5:51pm Oct 15 2010
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Shadowpaw closed his eyes tightly, willing the tears to stop falling from them. First my sister, now my mother, who else will you steal from me? He mentally spat at the starry warriors. Falconwing is not among you, that much I know. She would be horrified at what you've done to us and denied all interaction with the liked of you! Opening his eyes, the black apprentice felt his heart tug at the lost look in his father eyes as he spoke of his lost mate. He loved her with everything, now it seems he's no more then a shell of his former self. And it's your fault. About to say something to the other tom, Shadowpaw listened as Swiftdarkness told him he'd learn everything tomorrow. He would not deny the cat that. Following Swiftdarkness over to Littlepaw, a tiny smile of pride bloomed on his muzzle at the sight of her. She was the light of his life now, the almost exact copy of his mother. Though their fur might be different, he saw Falconwing in Littlepaw's eyes and in the structure of her body. He would die nine times over for his little sister, and knew full well Swiftdarkness would do the same. Will I ever love some cat as much as father loved mother? Looking over, he shook his head slightly. I doubt it. Never have I seen any cat so much in love as those two. He remembered stories Falconwing told him of her other son, her adopted one. Except maybe Silentheart. Glancing one last time at Swiftdarkness he sighed. No, probably not even him. --- Starpaw watched as Nightfall walked back into the medicine cats den, head cocked to the side in confusion. What does she mean she's the embarr*censored*ment? He asked himself, wide blue eyes sad. She's never done anything but help any cat, and has done a wonderful job of it. He could still remember the first time he'd met the blind she-cat, how they exchanged harsh words. A small smile graced his mouth. He could not believe that they were as close as they were now. As Nightfall walked back out with some herbs wrapped in a leaf, Starpaw let out a confused mreow. Looking through the herbs, he quickly identified some of them, while others were foreign. But why did she want him to let the dust lie on his fur. It would take him a moon to wash it all out. But he decided not to argue and did as instructed, twitching his ears as some landed on the tip. He sneezed, the sound very kittenish and he blushed. "Whats this for?" He asked, looking up at the medicine cat with wonder.

6:04pm Oct 15 2010
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OoC: I will totally bump the old Role play. ^.^ I want it to hit a year too! Then our warrior cat's will own Rescreatu. x3 BiC When Rainfeather came out of Eaglestar's den, Patchpelt looked at her with questioning green eyes, but thought that maybe Eaglestar was resting inside. So without even questioning, the calico warrior trotted into the den. Startled, Patchpelt realized that the only sounds were her and Rainfeather's breathing. Looking around the den, she noticed that it was true. No other cats were in the den. "Where is Eaglestar?" Patchpelt asked Rainfeather. The beautiful, tall she-cat was thin like a twig, and Patchpelt feared she might break if she dared to stare too hard. "What I have to say to her is of great improtance," Patchpelt meowed, "if she has gone to the Moon Stone, I will gladly talk with Falconwing." Sitting down for an expected wait, Patchpelt licked her chest fur nervously. I hope that Eaglestar won't be angry with my decision on leaving the clan without telling any other cat. It was really for the better though. Meanwhile, Firtail plodded about camp. He had looked into the warriors den, but Grayheart had't been there or in the elders den, which a few warriors slept in since there were no elders now. The warriors den was cramped, and Firtail didn't blame the few who did. He had done so twice himself. "Where in the forest is this tom?" Firtail murmured softly to himself. Deciding to try the nursery, Firtail poked his head in and mewed a greeting to Echovoice and Emeraldrain, but Grayheart wasn't there either. Dipping his head to the two she-cat's he purred cutely, "May the night treat you well, my lovelies." Retreating before the could scold him for flirting, which he did as much as he breathed, Firtail scented the air again for the tom. To his surprise he caught his scent and followed it straight to the pittifly empty fresh-kill pile. With a playful push on the shoulder, Firtail yowled, "Come on, Grayheart, leave some for a lonely old me. You should come with Hawkmask and I, we are going to hunt for some prey with Painfulpaw." Firtail hated the ebony apprentices' name, it seemed to harsh for the gentle-eyed tom. Bounding away in energetic hops, even starving Firtail had energy to rival a kits, he called over his shoulder, "Slow as a slug, come on!"
Just call me Siri.
6:27pm Oct 15 2010
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ooc; They will Siri! Muahahahah! That would be funny.... xD Nightfall bent down and padded up to Starpaw, "Mallow.." she murmured. "Now, eat this." she mushed forward the leaf wrap. "It is not dangerous. I promise." This herb wrap should send him strait into a dream with StarClan... Right Nightfang? she asked, but the convincing voice didn't. answer. Little streams of fear ran down her pelt. "It is for the best.." Nightfall murmured to herself. Emeraldrain frowned, "Well that was.... Unsuspecting.." She meowed, "Would have been funny if Raveneyes was in here, hey Echovoice?" Breathing in Rainstar knew that the incoming answer would shake Patchpelt off her feet. "Right after the journeying cats left, " she began, " Falconwing and a few other warriors were crushed by a twoleg monster; leaving Eaglestar to pick me as the deputy," Rainstar looked at the tiny scratches on the wall from Eaglestar's kits when they were just born. "Eaglestar lost her 4 remaining lives when you were gone..." Keeping a steady gaze at Patchpelt. Letting her fur prickle, she knew that it would be very hard to believe. I could hardly believe it. she thought. Wearily standing, Rainstar meowed, "My name is now Rainstar, and I... I am the leader of IceClan."
6:32pm Oct 15 2010
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With the most expressive look he had ever given that wasn't rage or anger, Redpaw stared wide eyed at Snowkit. He knew that his heated umber eyes had turned chillingly cold, and it felt as if his fiery pelt had been leeched of all color as everything faded around him. The little white tom trotted off as if the news were nothing more than saying, The Gathering is coming up. Or I caught a fish today while I was out hunting. There had been no emotion attached to it at all. Startled from his rigid state, Redpaw swiped furiously at his cheeks when something cold and foreign slide down them. When his paws came away damp with tears, Redpaw merely stared at them blankly. His mind was numb. Falconwing...is dead? he finally thought to himself. "No!" the strangled sob echoed in the clearing, and Redpaw quickly closed his maw. Turning away so that no cat would recognize him as the speaker he stumbled forward. He was trembling now as he let his paws lead him where ever they liked. Redpaw couldn't think about anything but the heartless words, Falconwing's dead. She's dead. She's gone. Never again will I see her understanding glances. Never again will I see what I hoped was lo- With a soft gasp, Redpaw clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "I was so close, Falconwing." He whispered hoarsely, tears tightening the throat to the point of pain, "I almost believed in them." The words was spat in hatred. StarClan, his mind sneered. There were no such cats that could be so cruel as to destroy the lives of those willing to believe in them, he had been a fool to almost fall for the promise. His head held low, in a predators stalking style, Redpaw watched as his vision bled back into life. The color seemed to slowly fill in the blank grays he had seen moments before. His shattered gaze looked at the pitiful cats around him, and soon his eyes locked onto Shadowpaw. The tom looked horrible in a way that wasn't physical, but it was still there. He could see it. That must be what I look like. His eyes had dried up, because Redpaw would rather die than have a cat see him crying, and he forced himself to stand tall. Stalking up to Shadowpaw, Redpaw meowed, his voice hollow sounding, "Do you know of your mother?" Swiftdarkness was cooing over Littlepaw and Redpaw felt the evil jealousy grip his heart over the act of such kindness. What does that feel like? he wondered and the memory of Falconwing praising him came to mind. His heart had soared, though he didn't let her on. She hardly ever showed physical affection to him, but the two times she had, Red paw had revealed in the sensation of a gentle touch. The ginger tom looked Shadowpaw straight in the eyes and meowed, "Tell me." Please say they aren't true.
Just call me Siri.
6:43pm Oct 15 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, it is true. Our cat's have the best personallities ever and they have developed so well over time. They own all other warrior cats. ^.^ BiC Stunned into silence, Patchpelt sat still. Unbelieving of the words Rainfeather just spoke. Rainfeather has never lied to you before, Patchpelt told herself. Why would she do such a cruel joke like this now? Shaking with grief, Patchpelt meowed, "How can she...It's not..." Licking her lips, the calico she-cat trembled even more. My mentor, the wonderful leader who saw the good in me has gone to StarClan. Through the tears, Patchpelt realized the comfort within her thoughts. She isn't gone. No, Eaglestar is with us still. Watching over us through StarClan, and she would want me to save the clan like I was destined to do. Lifting her vibrant emerald eyes to Rainstar's sapphire ones, Patchpelt knew it was true. Falconwing would want this too. "Rainstar," she meowed with only a little waver in her voice, "I have found new territory. A place where all four clans can go, and we will be safe once again from monsters." Licking her lips, Patchpelt knew she would break-down later. She would cry over her leader, mentor, and mother figures; for Falconwing had been loved dearly by her as well as Eaglestar. "I think it would be best for the clans to move right away. The snow is leaving and Leopardheart tells me that the monsters will attack again." Holding her head proudly, Patchpelt meowed, "If you would allow Mistsoul and me to go speak with the other clans, I would like to do so now. I don't want us to parish because we were slow."
Just call me Siri.
7:08pm Oct 15 2010
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Rainstar looked down at her paws, "I have been told.." she meowed, "Thank you," Lifting her head up, she meowed "I will let you go, I hope that Wolfstar and the other leaders will agree..." Looking outside the den, Rainstar meowed, "Will you be okay with Mistsoul...? She isn't a medicine cat anymore, making her more vulnerable to other Clan threats. And.. And plus, FireClan attacked us last moon... ." Standing up, on her long legs, feeling stiffens threatening her, "I just don't need more injured warriors... Maybe.. I don't know... Take more warriors with you?" Feeling frustrated and unsure about herself, Rainstar sat down again. "I don't know..." Being leader is much more that it appears to be. she thought as she flexed her Claws in and out. Casting a hopeful glance at Patchpelt, she hoped she would give some sort of Idea..
7:15pm Oct 15 2010 (last edited on 7:16pm Oct 15 2010)
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7:22pm Oct 15 2010
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Lilac growled. but kept her ground. Her eyes darted around, then her hair went flat, as Littlepaw was walked toward her. "She's okay, Cheetahwind!" She said gently. "She helped us escape from many dangers. Her names Lilac. Now, why don't you go see Patchpelt?" Littlepaw knew this would stirr his attention. She was right. Cheetahwind's eyes focused onto Patchpelt. Their was... too many cats around her. He just wanted to say it alone, with just her. He had wanted to tell her about Eaglestar, but he was guessing they were. He walked forward slowly. "Patchpelt?" Cheetahwind went through all the other cats and gently put his nose on Patchpelt's. "Thank God you're back.
7:25pm Oct 15 2010
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Padding back into camp, Featherpaw's claws were unsheathed, scoring marks in the snow. Breathing angrily, she had only caught one piece of prey after she had made Crow-food out of the first one. Dropping the prey on the ground where the fresh-kill pile used to be, Featherpaw's fur was stuck up in spikes, almost as spiked as Wolfstar's. Turning to pad back to the apprentice's den, Duskkit rammed into her leg. "What are you doing?" she hissed, bearing her sharp white teeth into a horrifying snarle. Duskkit's ears shot back, and a terrified wail came from the tiny animal, and he ran back to the nursery, his orange flecked tail strait in Ice cold fear. Letting out an impatient hiss, Featherpaw padded over to the corner of the camp. "I am not co-operating with these mouse-brained idiots!" she snarled. Kits were annoying, a nuisance for the Clan. Right, they did become warriors too, but they should be locked up in the nursery. No bugging me. Flicking her tail, and slashing her claws at some near by-snake gra'ss, Featherpaw was struck by the frequent harp of sadness in her heart. Why do I feel like this?! She wondered, glancing self feared, around her, no cat seemed to be watching. You can't go on like this... her mind was telling her. "Of course I can!" she spat. Featherpaw knew it, she could do anything she wanted. "Unlike Rosepaw," she hissed, "She is too nice." A sharp longing prodded her to go say 'Hi' to her sisters, but they are weak. I am better, I will be better. Padding away from her little dark corner, and sat by the apprentice den and cleaned the shrew blood off her paws.
9:49pm Oct 15 2010
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Shadowpaw blinked in confusion as another cats breadth trickled down the back of his neck, making the fur there stand on end. The voice was one he'd never think could speak to him without it only being insults, or trying to take his throat out. Turing, he looked over at Redpaw with his blue eyes flickering with surprise before they dulled again. The red apprentice looked...different. He could not quite place the difference in him over the last few days. Looking closer it was his eyes. Normally so closed off and cold they now held just the tiniest flicker of something. Perhaps Redpaw was not as emotionless as he liked to let on. But his words, the mention of his mother sent a few pieces of his heart shattering and he wondered how much more it could take before deadening all together. Meeting Redpaw's eyes, he blinked back tears, not letting them show in front of the aloof apprentice. "You hear correctly. Falconwing is dead!" He spat, colder then what he meant to. His words only sent the flames of hatred towards Starclan soaring, burning almost everything. He hoped his eyes, normally the windows to his soul, did not betray his feelings, his anger and pain. No cat needed the know he lost his faith, almost his everything, to the starry warriors. "And guess where we were when we could have been here, when we could have saved a cat who was better then us all? On a mission for Starclan! Those...those..yargh!" He finished with a furious caterwaul. Letting his head fall, he felt a flush creep upon his cheeks, really hoping no other cat besides Redpaw had heard him. Then red apprentice already hated him, so if he knew that Shadowpaw had not faith in Starclan anymore and hated him for it the black tom did not really care. --- Starpaw blinked at Nightfall in confusion for a moment, but nodded none the less. He trusted her, so eating the herbs did not really sound like to big of a deal. Bending down he lapped the herb up, grimacing at the taste, and looked back at Nightfall. "I'm not really sure what that accomplished but." He shrugged, still not fully understanding. How will this help me find my place? Suddenly a yawn split his muzzle until he heard a soft pop of his jaw. "Whoa." He meowed, eyes suddenly getting bleary. "If it's alright i'm going to take a quick nap. What were those herbs?" He asked himself, falling into one of the vacant nests in the medicine cats den. He was suddenly standing in a small valley, the moor on one side stretching for as far as he could see and the forest on the other, the exact same. Flowers bloomed all over the area, giving it a beautiful appearance. What he noticed the most was the abundant prey everywhere and his mouth watered. Getting up he glided towards a mouse nibbling on a seed, paws silent and body moving smoothly. With a leap the mouse was between his jaws and he sat down to eat. Guilt prickled at his paws thought, him being suddenly full and his clan mates starving. "I wonder if I can lead my clan here?" He asked himself, leaning down to groom his fur. It was then that it struck him. He could not hunt like that, heck he could hardly walk quiet enough to catch a mouse. Plus he did not remember travelling. A soft laugh, so gentle and sweet he almost purred in delight. A beautiful silver she-cat stood there, blue eyes looking down at him with such tenderness. "I'm in Starclan aren't I?" He asked quietly, it suddenly dawning upon him. The she-cat nodded, leaning down to lick his head. "Yes dear one. But do not fret, you are not dead. Nightfall gave you those herbs so we could speak to you, help you in a way." He blinked up at her, confused at her words. How was Starclan going to help him when he could not even help himself? "You do not understand where you fit in in your clan. Understandable. But tell me Starpaw, where do you feel most comfortable at?" She whispered into his ear and he shivered. "The medicine cats den." He told her, jumping as he took note she was standing a few fox lengths away when she just was right beside of him. "We noticed from the very beginning that there was something special about you Starpaw." A new voice spoke and he stared in surprise at the m*censored*ive ginger tom in front of him. "Why do you think you were given the name of Starpaw?" The apprentice shook his head, not understanding. "Look into your heart Starpaw, and tell me what you really want to do for your clan?" The tiny cat tipped his head to the side and tried to think. Images flashed through his mind. Helping Rosepaw, gathering herbs, curing sickness, and helping those who were to weak to help themselves. A smile bloomed onto his face. "I want to be a medicine cat!" He meowed confidently, and the two starry cats eyes in front of him glowed with humor. "I think this is the right path for you young one." The she-cat meowed, tail twining with the ginger toms. "Nightfall will believe it as well." She started fading just the the toms was. "Wait! Who are you?" He asked, suddenly wondering if these cats were misleading him. The beautiful she-cat turned to look at him, love in her eyes. "I am Shimmer, mother of Silentheart." She meowed, and Starpaw stared in disbelief. "And I am Fallenwind, father of Silentheart." The tiny cat smiled, surprised to have met Eaglestar's first deputy. "Remember Starpaw, follow your heart, for it is stronger then your body." Jerking up, Starpaw found himself in the same nest he fell asleep in. Jumping to his paws he rushed out of the medicine cats den to try and find Nightfall, only to find himself face first in the dust, spitting out dirt and nearly crying in embarr*censored*ment. Stupid legs, why do you always get in the way. Getting up, he hoped no cat saw his clumsiness. At a slower pace he went to find Nightfall. "I spoke to Shimmerpool and Fallenwind." He meowed cheerily, eyes shining even through his horror. "They said to follow my heart, and that I would make a good medicine cat." He let his ears fall back in worry. "Will...will you teach me Nightfall?" He asked. --- Silentheart looked up from where he was laying beside Rosepaw, a scowl adorning his face as he watched Cheetahwind gussy up to Patchpelt. He closed his heart of Mistsoul, though it still hurt to think of what could have been. She was a medicine cat at heart, and he could never fill that void. But something about Patchpelt still attracted him, and though he could never be as good for her as Cheetahwind he still sometimes dreamed of being as close as the two of them. Patchpelt was his first love, though he hated to admit it and would rather bite a paw off them do so. But seeing the two of them so close made him itch to claw the lager toms ears off. Finally he growled and stalked over to them, giving Cheetahwind the most cold glare he could muster. "Why don't you shut you muzzle long enough for her to speak with Rainstar about what she knows?" He hissed, loud enough for only Cheetahwind to hear. "I think she's strong enough to stand on her own four paws long enough to talk to our leader without you fawning all over her like a love struck kit." He hissed, tail flicking furiously.

11:39pm Oct 15 2010
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OoC: I can't wait to post, but my dad needs the 'puter for a while. So I will post after a shower. ::happy-dances over the drama~::
Just call me Siri.
12:35am Oct 16 2010
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Patchpelt wanted to curse herself a mouse-brain five times over. "I forgot that Mistsoul isn't medicine cat any longer. I shall take Fernseed then, or Nightpaw and Gentlepaw which ever you think best. I also don't want to threaten the other clans if they are weary already. I want them to move because it is in their hearts." Noting the insecurities that Rainstar had as IceClan's new leader, Patchpelt softened her features as she touched her nose to her leader's shoulder. "Take a breath, Rainstar," the calico she-cat whispered soothingly. "You've had the hardest task of all the clan so far, but don't worry. I know that you will be a great leader." Truth resonated from Patchpelt because she was sure of that statement. Suddenly a comforting thought came to Patchpelt's mind, so being Patchpelt, she blurted it out, "Rainstar, you were destined to become the next leader. StarClan saw to it. If you think about the clan like the soil, we've been starved of rain because ice is killing us. Under the guidince of rain we will flurish and prosper." A bright smile lightened Patchpelt's face when she meowed, "I think, when we reach the new territory, we should re-name the clan, and let the other clans see if they would like to as well." A true new start, she thought, and just maybe death won't be so familiar. Dipping her head respectfully to Rainstar, Patchpelt turned to leave since she had nothing more to say. She hoped that her words comforted Rainstar because she truly believed in them. As she decended from the great rocks, Patchpelt found cats gathering around. Maybe they think Rainstar will call a clan meeting, she thought but soon realized that they were waiting for her to tell them what was going on. Ignoring their questioning gazes, Patchpelt actually felt uncomfortable in her own clan. Having been with such a small group for so long made her forget how huge her clan was. A yellow-gold streak bounded toward her and Patchpelt fluffed up in defense only to have her nose bonked by Cheetahwind. Pulling back she sneezed and blinked a few times. "Watch it you big goof, I see you're doing well." Patchpelt flinched as her words came out a little harsher than she intended but it was true. Cheetahwind didn't seem to be fairing as badly as other warriors. When Patchpelt heard the bitter words she felt guilty that her heart fluttered. Turning her emerald gaze over her shoulder, she took in a deep breath at the sight of Silentheart. Copperfire, she warned herself. She knew his true name, but she couldn't speak it to the others. Though, that oddly made her feel special, as if she were given a secret part of him that was only hers. Knowing that Cheetahwind's feelings would be hurt, Patchpelt tried to scowled Silentheart but her words came out softly, "Don't worry. I've said what needs to be said. Rainstar might be holding a clan meeting soon." Her tail-tip twitched happily when Silentheart voiced his thoughts about how strong she was. Patchpelt had always loved that about Silentheart. Even as apprentices' he had never rubbed it in her face about how much better of a hunter he was than her. He also didn't fake being a bad hunter to make her feel better, instead he had spent time alone with her teaching her better methods for her size and attentiveness. But she had to admit that Silentheart went a little too far with the insults at the end. Gently cuffing him over the right ear, Patchpelt meowed, "Play nice Copperfire. Cheetahwind is just a little more expressive than you are." Licking her lips, Patchpelt knew her mind and heart had changed since she took the journey. It had given her much time to think about past actions and rushed decisions. She promised herself that she would regret nothing, but still she caught herself thinking about what if's. Kneading the ground with her short ivory claws, Patchpelt yawned. "I'm tired, but I need to speak with Fernseed, or Nightpaw. Or Gentlepaw." Glancing at Cheetahwind, Patchpelt flicked an ear then looked to Copperfire, and asked him, "Would you help me find one of them?"
Just call me Siri.
1:01am Oct 16 2010
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"You hear correctly. Falconwing is dead!" Shadowpaw spat with enough venom to made an adder slither away in fear. Redpaw felt his heart clench with such pain he trembled. Closing his eyes and bowing his head, the ginger apprentice sank his claws into the unyeilding, frozen earth. Think and be icy, the told himself. Be like the ground beneath you paws. Dead. Frozen. It was useless, thought. All Redpaw wanted was to hear an emotion besides anger from the tom. If any cat missed Falconwing it would be her kits. His shaking increased as pure pain blazed through his blood. His gaze blurred and he realized it was more tears. "Please, don't," Redpaw choked. His head hung low, Redpaw felt his neck fur bristle when Shadowpaw cursed them and StarCLan. "And guess where we were when we could have been here, when we could have saved a cat who was better then us all? On a mission for Starclan! Those...those...yargh!" Shame filled him when he thought he would come back to Falconwing's sweet, caring eyes. He had thought about her as he slept, he imagined the praise she would give him for saving Littlepaw and Lilac, and the time he let the dogs chase him to save his clan-mates. The clan-mates she had taught him to respect. A cold sweat broke out under his thick, winter fur and Redpaw looked back up at Shadowpaw, his umber eyes holding back the unshed tears. "Don't think you are the only one missing her," he growled. His claws itched to slash across the tom's face, but he held himself back. "Falcongwing was the greatest cat in all of this clan. She believed in me when every other cat turned their back on me." He bared his sharp fangs in a hiss, "I didn't trust any of you, and none of you tried! Don't sully her name because she believed in something so fake. No one dies innocent. The world makes sure to defile us all in some way." Anger felt so much better than the pain he felt moments ago. He didn't even want to think about what that pain was from. Redpaw had given up on love long ago. He was sure he would never come across it again. But in the back of his mind, a small voice asked, would you even recognize it if it were right in front of you? Turning around, Redpaw fled the camp. He wasn't sure where he was going...or if he planned on coming back.
Just call me Siri.
1:30am Oct 16 2010
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An emaciated, dull gray she-cat weakly walked into the medicine cat den. Her pelt was thin and matted in patches and it seemed to be thrown over a pile of sticks, but those were her bones. Her once vibrant golden eyes were now a muted yellow. Sapped of life, her innocent love was now jaded. Mistsoul had taught her body to eat only greens, unlike the others who starved until the next useless mouse. Though, her belly ached with worms that wouldn't leave and a cold had infected her nose until it dripped a sickly pink mucus. She hid it well from the other cats, even if they commented on her recent change in behavior. Mistsoul would never put her clan-mates in danger, so she started to refuse kit-sitting, which was something that the real Mistsoul would never do. But the sickness had taken over her. Her lungs ached with each breath, her bones were so brittle she was sure that one in her paw was broken because of the continues pain, and her belly cramped in excruciating pain any time she tried to eat lately. I don't think I can go on much longer like this, she whispered in her mind because talking took too much effort. Oh, sweet one, don't give up. It is not your time. I know it's hard, but don't give up now. There is so much more in life waiting for you. The others are back now, they found a new land with lots of prey. If you just- Please stop, Cougarclaw, Mistsoul pleaded. Do you really think I could make it to the new land? Her friend didn't answer, but that was answer enough. Her empty gaze locked onto the lethal red berry in the back of the medicine den. Did it hurt, Cougarclaw? Very much so, little one. Are you lying to scare me? I'm not afraid anymore. I am not. You know I have spoken only the truth to you. Always the truth. Guilt gnawed at her heart. The real Mistsoul would never doubt her companion. I'm not Mistsoul anymore am I? Of course you are, Mistsoul. Don't be silly. How can I be Mistsoul when there is nothing left but a shell of who I used to be, Cougarclaw? I feel as if my soul left me long ago. I am nothing of my original self. Padding up to the death berry, the gray she-cat took in ragged gasps. I'm so hungry the death berry looks good enough to eat. Don't! Sweet, little one, please I beg you! Don't do this! Ignoring the cries in her mind, Mistsoul rasped, "Daddy?" Her vision swirled and darkness swallowed her whole. OoC: I don't know if I should have her die or not. =/ The clan is huge, but I love her so much. The whole point was to decrease the size, but I think it doesn't matter anymore.
Just call me Siri.
10:36am Oct 16 2010
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ooc; Having a large Clan is also bugging me... I think I am going to select certain cats on the list, and make them die, or move to a different Clan Withought the Clan being effected. I Think if everyone could take out some cats they haven't played, then the Clan would shrink back to normal size. Bic; Nightfall let out a purr of happiness. "I will," she meowed, then came to sit beside him. "Starpaw, you must know that there is no turning back, once we go to the moon-stone, you will be my full apprentice." Licking his soft head she meowed, "You won't be able to have a mate," Nightfall chocked, "Or Kits....." the last sentience her voice shook. Cold, slivering pain was stinging from her tail to her ears. Mistake.. she remembered, "Come into the den," She meowed quietly."I will speak to Rainstar later." Nightfall padded out of her den and walked into the clearing, leaving Starpaw to his thoughts was always a good thing. Her shining black pelt reflected nothing, as the Clan life was dull around her. Feeling as she was a feather lost in the storm, she knew that was Rainstar wanted her to do today would be better than sitting around here. Rainstar hauled when she heard Patchpelt refer to Fernseed, Nightpaw and Gentlepaw. Shaking her head she knew that Patchpelt would soon find out that the medicine cats were changed forever with the grant of a new name. Leaping onto the high rock, Rainstar rose her voice. "All the cats that can catch there own prey, join here beneath High-rock for a Clan meeting!" Rainstar sat down on her perch as the Cats gathered. Emeraldrain emerged with her kits bouncing around her from the nursery, and all the cats seemed to be there. "Cats of IceClan, " she meowed, "Patchpelt, and the other journeying cats, as you have heard left IceClan to Find all the Clans a new territory. " As other cats began to look confused Rainstar went on, "Soon Patchpelt, Nightfall and Gentleheart will travel to the other Clan's territory, to speak with there leaders." "They will inform the leaders about a meeting," she meowed, "A meeting hosted Here, in IceClan about moving to the new territory's instead of staying here, in this dyeing land." Some yowls of protest broke out of the steady murmur of cats below her. "What if the Clan leaders disagree?" yowled Thistlestorm. Rainstar looked up at the sky, "It was from StarClan that these warriors left to find a new Clan, so StarClan will have these Warriors persuade the Leaders." Waiting to hear the silence, Rainstar ended. "They will be here tomorrow. " Leaping down from the high-rock, Rainstar padded up to Patchpelt, "Have the leaders know that they are to bring each of there medicine cats, or deputy's." I think... she thought, but padded back to under the high rock. Her silver fur turning to grey as she stepped into the shadows, she watched all the Cats disperse with her ice blue gaze suspicious. "Why is my apprentice spending more time in the medicine Cat den then with me Training?" Windprint asked Thistlestorm after the Clan meeting. "Dunno," Thistlestorm replied, "But he seems to be enjoying it." That was not the answer I was looking for. Windprint knew that his friend would act stubbornly to his decisions. "Do you think he will become a medicine cat apprentice?" asked Windprint. "Windprint, stop asking me questions I can't answer. This is a patrol lets catch some prey, k?" Turning his head to the side, Windprint mouthed some words that Thistlestorm had said. With a shreek, Windprint's green eyes focused on the yellow monster in the background. "Thistlestorm!" hissed Windprint. "What do you want? You are scarring away the prey." Thistlestorm replied stubbornly. "Stop acting like this!" Hissed Windprint, "Look!" His eyes didn't lie, there was a huge two-leg monster in the distance. "Oh......" meowed Thistlestorm. "Its so deep in our territory though! It.. Its is like 9 tree lengths away from camp!" Fear struck Windprint. "We have to warn the Clan.." whispered Windprint. Having his paws tear through the gras.s as the monster ate tree's behind them, the territory was soon becoming normal. Flying into the camp, Windprint Rain to Rainstar. "Monsters..... Are... Attacking the ...They are getting closer." Rainstar looked at Windprint oddly, "How Close?" "Ten tree-lengths. " Rainstar's ice blue eyes widened. Leaping onto the High rock, Rainstar yowled, "Cats of IceClan, we are being approached by monsters We have to move the Camp.." Watching Rainstar's fur begin to Bristle, he knew the territory wouldn't last. "Gather your kits, and apprentice's, Patchpelt, you come too, we are moving to the FireClan border." There was a smoothed stone land there, because FireClan hasn't been touched, they would have to live there for the Time being; with the water lapping at there feet, and living in snake gra.ss.
12:22pm Oct 16 2010
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Silentheart's fur prickled with guilt at having been caught insulting Cheetahwind, and in front of Patchpelt no less. He was waiting for her to rebuke him, snarl at him and tell him how stupid he really was. Not stupid, just jealous. He scowled at the thought, hating that he wanted something some other cat pretty much already had. How he hated Cheetahwind! "Don't worry. I've said what needs to be said. Rainstar might be holding a clan meeting soon." He inwardly grinned, knowing the words were supposed to be annoyed, but yet they weren't. I may never be able to say I had her heart, but hopefully our friendship has not been lost. He'd hate seeing her with Cheetahwind, living happily with the other tom and perhaps someday having his kits. The thought made him bristle, and itch to claw the yellow toms nose. But he'd always be there for her, just to listen when she needed to talk because she knew well that he was not the most vocal cat, or to ease her worried mind in times of stress. He'd hate every minute of it, knowing he failed on some level, but he'd do it only for her. She asked about seeing Gentlepaw or Nightpaw and he flinched, unsure how to say what he needed to. At least she asked me and not Cheetahwind. It took all of his strength not to look at the other tom and sneer, but knowing Patchpelt would get annoyed he did not. I'v got to stop thinking about that and focus on our clan mates, darn it! "Fernseed is fine, I will say that first so you know she's not dead. She lives happily as a kitty-pet now. So it's Nightfall and Gentleheart." He meowed softly, meeting her eyes. "I'll take you there, they've been really busy the past few moons trying to keep all of us as healthy as they can." He purred roughly, remembering how well they'd attended to Rosepaw. "We are lucky to have them." He stood up and flicked his tail gently, beckoning as he started for the Medicine Cats den. Rainstar suddenly leaped onto Highrock, startling him. The monsters are that close? He asked himself, neck fur beginning to prickle. He was about to turn to Patchpelt when he remembered Rosepaw. He hated to leave Patchpelt alone, but his sick apprentice needed him more. Without thinking he licked her ear softly, flushing slightly afterwards. "Eer, i'v got to get my apprentice, she's sick and in the medicine cats den." He meowed. "I'll meet you there, I guess?" He asked, hoping he'd not startled her to bad. Without another word he bolted to the den, poking his head inside to search for Nightfall or Gentleheart. "Would you like me to help Rosepaw?" He asked. --- Starpaw jumped into the air with joy, a small meow or delight rippling form his throat. Though he landed awkwardly he really did not mind, his happiness dulling any sense of embarr*censored*ment. "I won't want to turn back." He purred confidently. "Who's choose me as a mate anyway?" He teased, walking after her and butting her shoulder with his head affectionately. "You sounded sad when you said that. Do you want kits?" He asked cautiously, wondering if that was a subject he should not breech. I'm going to be a medicine cat! But...what will Windprint say? He wondered sadly, thinking of his mentor, or former mentor now. --- Shadowpaw listened to Redpaw, eyes widening in surprise at the emotions running through the red apprentices eyes. He never seen so much of Redpaw on display and frankly it scared him. Ever since he'd know the other apprentice he'd always been aloof, aggressive, and far off. He really looked up to my mother, he really liked her in a way he liked no other cat in the clan. Sort of like a mother maybe? His heart soared, delighted his mother, Falconwing, could connect to the off-putting apprentice like no other cat could. Only you mother. He thought sadly, a tiny smile playing on his muzzle. As Redpaw ran off, he thought about following, but decided against it. It would probably end with him getting clawed. Rainstar suddenly was up on the Highrock yowling that monsters were only a few tree-lengths from the camp. Shadowpaw hissed in anger, now so close to one of the creatures that killed his mother yet unable to shred it. He knew Rainstar was leader now, thought that did not dampen his grief over Eaglestar, and he'd do as the new leader said. Starting towards the nursery, he wondered if perhaps the queens could use a little help with their kits. The rumbling of the monsters was suddenly making his paws tremble and he growled, fur bristling. Their getting close. He looked around for Emeraldrain. "Would you like me to help with your kits?" He asked, suddenly wondering if they were against it because he was somewhat a stranger, having been away so long. OoC: Wow, Starpaw's was a slight fail...and am I getting the Rosepaw thing right? She's sick from what i'v heard, but i'm still not sure.

12:26pm Oct 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Holy cats. I missed a bit. What happenned? I'm at my aunties about two hours out of town. Uncles 65th surprise birthday party, limited computer usage XD
12:37pm Oct 16 2010
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OoC: I think I'm crying. I read Rainstar's post and I thought about Mistsoul, and now I know she won't make it. She pa.ssed out because of starvation and she would never be able to run fast enough. I'm crying! ::sadfais!:: I guess that's one more cat to take off the list...besides, it's not like there could be four medicine cats. I created her soully for that reason, and now I can't see her as anything else...well..a queen, but the clan is too big. She still just doesn't fit. ='( My post is coming, too~
Just call me Siri.
12:42pm Oct 16 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Easties, you can read the summary thing~ I updated it. ^.^ Very helpful, yes?
Just call me Siri.
1:00pm Oct 16 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Firtail gave up on getting on a hunting patrol when Rainstar called a clan meeting. He glanced at Hawkmask often, hoping she understood that he really had wanted to spend time with her. When the clan meeting was over, Firtail felt his fur bristle. I don't know what to think about having other clan leaders here in IceClan. Though, that plan changed quickly. Padding up to Hawkmask he opened his maw to speak when Windprint pelted into the camp. The oddly colored tom gasped that monsters were coming straight for IceClan. Eyes widening, Firtail went into straight alert mode. His thin body ached but he held himself proudly. With serious teal eyes, Firtail hissed to Hawkmask, "Stay safe. Don't do anything mouse-brained. We will all get out of this alive." Looking to the medicine cat den, he noted that activity was going on as usual, oblivious to the outside action. But soon saw Copperfire going to inform them. Turning tail, Firtail went right up to Swiftdarkness who had been sitting close to his she-kit. Looking the deputy in the eye he asked, "What shall I do?" The ebony tom, though thin and frail, held himself with dignity. "You have a good relationship with the kits and the queens, go and get them out of there. You are still strong enough to carry them, yes?" "Of course," Firtail replied quickly. "Then go," the deputy ordered. Meanwhile Patchpelt had been so disturbed by the new she hardly noticed when Silentheart licked her cheek and told her they would meet in the medicine cat den. Shaking herself, Patchpelt was about to dash over there when Swiftdarkness yowled to her, "Patchpelt, I need you to lead the first group to FireClan! You know the way, and you are strong enough to pull any stragglers." Her emerald eyes burned with tears, her home really was going to be destroyed and, if the cats didn't get out, they would go with it. Glancing back to where Silentheart disappeared she silently hoped he knew she wasn't deserting him. "Yes, Swiftdarkness. Who am I leading?" "Gather as many of the two queens and their kits along with at least half of the apprentices. The warriors will be soon to follow behind you." Trusting Swiftdarkness, Patchpelt looked to Rainstar and sighed. I guess StarClan really wanted me to convise those other clans because now I get to live with them. Shaking her head, Patchpelt quickly found her apprentice and told him, "Shadowpaw I need you to find Bluepaw, Redpaw, Graypaw, Littlepaw, and Painfulpaw with me. Then we are to go to the nursery and help Firtail get the kits out of here, OK?"
Just call me Siri.