9:09am Dec 3 2010
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ooc; I have been reading the first page update, well.... even though I know what is going on. And who did I have of Stray's.... Scarlethaze, and Panthergaze. Right. He went away though. I will have another post coming...later. I am sick. :
10:42am Dec 3 2010
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Blueshadow looked at the cat before her. She had never seen a cat like it that was for sure. "Blueshadow?" a cat asked from behind her. Flamepaw she instantly thought and turned around to the flame colored apprentice, which was 8 moons old. "Yes?" she meowed to him, a little bit louder than she should have. Flamepaw looked to her, then to the other cats, then to Spider. Fear glittered in his bright blue eyes, and he took a couple steps back. "Its okay, you can come on the patrol now that you are here." she meowed, shocked that the shy apprentice had the guts to come out to an unknown territory and find his mentor, which he was probably told she was on a patrol with different Clan's cats. The cat flinched as he listened to Spider's reply to Swiftdarkness, and then quickly skirted up to Blueshadow's side and asked in a shaky voice, "Why is he covered in blood...? and the....." Flamepaw fell silenet for a couple heart beats, then slid behind Blueshadow, "Please don't let it hurt me." he murmured so quiet she almost didn't hear. Flamepaw wasn't afraid of the blood, or seeing it, that not for sure what he was spooked by. It was the reason the cat was covered in blood. "I won't." ooc; Flamepaw is like Redpaw's opposite.... Kind-of. Lol, he would turn into a snowflake if he met Redpaw. Keep him away from Redpaw.. xD
10:42am Dec 3 2010
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ooc; Also, who was Shadowpaw...?
5:47pm Dec 3 2010
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OoC: Det, I hope your head ache is gone. Those things are nasty buggers. Eklipse, I hope you feel better. Being sick is no fun at all. As for Shadowpaw, I don't know. I couldn't find that one post that had the list, but I think it was East...I'm not sure. And Flamepaw vs Redpaw? Redpaw would eat him like a snack xD Lol, jk~ Though, Redpaw is a softy. ::smiles at Redpaw who glares back:: I think...BiC Swiftdarkness pulled his lips back in a silent snarl. With a rasping hiss, Swiftdarkness paced two steps towards Spider like a shadow of his panther ancestors. "Do you think so little of me, Spider? You were the only cat that did not sleep in the cave last night. You were out here...alone." The ebony deputy spat the last word. It held all accution, and all Swiftdarkness's silent questions. Who will defend you? How will you prove your innocence when there is no proof? What have you done? The Iceclan warrior was sick to his stomach because he had allowed Spider to travel with them safely. He was the one to look into Spider's eyes and deem him a good cat. Where did my judgment go wrong? I thought I had seen a good cat in him, a warrior, Swiftdarkness thought sadly. His head low, in a stalking motion, Swiftdarkness looked at the cat laying in the mud covered in blood-scent with spots of blood in his pelt, the color so close to his own. Whimpering sounded behind him as an apprentice huddled behind his mentor. Maplepaw started to pad up to Spider as Swiftdarkness yowled, "Get back, Maplepaw, stay away from him!" Oaktail and Barksap were just arriving and they both sensed the tension between all the cats and the scent of death in the air. Oaktail, mentor of Maplepaw, added to Swiftdarkness's order, "Maplepaw, come to me this instant!" The young apprentice didn't even hesitate, his twig-like legs kept carrying him closer to Spider. Stopping just before him, he sniffed. Whiskers twitching at the odd scents coming from the cat, Maplepaw meowed, "You don't smell like a lie." Curious, Swiftdarkness looked at the apprentice. What did he say? He doesn't smell like a lie? "How can you smell lies, Maplepaw?" he asked. "Simple," Maplepaw chirped, "when Lonestar lied about prey being plentiful his body tempature went up and a salty scent filled the air. The truth smells fresh, it's harder to explain." Looking at Spider, his pelt only half as bristled, Swiftdarkness meowed, "I still don't trust you." Not knowing what to do with Spider, Swiftdarkness looked around for Rainstar. She should be close by since they left on the patrol together. I will let her decide. Then we will head back with no prey and continue moving. The clan doesn't need this new fear. We've had enough of murder.
Just call me Siri.
6:13pm Dec 3 2010
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Now Spider drew back his own lips in a defensive snarl. "I didn't join your Clan because your leader expressively told me to go away." The rogue spat out the word Clan as if it was dirty and his dull eyes sparked with rage. "I can't give you proof," he continued, voice defiant. "But if you're so set on me being the murder then think of the possibilities. That she-cat was easily twice my size. She had yet to feel starvation. I'm only skin and bones. Do you think I'd really be able to kill her? Yes, by stealth. But the markings on her body suggest a full out battle." Spider's breathing was haggard and strained, and it was obvious that the rogue was exhausted from the burial.
Glancing at the apprentice his lip curled derisively. "What would you be able to smell," he snarled, angry with any Clan cat. "This place reeks of death and blood."
[Headache won't go away. I'm suspecting I've got one of my migraines again. D<]
9:18am Dec 4 2010
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ooc; Siri: Thanks! And yes, I agree. Redpaw would defiantly eat Flamepaw. Or Flamepaw would run away, and then Redpaw would throw fire at him. o.o bic; Rainstar padded through the bushes, she had heard all of the conversation with Spider, and the other Clan's cats. Watching Spider's outburst, she appeared beside Swiftdarkness placement. The cat is speaking scenic.... but how does Maplepaw notice? I have no scenic out of what he just said. she thought in confusion. ooc; Sorry about the little post, I am having a tuff time with my issue.. I will be more creative later on.
11:19am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 779
O_o what did my sickness spread via internet?))
Crowscar looked at the cat and hissed slightly. "Lead me to the she cats resting place." he ordered and waited for the tom to either disagree or go with it. "I will hurt you if you don't help me." he growled darkly and his eyes held a grim look of looming death.
**In Nightfalls head*
Nightfang hissed at the sudden scent of death. So much death that it even filled Nightfalls nose and tastebuds. "Easy old one. I am Nocturn...and I bring forth a prophesie that may take time...till it is fullfilled." the cat said no gender heard nor emotion sensed. "Do not be startled by the things you will se young one born of herbs and death." it spoke and all the colour disapeared from her world. The smoke of a thousand paws rushing across it was seen crawling towards her slowly as if learing her towards it and within the smoke the flash of lightning struck and she could see decaying souls of hungry cats comming from it and apearing to stop at certain places a sleeping cat or risen warrior stood beside it or infront. The eyes unreal red with sin and goop cascaded from the mouth in a sickish form. "Each of these cats fortell of a doom if it is not stopped by the time Rain dies. Each one, a fallen, will rip these innocent cats to shreds of a doom they had been given so long ago. Not even the stars will be able to help you're clans." it spoke and new cats were seen. All without a deadly shadow looming near it. "These are the cats to help you. They're auras grow strong...and they need all the guidence they need. Cats born of the herbs are to show these cats how to speak to stars." as she looked the cat was right an aura grew around them and it was hard to tell which cat was which...all except one...for a tiny kit carried by a young tom was for seen. "Otter, Dark,____,_____,_____,____,____ are to stop the death from it's jaws." and the tom left. Vision returned to blindness and Nightfang shook in fear. "This must told to anyone. Not even Rainstar..." he said and Nightfall was left to being alone with the tom inside her mind. ((RP note. I need five more cats for this prophecy which will take time. XD Heres all I have so far.
1. Darkstorm - Eklipse (Fireclan.) 2. Otterkit - Me. He will be an apprentice probably after the journey. XD 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Other clans are accepted to. ^^)
11:32am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Electro, I'm a little confused. Would you mind explaining this prophecy, just a little, and how a cat can be chosen? Like, do they have to find a dead cat like Lostfoot did? ::ish confuzled::
Just call me Siri.
1:11pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Oops sorry if I made it confusing. Ok so b*censored*ically the cats of the fallen are growing a little powerful by hatred and war. Lostfoot dug out the dead cat so he could be set free from captured and because Lostfoot was once a medicine cat and concoled the dead or deying he was chosen to free Oriens soul. Now the cats without Orien grew slightly weaker but the hatred raises still and if it grows to be too strong they'll be able to be seen and able to destroy the clans. So a few cats have been chosen to fight it.))
1:39pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Oh, ok. So does this mean that more dead cats will be found and released from their bitter grave?
Just call me Siri.
1:45pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 779
The only cat that needed saving was Orien. All the others are the fallen who need to be deminished. ))
3:54pm Dec 4 2010
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[I'm confused about this prophecy. >_>]
3:54pm Dec 4 2010
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[I'm confused about this prophecy. >_>]
4:22pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: So, Electro, the prophecy cats will have to kill the bad cats? Er..fallen cats.
Just call me Siri.
4:46pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Yes. With the help of Starclan.))
6:55pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((What. The. Heck. Ish. Happening? *Grits teeth* ))
7:05pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; -slams head on wall- Confused...
7:47pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I agree. More explanation needed. Nightfall is confused. That rarely happens. She is like an East at life. Like really. if she is ever confused the world will explode. o>o
7:55pm Dec 4 2010
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((Gentleheart is confused too. Where should be??! D;))
11:08am Dec 5 2010
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ooc; I am not sure as to if Nightfall heard that whole prophesy from nauturok. : Electro, this is one of the few times you have ever confused Ekipiez brain.