9:48pm Oct 22 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Page so stretched why?
12:30pm Oct 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; My computer is having some issues with Res. I am sorry about the stretch on the other pages, I don't know what happened...
9:33pm Oct 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: -glares at computer- I'm seriously brain dead, but am reading all the posts. Once I can think clearly I will post something...and i'm planning on it being very long.
11:46pm Oct 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Good; we need a long post. xD We got distracted by the Starpeak *I DO NOT NEED CORRECTION IN THE NAME. I am too lazy to type it right.:P* thing. Right. Well. Bump.
12:51am Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Eklipse, the whole stretchie-page thing is Ok. That happens once in a blue moon, ^.^ I will post sometime, but like Stray, I'm kinda brain dead. Though, I'm pretty sure it will be Patchpelt and Mistsoul haven't a chit-chat about important things.
Just call me Siri.
1:46am Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 779
And I'm sadly finding it hard to think. Cause I'm not in cat mode. I'm in otter mode. O_o How that works I'll never know.)
10:45am Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Really electro? otter mode...? That is weird. You are weird. xD
1:06pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 779
XD Shoosh eklipse I like otters too ya know. They remind me of Dumas. (My kitty) They look at you with such sad distress. XD As my mother puts it. XD)
2:54pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Starpaw awoke from a small nest he'd somehow scrounged up during the day of brittle twigs, brambles, a very little moss, eyes bleary and muscles stiff and sore. That was surprising, considering he'd felt much better the last few moons then he had the better part of his life. Trying the sit up, he nearly fell back onto his side as his left fore paw tinged painfully. Turning the inspect the limb, he mentally snarled in annoyance at the slight swelling where it had been shattered before. It had to be the dampness of this place, soaking into his pelt and chilling him to the bone. How he hated being to weak, feeling as if he had to depend on every other cat to do what needed to be done. How am I going to be a good medicine cat apprentice if I can't even help myself. He mused inwardly, steeling himself as he got back to his paws for a second try. Luckily his shaky limbs held him this time, though they throbbed, and he was able to walk a good distance before he was forced to sit down. Huffing, the tiny tom looked around the make-shift camp at all the other cats, trying to make sure no other cat was faring badly in this weather and with their condition. His eyes landed on Nightfall, and the sad look she wore. Whats wrong now? He thought curiously, forcing his paws to move once more. His pelt stuck annoyingly to his side, emphasizing his emaciated state and brittle, hollow contours of his body. He did not mind thought, because by now the hunger pangs were a part of him and he payed little to no heed. Other cats deserved to eat and be better built then him during these times. Limping over to his mentor, he looked into her sightless eyes and forced a small purr to escape his throat. This was one of the few cats who actually saw his potential, who did not look down on him for his puny size and inability to be a warrior. "Somethings wrong." He stated, once again proving that even thought he looked like a kit, he was actually much older then what most cats thoughts of him as. "Would...would you like to talk about it?" He asked cautiously, hoping not to over step any sort of boundaries she did not want to cross herself. "Or not. "He added quickly, looking down thought she could not tell. "Perhaps theres something you'd like me to do then, rather then sit around on my worthless tail."

3:02pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh! hi Starpaw!" She nudged Nightfall. "Get outta here." She whispered, making sure only she noticed. "Do you mind helping me organize the medicine cat den? It's been a mess for a while ever since..."She sighed. "You know what I mean." She smiled at starpawknowing she didn't look plastic, as she was smiling for real. *Failpost*
3:44pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Eklipsie~ =( Ima telling you sowwy naows. I really am. I'm crying as I write this. BiC Bitter cold to the very end, the night gripped the edge of the hovering trees as tight as it could until the pale, soft rays of morning crept high enough to shine through the darkness and down into the clearing, where the cats of IceClan slept. Kissing the multitude of colored pelts, with just enough warmth to fight off the night chills, but not enough to warm their burdened hearts, the day looked a lot more promising to IceClan than most of the others. Though, one silver pelt wouldn't accept the morning lights offer of security. Firtail, fresh from sleep, yawned greatly before stiffly rising to his paws. He had talked with Mistsoul about their shared blood, and, to his delightful shock, she returned his kinship with joy. It had taken the spotted tom two moons to notice the similarities with which they shared in personality and frame, but when noted he couldn't deny them. They had shared each morning after telling stories of their parents. The exciting and boring, happy and sad; everything so that they could know what family, even closer than clan, was like. It was the greatest part of his day, and he looked forward to it just as much now as he had every other day. With jerky, stiff steps the young tom padded over to the nest he had seen Mistsoul fall asleep in, with Windprint. Like a protective brother, Firtail didn't like Windprint simply because he felt that no tom would be worthy of having Mistsoul. The silver she-cat was so pure and sweet that he often felt too dirty to even speak with her, but she would always sense the discomfort in him and sooth his worries away. It's almost unnerving how accurately she can understand my worries, he thought. Any cats' discomfort really. Yowling a good-morning, Firtail quizzically cocked his head to the side when he didn't get a comforting, soft mew in reply. As he got closer, Firtail glanced over at Windprint, who was just waking up. "It's time to wake up, Mistsoul," he meowed gently. When she didn't respond again, Firtail urgently nudged her side. His aqua eyes grew wide when he felt the chill which gripped her pelt. "Mistsoul!" ::Mistsoul:: There was no more pain; physically, mentally, or spiritually. She felt so complete and at peace that nothing seemed to touch her or be around her, and that caused fear to flood through her. Then a deep, smooth rumble that was as familiar as her pelt color echoed into her ears and peace was again surrounding her. "Welcome to StarClan, my sweet, loving kit." Leopardheart purred. Everything around her began to come into perspective, and she realized that her vision was just adjusting to the silver haze that was no surrounding her. Her father, regal and strong, looked like raw protection in front of her and she knew that she was home now. "I'm home now," she whispered. A familiar tawny-tan pelt emerged from behind Leopardheart and she smiled with a purr erupting from her throat as she bounded over to her companion. "Cougarclaw! Thank you for comforting me during the hard times of life." "Too young are you to be here in StarClan, but I am happy to see you again. Now come," the shimmering she-cat motioned all around her, "there is much for me to show you." Glad that death had a loving embrace on her, Mistsoul was grateful to be rid of the pain of life yet she would remember each moment with care and adoration. Death didn't take her with pain and suffering, but gently in sleep. She regretted nothing because she knew that those she loved would one day join her here. She only hoped that it wasn't too soon. Licking her lips, Mistsoul was about to ask about on request but her companion gave a knowing grin. Pointing with her tail-tip to a clear pool, Mistsoul dipped her head thankfully. Padding over to the pool she instinctively knew to look into its clear depths. When Silentheart came into view, sleeping, she knew it was best. Whispering with love, she tenderly told him, "Don't mourn my absense. I will watch over you, so be still and know that you are not alone." Next she found Windprint, he was awake, so it was more difficult, but she purred into the wind and knew that it was to be like this, through his name, "Do not mourn my absense. I have much love to give you. I will show you by embracing you with the breeze and wind whenever times are hard." Pulling away, Mistsoul knew that it would not be the last time she would see those she loved. So she left with a full heart. A saved soul.
Just call me Siri.
3:57pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Starpaw tipped his head to the side and gave Gentleheart a reproachful look, unsure why she suddenly wanted his help. Eyes slitting slightly, Starpaw was abut to growl something along the lines of 'your not my mentor' when a bushy tail wrapped tightly around his muzzle, cutting off his words. Jumping, and lightly jarring his sore leg in the process, he was about to give the offending cat a few sharp words when a familiar scent reached his nose and he sighed through the fur. "Of course he'll help Gentleheart." Panthergaze meowed lightly, and Starpaw caught the older toms double meaning. Growling, Starpaw bit Panthergaze's tail, causing the other cart to hiss and jerk the limb back towards his own body. "Come on Starpaw." This time the white marked tom's words were more forced, and the tiny tom looked up to try and meet his father figures eyes, wondering what was up with him. Watching as Panthergaze dipped his head to the medicine cat, Starpaw thought he caught a look of slight sadness in his eyes, as if knowing something they did not. Heart starting to beat a little faster, Starpaw followed after Panthergaze, who was already starting out of the make shift camp into deeper into the destroyed land. Getting away to speak privately. Starpaw realized, forcing his sore leg to stop complaining and move a little faster in fear. Suddenly Panthergaze stopped, a good distance from the other cats, and Starpaw ran into his back, almost tumbling over with the impact. Muzzle towards the air, making sure the coast was clear from two-leg monsters and other clan cats, Panthergaze finally sighed and turned to look at Starpaw with his haunted eyes. Only watched, never spoke. Starpaw was forced to look away from that face, so tired, gaunt, and sad, as if having lost something special. "What is it Panthergaze?" He asked, voice shaking. He knew something was going to happen, or already had to make his father-of-sorts like this, so quiet and beaten. "Don't call me that anymore Starpaw." The sound of his voice, rough and distressed, caused Starpaw to shift closer so he was tucked under Panthergaze's chin like to used to do when no more then a frightened kit. Sure he was much older then most cats thoughts, but something about this meeting caused him to revert to when it was just the two of them, no one else. "My name is Alcarié, and it should have stayed that way." Starpaw's mouth opened to complain, to try and figure out where this conversation was going. Then it hit him like a monster would have, tearing through his heart like it would have his flesh. "What? No, you can't!" He meowed loudly, bolting a few tail lengths away and looking into his eyes accusingly. "After everything thats happened, after everything that Iceclan has done for you, for us, your just going to leave, to run away?" He asked, voice pitching shriller the more words he spoke. Alcarié tipped his head back and sighed sadly, eyes closed in concentration. "You should have known it was coming Starpaw, should have known that i'm a one cat kind of tom and being here, with this clan, has only proved that more." Starpaw shut his eyes tightly, to force back his tears. Yeah, he did know how Panthergaze (he refused to call him by his rouge name) was, how little he wanted to depend on any other cat, how he liked to make his own decisions and follow his own rules. But he thought he liked it in the clan, with all the other cats and having new friends and bonds, not to be alone anymore. Opening his eyes, he could see the distress behind his own green ones, the sadness and confusion. But he was going to turn his back on everything he'd worked for, to become a rouge again. To become his enemy. "I'll...i'll come with you then." Starpaw meowed brokenly, heart torn in two. "We, it will be like old times. Just us." Panthergaze chuckled softly, the sound vibrating the air. "Don't be ridiculous Starpaw, you love it in the clan and now that your medicine cat apprentice you fit in, are something that so few cats can ever be. Your special Starpaw, so much more so so then I would, or could ever be." Starpaw let the tears flow down his cheeks, making him look even more haggled and helpless as ever before. Panthergaze licked the top of his head like he used to, as a father would his kit. "The clan is no place for a cat like me, no matter how hard I try. Yet it's right for you, it always has been. Now come on, lets get you back before your missed." Starpaw sat there stubbornly, paws set into the ground and was not going to move until Panthergaze came to his senses and realized he belonged in Iceclan, with him. He'd watched out for Starpaw ever since he was a tiny, helpless kit who'd just lost his family, wailing into the darkness for his mother. Panthergaze had watched over him, groomed him, fed him like he was his own. Now it was Starpaw's turn to try and help him, to make him see that his place was here. Alcarié realized this and a soft smile made his lips curl, proud to have been able to call this stubborn, caring, selfless cat his own son. Bending down, he picked Starpaw up by the scruff and started towards the camp, the tiny tom kicking and wailing in his grasp, more tears flowing down his cheeks in realization that this was a battle he could not win, that he was going to lose the one cat out of them all he he truly loved like family. "You can't do this!" He yowled, trying to swipe a claw-less paw across Panthergaze's muzzle." You have to stay, your a warrior , not a rouge!" He knew his voice was strained and hopeless, but he had to try something. The camp came into view and Alcarié set his burden down, jaw aching from the fight to get back with his kit. Starpaw watched as his father figure's eyes looked from one cat to another, putting names and faces into his mind so he would not forget. If he cared about them all so much then why was he leaving? Starpaw asked himself, sitting brokenly on the ground at the entrance of the camp and watching, not caring if any of the other cats saw his weakness this once. He was going to lose Panthergaze, and he was helpless to stop it. "Please don't go." He whispered one last time, voice cracking. Panthergaze purred once more, licking his ears softly before turning and starting off, looking back once at Starpaw, then a cat behind him, then back at Starpaw as if him and the other cat were the last ones he truly wanted to see, to lace every detail of them in his head before the vanished forever. One last smile lit his face before he was gone in a flurry of paw leaps and white fur. Starpaw sat there for a moment longer, feeling as if his heart was ripped from his chest, still beating, and following Alcarié where ever he went. He could almost the feel the warrior name his father had been given fly towards him and drift around in the wind, taunting him. Eyes bleary and puffy, he looked over his shoulder to see the second to last cat Alcarié looked at and was not surprised to see Hawkmask. Even your love for her could not tie you down to the clan could it? Your freedom was more important then love, then loyalty. Taking half a step forward, paw still raising shaking into the air, Starpaw wailed lowly to himself, feeling suddenly lost and confused. --- Looking at Starpaw one last time, Alcarié felt as if he was being killed to run away from the one cat he'd sworn to protect, the one cat who loved him even thought he did not deserve it. He wanted to let Starpaw go with him, to protect and take care of him like he used to. just the two of them. But he'd seen the way his son was happy in the medicine cat den, with all of the other cats and could not take him away form that, no matter how much it hurt to turn him down. Looking behind him at the only other cat he truly cared about in the clan, Alcarié felt another piece of himself being shred, killed. He did not understand love between a tom and she-cat, did not want to understand it. But Hawkmask had given him a taste of what it could be like to know that sort of love and frankly it scared him, a lot. Maybe that was another reason he wanted to go, to run and be free once more. In truth he did not know why he was going, only that something out in the vast world called to him, told him to come and find it. And he was more then willing to heed that call. But it meant leaving the only two cats he cared about alone, and that hurt, badly. Closing his eyes, he could not believe that he was crying, if only slightly, He'd never cried before, over anything. But leaving, abandoning Hawkmask and Starpaw left him as weak as a kit. Forcing his legs to move faster, he did not stop his head long run until he was free from clan territory, until his bonds were broken. Stopping, panting as if his heart was going to give out, Alcarié looked back at the clan territories once more, a sorrowful wail escaping his throat at what he'd lost. But he would not think on that any more. He would not focus on what he could gain. Huffing, finally catching his breadth, he started deeper into the unknown, casting his warrior name away, as well as his past.

9:29pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask looked out the corner of her eyes as she watched the white tom leave. Knowing he left for his own reasons she nodded a silent good bye as he left. Sadness gripped her heart like a badgers jaws to a dead kit. Padding towards Starpaw she nudged him. "It was his choice. I'm sorry it had to happen. He was a great warrior. As much as you a great medicine cat apprentice." she whispered and licked his forhead lightly. "Come on. Nightfall and Gentleheart will be worried over you." she added and placed her tail on his shoulder as comfort. Holding her breath a bit she knew he had left for a good reason. Unknown but a good reason that niether her or Starpaw could change. I'll look after him. Panthergaze. No...Alcarie. I promise. She stated and smiled lightly at the apprentice. "You'll do wonderfully I know you will." she purred. But she knew he knew it was a fake smile. "You will be a great medicine cat and a great cat all together. You're a very smart tom. And I'm thankful to know you." she added and nodded to him. "I'll give you some space." and with that she padded away. Sorrowkit woke up and padded around the apprentices. "I wanna go outside." she mumbled and when she made it out she smiled to herself. "What a beautiful day!" she chirped and smiled in achievment. "No apprentice can stop me from getting out!"
((Siri Stray ......you two made me ball in tears. And my music is not HELPING. TT^TT This has been one of the sadest days of my life. Oh my hubbydubby...))
10:25pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Stray...::tears-up and crys:: If I could be half as good as you are, it would be amazing. If you ever publish a book, tell me the name and I will be your number one fan. BiC Coming awake, Patchpelt wondered if she had imagined the poke or if had really happened. Blinking her emerald eyes a few times to rid the last of sand from her eyes, she had another dream about the new territory, the calico she-cat looked around. Spying Nightfall gently awaking other warriors, she knew that it was time to go into the other clans and warn them. To tell them the good news too. There is enough territory for every clan, and so much that none will have to fight for space. Getting to her paws, Patchpelt stretched her tight muscles. With a great yawn, she padded into the center of the clearing. She hated how the soft ground was cold and wet under her paws. It froze her pads to the point of icicles. Glancing over her shoulder she shuttered. Firtail was mourning over Mistsoul, and Patchpelt didn't need an explanation. The gentle she-cat had died. Sorrow gripped her heart like a two-leg trap; unforgiving and unrelenting. Tears filled in her eyes and she had no power to stop them from flowing over. They left rivlets in her thick fur and crashed around her feet. Patchpelt sank her claws into the earth and closed her eyes. Tipping her head to the sky she kept her muzzle clamped shut. She was afraid of what might happen if she cried out, she didn't know it the mournful melody would ever stop if she started now. So many cats had died, and Patchpelt feared that more would go. Yet they were so close to salvation! Her mind screamed and cried, but her figure seemed frozen in time like a great oak. Steady, strong, and unmoving the tree was the heart of the forest, but Patchpelt had seen one fall to the two-legs and she wondered if someday she would as well. But not today, she promised. Opening her eyes, Patchpelt could feel the new determination lighting an inner fire. "I will not stop. I will save my clan." Getting to her paws, Patchpelt went to find Shadowpaw. She wanted to ask him to accompany Gentleheart to FireClan with Rainstar. While she and Nightfall traveled to CaveClan. TreeClan was closer, but Patchpelt figured if they traveled quickly she and Nightfall could make it back in time to speak with TreeClan before the sun fell that night. Finding her ebony apprentice, Patchpelt gently nudged him. "Shadowpaw, I know your tired, but I need you." Licking between his ears, she meowed, "I need you to go with Rainstar and Gentleheart to FireClan. You will be able to show them how prosperous the new territory is, and Rainstar seems to have a good relationship with the clan, while Gentleheart is a sign of peace. I need you to do this for me." Pausing, she meowed, "If you can do this, I will talk with Rainstar about getting your warrior name. You've earned it by what you have already done, but this will show her that you are ready. I know you are, Shadowpaw. So show the clan, you are a warrior already."
Just call me Siri.
10:52pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 779
Padding towards the tom Painfullpaw sat beside Mistsoul. Ears down and tail layed on the ground. He felt the ground vibrate as Hawkmask padded towards Firtail. "Oh Firtail...I'm so sorry." she stated as he knew she had placed her tail on his shoulders in comfort. The she cat was soft and knew she meant what she always said.
Starring at the tom she licked his cheek lightly and closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry this happened." she stated and let herself cry. Too much happened and she was on the verge of a break down. Putting her head onto his soft fur she cried softly. "I'm so so sorry."
4:57pm Oct 25 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: -cries along with Siri- Poor Mistsoul, out of all the cats who's pure heart should have gone on, it would have been Mistsoul's. Your just as good, if not better, then me Siri, I would not lie about that ^.^ your posts have more emotion. I'v started a book lol, but will probably never get anywhere with it. BiC: Starpaw blinked up at Hawkmask, eyes bleary from his tears and heart clinching painfully at the sight of her. "Thank...thank you Hawkmask." He whispered brokenly, ears dropping. "I don't feel all that great. I just feel..tired." Watching as she walked away, Starpaw glanced around the camp, feeling hopelessly lost for the first time since joining. Everything seemed the same, like the earth had not just shaken right out from under his paws. But I was the only one who really knew Panthergaze. He sighed, shoulders sagging. I have to stop feeling sorry for myself, it's no use to any cat. Words were easily spoken, but he knew it would be much harder for him to actually do so. Limping over to the tiny stock of herbs they'd actually been able to scrounge up from the old camp, Starpaw began to sort through them as Gentleheart had asked him to do earlier. Another cat suddenly sat down beside him, fur gently brushing his own in a form of comfort. He'd know the musky, odd scent from anywhere, so different from any of his clan mates. "Why grieve over life Panthergaze want to live, when clan grieving over death of gentle Mistsoul." Scarlethaze meowed, voice rough and strange, even after all of these moons of teaching her to talk. Starpaw's head snapped up, maw open in a silent wail." Mistsoul? Mistsoul is gone?" He whispered, "Yes, she die peacefully in the night." Herbs forgotten, Starpaw bolted to Mistsoul's last resting place, tears he did not think he had anymore pooling in his eyes. The very day his father left him alone, the next closest thing to family had died. Head tipping back towards the sky, jaws clinched painfully to hold in another wail, Starpaw wondered if he was being punished. Suddenly crumpling, Scarlethaze sat beside of him so he could lay against her chest fur, tears scoring down his tiny face for the second time that day. "Hush kit, it be alright." The m*censored*ive she-cat whispered into his ear. --- Silentheart padded back into the camp after almost a full night worth of hunting, fur clumped together in m*censored*es, on claw ripped free and dripping blood, and eyes down-cast in exhaustion. In his jaws was a tiny mouse, half smashed by a two-leg monster but still some-what edible. Hearing cats meowing in sadness or horror, Silentheart dropped the mouse off near the queens and padded swiftly over, blood suddenly running cold. Looking down, the tom felt his back legs slip out from under him and sat down with a soft thump. Mistsoul's life-less body lay there, surrounded by her clan mates. Though he had dismissed her for a potential mate, he still had had feelings for her, and losing her now was a low blow. "Don't mourn my absense. I will watch over you, so be still and know that you are not alone." Looking to Starpaw, Silentheart smiled sadly, not letting any tears fall. "Of course I will mourn you, but I will protect your clan until I join you." He whispered, closing his eyes and soaking up her last words. --- Shadowpaw looked up towards his mentor as the calico she-cat padded over, wondering what she wanted from him. Listening to the task she asked of him he nodded in confirmation. "Of course I will go Patchpelt." He meowed lightly, gently licking her shoulder. "And no need to speak for my warrior name, I will gain it when Rainstar thinks i'm ready. I don't mind being a apprentice for a little longer." Purring, body starting to feel a bit weaker then when he first arrived, Shadowpaw started towards his leader and Gentleheart, dipping his head in respect first to his leader, then the medicine cat. "Patchpelt asked me to accompany you to Fireclan, if you'd permit me to come." He meowed, keeping his suddenly sweaty paws still so he did not show his sudden nervousness.

12:30am Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I think I will wait until East posts, so that she doesn't get too far behind, and Fullmoon. ^.^ ~Bump
Just call me Siri.
5:26pm Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Don't know how t respond to that. BiC; Kestrelheart sat beside Mistsoul's siler body, the thought of someone younger than him, dying was hard to bear. It chilled him, deeep and cold into the bone. His mottled pelt was flufffed up againtst the cool air, but it did nothing to help how he felt inside. Like death surrounded their clan, making them pay for everything any clans had done wrong. Panthergaze had left too, like he couldn't bear it anymore either. Kestrelheart almost wanted to do the same, Why should I stay somewhere near here if all that happens is us death? He thought harshly to himself, Can't we ever win? His tail swished agrily on the ground as he walked over to Silentheart, "I'm really sorry." he whispered, "I knkowyou were close." OoC; I just realized, since I killed Eaglestar I don't have near as many characters. Larkpaw, Echovoice, Cherrykit and Chestnutkit are gone, Stray, I know you said ou wanted to be one of Echovoices kits, would you like to make the charrie for it? Also, Berrypool left. -sigh- I'll introduce another charrie or two in tohe new territory though XD
6:00pm Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I dun know what to post.. EDIT: OH MY GAWD, AWESOMESAUCE MISTSOUL IS DEAD???;c I remember when she was Mistpaw.... ~Sniffles~ Growing up with Cheetahpaw, Patchpaw, 'n Silentpaw. ( The names sound so wierd, right?))
6:18pm Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; xD So much posting! I shall whip a non-detailed-interestingly-odd-thing up right away! Oh and Electro ~Pyro. burn. there. water.and. eat. all. there. fish. Bic; Windprint's eyes stretched wide with amazement. "Wow.." he murmured after Mistsoul's beautiful silver fur vanished. A small tear ran down his face, leaving a perfect line in his white fur. The wild dried it, and left a framiliar loving scent in his nose reminding him of the cat that he had once loved. I still do... he sighed, padding back to the unnatural camp, he pressed his nose into the cold, cold now. Letting it seep into his warmth, like it would freeze a swift flowing hot-spring. "I will miss you..." ooc; Sooo sad.. Did not see that coming at all Siri! xD Awesome little mini post! :) I will have a bigger one coming soon-ish.