5:58pm Nov 29 2010
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ooc; Bump. I am out of idea's for my own cats... ='3
6:02pm Nov 29 2010
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OoC: I'm out of ideas while the other cats are not awake. =/ Though, I kinda think we should only make all the clans journey up to the road, where the other cats did, then skip again to the new land. That's just me. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
6:04pm Nov 29 2010
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[I think Leopardwind said something to Kestrelheart. -can't remember- ><]
7:10pm Nov 29 2010
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Kk well I need some other cats to have a dream consisting this danger. XD ))
7:22pm Nov 29 2010
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Kestrelheart blinked warmly at the she cat and responded, his voice warmer, like honey, "Thank you. Really" his amber eyes gleamed with hope, "I guess, we did bring hope, but how do we know that this new place we found, so fertile and rich, will not in a few years, juist fall apart like this one?" Shaking his head to rid the thoughts he swallowed his depression, "No. We can't think like that. I didn't journey for four entirs moons to come back and discourage us from leaving, did I? No. Thanks you Leopardwind," he flicked her nose with his tail, "Thank you a lot"
8:16pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 8:16pm Nov 29 2010)
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Leopardwind gave Kestrelheart a fond smile. "Well, I did the best I could to cheer you up," she declared happily. Purring at her accomplishment she blinked her green eyes at him warmly. "And you know, low morale isn't good for this journey. Which, speaking of that, I think we should continue. The rain's letting up and I'm willing to say that it's going to be sunny sooner or later, but I'm definitely hoping it's sooner."
It seemed as if Leopardwind's prediction was correct, for though the rain was still falling steadily, the she-cat no longer felt as wet and bedraggled as before. And the ominou thunderheads had finally been replaced with only partially gray clouds, though thir bellies were still full of rain.
4:33pm Nov 30 2010
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ooc; I beleive Crimsonfang and Painfulpaw have yet to deliver a serration kit to Nightfall? >@ELECTRO And I will also take the place of the dream. bic; Rainstar noticed Wolfstar was awake; like that was a change? Most of the leaders were stirring, and she knew that it wouldn't be long till the Clans started moving again. Looking outside, she seen the sky lit up at the end of what she could see. A change... The days seemed to be getting longer, and the nights, smaller. Newleaf is coming soon. she thought. It was a double edged sword for the Clans though, yes, it would be warmer out, and yes, they would have almost worse traveling conditions. We could get to the new territories before that. she declared silently. It was probably wise to take a patrol out to catch some prey... but she may have to wait for more cats to wake up. Maybe Swiftdarkness could take some cats, or organize a patrol. The other Clans would defiantly be welcome to as well, but Rainstar really hoped that on the first day away from home, the boundaries and hostile nature between the Clans would begin to break down. Rainstar stood up, and scanned the body of sleeping, and awake cats for Swiftdarkness. He appeared to be awake, but nothing was for sure. Padding quietly over to him, she nudged his side, still not aware if he was awake or not. "Could you get a patrol ready for me? Particularly, a hunting patrol?" >>ooc; I am using Darkstorm for the dream... He is a FireClan warrior. Bic; Darkstorm awoke to a deep silence... Almost Erie. Her padded through the gra.sses, and to the top of a hill to see a great m*censored* of cats in his old territory, fighting amongst themselves. He looked down on them, deep blue eyes disturbed. Stepping back, he bumped into another cat. A dead cat, one not cared for. His killers ran away from him. Standing in horror, the cat murmured something to him, which he didn't understand then died.. "Welcome, Darkstorm." Darkstorm whipped his head around to a powerful cat. Darkness closed into the area he was standing in, erasing everything but one small area which her was standing in.It could have been huge for what he could know... Yes, Darkstorm was among the tall thin cats of FireClan but he wished not to pick a fight with this cat. "Where am I?" He asked with a rugged voice, "Who are you?" "I am naturnoc." The cat meowed, no ex pression at all in his voice. "These are some of the cats you seen in battle..." he gestured his tail toward the tom cats and she cats standing suddenly around them. Black and orange fur beginning to rise, he forced it down, but he could do nothing about his Claws. "These many cats are the fallen. They fought in pure blindness. Blinded by hatred...blinded by bloodthirst...they remain unkempt and unloved. This tom...was of no fighter in this battle...but no cat cared. This is their punishment...their remains...dark figures of the night...dark spirits of the world. Some follow you're clan...others follow no one. They follow the clans...to create a new battle...to make them have a punishment...much like theirs. I believe other cats of other clans are to have the same dream. Find Oriens body...and he shall be saved. Spared a punishment not his...brought to a newer land of peace and unafraid to let a day go by. " The cat said and Darkstorm backed away. His feet were burning and he meowed "I understand..." Nodding the cat smiled and laid it's nose upon his head and with that...all darkness consumed him. >> Darkstorm opened his eyes, he had jerked awake. "What. just. happened...?" ooc; And Siri, I found a mistake in the List of Cats. Cardinalpaw is Raveneyes' apprentice, not Shatteredrose. Painfulpaw is Shatteredrose's apprentice.
7:48pm Nov 30 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Nov 30 2010)
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OoC: Oh, thank you, Eklipse, for the correction. I will get right on that! ^.^ Edit: Rainstar's questions broke through Swiftdarkness's full mind, "Could you get a patrol ready for me? Particularly, a hunting patrol?" Blinking out of his thoughts, the ebony deputy wondered how long he had been day dreaming. Ever since he woke up to see the sun, not covered by snow clouds, he had been remembering Falconwing. He remembered the way she moved, fluid and grace, the feel of her pelt as it brushed against his, the taste of her scent, so rich it rested on the back of his tongue like cool water on a hot day. With a quick shake of his head, Swiftdarkness looked up into Rainstar's startling eyes without hesitation, "Of course, Rainstar." Dipping his head with respect, the ebony warrior stiffly gathered his paws under himself and padded off. Spying Maplepaw being a pesk to the grumbling Oaktail and Barksap, Swiftdarkness decided to be brave and ask the Treeclan warriors if they wouldn't mind hunting. "Oaktail, Barksap," dipping his head, barely, to each in greeting, Swiftdarkness paused before looking down at the spotted apprentice. "Maplepaw." "You're Swiftdarkness! The Iceclan deputy!" The tom apprentice chirped in his high, kit voice, "I know because you look wise and old!" Oaktail cuffed the kit over the head at the "old" comment. With a toothy grin, Barksap meowed, "Oaktail has his paws full with Maplepaw. I wish I had half as much energy as that kit. I don't know where he gets it from." Chuckling, Swiftdarkness responded, "I don't mind. I was actually wondering if you three wouldn't mind going on a hunting patrol with Rainstar and me. I have yet to ask Caveclan or Fireclan, but we all need to eat something." Being in the northern corner of Treeclan territory, Swiftdarkness hoped that in coming to the toms first it would keep from having pointless disputes over boarders. To his delight, Oaktail and Barksap agreed full heartedly without a fuss. Though Maplepaw had to add. "I'm not hunting for no Fireclan cat, whatever I catch is going straight to Speckledleaf and Fallenkit." With a hmpf the tom stood tall, daring Swiftdarkness to order him around. "Of course, Maplepaw, I will feed my queens and kits before another clan's so why not you too." Turning around, Swiftdarkness was aware of the three toms following him as he padded up to Blueshadow and an unfamiliar Caveclan she-cat, "Would you two come on a patrol with us?" Motioning to Rainstar with his tail, Swiftdarkness hoped her understood that he had the three Treeclan cats working with them and possibly the two cats before him too.
Just call me Siri.
8:30pm Nov 30 2010
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ooc; No problem Siri! I am one of those people that share in the perfection of random cat lists. :o bic; Brightleaf trekked through the forest, desperate to find even a single piece of prey. Her beautiful fur was plastered back from the resent rainstorm, wetting it, and the constant winter winds, drying it. Please StarClan let their be some prey! she pleaded in her mind. Her doubt of the mysterious ancestors seemed to be growing within her, and she knew that the Clan cats would soon have trouble with their faith within. Looking around the wind-swept lands, she didn't hear even the single chirp of a bird... That usual bird... Something was wrong. Brightleaf ran back to where the Clan cats were camping out. There was always the singled out chirp of some bird in the territories. That bird would never be able to be caught, because of it's placement in the flimsy, tall newborn trees. She let her feet skim the snow; this part of her day would have been more enjoyable if she didn't have the constant threatening of the hunger in her stomach. Running through the wind, with all of the winter season behind her feet, she smiled, narrowed her neon yellow eyes, and bolted even faster to the camp. "No prey," she meowed as she entered the camp. Looking around for Lostfoot, she felt some longing towards him. Some feeling, not love, but companionship. Brightleaf enjoyed being around all the different Clans; especially CaveClan. Her birth Clan. Sitting in the middle of the Camp, she realized how anti-social she felt. She had only spoke to the journeying cats, no other cats after that though. Resting her feet, she stopped shuffleing, and longed for a good conversation, with some cat that didn't have anything at all in common with her. ooc; It feels good to play Brightleaf again. I almost forgot about her! I am sorry Brightleaf... ='3
8:41pm Nov 30 2010
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OoC: I hope my posts still fits, I have to check out something else, but if it doesn't I will certainly edit it later ^.^
Just call me Siri.
4:16pm Dec 1 2010 (last edited on 9:41am Dec 2 2010)
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ooc; I think I fell in love with Maplepaw. So cute! :3 bic; Blueshadow looked at Swiftdarkness, green blue eyes intrigued by the group of Cats he had gathered. "I have nothing to loose," she murmured as she looked at her paws. "Sure, it could be interesting." she meowed her voice brightened. Standing up, she meowed to the CaveClan cat beside her, Crowscar, "Are you gonna come?" Not really waiting for an answer, she paused, Should I bring Flamepaw...? she wondered. No, that apprentice would probably be to shy to go on a patrol with the majoraty of Cats from other Clans. He would probably have to be dragged with her, and plead every other second.. "So, uh..." She felt awkward with so many different cats, yet more comfortable in different ways. The question still nagged at her, Bring him, or not? He might break down more, let himself go. Blueshadow was still unsure of if she should bring him, but she may as well wait to see what Swiftdarkness or Rainstar said. As Rainstar joined the patrol, Blueshadow found it odd that Wolfstar looked more of the type for IceClan, and Rainstar looked like, well a FireClan cat. "When are we thinking of leaving?" she asked Swiftdarkness.
10:33pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 779
Crowscar looked at the little she cat at she padded beside him. Nodding he padded with the cats. "Hunting sounds...nice." moving some broken branches with a shoulder he never even winced as the branch scratched him just kept moving like nothing happened.
Painfullpaw padded towards the blind medicine cat and Lostfoot padded beside him. "Nightfall...Rainstar would like you to do a check up on this kit. I'll explain when it's with Echovoice...if she's willing to take it that is." he said and Painfullpaw looked at the tom who had spoken with a bit of humor.
10:02am Dec 2 2010
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Nightfall looked up at where she thought Crimsonfang was, Painfulpaw was there to, according to her nose. "Okay," she meowed and sniffed the kit, beginning to lick it, she knew that it had several hidden scratched beneath it's thin la yer of fur. "I will be right back," she meowed and strayed off to her small herb store. The kit was drenched with water, and covered in lots of blood too. Wonder what happened? she thought then came back out with some small cob webs and a poultice she had made for Poisonheart's injury's right before she found out that she had been to late.. Poisonheart why did you leave? she moaned to her sister, which was now among the stars. Because it was my fate! Do not spend time weeping over me as you had done with our fake mother! Poisonheart hissed back at her. Obviously, Poisonheart joined StarClan, and figured out about Nightfall's ability to speak to the cats among their ancestors at any moment she pleased.. Sorry! I am still loving you know, I can't exactly act perfect. Moods have their own control over any cat, including me. she spoke back to her. That is my point. Don't let that happen. And with that last word said, Poisonheart's scent, and voice vanished from her mind. Shaking her head in frustration she selected the right things and padded out of her den. "Crimsonfang, I need you to help hold her down, you can do so to Painfulpaw." she told them. As the two cats obeyed her, she put the healing juices onto her scratches, then laid down the cobwebs on her now dry fur. "Echovoice?" she called as she kept her senses on the kit, "Could you bring your lot out here for a second?" The kit claimed instant relief, now that the warmth began to soak into her body. "I was wondering it you could do something for me..." she meowed. ooc; I was going to have Duskkit and Sunkit become apprentice's age, so that they can eat fresh-kill and the new kit will have more room with Echovoice. Okay with everyone?
6:15pm Dec 2 2010
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ooc; Bump Bump.
7:41pm Dec 2 2010
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((Oh, I'm REALLY REALLY sorry I'm falling so behind, I haven't been on in a while. D; Basics of what's happening?))
8:38pm Dec 2 2010
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Posts: 779
Thats fine with me.))
Painfullpaw nodded and went towards Echovoice. Crimsonfang followed with Lostfoot sighing and waited to explain to Nightfall of it's situation and the odd blood smell. Painfullpaw seemed to care for the kit like it was a long lost family memeber...yet he knew his family well. Crimsonfang looked at the ever so small kits body and smilled lightly. ((Kits Bio if accepted)) The Basics: Name: Otterkit (Otterpaw) {Ottersplash.} Age: not even a moon. Position: kit Gender: tom Birthplace: Deing forrest outskirts. Residence: Iceclan. The Appearance: Eye Color: Dark brown. Coat Color: Dark brown with Cream coloured under belly. Scars: Nope Distinguishing Features: His otter like form. The Personality: Loves: Maybe when older. Likes: Swimming, looking at the stars fall and watching the snow fall. Dislikes: Not knowing his own family that well. (Dem all dead) Duskpaw. Secret(s): I'm a decendant of Orien. Weaknesses: He's dense, he's childish when he gets older, has what I'd like to call cat add and has a BAD memory. XD Strengths: Swimming to his enemies or someone in need of his help and his ability to hunt and defend. Pet Peeves: When the other Iceclan cats call me a fush. And Duskpaw. XP The Other: Scent: He smells like death but the tinge of rivers and heavy dew hangs on his pelt. Crush: nope Family: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: I'm a kit though. Additional Information:
8:45pm Dec 2 2010
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OOC; This will make Duskpaw have some compitition! MWAHAHAHAH! Just what he needs. Aww, my moody little apprenitce, I luv you!
8:59pm Dec 2 2010
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Spider wasn't happy with the turn of events. Peering into the deserted clearing in which he had found the she-cat's body, he sighed as his eyes could find no distinct sign of the lump of mewling fur that had been there a while ago. His tail flicking from side to side as he crept into the clearing, Spider sniffed the air, and groaned as the scent of Clan cats invaded his nostrils. "You're everywhere," he hissed, noticing a few more pawprints by the darkened patch of blood-soaked soil. "Invading into some other cat's business. And you took that kit..." The rogue shivered and hoped fervently that it had been the clancats. If not, then there was most certainly a fox in the forest with a full belly.
The wind whipped around him as he struggled over to the she-cat's dying place, and the tom settled by it for a moment and touched his paw to the black gra.ss. Milk-scent still hung in the air, however pervaded it was by the smell of clancats, and Spider could see the small indent in the ground where the kit had once been. "Looks like I need to track you down," he meowed to himself. "It's my duty, after all. Tell the clancats about your mother...if they don't kill me for the a.ssumption that I'm the murderer."
Looking down at himself Spider knew his appearance fit every inch of that of the killer's. His dark fur was further blackened by the blood that had dripped from the she-cat onto him, and it was drying in thick clumps, the blood clotting. His paws were muddy and his claws still held traces of the stranger's fur. He was a horrible mess, in more ways than one.
[Anyone want to go find Spider? If not I'll have him stumble on the Clans...again. xD]

1:06am Dec 3 2010
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OoC: I think I might just get rid of the first page update if no one is going to read them x'3 I also have some important news. Stray's computer is currently out of commission, so she has put her cats into the care of us again. She asked if we would all pick up the cats we had last time. I couldn't find that list but I do remember holding Silentheart and Starpaw. Wolfkit is a new one, but if you guys wouldn't mind I would pick him up too. BiC Feeling relieved that all the cats had agreed to go on a hunting patrol with him, Swiftdarkness stretched his forelegs in anticipation for the work. Even in his state of starvation the ebony tom loved the job. His weak, thin muscles tingled at the thought of hunting, they remembered the thrill of the prowl. A spark lightened his slate blue eyes as Swiftdarkness meowed, "Let us be off then." In a burst of energy the deputy bounded off with Maplepaw out hot on his paws. After a weaving between trees and leaping over fallen logs, Swiftdarkness slowed. Tired beyond anything he had ever felt before, he huffed and puffed for a moment. Maplepaw gasped beside him because his lungs were not yet conditioned for such a burst of speed. No single bird sang his song, nor did a single squirrel chatter up a tree. "Maplepaw, why didn't you wait for your mentor?" He asked when his breath was finally back. "Too slow. I like to run fast!" He chirped like a happy kit, "You run fast! Why couldn't you be my mentor?" Whamping Maplepaw on the face with his tail, Swiftdarkness scolded, "Have respect kit. Your mentor is strong, but in a different way than I." He watched the kit's eyes as he thought intently. When the kit nodded in acceptance, Swiftdarkness then padded forward in search of prey, but at a much slower pace. Blending in well the brown tabbly apprentice trotted beside him quietly. Suddenly the scent of blood was strong. Going into alert, Swiftdarkness quickened his pace. Tasting the air he found a nearly familiar scent. Who is this? he wondered. It was so close that he could almost recall the cat behind the scent but not quite. Going around a bend in the natural trail Swiftdarkness stopped so fast Maplepaw ran into his hind legs. "Spider! What have you done to yourself?" Swiftdarkness yowled.
Just call me Siri.
1:11am Dec 3 2010
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"Did what?" Spider meowed in confusion, then remembered the murder and the blood on him. "I-it wasn't me," he stammered awkwardly, backing away slightly. Shivering with disgust he glanced at the death-haunted patch of gra.ss warily. "I found her...dead. I buried her. You took the kit." His meows came out in broken sentences, the rogue too confused to say anything else. There was no way he was going to be able to come out with the entire story without choking in disgust.
He thumped onto the ground silently, his eyes dull and hollow as he watched Swiftdarkness and the apprentice. Thin and haggard he probably didn't look much like a worthy opponent, but this whole event and his honesty was being compromised by the blood he was covered in.
[Short post. I have a really bad headache. :/]