10:52pm Dec 8 2010
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Spider turned towards the deputy and sighed heavily. "I already mourned...and to dwell on the past would only hurt more. I'd like to see my littermate's kit though. Is he still living?" Blinking blue-gray eyes blankly the tom stared past Swiftdarkness and into the growing darkness of the forest, the image of his sister's torn body ravaging his mind. "I should have, but I was distressed," the rogue admitted in a harsh voice, his proud facade dropping as fatigue took over his body. "A..and I don't know," he whispered, hunching his shoulders in a protective way. "I've been alone ever since I left my family. I haven't seen her in moons, seasons even, you know. This was a harsh wake-up to reality." Snorting and straightening out stiffly Spider stood to his paws. "I'll come with you...if your leader allows me this time."
Snorting indelicately the she-cat glared at Redpaw. "Make up your mind, impudent kit. Either be happy and help out, or go away and leave us to our previous discussion. Not everything needs to be solved with fighting." Though she had given no response to the apprentice's fierce reaction, internally Leopardwind had shivered at the sight of Redpaw's long claws. Unnatural, she thought, frightened. What was Redpaw, to be so powerfully built and strong for his tender age? A monstrosity, the unkind part of her mind hissed sibilantly in her mind's ear, embedding the harsh thought deeply into her mind.
[Gah, too tired to change the colors. Dx And what should the she-cat's name be? o_o]

11:08pm Dec 8 2010
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((Random name: Moon! :DD))
11:13pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 11:16pm Dec 8 2010)
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"Littlekit, her name is Littlekit." Littekit snuggled closer to her mother, yowling. Her tiny body jostled around,nocking into her various siblings. Her eyes were opening, for the first time! what wonderous colours, so vibrant and- Littlefire grumbled in her sleep as Redpaw's slating voice scraped across her nerves, and her wonderus peace-nap. "Redpaw, I don't mean to be rude, but lighten up and be a little quieter.. You're not the only cat in the whole world that's grumpy right now." He's grumpy because he's always grumpy. I'm grumpy because someone almost killed my father. oh, right, and me too!
11:14pm Dec 8 2010
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[I can't remember...who made up the she-cat anways? o___o]
4:31pm Dec 9 2010
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ooc; Right. xD I don't like that font, it is too small for my liking. But I will use it for my side comments. bic; Rainstar looked across the Camp, yes, fighting, normal. She knew it was. Only for my untrusting Clan. she thought. Swiftdarkness's angered gaze was appropriate for her. She had just stood there in shock, like Blueshadow. She was a warrior, not a leader. And Rainstar felt as if she had less courage from the rest of her Clan to herself. Sighing, she meowed, "Spider, you do deserve a fair trial." Continuing onto the more serious maters, she meowed, "Your consequence if you are found guilty will be one that no cat would wish." She looked at her feet. Why did you say that? she wondered. Sounding wise now, not before. Yea, that was how Rainstar's brain worked. "If you are proven innocent, then you are let off to still accompany us in the journey." >> Rosepaw looked at Redpaw with shock in her eyes, never had she seen him so angered... but maybe he was like that all the time, she was just never where he was. Her legs drew some tension, the cat she once loved was making her mad for the first time. Idiot. He hates she-cats. What were you thinking? she cursed at herself. But their was no time to regret she just hissed louder than she should have, "Why are you such an idiot?" The fact occurred to her that she had spoken that out-loud, and she didn't care. Redpaw could have tension from his Clanmates, she didn't care. >> Featherpaw gave Rosepaw a look that could have burned through a glacier. She was just about to hiss retort at Redpaw when she had cut her off. Unsheathing her long black claws into the snow, she lashed her leopard spotted tail. "Yea, Redpaw, because you are the most exiting cat in the Clan." She retorted. Standing up she pushed her claws into the snow to relieve her growing anger. It didn't work... "Go back to the nursery, kit." Featherpaw showed her teeth and snarled the last words of her sentence meaning that she actually meant every word of it. It felt good to snarl her thoughts through words. Maybe Rosepaw should have tried to do that to instead of crying. Featherpaw never cried, she was sure of it. "Stupid tom." she hissed and leaped off in the direction of the open land.
5:20pm Dec 9 2010
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Something light and tiny tickled the length of Starpaw's nose, forcing the apprentice to go into a sneezing fit. Opening his watery eyes, the tom blinked in awe at the beautiful amber butterfly that fritted across his brow whiskers. The creatures fragile wings created a soft buffeting sound that reminded Starpaw of a heartbeat, ruffling his soft face fur. Unexpectedly a laugh resounded from the apprentice maw, the sound foreign to his ears that had heard nothing much but the wailing of grief stricken cats the past few moons. He raised one fore paw to try and gently swat the insect, but to no avail. Yet his eyes followed it's path longingly. It was then that he noticed where he was, in a glen surrounded by thick oak trees on all sides. It was clearly leaf-fall, the leaves brilliant streaks of red, orange, yellows, and golds, the gr*censored* still green but crisp under his paws, and the wind carrying only the faintest traces of chill. But it was invigorating rather then off putting. The sounds of prey animals, and others alike filled the trees and meadow around him, giving the entire landscape a realistic edge. He only wished he could explore it all. The butterfly returned, flicking his wings around his ears in a silent plea to be chased. And how he longed to do so! To get up and run after the creature, pin it gently between his paws only to let it go for another game. Something else was different to, he noted. He did not hurt, neither from the crooked muscles in his back and legs or the constant gurgle of his empty stomach. Looking back at himself he let out a thrilled yowl, blue eyes widening in amazement. He was whole, normal proportioned, and as muscular as any of the other apprentices. Without a second though he was up on his feet and running, for the first time in his life. The wind as if blew through his fur and the blood that pounded in his ears made him move only faster until it felt as if he was flying.He never wanted to stop. But he finally gave in as his breadth came in shallow pants, demanding him to stop. Halting at the edge of a tiny creek, water bubbling happily over it's stone bed, Starpaw huffed and sat down. Running one fore paw over his adjacent back-leg, he marveled at the correctness of it, at the muscles that were there that were absent before, and the smoothness of his fur. He looked like an actual cat! "Luoke." A voice spoke, perhaps the only timbre that could actually pull him from his revere over his new body. It was cool and masculine, lanced with hidden secrets. Jerking his head around, he stared at the white pelt of Alcarie as he beaconed him from the outcrop not far from the apprentice. "Come on son." The older tom murmured, green eyes gentle and loving as he gazed down on Starpaw. The apprentice leaned over into the creek, intending to get a drink before following. But to his horror it was not his new reflection that stared back at him, rather the emaciated, hollow, broken Starpaw from before. A piercing wail, weather it was his own or Alcarie's he was not sure, broke the dream, shattering it like lightening a twig until only blackness remained. Starpaw fought to get upright as he fell, the darkness never letting up as his tiny claws tried to grasp something, anything. Alcarie's green eyes were the last thing he saw as his father got farther and farther away, abandoning him yet again. With a jerk Starpaw awoke from the dream, body trembling in fear and longing for what could have been. The aches and pain were back, his twisted muscles tortured by the cold and stomach wailing to be fed. To his embarr*censored*ment tears cascaded down his cheeks, freezing almost instantly into the bitter cold. He did not deserve to have had such a dream, to see what he longed for. He'd killed a cat, hurt and clan and her kits, and was a failure at his new job. Nightfall had not even spoken to him since the incident. A warm paw reached across his shoulders, pulling him into another furry body. He turned his head and pressed his cold nose into the other toms fur, letting it hide his tears. Silentheart allowed him to do so, skinny body curling around the tiny cat the best he could. "I know." Silentheart whispered, laying his head on Starpaw's own. "I know." --- Watching the clans through his closed eyes, Shadowpaw had kept close to the queens and kits throughout most of the journey, carrying Wolfkit most of the way. He felt as if it was his duty to watch after them, to not allow any of them to be hurt again. The newest discovery of death among the clan shocked him, even though it was only a slaughtered rouge. It could have easily been Littlepaw killed, maimed almost beyond recognition. The thought sent much needed warmth through his veins in the form of anger. He'd never let a cat law a claw on his remaining sister if his life depended on it. I let Midnightpaw down, i'm not about to let the same happen to you. He poked his head around to where the queen and kits were staying, making sure everything was alright and quiet. Wolfkit, his own charge he felt like, was laying quietly, not close to the queen that was not his mother as the others but enough to feel her warmth. Idependent. He thought softly, a small smile curling his whiskers. A flash of ginger caught his eyes, and he remembered Gingerstorm having asked him something earlier that day. But at the time he'd been busy with Wolfkit and had not answered her. Guilt prickled at his paws, not wanting to lose the some-what friendship of the other clan cat. Checking on the kits once more, he padded off slowly towards the Fireclan cats, looking for one in particular. He kept his head low when he neared the others, showing he meant no harm. He hated to think what would happen if Wolfstar got hostile because he came near. Rainstar'd chew his ears off. He let out a breadth he did not realize he was holding as Gingersotrm's fur came into view and he bounded lightly over. "Hey." He greeted softly, tail twitching in embarr*censored*ment. "I hope I did not offend you earlier, you know, by ignoring you. I wanted to answer, but I was a little busy." He added hastily. "What were you saying again?"

6:58pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Redpaw is actually 14 moons old, and has quite short claws. ::chuckles:: But he is an intimidating tom cat. BiC Offended and ashamed, Redpaw snapped his teeth in discomfort. He never meant to growl or insult another cat, but the hurtful words felt safer than gentle ones. Gentle words had been foreign to Redpaw until the clan had come into his life, so many moons ago now. The ginger tom had adopted the fierce and malicious nature quickly while he and his littermates had been without the protection of the clan since loners and rogues had tried to eat them on more than one occasion. So why didn't these she-cats understand? Because they are narrow minded and pitiful creatures, Redpaw bitterly amended to himself. Feeling that it was beneath him to acknowledge the crude comments of three she-cats, Redpaw gathered his paws under himself and stood. Staring down coldly at Littlefire, and Rosepaw each in turn, since Featherpaw had dashed off, he finally scowled at Leopardwind. "I do believe it would benefit the clan if I didn't converse with you she-cats any longer," he gruffly meowed. Stalking away with an even stiffer stride than before, Redpaw tried to calm his temper. Although it seemed pointless since his claws left dimples in the soil and his tail lashed back and forth, and he couldn't see to sheath them or stop his twitching tail. With a heavy sigh Redpaw swiveled his pert, little ears to the side of his head in confusion. Being in the clan was harder than anything he had ever known. His emotions were never at rest, and he didn't even know what half of them were. Eying a rock outside of the cave mouth, Redpaw jumped uptop of it and sat down. It was a small boulder, only half a cat tall, but it gave him a vantage too see the clan, though his sight blurred at the trees. I wonder why I can't see far like the other cats, he mused squinting in an attempt to see deeper. With another heavy sigh the ginger tom curled his paws under him and rested his chin on the rock. Closing his heated umber eyes, Redpaw took in a deep breath and scented sweat and wild pepper. When did I become fearful? he mused, knowing his own fear-scent. I am a proud tom. A strong tom. A...lost heart. Closing his eyes tighter, Redpaw longered for Falconwing's comfort. Sleep, that's all I need. I want nothing from others.
Just call me Siri.
7:15pm Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Dec 10 2010)
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Leopardwind didn't even bother to argue. She was tired of Redpaw's inability to get along with his Clanmates. "Really, Redpaw?" she meowed softly, her eyes glowing eerily in the half-light of the day. "In case you haven't noticed," she informed roughly. "But your leader is a she-cat, and some of the most respected warriors are as well. And to further my point, we're the life-blood of the Clan. No she-cats, no kits." Crouching down so she was at eye-level with the tom she hissed softly in his ear. "Don't start irrational fights...kit."
Straightening up she glanced at the other warriors. "Perhaps you want to share something more...suitable?" she asked Redpaw calmly, her earlier anger dissipating quickly.
[BAH -flails-]
10:09pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 779
FINALLY posting after a long absence. XD) Painfullpaw watched as the little kit tried to hop about. It's body shaking as it tried to move. Face in a determined look he mewed a bit. Loud and lively. Hoping the kit would survive he smiled lightly. "He's stong...and determined." lostfoot meowed as the kit meowed loudly. ((Oh wow I made Snowpaw a WHILE ago and I still haven't played her? O_o) Snowpaw liked her paw a bit and smiled as she watched as the patrol talked. Looking to her friend Thistlepaw. To most of Caveclans cats he was a pain in the side. But she found him a good friend. Padding up to Cardinalpaw she smiled. "Hello Cardinalpaw. How are you?" she said as she sat beside him and smiled lightly. "Lovely day isn't it?" she asked as she looked out of the cave head high and standing tall.
Cavestar over hearing Redpaw growled lightly at the young toms antics. "Says the irritable tom who can't seem to keep his shut." she snapped a little and glared at the red toms back. Watching as the tom seemed to have free will to say as he wished she grew irritated by his freedom of speech.
((Now imagin Cavestar with a really irritated face and it will make ya laugh. XD Like an anime irritated face. XD)) Otterkit looked up at the cats as he tried his best to move. Determination was a good gift of his from the moment he took his first breath. Mewling he wanted to move. His unatural brown eyes lightly hidden by the shades of his coat. Stubby tail up like a ducks butt in the water he tried to crawl his way to see the patrol and the strange cat. Sorrowkit watched him carefully and smiled as she saw even her own determination in the kits eyes and motivations. "I wonder where he gets his motivation from." she whispered to her brother, Wolfkit, and smiled as she watched the kit try it's best to move. Giggling she lightly padded towards the kit and smiled. "Hi want help?" she asked as the kit looked at her and nodded his head panting very slightly from his efforts. Picking him up she padded towards the group of cats. "He wanted to see you guys. So I agreed to help him." she muffled between his scruff trying to make her words noticable. Setting him down she satdown and smiled as he puffed a bit and looked wide eyed with wonder at the cats he saw. And she knew his shock as much as she was shocked to see all the tall cats the first time she saw them when she was in her old home...which seemed so long ago now. Crimsonfang smiled as Sorrowkit padded towards the group of cats with the little tom in her mouth. "Well...you can tell she has Echovoices manners." he mewed lightly and Lostfoot mrrowrd with laughter. Lightly forgeting the subject at hand he smiled ever so lightly. "And yet she's as stubborn as her father. Both Timberfur and Fireeyes would be proud of her. She carries her families bloodline. And hopefully...that'll never change." Lostfoot meowed lightly and Crimsonfang noticed the tired toms voice. "Lostfoot? Are you ok?" he asked as he watched the tom with worry. "I'll be fine. But I'm afraid...my time..is comming soon." he heard the old tom rasp lightly. "...I see. I'll inform Nightfall...hopefully she can fix something up for you're aching paws...so you too...may get the chance to live in the new territory a bit longer." he mewed and Lostfoot nodded lightly. "Of course." Firefeather smiled as he watched all the cats together. He was proud to meet Sorrowkit reminding him of his old mate. Sorroweyes and smiled ever so lightly. "Sorrowkit...I hope you have a better life in the new territory then you did when you were born here." he mewed quietly but managed to keep the smallest smile on his face. Sharptalon sitting beside him and nodded smilling. "I'll never understand love." he said and Firefeather mrrowred with laughter. "Oh yes you do. Look at you and Nightfall...I know that look in your eyes. You love her...just you're to afraid to admit it." he said and Sharptalon blushed behind his fur like a mad man. "You didn't have to go that far with the subject dude." He growled lighty and Firefeather laughed even more. ((All characters I have in ONE post. WHEW~!))
10:12pm Dec 9 2010
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Posts: 779
3:08pm Dec 10 2010
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[Electro, we needs a name for that she-cat. xD]
4:53pm Dec 10 2010
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ooc; Lol, Warriors in CaveClan say 'dude'. That makes me laugh.. xD bic; Gingerstream looked at Shadowpaw, surprise in her eyes that he had answered her. "Oh, nothing." she meowed with a little pitch of happiness in her meow. Standing up, she looked around the camp, "Wolfstar said I can hunt as long as I take another warrior with me," standing up, she pushed her ginger feet into the fluffy snow. "Since you are nearly there, why don't you come with me?" The suggestion, was crazy, and some of the FireClan apprentices were already giving her looks of surprise and disapproval. That was out of behavior for her. Dimondpaw, Larkspur's new apprentice gave her a look of surprise, and her mouth was dropped open to show it. While Robinpaw, Larkspur's old apprentice was giving her the look of disapproval. Whatever. They are more alone than any cat. FireClan is dying. and we can't help it. I want to get to know some IceClan cats... just in case. That was her plan. If anything ever went wrong again, she would be forced to go to the place with more cats she would know, and that place would be IceClan. Even though you have to walk through SAND. Eghhww! >> Cardinalpaw looked over at the she-cat and smiled. "I agree," he meowed, his voice deeper than normal. Must be the cold. he thought. Stretching one of his paws out in front of him, the flames of red fur against the white looked as if they burned up his arm like real ones. "Well," he continued bringing on more of a conversation, "How have you been doing in the past days? I heard one some of your warriors have fallen." Flicking his red tail back and fourth, he knew how ruff it was to loose someone that you love. "My deepest regards," he meowed to her dipping his white and black head. The red flamed eyes were glowing with a deep interest. CaveClan is a different Clan... maybe I could learn more about it... for battle strategy. he thought to himself. The flicked his ear in agreement with his suggestion. ooc; Oh, polite little Cardinalpaw. How much of a gentlemencat you are. Know wonder you are so polite with the CaveClan cats. xD But he is more FireClan...
5:30pm Dec 10 2010
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((We need to get someone to draw the important scenes... Maybe when Silentheart becomes Copperfire, and when Littlepaw/fire protects her father and stuff...))
6:55pm Dec 10 2010
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OoC: I'v actually been debating on whether or not to draw some of my favorite scenes from this RP Fullmoon, so it made me laugh to see you say that. I'm not even near the best artist around, but I tend to draw better with things that I *censored*ociate with (like Alcarié, my wolf) so this should be fun ^.^. If you have any certain scenes you'd like to see drawn (though they might not be that good) then please by all means let me know. BiC: Shadowpaw flinched slightly as Gingerstorm finally looked at him, having expected her to either snarl at him in anger or even perhaps try to claw his ears off. To his surprise she spoke calmly, and the black tom met her eyes with surprise and delight. "Wolfstar said I can hunt as long as I take another warrior with me." Shadowpaw did not need to hear anymore so he nodded, a tiny grin appearing on his face. She did not mind to go hunting with him, a Iceclan cat? He was not sure why he was glad to be able to hunt with this she-cat, only that the though of being out from under the strange looks from other cats to talk alone was enticing. I hope Rainstar does not mind. He though quickly, remembering how short tempered their leader was at the moment. "Rainstar should not mind, we've plenty of warrior to spare for on measly apprentice to go hunting." He rumbled, allowing her to bask in the pride of being a warrior while him just a apprentice if she so chose to. "Should we head towards the moorlands that way," He pointed with his black nose. "Or would you be more comfortable in the trees?" He asked, feeling annoyed eyes on them. The looks made him self conscious, realizing he was a thicker, and stockier then these thing, wiry Fireclan cats.

7:11pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Maybe I could do some too! That is a good Idea, and it would take me about 3 days to get the pictures done. Me and Stray could split it... if that is okay with You Stray. :3 bic; Gingerstream looked at Shadowpaw with her eyes narrowed, Interesting, this cat actually thinks I could hunt in the trees, or moor... she looked across at the vast expanse of land they had to hunt on. She hadn't really thought through where or what she would hunt. It was just a quick decision she had made in order to get away from the annoyance of her own Clanmates. She finally answered, "I don't... Well, I have to fish on a river, back at home... " she explained, "We catch the small fish, but that is not most of our diet. We catch lots of water animals that are in or around it too." Looking around, she realized that she had never caught nor eaten prey from a different land attribute like this. Shifting her paws, she thought about the different options she could take. "I don't know to be honest, the moor and the trees are different than balancing on a rock to catch small fish from a smokey river." She shrugged the best she could and then looked the black apprentice in the eyes. "Whatever you prefer would be the best. I have no choice that will be better or worse. They are equal."
7:15pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Wait, what does Blackwolf look like?))
7:24pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Your art is so much better then mine anyway eklipse, i'v seen yours and have been stalking some of your drawing threads from time to time to see about getting one of my cats drawn ^.^. But I would not mind to split it with you all all! Just curious, do you prefer to color or sketching when your creating pieces? Sounds kind I nosy, I know, but I prefer to sketch then color. One more thing, do you have any specific scenes you intend to draw as of yet? BiC: Shadowpaw saw the strange look come into Gingerstream's eyes that almost yowled 'idiot.' It was then with him standing there stupidly, head cocked to the side, that he remembered Fireclan cats hunted fish, using the stream to gain their meals. A blush creeped onto his cheeks, making his cold ruffled pelt burn. Listening to her talk about fishing, he mentally shivered in revulsion at the thought of sticking his paws in the cold water any time he wanted to eat. Maybe that was the reason Fireclan cats were so lean and skinny? "Eer, yeah. I forgot Fireclan cats fish." He stammered finally, feeling like a kit. "I'd say the forest would be the best option. Though we do not always hunt under the tree's, the prey might be more active there because of the shelter." Neck fur fluffed up still in his embarr*censored*ment, Shadowpaw started towards the denseness of the threes that sprouted thickly to the clans side. The branches loomed ahead, looking like a cavernous maw ready to eat them. "Not creepy at all." He whispered sarcastically to himself, pausing at the tree's edge to wait for Gingerstream. His head was tipped back, jaw open to allow his head to lean back farther, ears flat and blue eyes wide. "I figure you know how to stalk right?" He asked the she-cat, hoping she would not take offense. "I mean you hunt other water animals, like voles, don't you?" He realized he did not know a whole lot about the Fireclan cats, and was curious to learn more from this friendly she-cat.

8:59pm Dec 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Blackwolf is a dark grey tom cat with Black leopard spots and blue eyes. Electro showed me before. :P And Stray: I wouldn't mind at all drawing one or two of your cats for free anyway. And thank you for the complement. I really don't know, I like to color in the pictures, but, of course, I could make them a line art and you guys could color them in. But yea, ether colored, or line art! No specific scenes chosen. bic; Gingerstream looked around, "Not creepy at all." she heard Shadowpaw meow. A shiver shook her and she stopped just to take a breath. "FireClan cats don't actually stalk," she meowed to him while walking. "I will show you, since we jump from rock to rock, and walk through water even when we are not catching prey, we have extremely good balance." As the trees blocked out most of the natural light, they seemed to create some of their own... somehow. "Here," she meowed spotting a stick sticking strait up in the snow. "I will show you." Bunching up all the mussels in her long legs, she crouched down, folding them, creating more stress. The stress helped with the catch. Unsheathing her claws, she was careful not to get them stuck in the snow, that would be horrible.... Keeping her eyes on the stick, she sensed every movement with the silence. Then, she realized her tension in her legs in a mas.sive jump toward the stick, sailing quietly through the air about two squirrel lengths off the ground. Finally, she landed her jump onto the stick perfectly and slicing it in half with razor sharp claws. Standing up, she was satisfied with her performance. Padding up toward Shadowpaw, she meowed, "We have to be as quiet as possible when we jump out of the water, and onto the prey. We splash our feet and that prey is gone. That is one of the good things about being built like a FireClan cat." She remarked the last part. FireClan cats were tall, long clawed, thin fur, lithe, and slim cats, much like Rainstar. They were fast, not strong, and weren't very good at fighting on their own. I still wish I was pure FireClan. Because Gingerstream wasn't, she actually had a thicker pelt, and not as long face. ooc; Here Stray, this is what the FireClan cats look like. We had made up what all the Clans were like in body type. So it would kinda be like FireClan were like WindClan, CaveClan> ShadowClan, IceClan RiverClan, and TreeClan ThunderClan (?). Well at least in the body types. :3 http://sahmet.ru/cat_l/blue_392.jpg
9:31am Dec 11 2010
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[Gotta post with Spider, but on the note of drawings, if you'd like I could digitalize them. :3]
9:33am Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 9:38am Dec 11 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Det has a tablet! >Jealous EDIT:: Siri> I just noticed your pets on your front page were dying.. well two of them. Just wanted to notify you!