3:26pm Oct 29 2010
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OoC: Everything looks about right from where i'm standing...er, sitting. BiC: Shadowpaw dipped his head to Rainstar's response, getting to his slightly sore feet and following. The ground this close to Fireclan territory was more soggy and it squelching through his toes and getting it's muck all over his cold-racked pads was doing little to ease their tenderness. But he refused to say anything or go to the medicine cats like he would have been able to moons ago, preferring other cats who needed the medicine cats more to take the herbs. Following after Rainstar and Gentleheart the black tom let his senses open up, examining the territory as far as they would reach for other clan cats or even better, prey. Unfortunately he found nothing, and his head dropped in disappointment. He'd have loved to catch something for Rainstar, to show her that he was worth his warrior name even though he told Patchpelt the name meant nothing right now. In truth it did, it would prove to Starclan that he did not need them to complete his life goals, that he was perfectly capable of doing everything on his own. Looking up at the sky, he sneered viciously, fangs gleaming. I bet their just laughing at us, at how weak we are right now and it's all their fault. When I die, I swear to my mother that I will shred everyone of you I can until I snuff from existence, body and soul. Hissing lightly through his teeth so neither she-cat in front of him could hear, the large tom cat, stalked forward so he was on Rainstar's left, slightly behind her so he did not deter her much higher rank but he wanted to be close enough he could protect her with his life at any second if need be. --- Poking his black nose from the make-shift nursery, Wolfkit looked curiously around the camp, ears twitching and whiskers quivering with excitement. Everything was so new to him here and he wanted to explore, but from the sad, angry, or down right depressed looks on the older cats faces he decided he did not want to cross any of there paths. He liked his ears where they were. Leaning back into the den, the kit sighed in boredom, shoulders sagging. "Theres nothing to do." He grumbled, tiny, soft claws digging into the ground.

5:13pm Oct 29 2010
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Nightfall felt the strong presents of other cats, defiantly... But where? "Yes, I can hear them." she meowed as she stood there, the fear striking constantly at her side. As her paws shook, she stared ahead. It was giving her a very bad feeling of leaving the Camp, with no medicine cats at all. She heard a snapping sound, "Where are you...?" she murmured. Being inside enimy territory, was making Nightfall feel like a million hostile eyes were staring at her, waiting for her to make a sound... so they could attack. >> Rainstar looked around, her eyes blazing. "What have we here?" hissed the harsh voice of a fireClan warrior. "Tresp*censored*ers." hissed a smaller voice. "Very good Gingerpaw. Now, why are you IceClan cats on our territory?" Rainstar met the sarcastic voice of Amberflame as she meowed, "I have something to tell your leader." her voice was cold, like there side of the border. Unsheltered and fierce. Amberflame stepped out from the tall reeds along with two other cats, a small white cat with ginger points, gingerpaw, and a bigger cat, like Nightfall's size, but a light tan color with dark green eyes. "I will not allow that. You prey stealers!" Amberflame hissed, taking a step forward. "You will harm not cat Amberflame. This is not a patrol." The tall tan colored cat spoke. Thinking back to where she had seen this cat before, Rainstar remembered that she had be noticed for something, the last gathering Eaglestar was at. Amberflame backed away. She must be the medicine cat. "Now, if you please," Rainstar meowed, waving her tail toward Gentleheart and Shadowpaw. We have this advantage. she thought. "Follow." hissed the apprentice, as she extend glances with the medicine cat. She must be at-least 14 moons old though... She looks like a warrior already. As the patrol stepped over the stones cautiously, Rainstar knew the way to the Camp. Her web feet spread out against the stones, she saw Amberflame glance back, and a flash of surprise behind her savage gaze when she seen how Rainstar had webbed feet, like them, and moved like them. Withought a single drop of icy water touching her feet, they made it over the main crossing of the river. Padding into the camp, she stepped down into the water, which was about a mouse length high. Looking around, she remembered. "I remember everything here.... everything." >> Emeraldrain looked at Wolfkit, "Of course there is something to do..." she meowed unsure of her own knowledge. "Maybe you could..... You could.... Play with Cardinalpaw...?" she put forward. The handsome apprentice was sitting there, dozing. I bet his mentor has nothing left to teach him. He was way taller than other cats like Rainstar, and he looked like he was ready to become a warrior. He should get used to being with kits, it might give him more knowledge on how to be around them... and handle them. Laying her head on the paws, she gazed ahead at the beautiful rushing river that marked there border from FireClan's. Pleading silently that it won't rise, she just kept looking forward, feeling lost in the Clan life. I really don't think I even want to be a warrior after my kits are apprentices.
5:28pm Oct 29 2010
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Rushinf paws could be heard as a group of cats rushed towards the two she cats. "Halt! Who are you and why are you here?" stated a calm but obviously controled voice. Three cats padded into sight. One large dark grey tom with two white spots a she cat with dark brown spots and feirce grey eyes. And a smaller she cat calico with green curious eyes. "Well...speak up!" hissed the tom and glared. "Sharptalon enough." said the grey eyed she cat. And the tom nodded.
5:47pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Oct 29 2010)
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Shadowpaw's eyes scanned through the cats, feeling small and vulnerable compared to a full clan of cats. His paws were numb from the cold and moisture that got on them, tiny ice crystals forming on the tips of the fur. He looked over towards Rainstar, wondering how she was able to walk in the territory like she did, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind. She was leader, and much older then him, so she'd probably traveled all the clan territories. Keeping his head high, he tried to keep from shivering, wishing the rest of him was numb as well. Hearing Rainstar speak, he looked over at her to confirm she was not speaking to him. How he wished he was back at the partial camp, curled up beside his sister for warmth. Sighing, he knew sitting there looking hostile was not helping the matters any so he looked from cat to cat he padded slowly over to Gingerpaw, keeping his face friendly. Maybe it would be good to know a cat from a diffident clan during the journey, might help things not be so hostile. "Your Gingerpaw right?" He asked in a conversational tone. "How long till your a warrior?" He asked, then quickly back tracked in case his words were offensive. "I..I mean if you don't want to tell me thats fine." He finished quickly, awkwardly. Great way to start a conversation Shadowpaw, make her mad.

8:01pm Oct 29 2010
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Looking up he felt warm. No snow not the cold winds breeze brushing against him like a slapping paw. He sat up and noticed the stary pelts of people he thought he'd never see again. Looking around he saw he was surrounded by these cats. Some he never even knew. Some he did. Getting up he looked around. "Where am I?" he asked as he stayed where he was. Seeing Fireeyes and Timberfur Spiritfeather and Mistsoul he came to harsh cold and yet...welcoming realization. "So I died? Heh...how pathetic of me. Can't even make it past a fight with a few scratches." he smiled and chukled in cold dry humor. Looking down he was calm and unmoving. He stared at his own dead body. Right at his paws. He never once thought of what he looked like. But now...he knew. And he smiled. But sadly he knew this body was gone for good. Seeing the small glow of his soul around his dead unmoving cold body he wondered as to what it was. "It's you're life...Snowkit...you have not fully died there is still hope on you living. But only a small chance. You need immediat attention from a medicine cat. You have done greatly." he heard Spiritfeather and knew she was beside him. Young and strong. Seeing the small dark phase of evil rush past he knew Tarnocht left. Fireeyes and Timberfur rushed after the dark tom in fury and rage. "Get out of here or you will not even live in the spirit lands." he heard Timberfur and smiled very very lightly. Looking at Snowkits spirit she knew he was contemplating on things. "We will give you a choice. You can live...or you can die and join us." she mewed and watched the small kit think. Shaking slightly she knew he was given a very big decision. "I say we make a vote. Starclan decides. The most votes wins." he stated strongly and looked up. "Then I say you should live." she whispered and watched as Fireeyes and Timberfur drug Tarnochts spirit back. The toms evil vibes dead and cold. "He deserved what he got. Tarnocht was a bad cat from the begining." she stated and licked Snowkits head. "You should live. You're young and have much of your life to live." Fireeyes stated. Timberfur nodded in agreement. "But if he lives...he will have great pain to bear in his chest. He's broken and the cold weather will not help. I say he should join us." he stated and looked at Snowkit seeings the kits brave spirit he nodded to the kit. His scarred eye no longer there. Fireeyes nodded. "He makes a point." he stated and sat beside his brother. Snowkit seeing most cats agree he sighed. "Very well. I will join Starclan. It is best for me anyways." he stated and looked at the cats bravely. "I will miss everyone I know...but I will not lose them completely. Death and life are given to us for reasons I wish I knew. But I will join you." he stated and looked to his body as it died fully. Cold and unmoving. "You have fought you're hardest. And you're name will be known and told in you're story. You're bravery some cats would wish they had." he heard Timberfur state. Looking up he saw the tom infront of him smilling softly. "Welcome to starclan...home." he said. Looking around Snowkit smiled. He was home...safe and sound free from the fear of death. He was home. Staring at the lifeless body Hawkmask wanted to yowl. Crying she picked his body up and placed him beside Mistsouls. All faith in Starclan gone. Shaking she licked the kits body and gave her sorrows. When she was done she padded to the makeshift den and cried. Her body giving out and boiling in stress. She felt weak and helpless but she cried still and didn't stop.
11:02pm Oct 29 2010
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Padding through her territory, Gingerpaw was listening to what the IceClan apprentice had to say. Looking forward, her mentor was too far away to hear her speak in a friendly tone to the apprentice. May as well give it a try. she thought. "Yea, I am Gingerpaw," she meowed, "And I am around 14 moons old, give or take." As she padded beside him she asked, "What's your name...?" she asked, then her thoughts and curious blue eyes were cut off by Wolfstar. "Why have you come here?" he hissed at Rainstar. This will not go over well. The little tan she cat spoke up beside Rainstar, "She has a medicine cat with her, and by my regards, she has come to set something important." Wolfstar's vicious amber gaze ripped through Gingerpaw, and guilt flooded over her as she sat beside the IceClan apprentice. "Larkspur, I trust that you made the right desision." he meowed quietly to her. Then watching Larkspur pad off, Gingerpaw heard Rainstar meow, "Can I speak to you alone?" Wolfstar flicked his spiky black and white tipped head. "If you have come here to speak to me, you must speak in front of my Clan as well." Glaring eyes of agreement rose within the Clan. Gingerpaw seen Rainstar give her companions a nervous glance, her ice blue eyes were so intense that Gingerpaw could swear they hurt her Clan-mates. and then she meowed, "Very well. IceClan has had to move there Clan camp, the two-legs made a sudden approach to bring our Clan down with there tree-eating monsters. " Wolfstar looked at Rainstar, a look of horror flashed through his eyes, "We had cats go out to find a new territory, and they found one for each of the Clans." Wolfstar took in a deep breath, "So you are saying we just move? Move from the place that we lived in for hundreds of moons? Move from the place that-" River breeze cut him off, "We have to," she meowed, "The two-legs have ripped out half our territory already, and killed 5 of our cats." Wolfstar gave Riverbreeze a disapproving stare, then turned to Rainstar. "When would this happen? We will come." Shock surged through Gingerpaw, We will go? "What about our kits?" a tabby queen yowled, "Why should we listen to IceClan?" Amberflame protested. Gingerpaw felt as if she should yowl something else out too, but she was too shocked to move. >> Emeraldrain bolted to Snowkit's body, "Snowkit? Oh Snowkikt!" she yowled, "Please please wake up!" Looking around at the other cats, she couldn't bear to look at her adopted son anymore. Dead, and lifeless. she let the words ring in her ears. "I have lost so much! Why? oh why did you do this StarClan?" she yowled. "Raveneyes!" yowled Thistlestorm into the warriors den, "Emeraldrain needs you now." >> Nightfall breathed in the sweet air, and felt it stick in her throat, the cool winter air was drying her tong, making it almost impossible to breath. Dipping her head, she lapped up some cool snow, secretly, to disguise her problem. "We are from IceClan," she meowed, Waiting for Patchpelt to cut in at any moment. "We have come to bring you a important message." As her pale blue eyes spookily stared over all the cats, where she thought they were she sat down, her tall black frame making her look more threatening. But is this what you want to do to a hostile Clan? Nightfang warned her. "I am a medicaine cat, and we need to speak to your leader." These cats are hostile right... maybe this may work. Nightfall razed her head. "Or if your Clan is just fine we might fancy leaving you behind.." She meowed, This might work!
11:18pm Oct 29 2010
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"If you have any sense," Gentleheart meowed, "Hear me out. These twolegs will rip out everything. Who cares if an innocent cat is killed? They get what they want, with a path of destruction behind it. You want to se the truth? Go to the border, or what's left of it, and see truth smack you in the face." She continued briskly. "And besides, when we move, who knows? The new land is probably better. We will have a lack of StarClan for a while, I dispise this," She sniffed, "As a StarClan reader myself, but doesn't it make sense to go? If it really doesn't happen, we'll still get territory."-Failpost-
11:18pm Oct 29 2010
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Sharptalon looked at the she cats calmly. Looking at his companions they nodded and he sighed. "Very well. We'll take you to our leader." he stated and padded ahead. "Follow. Icecavern take the back. Snowpaw keep an eye out." he ordered and padded ahead. Nodding Snowpaw padded beside the two she cats. Looking at Nightfall she whispered. "I'm sorry about Sharptalon. His dad was friends with Hawkstar. So it's kinda hard for him. But he was never close to Hawkstar. The two seemed to fight alot. But Sharptalon means good. And followed Hawkstar cause he had too." she apologized to the she cat and looked to her paws. "Again I'm really sorry." she stated and looked at Nightfall sadly. "Snowpaw...do smell anything?" growled Icecavern behind the calico. Straightening up she smelt the air. "N-no n-nothing." she stated and kept padding ahead. Icecaverns ice cold glare bearing into the back of the iceclans heads and Snowpaws. "Good. Keep you're gaurd up you twat." she hissed darkly but shut up to Sharptalons glare. "Enough Icecavern. I will not tolerate you're attitude. You may have lost Hawkstar, you're oh so called once to be crush, but that time has p*censored*ed let it go. Or I'll have you doing clearing the elders for fleas duty for moon or two." he growled and nodded to the two iceclaners.
10:18am Oct 30 2010
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>>FireClan>> Rainstar was taken back by Gentleheart's harshness toward the hostile Clan. She could easily see Wolfstar's eyes glowing with anger and his neck fur spiked up and bristling. Rainstar took a step forward, and Wolfstar took his furious glare off Gentleheart, to her. "We will meet in the new IceClan camp. I will send one of my warriors to come get your patrol at moon high waiting at the border, you are aloud as many cats as you can take, but hear this," she stepped up to him, I know I am a taller cat than him, I am more FireClan than the FireClan leader is! "We will not fight, is you bring it to us, and if you do choose to fight us like last moon, you will win nothing." She hissed and turned around, whipping her tail so it almost hit the leader in the face, and disappeared into the darkness. <<CaveClan<< Nightfall was grateful of the apprentice's apology, "Thank you," she meowed, "I know cats can get like that too, I have some in my Clan." Padding beside the brown and white apprentice, she knew that walking through the dark caves of CaveClan would be no different than walking through life. As she sensed the damp air was closing in, the caves were becoming warmer and warmer for her to walk through, and she knew that there camp would be the warmest place. Well, I guess if we continue to go deeper. she thought, shaking some of the dew drops from her pelt. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble for talking to your mentor.." Nightfall murmured to Snowpaw. She wondered if she even said that to the right cat, she felt so closed in, but so wide open and lost in these Caves. >>FireClan>> "Well Wolfstar?" Asked Snowshread as he lay in the entrance of the medicine cat's den, "What will you do?" Asked Riverbreeze. Whipping around he said, "Larkspur, Riverbreeze, Gingerpaw and..." his eyes traveled in fear of meeting his brother Blackwolf, which had betrayed him, his Clan, FireClan, and made them battle for no reason. " Amberflame..." ooc; Electro> Can ai have Shadowblaze in CaveClan? xD Remember, Cavestar's sister?
10:44am Oct 30 2010
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Shadowpaw watched with worry and slight agitation as the Fireclan leader spat in anger at Rainstar, clearly very aggressive of the new leader and her patrol. But watching, he wanted to purr in pride as Rainstar set him straight, speaking with such promise and authority even he wanted to bow down to the m*censored*ive she-cat. When would this happen? We will come." Shadowpaw almost yowled in happiness and relief, having at least one clan that was willing to travel from their home for as long as any cat could remember and brave the uncertain future ahead of them. Way to go Rainstar, you will be a great leader. He thought, pride flashing through his eyes. Suddenly Rainstar spat something else he did not hear, so lost in his thoughts, and disappeared into the dark. Bolting to his paws to follow, he remembered one other thing he needed to do. Turning to Gingerpaw, he offered a smile. "That was really brave, standing up to your leader like that, I would not have had to guts to do so." He mused, chuckling softly. "I'm Shadowpaw, by the way." He introduced, looking over his shoulder once to make sure no cat was going to suddenly rip into his back for still being there while his leader had left. "Your not much younger then me, perhaps by the time the journey starts we will both have our warrior names, i'd like to hear yours and congratulate you." He meowed, looking into her bright eyes once before turning and swiftly following his leader back into the depths of Iceclan territory.

1:56pm Oct 30 2010 (last edited on 7:32pm Nov 2 2010)
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"Who Icecavern? Oh she's not my mentor Suncliff is." she stated and patted the she cats shoulder with her tail a bit. "Sharptalons not mad at me. He's mad at Icecavern. Those two never see eye to eye." she said as she padded into the camp. "We're here in the camp." Sharptalon stated and nodded for the two to follow. Placing his tail on Nightfalls shoulders so she knew where to go.
5:28pm Oct 30 2010
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Gingerpaw looked at Shadowpaw's pelt dissapere into the darkness, and let out sigh. "You can't be more than friends." a framiliar voice meowed behind her. "I know mom," she hissed turning around. "We aren't even friends, he is just some IceClan cat" Or that is what you should think. she wanted to hide inside the river, or just be washed away with the steady current. Racing away from her mother, she didn't even know what to think about what was happening. Everything is going wrong. >> Nightfall pushed away from Sharptallon, The last thing I need is a CaveClan cat showing me what to do. she thought stubbornly. "Patchpelt, you should speak to the leader..." She froze in the presence of so many strange scents. ooc; another mini post :
8:54pm Oct 30 2010
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OoC: I missed so much! Sorry about my absence, my home computer is down for the count but my dad is letting borrow the lap top for a bit. BiC Patchpelt was lost in thought the moment the CaveClan patrol met up with them. She thought about what she was to say to Cavestar. The last thing she wanted to do was insult her, so she was planning her words wisely. Patchpelt knew that Nightfall had been gentle enough of introducing the topic of their presence so it would be too hard to tell the leader, she hoped as she hobbled over the rocky ground. She wished that she could rest a bit more but knew that her clan would come before her comfort. Then a meow stated that they were in camp. It was a lot different than IceClan, since caves dominated the area that had shrubs and a few trees but the dark little tunnels were what scared Patchpelt the most. The grumpy she-cat, Icecavern, lead the way to what Patchpelt guessed to be the leaders den. Pausing respectfully just outside of the den, the calico IceClan warrior meowed, "This is Patchpelt and Nightfall, a warrior and medicine cat from IceClan, we have come to tell you someting important." Without waiting further, Patchpelt slowly walked into the dark den. Her shap eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and she could just make out the outline of Cavestar. "We come here in peace for the whole forest is in danger! The two-leggers aren't waiting any longer. They have destroyed IceClan with these huge, hideous monsters that ate all the trees, bushes, and dens without even noticing." Shivering nervously, Patchpelt hoped that she was saying the right things, "Moons ago, a few warriors from IceClan left on a journey that StarClan gave them. I was one of them, and we have found wonderful new territory. It is unclaimed by other cats and no two-leg houses are near. We believe it will be the greatest place any clan could ask for because prey is abundant." Looking back at Nightfall, Patchpelt hoped that Cavestar would hear the sincerity in her voice. It is up to her now. I can only hope that she chooses the best for her clan.
Just call me Siri.
9:04am Oct 31 2010
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Nightfall felt a sudden shiver stream down from her head, and she sat closer to Patchpelt. Great. It is bad enough that the caves are dark, but I am Blind. So we will be more venerable... she thought, and took a shallow breath, hoping that none of the cats would hear her. ooc; There, I made it small D< I am having issues! xD
10:56am Oct 31 2010
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OoC; Are we still at FireClan border? ^.^' I'm so lost. Also sick, which is why I haven't been on . :/
4:38pm Oct 31 2010
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ooc; Yes, we are. and Patchpelt and Nightfall are in CaveClan. The meeting starts for the leaders at Moonhigh, Today for the warriors I think
12:44am Nov 1 2010
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OoC: ='( Snowkit never got his name. BiC Swiftdarkness hated this place. He hated the way they lived now; in fear and hunger. How can we possibly go on like this? he wondered sourly to himself. His gaunt ribs were like spiked branches poking out of a dying oak tree with tuffs of matted fur barely covering him. This body was used to the shivers now, since he seemed to be eternally cold. Though the day was the most beautiful it had been in moons, he couldn't enjoy it. Two innocent cats had pa.ssed onto StarClan much too soon. Standing over Snowkit, the ebony warrior only mourned the fact that the poor kit never got to have a warrior name. The white little fluff had been a pain in his fur, remembering the moment when the bird nearly got him, but he had been so brave and proud. Snowkit would have been a mighty warrior. "I would have named you Braveheart," he whispered as he shared tongues for the last time with the kit. "For you are more brave than any other cat I have seen in seasons. I will miss you, Snowkit." Pressing his grey nose to the chilled white, bloody fur Swiftdarkness felt tears slip down his cheeks. It was like losing one of his kits all over again. With a frightening need, Swiftdarkness got up and stalked over to find Littlepaw. He knew that Shadowpaw was out making him proud, but in that moment he would have torn through the forest to get to him if his kit's mission hadn't been so important. Spotting his small she-kit, Swiftdarkness couldn't swollow his yowl of emotion. Nuzzling his nose into her matching fur to his, the father purred from his heart. "I love you, Littlepaw," he rasped. "I love you more than you could imagine. Stay strong for me, please."
Just call me Siri.
5:16pm Nov 1 2010
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ooc; Awee, poor Swiftdarkness...
5:26pm Nov 1 2010
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Littlepaw blinked, and nuzzled Swiftdarkness gently. "I promise, I'll make you the proudest cat in all the Clans." ittlepaw whispered, leaning her tired, overstressed body onto him. "No matter what, I'm going to get to Starclan with a warrior's name." She oathed. She knew it was a large promise, as the journey had tired her out, and now they were heading back again. "I think I've lost a lot... but what about him? Littlepaw thought, her pelt blending into Swiftdarkness's. She stared at the little body of Snowkit. You'll protect me and Swiftdarkness, right? Be there for me, please. She silently plead.
4:56pm Nov 2 2010
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ooc; Bump