6:51pm Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 779
Oh my eklipsed and east did you get the recipy? I sent via msn)
7:05pm Oct 26 2010
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Rainstar padded outside her den with her silver and white fur plastered to her fur. The day was beginning slowly, and that was not what the Clan needed. Mistsoul, had p*censored*ed away for an unknown reason and several cats were sad because of that. Hopefully not to sad to join hunting patrols or help the Medicine cats. she added to herself. Padding up to Shadowpaw, Rainstar pointed out, "We should leave now, before the FireClan cats star questioning us." Beaconing Gentleheart with a flick of her tail, they padded farther onto the ragging river on the FireClan border. As she steadily sat on a rock, she was curious to see which cats would appear on the dawn patrol. As quiet footsteps padded across the side of the wind-blown territory, Nightfall tasted the air almost constantly for signs of the other Clan's dawn patrols. Feeling a line of her black fur bristle against the wind as it ripped through her fur, she knew this confrontation would be tense. Very tense. Maybe. You don't know that do you? Nightfall wanted to cuff her mind upside the head as she padded along side Patchpelt. As they approached the TreeClan border, she meowed, "So how do you say we should talk to them...?" As fear steadily gripped her, her pads were freezing in the newly fallen snow, almost accomplishing numbness.
8:22pm Oct 26 2010 (last edited on 8:22pm Oct 26 2010)
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"Calmly and straightforwardly." Gentleheart replied steadily. "We must tell them it could be a threat to them, too.
8:28pm Oct 26 2010
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4:42pm Oct 27 2010
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ooc; Fullmoon: Quick thing here:: Gentleheart, Rainstar and Shadowpaw (etc.) Are going to FireClan, to talk to Wolfstar. On the other hand, Nightfall and Patchpelt are on there way to TreeClan and CaveClan. They are 2 separate groups. ^.^
6:01pm Oct 27 2010
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((Okay, XD))
9:31pm Oct 27 2010
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OoC; Bump. Post not coming. xD maybe later, but Sri: once you see this post on our 1x1 please!
12:53am Oct 28 2010
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OoC: O.o' I couldn't log onto Res the other day and I went crazy. I was like, "Death is too familiar!" My parents thought I went loony on them ^.^' East: Echovoice, Larkpaw, Cherrykit, and Chestnutkit are gone? Since when! O.O Eklipse: I know. ::sadfais:: Mistsoul was one of my favorite characters. Fullmoon... ::cries:: I miss her already. =( BiC Looking over at Gentleheart, Patchpelt simply stared. Blinking once the calico warrior seemed to hold her tongue. With a deep sigh, Patchpelt looked over at Nightfall and meowed, "I thought we might see how agressive Cavesha-...er, Cavestar will be to our presence." Licking her lips nervously, she hoped that the new she-cat leader would be happy to see them and listen to their news, and not attack them out right. "We'll have to take different measures if she attacks us than if she lets us in peacefully." Her belly, used to being full, rumbled its loudest as if that would get her to feed it. Glancing down at her paws in embarr*censored*ment, Patchpelt hoped that Nightfall didn't hear that or was polite enough to ignore it. I will have to find something to eat, but only after I get something for Nightfall. Peering at the ebony she-cat, Patchpelt wanted to slash all two-legers. Thin as a twig, Nightfall was nothing like she used to be. Her normally glossy fur was just a matt over bones. When we get going to the new lands, all the clan will become healthy again. She knew this for sure. Please StarClan, let them all make it. Seeing all of the apprentices' Patchpelt was saddened when she realized how little time she was speading with them. When they had all been kits, she and Mistsoul had taken turns watching over them in hopes of someday having kits of their own. Mistsoul will never have that chance, Patchpelt's mind boldly stated. Just the thought of the pure she-cat never bearing a single kit brought fresh tears to her emerald eyes. She would have been such a loving mother. Looking into the surprisingly clear sky, Patchpelt silently promised to make life better for all the apprentices. That no kit after them would know an empty belly. "Let's go, Nightfall," Patchpelt mewed softly, "we have to hurry back to TreeClan after CaveClan." The calico warrior had thought about asking Firtail to go to TreeClan and tell the news but decided against it. She didn't know how they would react to a former warrior. They might attack him, so she and Nightfall would go their together.
Just call me Siri.
12:55am Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I don't know what else to post, but Electro, would you mind having a CaveClan patrol find Patchpelt and Nightfall? ^.^ I don't want to power-play or anything, so they won't just burst into CaveClan all secret-like. Oh, and you can decided how Cavestar will react too. =3
Just call me Siri.
4:52pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Siri>> Do you mind that I have 2 cats in your TreeClan...? Because... yea, you are welcome to have cats in FireClan tooo.. I just wanted to make sure. :) Bic Nodding, Nightfall hurried behind Patchpelt, her fur was tingling with excitement, and fear as she p*censored*ed through the border into the different territory, she felt different. Shatteredrose is Half TreeClan... I wonder if NightClaw, her father would still recognize me...? "I can scent them..." she murmured to herself, "I know that they are near." Flicking her head she wished that they would just appearer, and take them to the camp to talk to there leader, and get this over with.
5:07pm Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 5:19pm Oct 28 2010)
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Posts: 779
Nods. Ok Siri. Tis not a problema. Also Chesnutkit and Cherrrykit? are the ones she made go boom cause Stray wanted to play I kit if I could recall.)
6:00pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; That's called East's failure grammar. Cheerykit and Chestnutkit are gone. Larkpaw and Echovice will be for heffer :3
9:53pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I want to post, but consider this as a bump. Lol my posts are not very good at the moment. They are too mini.
10:10pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit Duskkit and Sunkit are apprentices now right?))
10:50pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit sat inside the nursery and watched outside. He kept himself to isolation after hearing Mistsouls death. He didn't want to see anyone. Not even his own family. Hearing rustling behind him he padded out and looked around. Seeing a dark figure sneaking up he prickled with anger. "Who are you?!" he commanded. The firgure looked at him directly and he knew they were here for trouble. Rushing towards him Snowkit prepared for a fight. "Of course. Another enemy." As he said that the figure burst out and he now saw the figure fully. A tom just as skiny if not skinnier attacked. Preparing for a fight Snowkit readied himself. Growling he moved out of the way and scratched the tom. Hearing the tom yowl he knew this cat was just as weak as he was. The wind got a little harsh as he and the tom fought. Both equal in strength. As time ticked by the fight was slowly dieing and the wind got harsher near the end. Being pinned down Snowkit snarled and wriggled. "Hold still you little runt." he hear and the tom slashed at the small toms face. Snowkit was dazed and the tom pelted for the nursery. "Finally. Food." he heard as he knew the tom wanted his siblings for a feast. The tom stared at the kits hungrily and licked his lips. "Food. Oh how I've waited too long." seeing as the kits were left alone for a bit he took the chance to attack. Feeling teeth latch onto his torso he whipped around and snarled. Snowkit held onto the tom as best he could. The tom kicked him and turned to him. "Haha...tough little cookie aren't ya? Such a shame I ave to kill you and these little guys as well." feeling fury in the toms words he prickled. "You'll have to kill me in order to kill them!" he yowled and launched. Both the cats rolled in a ball of fur claws teeth and yowls of battle. Harsh winds almost muting the sounds. But the two toms were in the mae shift camps mouth. In a battle of life or death. Weak leing on the ground Snowkit saw the tom smirk. "How pathetic. But perhaps you're not a total loss. What ya sy kid? Plead for mercy and I'll let you live?" he stated and laughed. Getting up shakily Snowkit growled. "My body may lose this fight but my spirit wont." he hissed and growled. "A warrior of the clans never pleads for mercy especially to scum like you!" he hissed and stood shakily. Seeing this the tom twitched his eye slightly. "What did you just call me?" he growled. "A scum. That's what you are. Youeat you're own kind. How disgusting. Why would Starclan even make something like you? You hideious creature." he stated defiently. Losing it the tom grabbed Snowkit and ran. Fury was this toms strenght and he rammed Snowkits already weak body into a rock as hard as the tom could, "You little twat! I'll kill you. I'll kill you I'll kill you I'll kill you!!" he yowled muffled by the kits body being swung and rammed onto the ground. Throwing Snowkits body to the rock again with a finnal yowl he panted heavily. "You little brat. That'll teach you a lesson." he stated and huffed.
Shock hit him as he saw Snowkit getting up shaking trembling and coughing badly. Bleeding heavily the kit glared at the tom and whipped a stick at the toms face hitting his muzzle throwing him back. Watching as the tom shook violently and tremble in pure hatred Snowkit sighed and fell. Rushing at Snowkit the tom picked him up and shook him. "Get up! Get up!! I'm not done with you you little twat! I'll torture you!! I'll kill you you hear me?!! Kill you!!" he yowled but was cut short as Crimsonfang rammed his body against the tom. Pinning him to the ground he stared into the red eyes of his opponent and froze. Realizing he had an audience he shook nervously. "Y-you aren't going to kill me are you?" he asked shaking. "Hn...not so tough now are you you piece of bear dung." Crimsonfang growled and placed a paw on the toms throat. Looking about he yowled. "What shall we do with him? Kill him?!! Or give a second chance and never see of him again?!" he asked and looked back down at the tom hatred spewing from his eyes. The wind calmed down and came to a soft breeze. Hawkmask rushed to Snowkit and proded him gently. "Lostfoot. Can you do something?" she asked despair in her voice. Fear hitting her the tom shook his head. "I've lost my abillity." he whispered and hung his head low. "Does anyone know how to heal?! The medicne cats are gone!" she yowled and waited for an awnser. Muahahahahahaha!! Ahem sorry bout that. And theres a huge chance of Snowkit deiing. I blame music. Lol)
11:07pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Sure, Eklipse, ^.^ I don't mind. BiC Her paw-steps getting heavier and heavier so Patchpelt slowed their pace. The two of them had crossed the CaveClan boarder moments ago and the musky scent that was totally CaveClan surrounded her. Her pert little ears her twitching and swaying as she listened for any sound of a patrol. Trying to be light on her paws, Patchpelt whispered, "Their scent is everywhere. Can you hear them, Nightfall?" She really didn't want to get lost in their territory since she had never been to CaveClan's camp. The ground was sparse of brush, the soil was a soft red, and the trees were thinner than IceClan's. Former IceClan...she thought sadly. The soil was a soft red yet it was sharp and harsh to her paw-pads. The sun was not touching the tips of the trees yet, so she knew that if they hurried she and Nightfall could make it to TreeClan, and back to the temporary camp before night. Suddenly, Patchpelt thought she saw a flash of pelt color. Pausing the calico warrior flicked her fluffy tail on to Nightfall's shoulder, hoping the blind medicine cat would stop as well. The last thing Patchpelt wanted to do was make the CaveClan warriors think that they were a threat to their prey source or their clan. Empty bellies made for poor judgment. So the sooner they find us peacefully, the better for all of us.
Just call me Siri.
11:16pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Electro, amazing long post! But so sad! D= ::ish late:: I was typing my post when you posted. So sad...It makes me wish that I could have Mistsoul back. ::cries:: Oh, and as deputy, would it be all right if, if Snowkit dies, Swiftdarkness could name him as a warrior. ^.^ If he dies I think it would be good for him to have a warrior name, since he fought so well for his clan.
Just call me Siri.
11:32pm Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 779
I'm gonna wait until people make their posts and my final descision. But if he does I think that would be a great idea. ))
1:00pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 1:17pm Oct 29 2010)
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OoC: East - I'd love to be one of Echovoice's kits, haven't played one in what seems like forever! I'll get the bio up in just a moment then i'll post. Name: Wolfkit [Wolfpaw] {Wolfbane} Age: 4 moons? Position: Kit Gender: Tom Birthplace: Iceclan Residence: Iceclan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light amber with just a smug of golf around the iris's Coat Color: Undercoat is a dark grey, over coat a lighter grey, giving him a slight speckled look. His stomach fur is a dark grey as well as the under side of his tail, his lower jaw, and his ears. Scars: None at the moment. Distinguishing Features: is muzzle is slightly longer then most and he has large paws, making him look sorta like the wolf he was named after. The Personality: Loves: His mother, teasing his littermates, and watching the stars twinkle in the night sky Likes: The wind whistling through the tree's, annoying the warriors, and wrestling with his littermates. Dislikes: Water, being looked down upon for being a kit, waiting six moons to become a apprentice. Secret(s): Nothing for the moment... Weaknesses: He's quite cocky and he cannot swim Strengths: He is agile on his feet and he tends to remember things really well. Pet Peeves: Rain getting on him... The Other: Scent: Dark, heady, and musky, like the air after a storm. Crush: He's a kit... Family: Echovoice (mother), ...can't remember Mate: He's a kit... Offspring: He's a kit... Additional Information: Maybe as he grows up...

1:51pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I updated the Master Cat List, if you gals wouldn't mind checking to make sure I have them all correct, that would be great! ^.^ ::can't wait until Electro's CaveClan cats find Patchpelt and Nightfall::
Just call me Siri.