11:38am Nov 27 2010
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"But you gave us hope. Thanks to your journey we know there is something waiting for us out there. Only one question remains though, if we wil make it, but...I believe our faith is strong enough. It is our bodies that hold us back." Giving a smal shake of her head, more to clear it than to shak the snow and water out of her thick fur. It's true thogh. He did leave us, but to think like that is selfish. He travelled so far to help us, and he came back. It wasn't desertion. Letting these thoughts ferment in her mind, Leopardwind turned to brighter prospects.
"Yes we starved," she meowed after a few heartbeats, more voicing her newer thoughts than actually speaking to the tom. "But it was worth it. So much commotion and...fear and hate, filled the camp. I hate these times."
Leopardwind ducked her head in a gesture of shame at what she as about to say. "I think that leaving our home is...good. So many bad memories lie intewined with our old home, it feels a bit cleansing to leave them behind. Let them fester in our old camp. We can create new memories in a home fit for the Clans."

3:27pm Nov 27 2010
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When the clans seemed to have settled down, Swiftdarkness took up an spot beside Rainstar. Curling up into a tight ball, the deputy rested his head on his forepaws to rest. Though, he kept one eye open to watch over his leader. In the chaos, it would be easy to bump into her. With a yawn, Swiftdarkness meowed, "Rainstar, should we not have one of the journey cats lead tomorrow? You did well today and none of them complained about your direction, but I do believe they would know the shortest way so one of them would be best." He found it odd how Rainstar had guided them in the correct direction, but he didn't bother to investigate it too much. Maybe one of the cats told her while I wasn't by her side, he thought as sleep drifted closer. OoC: I'm going to be gone this weekend. So don't mind me if I don't post. ^.^ When I get back there will be finals for me, but I will try to post as soon as possible.
Just call me Siri.
5:32pm Nov 27 2010
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Limping in pain Lostfoot tried to move his aching front paw from the powerful coarse ground, of which seemed like a thousand strong warriors hardened and ready for battle, were glaring up at his now weak limbs and body. Staring at the ground he once remembered from moons past he knew he would never see this again...and he was hardened to leave his home. Shaking legs he laid on the ground and with pained eyes looked up to the sky as his ancestors stared out with sadness and uncertainty as he thought it to be. "Were we wrong Starclan? Were the sand lands not our home to be?" he asked as he wondered to what the great cats of long seasons past watched them. With laying his head down the old tom slowly drifted into sleep. Shooting his eyes wide he looked around himself as Lostfoot saw nothing but the dust and heard yowls and hisses of many many cats. Lifting his body up he limped to peak out of the shelter of the trees. Wait...trees? These trees have been cut down. Why are they standing tall again? He silently questioned and looked to see a horrorfull sight. Cats...many different cats of whom he had never known in the heat of raging bloody battle. Each one fury in it's eyes and fangs out grown to kill it's enemies. No one he noticed were allies. The sepia vision of his eyes told him he was fast asleep...and that this was something must pay attention to. He was scared that ne of these cats would kill him if he had been noticed. But to his grea surprise he noticed none of them were even seeing him.
A flash of darkness ran through him and yet...he felt the blow as if he had actually been there himself. Looking behind him he saw a small tom running for his life. Two more chased after him. Taller stronger and much more bulkier then the one he had seen before. Shock filling him he was shooken out of his shock when the blood chilling yowl of the tom being caught filled his ears. Rushing towards the tom he saw the other two bolt out and straight through him again. Being blown back by the hits he looked up and niether had ever known he was their nor noticed the hit. Rolling over he got up and rushed to the young tom. Lying there breathing most heavily the tom was bleeding his blood making a small river to the outside of the cave his clan mates were now in. The tom jerking his head up looked at Lostfoot with fear and pleading for help. Lostfoot shook intensly as he watched the young tom cry in silent pain. "P-please...h-help...m-m-me." he pleaded and repeated his plead for help over and over again. Lostfoot shook unknowing as to what to do. He watched in horror as the tom tried to lift his head a little more the tom gasping and panting in effort and pain and at last...letting his head to fall and hit the ground lying limp and his eyes gazing in the nothingness of death. Fear...sadness...and uncertainty filled him now. And he felt as if he was being dragged away by an unknown force. Looking around he saw darkness and before him a few bear lengths away he saw the toms body. "Welcome Lostfoot." whiping his head around he saw a cat old and graying by a hair before the dead toms body. "W-who are you?" he asked and the cat chuckled...not warmly not anything of that sort. There was nothing to this cats voice no emotions...nothing. "I am naturnoc. Look around and you will find many of the cats you saw in battle." the cat spoke and Lostfoot saw they were right. Many toms and she cats stood around the three cats. All of whom he saw and some unnoticed. "These many cats are the fallen. They fought in pure blindness. Blinded by hatred...blinded by bloodthirst...they remain unkempt and unloved. This tom...was of no fighter in this battle...but no cat cared. This is their punishment...their remains...dark figures of the night...dark spirits of the world. Some follow you're clan...others follow no one. They follow the clans...to create a new battle...to make them have a punishment...much like theirs. I believe other cats of other clans are to have the same dream. Find Oriens body...and he shall be saved. Spared a punishment not his...brought to a newer land of peace and unafraid to let a day go by. You will not be part of this battle...you're end is comming quickly...and I shall tell another cat of whom is to take over the battle for you're place." the cat said and Lostfoot nodded. "I understand. Thank you." Nodding the cat smiled and layed it's nose upon his head and with that...all darkness consumed him.
Jolting up Lostfoot rushed to spot the tom was burried. Noticing everyone else was asleep he sighed and began to dig with one paw. His paw hitting a hard bare head he watched in horror as he saw Oriens injuries he had condommed from the cats. Seeing Ories once furry face now bare and dirt filled he replaced the sight with actual fur. Sighing Lostfoot sat over the dead cat and prayed for Starclan to give the young tom refuge from all the pain he had been through all his life. Resting his nose lightly on the cats head he took a ragged breath as to feel the head still warm. And burried him again as dawns light shown slowly in the sky. "May you rest forever lost one." he whispered and layed back to sleep.
Padding back Painfullpaw heard soft mewlling and looked around him. Following his ears Paifullpaw saw a small cold lump of fur lying on the ground. Eyes closed breath ragged a little he saw the others lying still frozen and dead. Looking back at the small kit he lowered his head and sniffed the small kit. Freezing but with a chance of living he glared around to see if he could find it's mother. Picking the kit up he looked around and fnally to see a sight he once thought could never happen. The mother looked to be dragged and slaughtered by another cat. Her eyes wide and mouth open like she was yowling for help he looked away and padded back to camp. Crying to loss this young kit had to face he felt hopeless and saw as Crimsonfang awoke.
Looking up to see Painfullpaw he saw the small bundle he carried. Glaring Crimsonfang hissed. "Painfullpaw put that thing away. Put it to rest can't you see we have enough problems as it is. It's only another mouth to feed and we don't have enough food to give it." He hissed but stopped abruptly as Painfullpaw set it down and glared feircely at Crimsonfang. He saw there was no point in bothering to get him to think straight. Lostfoot padded past Crimsonfang and sniffed the small kit. "Painfullpaw where did you find this kit." he ordered and Painfullpaw nodded for the old tom to follow. Lostfoot nodded and picked it up giving it to Crimsonfang. "W-what do you want me to do with this...this...this thing?" he hissed and Lostfoot glared. "Keep it warm. The queen was obviously not caring for it. I'll check on it when I get back." he whispered and padded away following the smaller tom.
When the two came back Crimsonfang huffed and glared at the two. "Well?! What did you find?" he hissed and Lostfoot sighed in pure sadness. "The queen been killed...along with it's siblings. She was slaghtered by brutality and hatred." he stated and Crimsonfang felt a pang of regret. "...Oh..." he said and looked down at the kit. "I'm sorry to hear that little buddy." he mewed softly and Lostfoot leaned down to sniff it. "It's a tom. And it's not as cold as when Painfullpaw brought it. Theres no doubt it'll survive." he mewed and licked it lightly.
Nudging Rainstar Crimsonfang knew he'd get a yelling at but he knew the kit needed a place to stay. "Rainstar...rainstar...wake up. I have something to tell you...about a kit Painfullpaw found in the woods." he whispered and hoped she would not yell at him. Painfullpaw stood beside him with the kit in his mouth and Lostfoot sitting infront of the den.
11:04pm Nov 27 2010
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[Damn, that was long. O___O]
11:27pm Nov 27 2010
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Posts: 779
My longest post yet.)
9:26am Nov 28 2010
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ooc; Sorry about that bad post on the other page. I wasn't exactly in the cat mood, and forgot to change the font, and color according to the cats because I was rushed off the computer. This post should be better. :) bic; Rainstar lifted her head from a mild sleep. She could only get that far because of the thunder in the background and random flashes of lightning. "That is a good Idea," she meowed to Swiftdarkness. The journeying cats had brought her with them for the first little bit of the trip, just so she could teach them all to catch prey the FireClan way for extra ability. "We will ask them also about there faults. We kneed to know where the bad things have happened to be able to travel around them." she pointed out. Because if these cats had problems and didn't tell her about them... That would be marked as very bad for her, and the rest of the Clans. Waiting for Swiftdarkness's approval on the suggestion, she rested her head on the dry gra.ss and tried to sleep. > "Rainstar...rainstar...wake up." a voice meowed to her. Rainstar angrily lifted her head. Here eyes had little sparkles of irritation in them. "I have something to tell you... About a kit Painfulpaw found in the woods." he finished. "Didn't you just tell me?" Rainstar meowed then got up and threw her head pack in a small effort to stretch her neck.
9:26am Nov 28 2010
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ooc; Very good Idea by the was Electro. :)
12:14pm Nov 28 2010
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Lostfoot sighed. "Rainstar...theres more to the story then you think." he sighed and hoped she would listen to his Crimsonfangs and Painfullpaws words. "The mother was dragged off and killed. And the kits brutally murdered." he said and looked to the entrance of the cave. "We think the cat's still out there. And there may be more then one. When Painfullpaw took me to show what he found we had found more then one paw set dragging the queen." he said and sighed. "The kit has no place to go...and I'm not willing to let it die." he said and let his head go a little low. The other two nodding. Mewling the kit cried a bit and Painfullpaw quickly and silently calmed it down. Licking it's head gently he looked at the three cats in hope the kit wouldn't be called a problem. Looking at the kit he smiled lightly at the small dark brown with a cream tinge underbelly bundle.
((Thanks Eklipse.))
12:34pm Nov 28 2010
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[I'll just...shove Spider in. x)]
Spider shivered as he layed the prone body gently on the earth, his thin pelt rustled by the wind and rain. Flattening his ears at the brutal slashes and cuts on the she-cats pelt he began licking them clean, his stomach churning slightly at the metallic taste. Closing his eyes so he would not have to see the wounds the rogue began working methodically, the gentle rhythm of his tongue soothing his pounding heart. Such a brutal attack, he thought with a slight wince, blinking his eyes open to view his handiwork. Though the wounds no longer bled, it looked as if someone had gone over the she-cat with one of those sharp-toothed monsters, her pelts parted in many places with deep, gaping cuts. Touching his paw to her muzzle he gently closed her eyes, feeling a sense of loss as he completed the odd ritual. She deserves this much, at least, he thought sadly.
He thought about the kit he had left at the scene, but he knew that whoever had attacked the she-cat might come back. The kit was better off alone, at any rate. Spider would never consider himself a good mate. Glancing down at the body again he groaned and moved his stiff legs, padding off a small ways away to a shallow dip in the ground he had scraped a few moments before. Touching one paw to the dirt as he had to the she-cat's muzzle, he murmured a quick prayer to StarClan before beginning to scrape more dirt from the hole. After a few heartbeats he stepped back and nodded. It was deep enough. Spider turned around and padded over to the she-cat, grasping her thick scruff in his jaws, body trembling with fatigue and fear. So unnatural, his thoughts echoed as he carried her as best he could over to the burial ground, flinching as he felt warm rivulets of blood cling to his fur. Laying her gently in the dip he began scraping the dirt back over her, ignoring the churning field of mud the quiet glade had become. Finally, the rogue's job was done and he sat down and contemplated his actions, wondering what had compelled him.
"I suppose," he began aloud, licking his paw and brushing it over his whiskers to wipe the dirt and grime that had gathered on them during the burial. "That she deserved it. Fighting to save her kit...I hope I didn't leave it to die."

4:27pm Nov 28 2010
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Rainstar flicked back her ears, "I thought you said it was dead." she meowed as she drew her paw over her head in an effort to nock some of the gra.ss off. Looking at Crimsonfang with a steady gaze, she meowed, "I will come and look.." Her effort was, well, effortless. She was irritated because she could not even co-operate with her own Clan mates withought sarcasm. They were getting on her nerves. Like they could do a better job? They would probably say 'yes'. Of course they would, they were like that toward her and she couldn't stop it... or could she? A bad feeling crept through Rainstar, she shoved it desperately away. She could never harm her Clan mates for the good of her own lifestyle; even if they were messing it up. "Well?" Rainstar meowed with a hint of hiss in her voice. "Where is it?" she asked when they were out of the shallow cave. She let her voice grow louder. It was not like the Clan cats could have herd from in there... Even though Rainstar didn't sound like it, she was actually loosing some irritation towards the cats. And that was probably good..ish. >> Rosepaw jumped, looking around, she only seen the erie light of the moon. Nothing. Nothing was coming after her. No dogs, just nothing... Shaking her head, she looked across the body of sleeping cats. She hadn't noticed that the storm had worn off. She quickly sheathed her claws. Her dream had done more than scare her, she must have scratched herself in the middle of it. There was a small trickle of blood flowing down her left leg. She licked it off, and cleaned the fur around it. The wound wasn't deep, so the first flow of blood from it was also it's last. That is a good thing. I hate being questioned. Her ears were flicked up, and she wasn't sure what to expect. If eater of her parents were alive, or Mistsoul, they would tell her to go back to sleep. And everything would be okay. "Yea, Like that was true?" Rosepaw meowed under her breath. It was a lie. She knew it; everything was not okay. It started going wrong after Redstorm died, and even after that Eaglestar promised her that everything was all right. "You left us all alone. No, you left me alone. Thanks." Resting her muzzle on her paws, she stared ahead with her crystal colored eyes, curious to see if she would fall asleep; just to wake up in fear as she did five minutes ago.
4:54pm Nov 28 2010
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Painfullpaw set the kit infront of Rainstar. The tiny bundel shivering and curled into a ball. Looking up at his leader he expected some sort of excuse and a possible blame on himself. Letting his head down he was waiting for her words. And the other two waited as welll.
6:05pm Nov 28 2010
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Rainstar's concern was growing as she seen the struggling kit. "Well," she meowed and kept her eyes on the kit. It was kind-of scarring her.. just moving around all... Stepping back before a spastic-like movement produced from the kit, she leapt back. "Uhh..........." Rainstar didn't have the slightest Idea what to do with a kit. An idea struck her soon though, "Right.." she meowed sharply. "Um.. uh take the kit to the; oh.. "She looked at it again, keeping her eye on it. " I mean Echovoice, Nightfall should be there too." she ended quickly, flinching as the kit made another heart wrenching noise. Biting her lip, she walked away quickly. Kits............. she shook herself, I will never get used to them.
6:28pm Nov 28 2010
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"Patchpelt?" He mewed in a kit-like pitch. With as much comfort and love as she could, Patchpelt snuggled Starpaw closer to her warm belly fur. The way he spoke told Patchpelt that he was in a more fragile state than she had thought. He was so thin, so small. Her head resting close to his, Patchpelt rumbled a purr as he whispered, "Thank you Patchpelt." His whisper sounded like too much effort, and that made Patchpelt nervous. She deeply wanted this apprentice to live. He deserved that much and more. When he makes to the new land, I will treat him like my own kit, Patchpelt thought with determination. She wasn't about to think about if's or maybe's because he would. She would make sure of it. What Blackwolf forced him to do was beyond cruel. "Sleep well, Starpaw," Patchpelt purred as she fell into sleep. OoC: Rosepaw's post makes it morning, right? BiC When the foggy, soft light of dawn brushed Patchpelt's fur the calico she-cat yawned. As awareness came back to her, Patchpelt almost jumped but the night before came back in a flash. With gentle jade eyes, blurry with sleep, Patchpelt looked down at Starpaw. He was considerably warmer than the night before. All the iciness had disappeared from his pelt, and she happily noted that it wasn't raining, snowing, or blowing outside of the den. Turning back to Starpaw, she licked his ear and opted to let him sleep some more and waited for other cats to come awake.
Just call me Siri.
7:11pm Nov 28 2010
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ooc; Yes, Basically. More like a dawn, when the moon is still in the sky, but the sun is rising. bic; Nightfall scented around the cave, There may be some herbs. she thought. Starpaw was probably still sleeping, so she would not bother asking him. Stepping carefully through the puddles, all the different Clan scents flowed into her nose. Today, even though it was wet, would be a good day to get out of the Clan's territories whatsoever. Coming across the scent of some mint, she stepped back onto dry land and dipped her head down to the smell. She breathed in, and water flowed into her nose. Jumping back she tried as hard as she could to get the substance out. A fierce pain was now irritating her, and all she could do was push her nose up against a near-by tree. "Must have been under water.." she meowed to herself. How could she had not smelt the fresh rain water before the mint?
8:11pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 8:15pm Nov 28 2010)
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ooc; I was just curious. In the books, each group of Clan cats are different looking. It would be kinda cool if we could do that with our Clans. I mean, (just an Idea) I changed FireClan's looks already. All of the cats (Exept a selected few) look like: 

Tall, big ears, long legs, very long claws, thin tail and very thin. If you want to see more of these cats, Go to: http://sahmet.ru/eng/efotoalbom12.html scroll down, and there are lots of different colors of them. That is what Rainstar is like too. She is pure FireClan, so she looks like that. Those cats are also known of Oriental Siamese cats. If anyone has a type of cat look for that Clan, that would be cool to see thanks! :)
8:20pm Nov 28 2010
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[IceClan as thick, heavy-set with fluffy fur. :3]
8:41pm Nov 28 2010
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OoC: TreeClan cats are typically Toyger-like, Bengel-like, and gold or brown Tabbies.
Just call me Siri.
3:34pm Nov 29 2010
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ooc; CaveClan? :P
3:39pm Nov 29 2010
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Caveclan I'd have to say a basically like dark furred cats who are most in the Tabby catagory. XD FAIL)
3:47pm Nov 29 2010
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ooc; Tis cool. Now that is off my brain. no more ideas>