11:36am Dec 5 2010
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Posts: 779
XD Ok so. Clans are growing in hatred amongst eachother Hatred + unwanted attention and unwanted attention = Death. Nocturn not only said it to Nightfall he gave her sight of it. Like how Jayfeather sees a vision in one of the new books. )
3:27pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 3:28pm Dec 7 2010)
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::Bump:: -I don't know what to post- Edit: OoC: Oh, and the first page has been edited. =3
Just call me Siri.
3:41pm Dec 7 2010
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ooc; Okay, I will post later.ish. Lol, I just have a couple of things I need to do first.
5:38pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[This has been on my mind for a while.
-totally forgot to post-
In other words, may Spider be the dead she-cats sister? o3o It's alright if you refuse. It would make for some good drama if it was accepted though. ;)
And may I make an apprentice to be a prophecy cat? ^^]
5:57pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Could my prophesy cat be Sunkit?))
6:09pm Dec 7 2010
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Posts: 779
Of course to both.))
6:15pm Dec 7 2010
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[Really? x) Bio coming up, at any rate.]
6:25pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 4:41pm Dec 8 2010)
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12:38am Dec 8 2010
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OoC: I hate to be the bad guy, but I don't accept Fullmoon's new character. I personally feel that you, Fullmoon, have been inactive and do not have the right to create another cat. I completely accept Sunkit as being a character for your prophecy but I don't think you need to create a new cat. Detneth has shown enough dedication to the role play to create an apprentice, in my opinion. If anyone has another opinion please, kindly, announce it. Send me an rmail if it is uncomfortable to post it on the thread. If you believe I have over stepped my bounds, go ahead and tell me so.
Just call me Siri.
3:22pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 3:24pm Dec 8 2010)
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The Basics: Name: Sweetpaw [Sweetbriar] Nickname(s): none Age: 15 moons Position: Apprentice/prophecy cat Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Dark blue Coat Color: Honey and cream Scars: A long one on her flank Distinguishing Features: none
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8rJLxkRtjmY/S39RnncfaJI/AAAAAAAABgw/olnR2xA0DjE/S940-R/Amberkit.jpg The Personality: Loves: Fishing in the stream, watching the stars during a full moon and listening to the elders tell stories Likes: Competing against her den mates in races Dislikes: Crowded areas, loud, spooky noises and rivalries Secret(s): She'd never say, but she's deathly afraid of falling Weaknesses: Her fear of falling as well as her instinctive disgust for fighting Strengths: She can be very manipulative if needed Pet Peeves: Having kits bother her
[I realize her name is in the original series. I'm just very attached to that name. :/]
3:53pm Dec 8 2010
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ooc; I have talked to Siri about this. She is not alone standing. I too, agree with her. We are not ganging up on you, Fullmoon. We just are asking a little more from your contribution to this Role Play. Thanks for readin' my say. I am really not trying to sound mean... alert me is so. :3
4:18pm Dec 8 2010
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ooc; I am changing my font, because, you know that I need change. well you probably didn't know that but I DONT CARE! :D Please tell me if the font is too small. I will gladly change it. bic; Nightfall awoke from a terrible vision on from her own behalf, was unable to control from happening. Sometimes the StarClan cats would just, well, speak to her even if she didn't want to or not. Yea, that was annoying. Always, they would comment on stuff she did wrong or, everything else. Pushing her paws into the bleach white snow, she left a slight blood stain in it's place. I must have stepped in it during the vision. She thought, and continued rubbing it. Blinking, she realized that she saw the blood stain. And her paws. Why was she seeing all of this? Looking around she was in a arctic tundra, much like the outside of the ditched IceClan Camp, but now... Staring around at everything, she never thought of life to be so bright. Or white. Standing up, the ground melted away from her, and then Thump. She as back to the dark reality. Why do I even beleive? she asked herself. That was a huge let down. For once she was gullible enough to think that StarClan would give her her vision back for life. But of course, that was another vision... or dream. The blood scent still hung in the air. odd. I thought that was a vision. I can only see in my visions. Never real life. she dipped her head forward, and their it was, blood scent. Pressing her right paw into it, her pad fit perfectly in the red streak. "Okay StarClan, why are you trying to mess me up now?" she actually expected an answer. No, they wouldn't answer though, that is how it works almost all of the time. They would give you useless answers when you didn't need it, or knew it already... and never answer when you wanted to find out something important. Padding back to the Camp, or where she heard all the cats meowing, their was a slight hustle of movement, different than the normal business. The dream the strange cat had sent her didn't make any sense now, but she was sure the answer would come up later. Truthfully, it wasn't even on her mind at the moment. What she was thinking about was Starpaw. Where was he? She didn't know for sure. That apprentice was so small she could loose him in a pile of leaves. ooc; Okay, I need to know who Starpaw and Shadowpaw are played by, in Stray's absence. It ties in with some of my characters as you can see. :3
4:43pm Dec 8 2010
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((Sorry, it's just I have nothing to post now.... Or at least, I can't findanything to post. And I hate randomly making my characters do stuff, like 'Bloodmist sat, lying in the sun, then thought to head over to the freshkill pile'.))
5:29pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; East hsa no idea what to post D:
6:17pm Dec 8 2010
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[Me too...unless someone spoke to Leopardwind or Spider. x)]
7:55pm Dec 8 2010
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Front Page Update - I sadly don't have enough time to write up those summaries any more, so they are no longer continuing. In fact, I have deleted the whole Plot/Summary section. I will be continuing the Master cat list and miscellaneous info. (Weather, season, and prey). OoC: I have also received an rmail by Stray that her computer is fixed and she will be as active as possible, since school is getting tough to work with. Her cats are her own again. ::happy dances:: Fullmoon, why not have Bluepaw or Jadepaw be your prophecy cat? There is Grayheart and Cheetahwind as well, or Sunkit. Oh, Littlefire and Bloodmist would be good too. Just suggesting.
Just call me Siri.
8:19pm Dec 8 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay, I'll use Bluepaw instead. She's been... inactive, so yes...))
8:29pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 8:31pm Dec 8 2010)
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A bit dense, Maplepaw cocked his head at the loner. To him the scent of truth was simple enough to smell, even with all the death and blood scent. The apprentice couldn't understand what he had said that might upset the tom, but noting the curled lip and tension Maplepaw knew he had done something. "I'm sorry that I upset you. I was just trying to help," he mumbled. Owlfang hated it when he mumbled, but Maplepaw could never remember not to mumble before speaking. With a heaving sigh, he chirped, "Oh great Starclan, what is going on." "Spider, come back to camp with us." Swiftdarkness suddenly meowed. A cast a frown at Rainstar, who had joined them, because she didn't seem interested in having a say in this. Returning his slate blue gaze to Spider's sharper blue eyes, he meowed, "I was not here when the she-cat was killed, so I have no proof that you did murder. Since I have none, and my fellow warriors have none, it does us no good standing around doing nothing." Padding away he meowed over his shoulder, "I think we should cover more ground today. We need to get away from this place." Because there is too much death and blood. It's everywhere, and I pray to you Starclan, and Falconwing, that you won't let it follow us to our new home. Meanwhile, back at camp, Redpaw grumpily paced around the mouth of the cave where all the cats slept. His grumbles were not loud but they consisted of, "We should have left by now. I should just leave." Or, "Mouse-brained Rainstar can't even find her way back to camp, Swiftdarkness should take over and leave her behind." Then his favorite, "I could lead the way. I know how to get there, and I'm stronger than any she-cat." Though his maw burned like a nettle bush on paw pads, Redpaw wouldn't ever do something like that. Glancing into the cave again he saw Littlefire sleeping away with her horrible wounds, which were slowly healing. At least that was what Speckledleaf had told him. "Who knows if a she-cat can even be a good medicine cat," Redpaw yowled to himself. Seeing Brightleaf sitting alone he steered clear of the she-cat. Wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, he thought. Noticing Leopardwind, Featherpaw, and Rosepaw close together Redpaw flicked an ear toward them. Featherpaw was different than any she-cat he had seen since Falconwing. She was fierce and slightly frightening. Suddenly a panic grew in Redpaw's belly, where is Larkpaw? He had seen Jadepaw the night before, but not Larkpaw. Out of the corner of his amber eyes Redpaw spotted the unique creamy calico pelt of Larkpaw. Redpaw felt himself relax and let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding. When have I become so scatter brained? I was actually worried about another cat, a she-cat! Rolling his eyes Redpaw stiffly walked up to Leopardwind and the two littermates. "Why are you sitting around," he meowed with a scowl. Oh, that came out all wrong. Patchpelt felt rested enough to get up. She didn't want to leave Starpaw, but Silentheart was watching the little tom so she was comfortable enough to walk away. Seeing Larkpaw, Patchpelt warmly yowled a greeting before rubbing her chin and cheeks all over the blind she-cat. "I've missed you, Larkpaw." Patchpelt knew it had been a long time since kit-sitting the young apprentice, but she still felt an oddly strong bond to the honey scented Larkpaw. "How are you doing with this journey?" Hearing a kit squeak, Patchpelt looked up and around to see Echovoice not too far away. Wrapping her tail around Larkpaw, to let the apprentice know she wanted to talk with her but also Echovoice, Patchpelt meowed, "Do you need any help? I would love to be of as.sistance." OoC: I think that activates all the players. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
8:58pm Dec 8 2010
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"There's no reason too suspect me," Spider growled suddenly, his fur bristling protectively. "I would never kill my kin." Standing up abruptly the tom padded forwards stiffly, refusing to meet Rainstar's gaze. "Thank you," he growled in a cold tone towards Swiftdarkness. "For being fair to me." The rogue turned his head towards the sky and sighed heavily, his body deflating a little. "....she meant too much to me. I'm as furious as any of you. And you didn't even know her." Closing his eyes against the glare of the sun Spider sat down and began to clean his paws. I lost her...only to find her lying in a pool of her own blood. StarClan...are you truly so cruel to me?
Licking a few clods of dirt out from in between his claws, feeling the acrid taste of earth on his tongue and not caring for it. The bitter feeling only served to ease his pain slightly, calming down the swift beating of his heart.
Leopardwind lifted her head sharply and gazed at Redpaw with a furious ex pression on her muzzle. "Don't speak to your betters like that," she snapped, though immediately feeling sorry for her tone of voice. Her natural, mothering instinct was claiming that Redpaw was simply an angry apprentice who didn't know enough of kindness. "If you're so interested in what we're doing," she started again, calming the harsh tone of her voice, "then you can help out with ideas on what would benefit the Clan." Motioning with her tail that he should join them, Leopardwind shifted to the side slightly, her stern gaze clearly indicating that Redpaw wasn't being any more useful with his angry statements.
He needs to calm down some, she decided wearily.

10:31pm Dec 8 2010
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"With an aching heart and body, Swiftdarkness came to a halt. Falconwing, Midnightpaw, and Lostkit came to mind, as well as his long lost mother. He never knew his father. Yet he recognized the lost note in Spider's voice. He had spoken with it often enough as death haunted them like a lurking monster. Shivering, Swiftdarkness was again ever thankful to Starclan that Littlefire had not been taken from him so young, even if she was wounded now. Scars heal, he told himself. Turning around so that he was facing Spider again, Swiftdarkness saw that he had sat down and began to clean his paws. Silently padding closer the ebony warrior could see that Spider's paws were worn and sore, probably from burying his kin. All alone. Standing right in front of Spider now, Swiftdarkness sat down and began to clean the other tom's shoulder fur. "Spider, with a clan you don't have to be alone," the deputy rasped. "Had you told me this sooner, none of this drama would have happened. I would have been comforting you, not accusing." With a weak smile, Swiftdarkness meowed, "Would you like some time alone?" ~~~ "Don't speak to your betters like that." Blinking in momentary surprise, Redpaw quickly snarled and flattened his little ears to his skull. His tail lashing behind him in a sign of agitation, Redpaw felt a rush of anger. Finally, a cat that will fight back! In a dangerous display, the tom's short ivory claws slide from their sheaths. His maw was open in a silent hiss, baring his fangs. Then, to his horror, she eased up again. Leopardwing mildly meowed, "If you're so interested in what we're doing then you can help out with ideas on what would benefit the Clan." All of his fight quickly left him, like a bird slipping from his paws into the air. "Honestly?" he exclaimed quite loudly. Dropping his head and tail at the outburst, Redpaw glared down at his paws. What is wrong with she-cats! They never know what they want; angry one moment, happy the next. With a hugely exaggerated sigh, Redpaw sat next to Leopardwind. Pouting his lower lip and scowling. "What now?" he demanded. "This is really boring."
Just call me Siri.