11:15pm Oct 18 2010
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OoC: Eastie needs to look at the first page and read the summary. ;D Tis a nifty thing.
Just call me Siri.
7:05pm Oct 19 2010
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ooc; Sorry I havn't been on! My computer crashed! xD I will get a post on right away~
7:21pm Oct 19 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm Oct 19 2010)
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ooc; And Siri>: It is the Moon Pool for the Medicine cats. I think we should have it there too. xD bic; Featherpaw glared at Firtail. Oh you should be talking? she wanted to hiss at him, but then she just turned away. Feeling a emotional tug at her fur, she was furious when it wouldn't stop nagging her. Shut. Up. Shaking her leopard-spotted fur she looked ahead Waiting for Rainstar to call the Cats to a move again. Windprint meowed, "Of course," Staying with her, he continued to watch around the grounds, and sky for any incoming attack birds. >30min Time lapse< Lifting her head, Rainstar yowled, "We are going to continue now," Turning to Swiftdarkness, she gave him a little nod. Padding forward, she began to walk with the Clan behind her. I can smell the river. We must be close. Letting her dark claws strike the snow, she continued on Till the FireClan border. Later> "This will be our Camp now." she meowed, looking around at all the snow, snake gra.ss and spindly rose-bushes, poking out at the cats. The edge of the shallow constant river was near their feet, but it was just off that the FireClan Cats would not notice. Well, if they looked close enough.
8:16pm Oct 19 2010
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OoC: Ok, thank you Eklipse. I didn't know what it was called. >.< And I have a picture that would be cool to go with the Moon Pool, though it's on the lap top and I have to wait until my dad gets home to use it. Anyway, here comes my post. BiC Firtail helped Swiftdarkness, and Patchpelt to create a make-shift nursery that protected the kits from bird attacks at night. It wasn't much but twigs pushed together into a Honeysuckle bush, so the cold wouldn't be kept out. Though, for the quick fix, it wasn't too bad. "I think it would be good to get as many warriors in there with the kits as possible," Firtail meowed to Swiftdarkness. "To create more warmth. It'll be too cold otherwise." The ebony deputy nodded his head in agreement. "I was just thinking that myself, but I was going to say the apprentice's. They need the warmth more than we warriors do." Fluffing up his matted coat, Swiftdarkness flicked his tail to other sparse rose-brush. "We could sleep in pairs under those until we leave for the new territory." "I'll spread the word then," Firtail chirped. Trotting off with a backwards glance at the kits all cuddled up warm under their mothers. Too be that young and unknowing to the difficulties of the clan, he thought. When he approached Featherpaw, Rosepaw, Jadepaw, and Larkpaw all together he grinned. Though the sisters fought, they loved one another. "If I were you, I would go claim a spot in the 'nursery' before Littlepaw or Shadowpaw get to it." Firtail meowed with good nature. Littlepaw would do well to sleep in the nursery, but the other apprentice's were getting large enough to be warriors now, so he figured they could sleep with them too. Meanwhile, Mistsoul rested again in the dwindling sunlight. They had traveled most of the day, so sun-down was fast coming. She knew that this nap would leave her wide awake tonight, but her body was so tired from the travels that she couldn't stop her eyes from closing. With a sparing glance she smiled up at Windprint. He hadn't left her behind, and that slightly surprised her. "Thank you, Windprint," she meowed before falling into sleep. Her paw-pads were sore and blistered from all the running she had been doing, but Patchpelt still felt like nothing had been done. She needed to get to the other clans to save them too, but time just wasn't working with her. The sun was going down and she knew that the clans would be hostle if she went there at night. So Patchpelt sighed heavily and went in search of a sleeping spot. When she came across Silentheart her heart fluttered unexpectedly. "Hey," she mewed shyly, which was completely out of character for the normally talkative she-cat. "Mind if I sleep with you?" Her nest had been between Cheetahwind and Silentheart in the warriors den, but out in the open it was different. The cats were changing places, and Patchpelt felt oddly compelled to keep at least one similar thing that would remind her of her lost home. OoC: My brain seems to be melting. I want to post stuff, but my hands keep freezing up. o.o' It's weird. Is this what you call writers block? You have the idea, but it just won't come out?
Just call me Siri.
10:16pm Oct 19 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Oct 19 2010)
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ooc; Siri: I hope you get the pic on soon. I really want to see it.:) bic; Rosepaw's ears pricked, "I will!" she meowed, nearly squeaking like one of the kits itself. Running toward the twig-nursery, Rosepaw's neck fur quivered when she heard Duskkit release a ear-splitting screech. "Its okay," meowed Rosepaw, trying to calm him. "Your mother will be back soon, she is just going out to get a drink." I think. Though Rosepaw wasn't sure about where the kit's mother was, she curled up to Duskkit, wrapping him in her thick cream spotted red fur. Curling up to Mistsoul, Windprint meowed, "No problem," Rubbing his white and grey smudged fur up against her pretty grey fur, he closed his Blue green eyes, wondering if the Clan would really be able to catch more prey here than the normal shaded golden brown earth. Padding slowly up to the group of warriors, Shatteredrose looked around the group of soft-looking pelts. I will sleep on the end of the group. she decided. There was no reason to waste a valuable spot in the group on a new warrior. Looking over to the stream, which glowed oddly in the moonlight, she seen Rainstar's white spotted silver pelt stand out against it. What is she doing, looking across the river at the FireClan territory? The question poking at her mind, Shatteredrose lay down at the outside of the group, shivering on the side of fur that was exposed to the cold winter wind. Featherpaw curled up in a cold patch of Snake gra.ss, when Rainstar had turned around to see the lonely cat. I can tell she is. Rainstar remarked in her mind; I used to be like that. remembering the different times in her short life, Rainstar turned back to the mist covered green/blue river. As the sharp icy water lapped at her paws, Rainstar remembered that she was mainly FireClan, and she did have webbed feet. Keeping her Ice-blue gaze on the river, she wondered what her older friends were doing, and how there life was getting on. Would they even remember me...?
2:56pm Oct 20 2010
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ooc; Bump
4:50pm Oct 20 2010
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((Could they maybe have a MoonPlace, where how you contact them is sit on the edge of this rocky point, stare at the moon, the close your eyes? *Fail*))
5:30pm Oct 20 2010
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Larkpaw padded around in the SnakeGr*censored*, a=careful as to where she stepped, not wanting anything that could happen, to happen. Kestrelheart was thrilled just to be back in semi-familiar territory, it was strange, he thought, getting back then leaving once again. Soon the place they left will be destroyed.
5:46pm Oct 20 2010
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ooc; I am ... not sure... Maybe moon rock would sound better...? xD
5:49pm Oct 20 2010
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((What about Moon's Peak? It doesn't have to be Moon 'something'.))
5:56pm Oct 20 2010
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6:26pm Oct 20 2010
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OoC: Fullmoon, that's not a bad idea at all! ^.^ I don't have a picture like that, so we will each have our own thoughts on what it looks like, but I imagine that it would be a lovely sight. I vote for Star Ledge. ::giggles:: Same as Moon Peak, but I took the Star from StarClan and Ledge out of cliff or peak, I don't know. Just thought that it sounded cool. I always thought of ledges as something you could fall off of into a new world...::ish weird thought but that's how I think::...Oh, and I don't know what to post.
Just call me Siri.
9:34pm Oct 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; I like moon's Peak :D also Star Ledge ;P
10:54pm Oct 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
What about this?
Except focused on one point, and smooth.
11:45pm Oct 20 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: The red one or the blue ones? o.o' It's a bit large it it's the blue ones, well the red too, but I like the idea of a smoother, one pointed red one. If that made any sense.
Just call me Siri.
9:51am Oct 21 2010
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ooc; I like starledge. or.... What is you combine them!?! Starpeak and moonledge?! Ahaha xD Lol
7:19pm Oct 21 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I don't really mind. Even Fullmoon's first name works, Moon's Peak. Though, Star Peak would be better I think because of StarClan and such.
Just call me Siri.
7:47pm Oct 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Let's do Star Peak :D
8:06pm Oct 21 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Star Peak it is! ^.^
Just call me Siri.
4:58pm Oct 22 2010 (last edited on 5:01pm Oct 22 2010)
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ooc; Yay! I feel noticed! xD bic; Rainstar woke to a icy jolt flowing steadily to her side. Opening her eyes to the first milky sky of mourning, she stood up feeling the pain of stiffness in her long, stiff joints. Padding over to Nightfall, who appeared to be staring off into the endless sandy peaks created an illusion. "I think it is time for you to get the other cats and go to the other Clans now." Rainstar meowed, her voice quiet, trying not to make it loud enough to wake the near by sleeping warriors. Nightfall looked up at her, pale blue eyes glazed with the effects of sleep. "As you wish,". As Rainstar watched Nightfall stiffly pad over to the other cats, she watched her halt, as she almost stepped on Featherpaw, who easily blended into the snake gras.s with her tan and black fur. As Nightfall prodded Patchpelt, she eventually made her way over to the other cats that wanted to leave. Rainstar padded up to Nightfall quietly, as her foot snapped a brittle twig, Nightfall jumped unexpectedly, then looked up to glare at Rainstar. "Sorry," Changing the subject, she continued. "You should eat the remaining prey, and..." Nightfall padded over to sit beside her, "Don't worry, I will get it." she meowed more sympathetically. Why did she just talk to me like that?? Rainstar questioned silently. Did Rainstar have anything wrong with her that a blind cat would pick out something to be sympathetic about? Feeling emotionally and physically down, she sat by the river, gazing into its milky depths, wishing but two thing that she -could be on the other side of the border, and with a cat that loved her. Feeling slightly tired with the hollow clawing of hunger in his belly, Windprint awoke feeling ruffly jagged and alone. Seeing Mistsoul beside him, he knew that she loved Silentheart more, and more than she could or would ever love him. Padding over to feel the new mourning sun of his black streaked pelt, he wondered what would become of the Clan once the FireClan River began to flood in spring... or if spring even arrived for the Clan cats. Or would two-legs ruin that to? ooc; Sorry something Failed in my computer with this post. :S