1:03pm Oct 16 2010
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OoC: As for Redpaw, Stray, Shadowpaw can tell her that he ran off. Time is too short to find him, and he's a tough cat. Patchpelt will understand. I just didn't want to make it so that she saw all of their conversation/fight because it was very personal between Redpaw and Shadowpaw.
Just call me Siri.
2:39pm Oct 16 2010
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Rosepaw gave her mentor a little smile, "Okay," She meowed and padded side by side with him. Emeraldrain looked up at Shadowpaw, "Oh would you?" she asked hopefully. Handing Duskkit to him she meowed through Sunkit "Thank you!" As she made her way up the hill, she seen Firtail accompanying other cats to help Echovoice. When did you decide this would happen StarClan, and why withought warning? Windprint looked over the scattering cats, "Mistsoul is missing." he remarked, Missing Windprint! Find her! Windprint ran out of the camp as fast as he could, hearing distant yowls of annoyance. As he flanked out of the camp, he noticed a pelt streaked with snow and sand. Running up to her, he recognized Mistsoul. "No," he meowed, "Mistsoul ...? are.. are you there? or... Alive?" His voice faintly timid, he pushed her stomach. As he examined her, the roaring of the two-leg monster became faintly closer. "Please, Please wake up!" he meowed. Looking around, he shook her head back and fourth. He puller her body a little farther, and knew it was hopeless for a cat as thin as him to cary another cat back to the Clan. Letting his blue-green gaze rest on her he meowed, "Please......... Mistsoul..? I have loved you for a long time..... but you and Copperfire..." Shaking his pelt, he looked at her. "Why am I telling her this......?"
4:49pm Oct 16 2010
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Cheetahwind stayed silent at Silentheart's comment.When he slipped into the meeting, he whispered in his ear, "You threaten me, I ignore you. Understand?" H slipped back and went to stand beside Gentleheart. Gentleheart smiled slightly when Cheetahwind sat beside her. "When are you going to ask her?" Cheetahwind stared blankly at Gentleheart. "What?" Gentleheart snorted. "Seriously, are all tomcats dopes? Patchpelt, duh! You have to ask her before Silentheart! I have a bet she'll say 'I don't know', but you have to go out there! It's tough with one she-cat and two toms. You have to be the brave one."
6:35pm Oct 16 2010
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Shadowpaw jumped with a small yowl as Patchpelt seemingly appeared right behind him. Licking his chest fur flat, he nodded. "Eer... Patchpelt? Redpaw freaked a few minutes ago and took off into the forest, i'm not sure exactly where he went." He flinched slightly, hoping she was not going to snarl at him for Redpaw's lack of thinking. Without waiting for another word he took off towards the apprentices den, poking h9s head inside to try and find any of the apprentices Patchpelt told him to find. Growling, he looked around the camp and quickly spotted Bluepaw and Graypaw. He was glad these two of them were not near as aggressive as their brother.
"Find Patchpelt and go with her. She's leading a patrol to Fireclan borders, and the apprentices are going to before warriors." He meowed, trying to keep the panic from his voice. "Hurry!" He swiftly found Painfulpaw and spoke the same warning as the two siblings. Looking out of the camp entrance for just a second he hoped that he'd spot Redpaw's pelt. Nothing. Dang it Redpaw, your going to get killed! Though he had little respect for the other tom he knew Falconwing looked at him as a son of sorts and would not forgive him if he let something happen to him. But something brushed against his pelt not a second before he was going to go find the other apprentice. Emeraldrain's pretty eyes were looking up at him and he sighed, now remembering his offer to help with the kits. I hope you can take care of yourself Redpaw. He smiled softly at the queen and nodded. "It's no problem." He meowed, taking the kit gently between his teeth and picking him up. He looked around for Patchpelt, having done as she said and was ready to get the kits and queens out of there. "We're ready." He muttered through fur. --- Silentheart nodded and let her lean against his shoulder as he walked into the clearing, looking around for Rainstar. Instead he noticed Patchpelt in the lead of the first patrol and a small purr of pride rose in his throat. Walking slowly up to the calico warrior he dipped his head and grinned slightly, looking away just as fast to make sure his apprentice was alright. "How are you holding up?" He asked the apprentice, glancing over her once to make sure there were no notable problems. "You threaten me, I ignore you. Understand?" Silentheart sneered at Cheetahwind. He flicked Rosepaw's shoulder with his tail and slipped off quickly to find Cheetahwind. Stalking up to him, tail held high to show he had no fear, he scoffed directly in the larger toms face. "Go ahead and ignore me, but I would not have to threaten you if you didn't act like a kit...or a kittypet!" He growled, lips curled up in a pained scowl. "I know your feelings towards Patchpelt Cheetahwind, and I pretty well know she likes you right back. But," He leaned forwards so he was nose to nose with the other tom. "You hurt her in any way, make her cry for any reason, I will shred you." He spat, eyes smoldering. "I love her, but don't think me backing off from the two of you means that i'm not just giving her up or doing it because I like you." He sneered again, but his world seemed to collapse at his words. He was practically handing half of his heart to this other cat. "I hate you Cheetahwind, hate what you have and what I tried so hard to gain." Turning, he stalked back over to Rosepaw, blinking multiple times to try and control his wetting eyes. He knew it would hurt to flat out say what he did, but not this much. Sitting down beside his apprentice, he sighed brokenly. What did I come back for? He asked the sky, looking towards it.

7:11pm Oct 16 2010
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Rosepaw looked up at her mentor uneasily. "We should get Echovoice's kits to leave the camp," she meowed, "Please, stop fighting... The Clan needs you now and all you can do is mouth off to that other tom." Hissing the last part, she ran into the nursery, grabbing Chesnutkit, and scurrying out of the den. Fleeing from her mentor's reach. As Rosepaw padded out, she noticed Featherpaw carrying Cherrykit behind Emeraldrain. Padding up to Emeraldrain, shot a grateful glance at her and kept her pace. "Cats of IceClan, our Clan is now being deserted!" Rainstar Called out from the top of the camp, "Swiftdarkness, you make sure everyone is here." Turning back to the Clan she yowled, "The two-legs are approaching. We must leave now! " Feeling the wind in her fur, she grasped Echovoice's other kit, Sorrowkit, in her mouth. Padding onward leading her Clan, she padded toward the smooth rocks of the border between FireClan, and IceClan.
9:25pm Oct 16 2010
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Hawkmask nodded to Firtail "You as well." she stated and made her way to find any of the cats out of the camp. Heading to the nursery to look for any other kits. When she saw all were gone she ran for the entrance. Snowkit ran beside her as his small body was too small to carry one of his siblings. Painfullpaw nodded and went to find th two apprentices. Stopping for a second he thought of Eaglestars kits. Spotting them he breathed in relief and caried on with his job. Getting to safety.
Sorrowkit was shaking like a leaf would in the wind. "W-whats h-happening?!" she yowled and her fur stood on end. Wondering why everyone was covered in fear.
9:52pm Oct 16 2010
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Guys~ I has How To Train Your Dragon on dvd now~ I'm so happy~ X3 Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheeee~ Ahem sorry bout that...had a cup of coffee. >.>; )
10:42pm Oct 16 2010
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Sadness filled Patchpelt's gaze when Shadowpaw told her about Redpaw, but she understood. The tom was highly aggressive and frustrated easily. When in a fit, no cat could stop Redpaw from doing as he pleases. Licking her apprentice on the ear, she hoped that was comfort enough in a display of understanding. Watching as he dashed away, Patchpelt gathered the cats closer together. She ordered them to make a buddy system so that no cat would be left behind. Soon Shadowpaw was back with the rest of the apprentices' and Patchpelt began to yowl over the chaos that they were going to leave now. Fear-scent was so strong in the air, Firtail was nearly choking on it. The clan was in a panic, but Rainstar and Swiftdarkness worked effectively enough that they were getting out fast. But is it fast enough? he wondered, and silently prayed to StarClan that they were working fast enough. When he burst into the nursery, Echovoice's kit Sorrowkit was shaking in the back corner, eye wide with fright. "Come here sweetling," he purred, using her nickname for comfort. Grasping the tender nap of her neck, Firtail trotted out of the den until he was right behind Patchpelt, who had all the apprentices and the two queens around her. Swiftdarkness was quickly gathering the large amount of warriors, but it wouldn't be fast enough Firtail feared. Trotting up to Patchpelt, Firtail was comforted when the calico warrior yowled, "Rainstar, Swiftdarkness, and the rest of the warriors will be following. Let's move quickly!" She darted ahead, taking a less used path. It made for more effort in traveling, but it went straight to FireClan territory. Why in StarClan did Rainstar chose FireClan of all clans? Firtail wondered. Meanwhile, Redpaw screeched when he came upon the largest monster he had ever seen. Turning tail, his umber eyes filled with fear when he realized it was heading for the camp. I have to warn them! Sprinting as fast as he could, Redpaw almost ran right into Patchpelt in his hast. Confused for a moment, the ginger tom sighed with relief when he realized that the clan already knew. "I will go back to see if any cat is lagging behind," he offered quickly in defense for his absence. The camp was nearly empty when Redpaw raced in, which comforted him deeply. He was shocked at how much loyalty he had unknowingly given to this clan. Checking each den to be sure that no cat was being left behind, Redpaw came upon the medicine den and yowled for Nightfall, Starpaw, and Gentleheart to leave. "Forget the herbs!" he cried desperately. Rushing them out to huddle near Swiftdarkness. The ebony warrior looked at Rainstar, "All cats are either here or already moving with Patchpelt. I think it is time we run." Thin and tired, Swiftdarkness prepared his body by tensing his lean muscles. He would make it out of this. For my kits.
Just call me Siri.
11:48pm Oct 16 2010
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Sweet one, Mistsoul heard Cougarclaw whisper to her, you need to wake up. The clan is moving, hurry. Some one special is here for you. But this place is so peaceful and welcoming. I know little one, but StarClan is not ready to take you. There is so much more planned for you. Shaking her head in denial, Mistsoul gasped awake. Pain had come back to her, but more importantly she could hear too. There was a loud ringing and crunching noise, yet what she heard most were to cries from the tom standing above her. "Windprint," she rasped softly, her voice was drowned out by the chaos. Licking her dry lips, Mistsoul noted the anxiety in the tom's eyes and instantly tried to stand. Her legs trembled like a newborns, but Mistsoul had always been inwardly stubborn. Standing semi-steady, she looked back up at the handsome tom, even if he was stick-thin as well. "What's going on? Where is everyone?" Her vision wavered and she stumbled forward to lean on Windprint. Using him to steady her, Mistsoul hoped he didn't mind. What was he saying to me before? she asked herself. Her mind was working slowly, but her instincts warned that something bad was happening. It told her to flee, but her body was just too tired. Pressing her nose into the fur at Windprint's shoulder, Mistsoul hoped again that the tom didn't mind her leaning, but she didn't know if she had any strength left. Physically or mentally.
Just call me Siri.
11:49pm Oct 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Sorrowkit nodded and shivered a bit but not as badly. "W-why is everyone scared?" she asked as she let the warrior carry her. Shivering she could tell something was terribly wrong and she wanted to know. "Where are we going? Why is everyone in a huge vrush? Why can't I know anything?" she continued her string of whys until she had run out of questions.
12:12am Oct 17 2010
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His mouth full of fur, Firtail rumbled to Sorrowkit, "Bad things are coming to IceClan, so we are going to FireClan." Each paw-step was becoming harder for the tom, but he would do anything for this clan. My clan, he thought with his heart blooming with love. IceClan worked well together, there were some kinks but no clan was perfect. It still amazed him how loyal each cat was, and how strong the will to live was in each cat. Even the kits were strong-willed and didn't complain. Such mighty warriors, he thought with respect and love. The trees were thinning, and Patchpelt finally slowed her relentless pace. Firtail gentle placed Sorrowkit on the ground, knowing that they were out of danger..for the moment. Taking in gulps of air, the spotted tom looked around. Water was seeping through the ground to chill his paws, but a few stepping stones were noticeable. Patchpelt slowed to a stop, knowing that she had pushed the starving camp hard. Maybe too hard she thought, but the monsters had been so close she didn't have a choice. "Let us rest for a moment. The kits can be set down now to walk on their own, but every cat needs to watch them carefully." Glancing up at the gray, gloomy sky Patchpelt thanked StarClan that there were no birds of prey lurking above. The calico warrior watched over each cat in turn, looking for Rainstar. She didn't know what to do next, and hoped that her leader would guide them safely into FireClan from here.
Just call me Siri.
9:51am Oct 17 2010
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ooc' don't mind this post xD I am rushed couldn't finish it. Rainstar nodded to Swiftdarkness, after the Clan cats had been traveling fast, and hard through the sand, Rainstar meowed to the resting Clan, " Windprint steadied Mistsoul, her legs were week, and what he could see form, her eyes weren't any better.
10:57am Oct 17 2010
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Sorrowkit nodded and felt drowsy after a while. "I'm tired..." she whispered and sowly she fell into sleep. Snowkit padded away from Hawkmask and towards Emeraldrain. When he reached his mother he leant his head upwards a bit and gave his mother a comforting lick. "Don't worry mom. We're safe now. That's all that matters." he said as he laid down beside her and rested his tired paws. Hawkmask looked about spotting Firtail she smiled happy to know he was safe with Sorrowkit. Even Panthergaze was ok. She was proud and she purred. Padding towards Firtail she knew Panthergaze might still be upset with her talking with Firtail the first day they met. "Oh thank goodness you're alright." she purred and rubbed her cheek on his smiling. "I was so worried." she added and sat down beside him. Watching as Sorrowkit slept lightly she smiled at the kit. "I'm so glad everyones alright...well asides from a mild heartattack." she stated and shuffled her paws a bit.
11:18am Oct 17 2010 (last edited on 11:19am Oct 17 2010)
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When Littlepaw heard the call, she staggered to her feet. She was so tired from the journey.... Why had StarClan chosen her, the worthless runt apprentice? She was even lower than dirt. When she grew up, she would probably be was smaller than Patchpelt. Fear clung her small body. Would she be able to catch up? She thought about it, than sighed. No, I won't. She slowly slugged her way into the middle of camp. She stared around. No one had noticed, that small Littlepaw had lagged behind. She sat down exactly where a dead warrior would be placed, and laid down to rest. Cheetahwind moved fast, because of his long, lithe legs. His legs begged to go faster, but he controlled the urge, staying two fox-lengths away from Rainstar.When Rainstar called rest, he suddenly screetched to a halt. He went to Patchpelt. "Where's Littlepaw?" He said in panic. "Is she still in camp? I don't see her."
2:50pm Oct 17 2010
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Licking her chest fur until it was semi-flat, Patchpelt jumped what Cheetahwind appeared by her side and demanded, "Where's Littlepaw?" Fear coursed through her veins as the calico warrior looked about for the tiny apprentice. She couldn't see her, and Cheetahwind's startling words made her worry they might be true. How did I miss her? She was a huge part in the journey. Her legs trembled with guilt at not having noticed the little cat's absence. Her ears flattened on her skull as she scanned the area for the black pelt. "I don't know, Cheetahwind," she whispered, "I don't know..." Back at camp, the huge unnatural-yellow monster roared closer. There was another following close behind, and their rock-eating-fangs bit into the frozen earth. They uprooted plants, rocks, and small trees crashed to the ground before them. Redpaw pelted for the camp entrance, thankfully of which was on the opposite side of where the monsters were coming from. Their strange, bitter scents intoxicated him, making him cough and sneeze. A black fluff caught his attention as he raced by and Redpaw looked back. A kit was left behind? he thought with horror. Though, it seemed understandable because it was a still as stone. Then he recognized Littlepaw. For moons he had traveled with the opinionated she-cat on the journey and knew that she must have been too tired to run. As he stepped in her direction the closest monster ate through the bramble barrier of camp, making him hesitate. His instincts told him to run, but the honor that Falconwing had displayed to him, taught him pushed his paws into action. Redpaw raced over to the she-cat and roughly grasped her nap in his teeth. Turning tail and racing with the swiftness of coming dawn, Redpaw followed the beaten path that all the other cats had taken. Roaring came from behind him, yet he never looked back to see his clan-home be destroyed. His lungs wheezed for air, as his legs burned like fire, and again his instincts told him to leave Littlepaw. It only made him bit harder into her neck and race on. When the growl of the monster reseeded to nothing, Redpaw slowly stopped and set Littlepaw down. Falling to the ground the ginger tom took in as much air as he could. Closing his umber eyes and resting for a while. Then, still gasping, he yowled, "You mouse-brain! You almost got eaten by that monster! Couldn't you have found even a bit of energy to get you going!" Scrambling to his paws, Redpaw huffed at her, his tail held high. "Fend for yourself now," he spat. Then angrily stalked away.
Just call me Siri.
4:12pm Oct 17 2010
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Shadowpaw sat Dustkit gently between his front two paws, keeping him sheltered there in case any Birds of Prey decided the kit was worth a snack. Glancing over every cat who had arrived he purred in pride, not believing how well even some enemies were working together to make sure not cat was left behind. But looking closer one pelt in particular was missing and it sent his mind into a panic. "Where's Littlepaw?" He whispered to himself, jerking his head into every direction to try and desperately find his smaller sister. I swear Starclan, you take her to and I will find a way to shred everyone of you when I die. He yowled furiously in his mind, eyes wide. He looked down at the kit, heart torn for the moment. He did not want to leave the kit, he was so small and helpless. But his sister? One cat stood out because he was by himself, white striped pelt bristling in the gloomy shadows of the border. Picking up Dustkit again, trying not to let the kit swing from his mouth, he padded quickly over top Panthergaze, who looked lost. He'd seen the warrior deal with Starpaw really well, kind yet firm in the face of danger. Dustkit would be safe with him while he found Littlepaw. Nodding to the larger warrior, he put Dustkit down so he could speak. "Littlepaw's missing and i'd like to look for her. But," The older tom cut him off with a rusty purr. "And you'd like me to watch after your charge." Shadowpaw had to look away from his eyes, so bright and knowing yet something deep in them spoke of things unknown to any clan cat. He shivered slightly but nodded none the less. He had to find his sister. "Of course I will. It's not every day one of you clan cats trust me with one of your kits." Panthergaze gently scooped the kit closer, a soft hum of comfort towards the kit rumbling from his throat. "Thank you." Shadowpaw murmured, suddenly glad this tom chose Iceclan out of all the others to make his home. Or is it a temporary refugee? He asked himself, wanting to ask but not having the courage to. He'd notice when over Panthergaze spoke of the clan he never made it sound like he himself was part of it. Always 'you clan cats' or 'your clan.' Shadowpaw wondered how much longer to loner tom would stay in Iceclan. Shaking his head from the troubling thoughts, he started towards Patchpelt, wanting to tell her where he was going. But she was with Cheetahwind, and would probably not listen to him. Scowling, he started off deeper into Iceclan territory, back the way they came in hopes of picking up his sisters scent. He knew he'd get into trouble for running off, but it was the only way he could think to locate Littlepaw. I'm not losing you like I did Midnightpaw. He vowed, scenting the air. In record time he was at the old camp, but to his utter horror it was destroyed, nothing left but monsters and a shadow of it's former glory. He wail nearly ripped through his throat, hoping no cat was in there, especially not his sister. But her scent was fairly strong and he crept towards the entrance, keeping himself flat to the ground. A monster roared to life in front of him and he swore his heart leap into his throat with fear. Trying again, he picked up Redpaw's scent mingled with Littlepaw's, as well as dragging marks, as if some cat carried another. Then it hit him like a blast to the face, nearly sweeping him off of his paws. Redpaw saved Littlepaw. He thought, swiftly following the trail they left. As a pelt became clear. he forced his wheezing lung and sore legs to move faster. Skidding to a halt beside Littlepaw, he swiftly checked over her to make sure she was alright, nothing broken. She seemed alright, exhausted but nothing to serious. He'd like to get her to Nightfall or Gentleheart anyway. Remembering Redpaw he tried to find the annoying apprentice, but a tiny smile lit his face as the apprentice was no where in sight. You might have saved her life, but your still a m*censored*ive pain. He thought humorously, finding a new found respect for Redpaw. Grabbing Littlepaw;s scruff, he started back towards the other clan cats, glad his body was much healthier then the others. Patchpelt is so going to kill me. He thought, making sure Littlepaw did not drag the ground to much.

6:50pm Oct 17 2010
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Rainstar nodded to Swiftdarkness, after the Clan cats had been traveling fast, and hard through the sand, Rainstar meowed to the resting Clan, "We are almost there, " she anounced. "We are far enoughfrom the two-legs, we could get some warriors to catch the fresh-kill fro the ones that need it most. " Windprint steadied Mistsoul, her legs were week, and what he could see form, her eyes weren't any better. Feeling warm with her at his side, her guided her to where the Clan was resting. "We are going to the FireClan border, there is a good camp there, or that is what Rainstar said. "he meowed to Mistsoul, "I.. I can get you some fresh-kill if you want."
6:54pm Oct 17 2010
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Featherpaw stumbled behind the group of cats, her tail was dragging as she carried one of Echovoice's kit. Setting it down, she hissed. "Don't move, you'll die." Smirking at the thing she said the kit was bunched up into her fur. What am I a queen?! I don't like this. Feeling as if she could swat the kit from under her paw's, she just sat there, her fire-red eyes wandering over the cats. ooc; I am brain ded. xD Or else not creative at the moment.
9:19pm Oct 17 2010
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With a gentle cuff, Firtail glowered at Featherpaw. Sorrowkit was comfortably snuggled under his soft tan belly-fur, so she wasn't disturbed when his forepaw had moved. "Watch those words, apprentice," he scolded. "That could have scared a grown warrior, let alone that poor kit." His neck fur had ruffled a bit, so he turned his head to swipe a few licks in an attempt to smooth it down. The swampy land was uncomfortable compared to the stable gra.ssland that IceClan and TreeClan. Even CaveClan has better lands than this, Firtail thought. But he never had been a cat that liked water. He did his best to avoid the cold, wet substance. He wondered how long they would have to stay here before leaving for the new territory. I wonder what the new place will be like? Will the clans fight over the land or will there be so much that it won't be a problem. Another unnerving thought came to mind, how will we ever get to the Moon Stone again? Firtail shivered at the thought of having no more leaders for the four clans. Or weak leaders that only had one life like a simple warrior. It was just unacceptable to him. Although, they couldn't just move the Moon Stone, he had never even seen it. Firtail had only heard mysterious stories about the beautiful stone that seemingly glowed like the moon, and he knew that it was how the leaders kept in touch with their warrior ancestors to receive their nine lives and personal dreams. OoC: I never thought about this dilemma until now...I didn't finish the New Prophecy series so I don't know how they solved this problem, though I heard about the "something Pool". Do you think they should have that in the new territory? BiC Mistsoul felt the cramps of hunger but shock her head. The worms in her belly took away her appetite even if her belly rumbled. She knew that they would go away if she ate the correct herbs over time, but at the moment just the thought of eating made her nauseous. "No thank you, Windprint," she rasped. Rubbing her cheek along his, she purred, "It really mean a lot to me that you helped me out of there, though. I didn't think I would make." The dark depression on her mind was still lurking, but with the tom cat before her she was distracted momentarily. Lying down on the soft, soggy soil she yawned and rested her head. "Let me rest a moment." No sooner had she set her head down did she fall asleep. OoC: More is coming, but later.
Just call me Siri.
6:00pm Oct 18 2010
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OoC; What has Eastie mised? D: