow across the cam, heart giving a tiny tug at the pitiful shape of his clan mates. He could remember when they were all fit, strong, and healthy. Not this bunch of ragged skin and bones. Lips curling back just barely, the black tom turned his cold eyes up to the sky, mentally snarling a challenge. You betray us! We looked up to you, gave our lives to your noble code, though of you as everything! Now look at them, and yet they still believe. Eyes slitting, he let his fur lie flat as to not attract any attention. Stalking after Patchpelt into the center of the clearing, he looked for any familiar faces. He wondered if any cat really recognized him, of course they probably would with his resemblance to his father in fur and mother in eyes. But he was much larger then the kit who left, taller with unseen muscles rippling below his well groomed pelt. He felt stronger, more powerful in body and mind and hoped that it showed through his body language. He did not want to be thought of as the middle of Midnightpaw and Littlepaw anymore. But he knew the biggest physical difference was his eyes. No longer the striking blue, they were duller, more lifeless and hard. Searching, he tried to find one familiar pelt. But looking through the cats he never spotted the beautiful calico fur or gentle loving eyes of his mother. Heart beating faster, he whipped his head around twice more before he spotted the familiar pelt of Swiftdarkness. Bolting over his his father, he let out a happy mreow and butted the older toms shoulder with his head."Hello father." He purred. "Where's mother?" He asked next, not wanting to wait much longer to see her. Though the apprentice wanted to spend a bit more time with his father, something in his mind kept telling him that something was wrong. --- Pricking his ears from where he'd been laying in the shadows with Scarlethaze, Silentheart opened his eyes from a quick nap only to be met with a beautiful sight. One he'd never thought he'd see again and his normally cold blue eyes gentled. The movement woke the red she cat who had, for some odd reason, became good friends with him. Though some had thought their was something going on between them, they were nothing more then friends, almost siblings of sorts. The copper tom jumped his his paws, only to be shot down as the calico she-cat bolted into Rainstar's den. She does not know yet. Oh Starclan don't let her be to hurt. Sitting back down beside Scarlethaze he sighed, leaning over to lick flat a piece of ruffled fur that covered his protruding rib bones. "Why you look upset?" He grinned just barley, glad to finally have taught the red she-cat some proper words, though at times it was hard to understand her. "Is she not meant be here?" Silentheart only laughed softly. "You remember me telling you about Patchpelt right?" She nodded, red eyes slitting in concentration. "She the cat you love?" Silentheart slapped a paw over her maw, giving her a evil glare. "Don't be so loud alright?" He growled, feeling rather comical standing over the m*censored*ive she cat, who could probably take his head of with a swing, glaring at her while she looked scared. "Yeah, that she-cat. Well," He tipped his head in the direction she disappeared in. "Thats her." Scarlethaze nodded behind his paw and the let the appendage drop. Finally he sighed tiredly and stood back up, bones creaking as if they were ancient. "I'm going to go check on Rosepaw." He mentally clawed himself, not beveling he let himself forget about his sick apprentice just because a cat who did not like him the way he liked her suddenly was before him. Poking his head into the medicine cats den he blinked down at Starpaw, paling under his pelt. If some of the other clan cats looked tiny and horrid, this apprenticed liked like a walking skeleton. There was not meat on him, only skin, his eyes were way to large for his head, his his tiny front paws almost seemed to shake under his weight as if they were going to give out. "What are you doing here Starpaw?" He asked softly, feeling almost like if he accidentally breathed on him the apprentice would be blown away. "I feel useless just sitting around, and I like the medicine cats den, I can actually work there and not embarr*censored* myself." Silentheart noticed the faraway look to his eyes when he looked at the other apprentices. "I wish I could be like them, strong and free." About to say something to the undersized apprentice he was stopped as Starpaw looked into the medicine cats den. "You can see her now, but if she's asleep don't wake her up." For such a tiny cat, the death glare Silentheart received as a warning sent shivers down his spine. Padding quietly into the den, he looked around until he spotted his apprentice. A tug of guilt stabbed him and he sat down beside her, feeling useless. "I should have done something." He whispered, blue eyes clouding. "I'm so sorry Rosepaw." --- {Flashback 2 months ago} He was not sure where he was, except that everything was black and there was no pain. Opening his orange eyes, Sunflare blinked against the suddenly stunning white light that filled a unfamiliar clearing. Suddenly another cat was there, pelt gleaming magnificently in the glow, giving her a otherworldly appearance. Falconwing smiled gently down at him, and he jumped to his paws to greet his deceased deputy. "Welcome to Starclan Sunflare. May your days be filled with happiness and prey and your nights warm." It hit him then what had happened. He'd been giving more then half his portions away, leaving him with little to nothing to eat. But he did not mind, as long as if kept his clan just a little stronger, if not by much. It had killed him, and right now it did not matter. He laughed loudly, throwing his head back to bask in the feeling of being full and healthy. "Come, I will show you the territory." Sunflare followed the she-cat, looking back once to see the starving clan through the thick clouds he'd come through. "How many more will follow me?" He asked, but did not receive an answer. The look in her green eyes told him enough. So this is what it's like to die. It's not as bad as every cat makes it. {End Flashback} --- Panthergaze watched from the side of the clearing as all the other cats walked in, fur bristling just barely in the light due to stress. How was the clan going to feed so many more mouths? Finally he sighed, tail twitching. More then once in the past few moons he found himself on the edge of the territory, more then willing to cut his ties with the clan and be a loner again, to run free and be himself. To be Alcarié again. But he kept turning back, returning to the clan for reasons he could not quite place. Finally looking around, he tried to spot some cat he knew. There were few cats who he could call a friend in the clan due to his stand-offish nature, and that suited him fine most of the time. Except now. He felt like an outcast, and again turned his face towards the borders. But the thought slipped away as Firetail began talking to Hawkmask. More like flirting. He scowled and looked away, green eyes hurt. But Starpaw was walking towards the entrance, gait slightly off due to his failing muscle structure. Getting up, he followed after his adopted son. "Mind if I tag along?" He asked cheerily, smiling down at the tiny tom. "Of course! I'm just looking for a few strengthening herbs I learned of."

4:14pm Oct 14 2010
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OoC: So amazing! <3 I love your writing, Stray. ^.^ BiC Dipping his head to Thistlestorm, Windprint, and Larkpaw, Swiftdarkness prayed to StarClan that their patrol would be quick and safe. Dusk was coming and, having become the deputy, Swiftdarkness had decided that earlier patrols would be safer than having later. He wanted the best for his clan, yet he didn't know how he could accomplish this with the starvation. The snow was melting, but the frost was holding the forest in deadly clutches. It left many warriors cold in their nests at night and morning. The lost of Sunflare, a seemingly healthy, young tom, had been horrifying. Swiftdarkness still remembered the day his cold form had been found. Lifeless and emaciated, Sunflare had made an ultimate sacrifice for the clan. The tom had given up his food for others, and it had cost him his life. Such a brave and noble warrior, he thought fondly. His own stomach wrenched with hunger pangs. A commotion drew his attention to the entrance to the camp and Swiftdarkness felt a thrill of emotions run through him. Standing tall and sleek, Shadowpaw stood in the gathered cats that he had thought to have lost. But all of them looked safe, better than safe really with their fit forms and glossy coats. A rumbling purr erupted from deep in his heart to pour out his throar as his kit - no his warrior came to him. His lovingly, playful nudge almost had Swiftdarkness tumbling to the ground, but the old warrior held strong. "Oh, Shadowpaw, you've come back to me," Swiftdarkness rasped as he licked one of Shadowpaw's slightly torn ears. My kit, my beautiful kit. Glancing behind Shadowpaw, Swiftdarkness knew that his sapphire eyes shone with pride at the sight of his youngest kit still hale and hearty. How proud I am of you, Shadowpaw. I don't even know what words to say. You've kept your sister alive, and that was no simple task with Littlepaw, and you brought her home with you. Sobering when Shadowpaw delightfully asked for his mother, Swiftdarkness felt the empty void in his chest grow. His eyes became deadened, and he sadly noted that his kit had the same ex pression. Too young, are you, for that look. Licking his lips, Swiftdarkness hung his head shamefully. "She loved you so much, Shadowpaw," the ebony warrior whispered hoarsely, "don't you ever forget that. Falconwing has-" a lump choked him, but he continued, "She watches over us through StarClan, Shadowpaw. She died in honor, protecting her clan and loved ones." Grief filled him again as Swiftdarkness relived the sight of Falconwing's lifeless, mangled body. She had been so youthful and vibrant when they were younger, but the harshness of the world has broken her tender soul. For that, Swiftdarkness hated it but continued to live. He lived to better the life of his clan, selfishly for his kits. Though, looking into Shadowpaw's eyes, Swiftdarkness knew that he had already failed.
Just call me Siri.
5:16pm Oct 14 2010
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Nodding Hawkmask smiled. "That sounds good." she stated and smiled. "I'll go find Painfullpaw. You can find Grayheart. We'll meet back here." she stated and padded to find the apprentice. Spotting Panthergaze she smiled lightly at him and went off to find the mute apprentice. Spotting him she prodded his side and he looked up. "Would you like to join Firtail maybe grayheart and I in a hunting patrol?" she asked as she smilled. Seeing the toms ex pression he got up and nodded. Noding she motioned for him to follow. Painfullpaw followed and waited with Hawkmask. He didn't mind being near the she cat for she rarely ever shivered at his looks. The only time she ever did in shock was when she had seen his scars as a kit. He knew Hawkmask had been fooled by his fathers kindness and it probably shocked all the clan when he was almost killed. He hadn't been able to save his littermates when the attack had happened. He promised to never live his hugest failure down. Snowkit sighed. "Not yet. I think everyone still thinks I'm a new born. Mouse doung. I'm older then my two littermates. And they're 7 moons." he stated in a snarl. Hearing the tom who he had learned was Tarnocht chuckle he glared slightly to the ground. I'll ned to see if Mistsoul has an idea that could help me. I will get rid of you Tarnocht. He thought and hissed at the black tom. Looking up he stared at Redpaw like the tom was the same age as him. "Falconwing has died. I thought you should be informed." he stated and sighed. "I must be off." he stated and padded away from the older tom. Heading to where he knew Mistsoul would probably be. Poking his head in he breathed in the scents. "Mistsoul? Are you here?" he asked as he kept himself ready incase Nightfall was in a snppy mood. Or Gentleheart for that matter. She seemed to be rather snappy just like his mother Emeraldrain. Tarnocht certainly had told him to just kill the old broad and get it over with. But Snowkit knew better. And defied the tom. Shaking the snow off of his black pelt, Blackwolf padded grouchily after his apprentice and snarled. "Hurry up and find something Featherpaw. Or I'll call you Featherkit again" he spat and went off to find a mouse or thrush. As he spotted Panthergaze and Starpaw. Two toms he wanted dead more then anything. "Oh look. The loners are with eachother agian. What a coincidence. I'm surprised Hawkmask isn't tagging along with you. Oh right. She went after another tom. And sadly...it's not me. You two sicken me. Loners. What's wrose is that I have to see you both everyday. And the scrawny cat become a warrior. How pathetic. Starpaw you're so small you couldn't even catch a mouse if you're life depended on it." he snarled and padded out of the bushes. These cats made his blood boil and wanted to tear their throats.
8:03pm Oct 14 2010
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ooc; Oh dear... New post will be coming soon.
9:07pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Dec 1 2010)
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ooc; I know, I made this page humungus....... But I wanted to keep my characters together with the rp. The Basics: Name:Rainkit (Rainpaw) { Rainfeather} [Rainstar] Nicknames:LongClaws, Mutant, freak Age:19 moons Position:Leader Gender:She-cat Birthplace:FireClan Residence:IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Piercing Ice blue Coat Color: White spotted silver pelt. Scars: One across the eyes, a different scar on the back of her leg, and a long scar on her back. Distinguishing Features:The Icy blue eyes, very long black claws, tall, silvery fur -link coming- , The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, birds and how they chirp, Likes: Being accepted to her Clan, feeling as one of them even though she desn’t fit in. Dislikes: Being judged because of her Claws, where she came from, who her father was, Secret(s): I have been A ScarletClan cat, there mark is on the back of my leg, I also am from FireClan I look like them. Thin, and fast. Weaknesses: Too much Sympathy, unstable emotions, love. Always wanted a mate, if someone were to pick on me, that would be the thing to pick on. Strengths: Very very fast, sleek, long Claws for battle Pet Peeves: Being called any nicknames, from ‘LongClaws’ to ‘Mutant’ Fears: Having kits, The Other: Scent: Bright scent, flashy, but distant, like the scent of a past forest fire, Crush: none Family: Rosepaw, larkpaw, Jadepaw, Featherpaw, Nightfall, Poisonheart. Deceased; Brother Redstorm, sisiter, Blackfang, Mother Pheonixstar, Father Iceheart. Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope. Kits are weird. Additional Information: Rainfeather always had lived a hard life, being born half Clan and Both of those Clans she never even lived in, her Father being Iceheart, her sister Blackfang nearly destroying the Clans, and her Genetically tested Claws. Knowing she would never fit in, when Rainfeather was a kit, she ran away from IceClan, to Find a Clan of some sorts, called ScarletClan. ScarletClan, the Clan of cats for albino's accepted Rainfeather, because of her crimson colored eyes, they gave her a scar of there symbol on her back leg, like they do to there young, and trained her as if she was one of there own. Rainfeather had gone hunting one day, and she got captured and genetically tested on, making her have abnormally huge Claws and changing her eye color to a pricing Ice blue. Later in Rainfeather's life, when she was an apprentice, Redpaw(Storm) Was tested on too Changing his, normally ginger pelt to an actual red color. Rainfeather never kept trying to be trusted, until she finally got to her warrior life, when she attacked, and blinded a cat from her own Clan, under the control of Iceheart. Later Rainfeather suffered the sorrow of her Brother Redstorm, and her Sister Blackfang's deaths, and she knew that after that she could only try to be trusted again. Being the harsh and kind she cat, with all her feelings coming out at once, you may find it that you automatically like her, or automatically hate her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Basics: Name: Cardinalkit (Cardinalpaw) {Cardinaltail} Nicknames: None so far. Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: Tom Birthplace: Old ScarletClan territory. Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Vibrant, fiery red Coat Color: White, with brown stripes, a black underbelly and a red tail. Scars: A scar across the bridge of his nose. Distinguishing Features: Long tail, red eyes, very skinny and tall, and odd pelt markings
The Personality: Loves: Hunting, and being depended on by other Clan mates, being trusted. Likes: Being included with Rosepaw and the other adopted siblings, he doesn’t like feeling like the outsider. Dislikes: Swimming, anything to do with water, CaveClan cats, Secret(s): I am Cinderstar’s son. Weaknesses: Fast comebacks, verbal fights Strengths: Respectful and quick learner, hunting and fighting Pet Peeves: Confrontation with She-cats. The Other: Scent: Golden-rod, sweet but brisk. Crush: -Open- Family: Deceased Ivynose and Cinderstar. Adopted Mother Eaglestar, and Adopted sisters, Rosepaw, Featherpaw, Larkpaw, Jadepaw. Mate: N/A Offspring: No. That is all I am going to say. T_T Additional Information: Cardinalpaw is a very unique cat, he is very respectful of his senior warriors and the warrior code. Being half Clan doesn't seem to bother this cat, he keeps on going knowing he will probably never see his father or brother again. Ivynose would have been a great mother, but she would have never had known what her son had looked like after being blinded, and having Cardinalpaw and Arrowpaw as an elder could have striped her from them, but she never got to know Cardinalpaw's loyalty to his adopted Clan because she died before he could say goodbye.others whisper behind his back about his and his emaciated size. Also Starpaw is petrified to fight, always seeing the face of the fox that slaughtered his family instead of an enemy warrior. Cardinalpaw’s brother Arrowpaw is now in FireClan, with the Remaining ScarletClan cats.But due to his intellectual smartness, though, he enjoys watching Mistsoul and Nightfall work, he always enjoys being able to learn new things. The Basics: Name: -Windkit- (Windpaw) {Windprint} Nicknames: Hopefully none... Age: 22 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: CaveClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Green/blue Coat Color: White with coal colored streaks. Scars: none Distinguishing Features: Different pelt & build.
The Personality: Loves: His Clan, Likes: Hunting, teaching apprentice's, kits. Dislikes: Being mocked, Secret(s): I have loved Mistsoul for a long long time... NOW SHE IS DEAD. T_T Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, emotions getting in the way of things. Strengths: Seeing in the dark, hunting, running Pet Peeves: Stepping in anything wet. The Other: Scent: The FireClan river, sweet and cool. Crush: >Open... Family: N/A Mate: Maybe some day <3 Offspring: I want some.. Additional Information Very kind and loving tom cat with the love of kits... Is very loyal to his Clan; and will question everything you say to him. However, he does not know about his CaveClan nature, which makes him stand out around the IceClan cats. The Basics: Name: Hawkkit -Shatteredkit- (Shatteredpaw) {Shatteredrose} Nicknames: Dead foot, stump Age: 16 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Shallow light blue Coat Color: Very deep ginger tabby Scars: Torn ear, lost foot, other pelt scars Distinguishing Features: The dark pelt color, lost paw, torn ear. http://th02.deviantart.net/fs51/300W/f/2009/269/1/3/Hawkfrost_by_Fiercesoul.jpg The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, Likes: the smell of horsetail Dislikes: Being disabled and teased because of it, not being able to hear from her left ear Secret(s): My father is Nightclaw of FireClan, and my sisters aren’t related to me Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, hunting, hearing from the left side of her, running Strengths: Sharp toung, free living almost :P Pet Peeves: not being able to run The Other: Scent: Dried leaves from fall Crush: -Open- Family: Father: Nightclaw Mother: Jayflight Mate: Uh, no. Offspring: No thank you…? Additional Information :Shatteredrose would make a terrible leader, her small sense of awareness and her shy but outgoing personality would destroy IceClan. Her courage, disappeared after she got attacked by a fox at young, causing her paw to be lost. But lucky for her, StarClan has nothing for her like that in her road, they are worked around her Hard apprenticeship to give her a great future as her new ti tle as a warrior.
9:09pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 4:49pm Dec 1 2010)
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The Basics: Name: -Nightkit- (Nightpaw) {Nightfall} Nicknames: None... I hope, I don't get any though... o_0 Age: 16 moons Position: Medicine Cat Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light pale blue Coat Color: Pure Jet black Scars: none so far, Distinguishing Features: Different, FireClan Build. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/184/428471542_19d8542fa3.jpg The Personality: Loves: My Clan, My position, healing Likes: Being a little different, Dislikes: Not being able to see, being judged about where she was born. Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father is Snowdarkness, the murderess FireClan medicine cat. I haven't told Poisonheart who our father is yet... I don't plan on it though... Weaknesses: Fighting, emotional strength, Strengths: Sharp comebacks, Pet Peeves: stepping in mud and water, which makes me wonder why, I am fully FireClan. :S The Other: Scent: Mourning, the day after a thunderstorm. Crush: -OPEN- Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: I am forbidden to have one... But I wouldn't mind one. Offspring: No..................... >Cries< Additional Information :Nightfall's personality is unlike her mother, Blackfang's , she rarely gets angry and puts the needs of her Clan first. Nightfall will be sweet and kind hearted again though, the thought of her Father being a medicine cat, a murderer and knowing she is a mistake hurts her like nothing she has ever felt before. Some cats still can tell that she is related to her terroris mother, her tall legs and black fur is a major resemblance, but that doesn't bother her as much as knowing who her parents are and loosing a relative, to fact, because they have different mothers. But What StarClan can say to Nightpaw is that her path will be getting allot more interesting... The Basics: Name: -Featherkit- (Featherpaw) {Featherstorm} Nicknames: If. You. Give. Me. One. You. Are. Dead. T-T Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Flashing bright red. Coat Color: Leopard spotted and tan. Scars: One cut on her ear, and one thin one down her back. Distinguishing Features: Red eyes, Sharp black Claws. http://cats.about.com/library/graphics/breeds/bengal/ohmydreamweaver.jpg The Personality: Loves: My parents. Which are dead. Likes: Being very aggressive. Dislikes: Rosepaw, Larkpaw, snowkit, etc. Secret(s): My mentor, Blackfang told me that he killed Eaglestar. I tried to tell the others. They didn't believe me. My mentor also is ruff with me............... >,= Weaknesses: Being nice, confiding in others. Strengths: Fighting, Hunting, Pet Peeves: Being told what to do. The Other: Scent: Smoke after it has burned through the forest.... Crush: -OPEN- But I won't have a crush on them. Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: NU. >3 ha turned down. Offspring: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I am an apprentice, genius. Additional Information :Featherpaw will never be a easy cat to like, her fast tung and easily triggered aggressiveness will always remind her cats of her Aunt Blackfang. But unlike her, she has some things that will make her moods turn around, but right now no cat knows these things but her. Part of Featherpaw's personality is also how she treats her apprenticeship, she is oddly willing to do everything her mentor tells her to, in order to be like her father, and also her mother Redstorm & Eaglestar.
Looks: Name: Rosekit Gender: Female Position: kit Crush: Redpaw Mate: no Age: 5 and 1 half moons Personality: Rosekit will be a fantastic warrior, with her strategy from kithood, to her apprenticeship. Her kind personality makes a very loyal friend and you may have a hard time letting her go. Kin: Rainfeather, Eaglestar, sunstripe Redstorm, Blackfang, Ivynose. Appearance: Beautiful dark red she cat, with Cream spots, A white muzzle and Brilliant blue eyes.
9:10pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 4:51pm Dec 1 2010)
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The FireClan cats! The Basics: Name: Snowkit (Snowpaw) {Snowshread} Age: 19 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: FireClan Residence: FireClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light grey blue Coat Color: Pure white Scars: one on his back leg. Distinguishing Features: Broad shoulders and bigger ears. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk206/Mossheart31/Warriors/GW300H312.jpg The Personality: Loves: N/A Likes: Water, swimming, and Climbing Dislikes: his pink nose, having white fur, and bossy toms. Secret(s): I am half rouge. My father was a Clan cat and my mother, a rouge. Weaknesses: Easy confusion, slow runner, the sight of blood or an injury. Strengths: Hunting, outstanding hearing, webbed paws like all FireClan warriors, strong swimmer. Pet Peeves: Being called 'Web feet,' or 'Scared' for being stunned by blood. The Other: Scent: Minty, like water-mint, with a tang of pine. Crush: nope Family: A rouge named 'Velvet' and his father is unknown. Mate: N/A Offspring: Really? No. >.< Additional Information: Ruff, touchy, but can be the best friend. The Basics: Name: Gingerkit (Gingerpaw) {Gingerstream} Age: 15 moons Position: Warrior Gender: female Birthplace: FireClan Residence: FireClan Crush: Shadowpaw. The Appearance: Eye Color: Pure sky blue. Coat Color: White with ginger tips. Scars: One torn ear and a scar across her eye, Distinguishing Features: Bright eyes, and pelt color. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:R32Px5lWQvASHM:http://www.freewebs.com/moonstar-sunstar/Honeypaw.jpg&t=1 Name: / Larkspur Gender: Female Position: Medi cat Crush: open Mate:forbidden Appearance: Larkspur> http://th01.deviantart.com/fs25/300W/f/2008/111/2/e/Cat_by_cahlives.jpg The Basics: Name:Riverkit (Riverpaw) { Riverbreeze} Age:17 moons Position:Deputy Gender:She-cat Birthplace:FireClan Residence:FireClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light blue Coat Color: White striped blue/grey pelt. Distinguishing Features: Pretty frame. 
9:27pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm Dec 1 2010)
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The Basics: Name: Amber (Amberpaw) {Amberflame} Age: 29 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: Two-leg place outskirts. Residence: FireClan. The Appearance: Eye Color: Stripy amber/ green. Coat Color: Dark calico, thick fur. Scars: A long scar on her side. Distinguishing Features: A split tail, it looks like she has two tails. http://www.petcatguide.com/calico-cat-closeup The Personality: Loves: Never. Likes: Fighting, her Clan, and Revenge. Dislikes: Cats better than her, cats that are crushing on her, frogs. Secret(s): My father was killed by my mother. I never grew up properly, I was a loner named Amber. Weaknesses: Fear of frogs, split tail (not very good balance), blurry vision in left eye, swimming. (Making it hard for her to fit into a Clan that lives on a river.) Strengths: Battling, bigger size, sharp claws. Pet Peeves: Frogs.... infront of me.... When other cats are there, It makes me seem week. The Other: Scent: Sharp, but tangy, smells of parsley. Crush: -Open- but she won't notice. Family: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: I hate kits. Additional Information: Vengeful, full-scale planning type. Brilliant cat actually. But uses it for the wrong reasons. The Basics: Name: Bluekit (Bluepaw) {Blueshadow}/ Dustkit (Dustprint) {Dustprint} Age: 16 moons/ 19 moons Position: Warrior/Warrior Gender: She-cat/Tom Residence: FireClan/FireClan The Appearance: Eye Color:Light green blue/ light green yellow Coat Color: Blue silver grey/ pale beige with dark brown thin stripes Distinguishing Features: Unusual clumsiness/ different pelt color http://sahmet.ru/cat_l/blue_392.jpg http://sahmet.ru/cat_l/ff1.jpg The Personality: Weaknesses: Sight of injury, / frustration and anger Strengths: Running,/Running, training Pet Peeves: Being called 'Web feet,' or 'Scared' for being stunned by blood. The Other: Crush: open/no Mate: N/A Additional Information: A brave she-cat, Blueshadow is. She doesn't always lives in the shadow of her name, however, she actually is best represented by daring, brave, and light(or bright). Once you have be-friended her, she will stand with you (if it is right) for almost everything. / A sometimes dark cat, with the speed of a rabbit at his best. He is good friends with Darkstorm, and when they were apprentice's, caused all the trouble. ooc; Fail..... Rosepaw looked up at her mentor, her crystal colored eyes smoldering with grief, "It is okay." she choked out, her mouth feeling as dry as ever. "Can... Can we train now?" she asked quietly. Rosepaw missed her mother, but she knew she wasn't coming back. Ever. Standing up, she brushed her smooth cream flecked rose pelt on her mentor's. Tears streaming down her face. Nightfall listened to Starpaw, " You have been coming along quite nicely," she meowed, "Are you sure you don't want to go out training with Windprint today?" He hasn't for quite some time now, every time I p*censored* Windprint he smells of worry. Featherpaw's torn ears flicked, a bolt of lightning pain stabbed through her. "Right," she hissed, "I will then." Featherpaw don't mess this up! her voice meowed to her in her head. "I won't!" she yowled out-loud. Feeling her paw's begin to shake, she turned away from the nasty glare from her mentor. "I hate you." she hissed at him, all her anger flooding over her. Stomping into the sand covered land, fear shook her to her tail tip. No.... she knew that her mentor had shreded her ear before, He may do it again. she thought. "I won't let him!" she hissed her voice shacking as she padded through the sodden snow. "I will be a better warrior... I will be!" she hissed flexing her long ebony claws into the sand mixed snow. Her crimson fiery eyes were burning with anger as she padded through the territory. Tasting the air, she smelt something like a shrew. Spinning around quietly, she noticed the creature. Leaping over and landing on it, she tore it to pieces, her Claws sinking deeply into the tiny creatures flesh, covering her paws caressed in blood.
1:24am Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Eklipse, you're post isn't fail. You posted much more than a one or two liner, so you should be proud. ^.^ I look to improve my posts more and more, but I don't call any of them fail. Well, except that one, remember? It was like one sentence long. Never doing that again. It's a little too late for me to post, so I will do it in the morning. Oh, and they are still in IceClan. I didn't think we could leave just yet to the new land because the other clans would be left behind. =/
Just call me Siri.
6:50am Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Lilac stared at all the cats, trying to recognize their faces and scents. One, with the distant smell of a fresh forest breeze stood out. He was so much taller, and his coat.... It was amazing! She trotted forward slowly, and kept herself lw, to show no harm. "'Scuse me, I'm Lilac, what's your name?" Cheetahwind jumped a mile into the sky. "Who are you?" He hissed. The giant cat intimidated him, but he would fight to the death to save everyone else. He swished his tail threataningly.
12:09pm Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Thanks Siri -blushes- but it's not that good. BiC: From the very first moment his father spoke to him, Shadowpaw knew something was seriously wrong. Swiftdarkness looked slightly more ragged and a haunted look adorned his normally bright eyes. Even the gentle nudge of affection seemed to almost send the older cat tumbling, something that seemed surreal. Then he started to talk about his mother and the sense of dread swept through the black tom, who instinctively took a step back.The last words Swiftdarkness spoke sent claws into Shadowpaw's heart, shredding it until it almost ceased to beat. Letting out a breadth he did not realize he was holding, he laughed loudly, ears flat against his skull. "Thats...thats funny father." He meowed, voice wavering. "It almost sounded like you said mother was dead." Another chuckled broke through his throat, but it sounded hallow even to his ears. Staring at Swiftdarkness, he opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to make sense of the others toms words. He was lying, he had to be lying because he could not believe Starclan had the power to be even more cruel then they already had shown themselves to be. But how could they take Falconwing? She never hurt an cat, she was so lively and sweet. To him she was the light of the clan that made living every day so much more then just bearable. It was then he realized tears were streaming down his cheeks, flattening the fur there and creating rivulets through his normally glossy fur. "She's really dead." He whispered to himself, legs suddenly giving out on him and he let his belly plop onto the ground. "Mothers really gone." Looking up, he tried to meet Swiftdarkness's eyes. "What..." He choked out. "What happened?" --- Starpaw jumped as Nightfall spoke, fur on the back of his neck prickling with embarr*censored*ment. "Err, I could I guess." He sighed bitterly and walked closer to Nightfall so no other cat could hear him. Even though she she-cat was slightly sharp of tongue and hard to get along with at times, Starpaw trusted her over every cat except Panthergaze and Mistsoul. "I don't feel worthy to be Windprint's apprentice." He whispered, scuffling his paws. "I'm just going to humiliate him because I can't do anything a normal apprentice can do." Looking up, he blinked sadly. "I can't fight, i'm to slow and clumsy. Not to mention I bruise easier then most." He spat bitterly. "I can't hunt, seeing as I can't run more then a few steps without tripping over my own paws. What good am I to the clan?" He asked, hoping she could give him some answer.

5:09pm Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
A part of Swiftdarkness broke when Shadowpaw laughed so heartlessly. He knew it wasn't at him or at the death of Falconwing, it was in denial. Utter disbelief that Falconwing had actually left this place to go to StarClan. He looked down at his stick-bone paws as tears burned in his eyes. They began to fall to the icy ground and Swiftdarkness watched as they couldn't even melt through to the soil. How funny, the ground is as frozen as my heart. His silent tears took too much effort for his weakened body, so the drops slowly ceased. Swiftdarkness knew that it would take time for his kits to understand that their mother was gone. At times he couldn't believe that she was gone, often finding himself purring to her in the morning only to find her spot in his nest empty. Swiftdarkness knew that his heart had followed Falconwing to StarClan, but two pieces remained and he would love them until it was his time to join her. Until then he would fight for every breath for his kits. "What...what happened?" Swiftdarkness heard Shadowpaw ask. Those were the words he feared the most. He didn't want to tell his son about how Falconwing had slowly lost her mind or how mutilated the monster had made her body. He wanted to keep this horrid knowledge to himself, to protect his kit, but he knew that Shadowpaw wouldn't stop until he knew. He would ask another warrior, and they would tell him. So he knew, deep inside, that it was best for him to tell his son. Licking his lips, his mouth suddenly going dry, Swiftdarkness opened his mouth to speak then paused. Changing his mind, he whispered softly, "Here and now is not the time, Shadowpaw." Pressing his nose to his son's cheek, Swiftdarkness took in his scent, revealing in the fact that he was home and safe. "I will tell you the story when the sun is high tomorrow, and Littlepaw needs to hear it as well," he meowed. Then sternly added, "Don't ask others to tell you. I want to be the one, but for now let me love the two kits I thought were lost to me." Closing his sapphire eyes, Swiftdarkness rubbed his chin over Shadowpaw's head, even though his son had grown taller than he. Pulling away slowly, he motioned with his tail for Shadowpaw to follow as Swiftdarkness loped awkwardly up to Littlepaw. Though she was still small like her name implied, the she-cat had grown as well. "Little one," he rasped, "I've missed you so!" Licking her cheek, Swiftdarkness pulled back to stare down into the eyes that would haunt him day and night. Just like her mothers, just like Shadowpaw's too. How he loved that Falcowing would be remembered in their eyes, yet it would be a daily reminder to him now of what he lost.
Just call me Siri.
5:11pm Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Firtail, Mistsoul, and Redpaw are all coming too. ^.^ I just need to give my hand a break from all the typing.
Just call me Siri.
5:17pm Oct 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Just for the Sake of the Original DITF We should bump it up, just to say that It has been alive for a whole year. ~East and my Idea. Siri:: Thank you! And I do remember that mini post. It was cute! xD bic; Nightfall breathed deeply, as the cool breeze smoothed her black fur. Moving her head up to the sky, she meowed, "You make it so hard for me to answer, Starpaw." Pressing her black nose to his silver head, she murmured, "You will never be an emberas.sment... " Letting the words slide smoothly out of her mouth, she whispered. "I am the real embera.ssment." I am related to 2 murderers, and still can't tell the rest of the Clan, let alone my own sister! Lifting her head, she padded back into the herb den. Checking over the stocks of herbs, just to make sure everything was in it's precise spot, she knew that the dream she had received from StarClan meant now. Gathering the broken leaf dust carefully with her back paws, she pushed it onto a aspen leaf, and wrapped it neatly with her paws. Sweeping the remains into a pile she dipped a leaf into a little pool of water and mixed it into the herb dust, making a sweet-smelling poultice. Nightfall scooped the mixture into a larger leaf, closing it tightly. Feeling the refreshing slice of wind through her fur, she set the aspen leaf down in front of the small apprentice, and dropped the other leaf down in front of her paws. Breathing in she meowed, "Show me your spot in the Clan." Letting the sent of dried herbs seep into her nostrils, she turned to him. "Open the leaf wrap before you, and let the dust fly onto you." Taking a few steps back with her leaf wrap, she sat down and curled her black tail around her paws, Only one herb will be attracted to his fur Nightfall. Meowed a deep voice in her head, He will find where he belongs from this, then after. You know what to do. "I know." breathed Nightfall. The wind was blowing toward Starpaw, and she knew this would work out wonderfully.
5:22pm Oct 15 2010
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ooc; >Cries< I feel bad for the,.... dramatic... =sadness. xD
5:35pm Oct 15 2010
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Rainstar padded up to Patchpelt, "You needed to speak to me?" she asked, her ice blue eyes cold flames. "Uh............... Or.." Rainstar looked away from the she-cat's confused green eyes. "You.. You wanted to speak to Eaglestar?" Sitting down Rainstar flexed her long claws into the soft sandy floor. This may be awkward. Rainstar decided. Flicking her tail from side to side, Rainstar beaconed Patchpelt into her new den. "What do you need to tell me?" She asked again, hoping she wouldn't anger Patchpelt with her odd phrases, and well... Being the new leader.