5:04pm Nov 2 2010
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Cavestar listened as Patchpelt gave her reason to be here with the blind medicine cat. "Hm...I see." she stated as she looked to be contemplating. "Very well. We will leave this forrest to the new home. But we will stay here for the time being." looking at the three cats that lead them here she sighed. "Sharptalon go with these two." looking back at the two cats she nodded to each "I will be sending Sharptalon to stay with you. He will come to get us when the time has come." she stated and the warrior nodded. "Of course Cavestar." he stated and nodded to the two she cats. "I do hope you understand I see no point in risking any of your own cats to get us when the clan must leave." she added hoping they wouldn't mind her words.
Sitting beside the two she cats he nodded to them again. "I shall accompany you until the time is right." he stated and waited for the order to move. "Now you three should be off." she stated and got up. "I will inform my clan about the news." and padded out of the den. Sharptalon nodded to Patchpelt. "Lead the way." Padding about Hawkmask smilled at the breeze. Looking around she heard a scuttle in the ferns. Getting ready she pounced. But to her unluck it was a loose branch. Sighing she got up and scratched her head a bit. "Urgh! Why is life so hard and cruel?" finding she had asked a rather stupid question she sighed more heavily this time. "Never mind. I should find something to explain my absence." she stated to herself and went back towards the camp. Crawling into the camp she noticed the dead bodies were gone now and she was expecting it to be so. Looking around she placed her one mouse on the pile and went to a warm spot for rest. Painfullpaw was sleeping beside her and she watched a little patch of the earth like it was the only thing in the world that gave her something to live for. "You took my kits away from me so many moons ago and my mate. Now you took Mistsoul and Emeraldrains kit? How cruel are you? Do you even exist?" she asked aloud and sighed. Grooming herself she tried to find something to get the thoughts out of her head. Thinking of Firtail and Starpaw she knew the two had lost too much. Starpaw losing Alcarie and Mistsoul and Firtail for losing his clan and his family. "How much more can those two bear before they lose the hope I lost?" she wondered as she put her head down and listened to the wind as if it talked to her.
7:21pm Nov 2 2010
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Padding up to her brother Sorrowkit smiled. "Hi Wolfkit!" she mewed and pounced on him. "Wanna play?" she asked as she got off and crouched giving a determind look. "I'll beat you easily." she gloated and fluffed up a bit purring. "Unless of course you're to chicken." she added smirking. Watching the kits play Crimsonfang smilled lightly. "You know...kits aren't at all as bad as I thouht they would be." he stated and heard the chuckle of Lostfoot. "I knew kits were growing on you." he said and Crimsonfang chuckled. "Ya...unfortunately poor Snowkit wont see our new home." he said and heard his friend sigh. "Mhm. Such a shame too. He was a very brave kit." he stated and looked up at the sky. "I can only hope he is watching over us."Crimsonfang could only nod and listened at Sorrowkit meow her taunts. Glaring at Starpaw Blackwolf padded towards him. "Oh quit crying. You're daddy probably left cause he didn't love you as much as you thought." he growled and pushed the tom. "Come with me. You're going to go hunting with me." he hissed and padded away without the tom even having time to say anything. ------------------------------------Bios I should post XD The Basics: Name: Sharptalon Age: 17 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: hiss Residence: Caveclan (Currently in Iceclan due to Cavestars order.) The Appearance: Eye Color: Dark redeaming amber with gold around the pupil. Coat Color: Dark musky grey with black stripes. Scars: A huge one along his back and some on his face. Distinguishing Features: His large broad shoulders. B*censored*ically an arnold schwarsnager in the cat world. XD Just slightly more toned then him. XD http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Dark+grey+tabby#/d2ceuoh now imagine him with dark amber eyes and very broad features.
The Personality: Loves: Watching the stars and listening to the small waterfall splash softly into the water below him. Likes: Respect, listening to elder stories telling stories himself and hearing about his mother by his father. Dislikes: The fact he never got to know his mother (Died giving birth to him) Icecavern (Growls menacingly) {Point proven} Fireclan especially Amberflame. O_o Secret(s): I'm pure Iceclan. My father was kidnapped by a Caveclaner. Weaknesses: Kits. He's got a soft spot for them. Cute shecats make him shy. (Is glared at) his rude attitude. Sarcastic. Strengths: Fighting. Following his heart not his mind. Pet Peeves: Cats who can't seem to stop talking. XD He thinks their possessed by evil cats. The Other: Scent: Surprisingly he doesn't reek of Caveclan. Some cats think he's after someone from a different clan. Crush: Nightfall (Oooooooooooo) Family: Reddeath Mate: none Offspring: nope Additional Information
8:22pm Nov 2 2010
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Watching as Nightfall and Patchpelt padded off, Starpaw sighed and looked longingly at his paws. He hated wallowing in his grief and loss, but it felt as if everything he'd ever worked for or loved had come crashing down. Decided not to let any other cat see him mentally breaking, he padded over to the few herbs left and started leafing through them, trying to pick out the ones that were getting old and musty. After what felt like forever, another voice cut through his mental tirade, the sound grating down his spine. "Oh quit crying. You're daddy probably left cause he didn't love you as much as you thought." Starpaw gasped slightly, feeling as if the words pierced his heart just a little more. Was that right, did Alcarié leave because he wanted to be rid of Starpaw? He whined softly, trying to hold it in. Turning to looked at Blackwolf he shivered in terror, hating the tom just for the look in his eyes. As the older tom told him to go hunting, Starpaw thought about bolting off to find some other cat to protect him from the unknown. Perhaps Scarlethaze, she was large and could hopefully take Blackwolf if the tom decided to try something. Starpaw shivered at what the tom could do. Something about him screamed death. But Blackwolf was already walking off so Starpaw had no choice but to follow dejectedly. "Why...why did you want to hunt with me?" He stammered, voice picked high.

8:26pm Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Gentleheart is goin' to whoop Sharptalon's Buttockies if she finds out about him liking Nightfall. XD))
8:55pm Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 779
Growling the black tom looked at him. "Whats the matter...you scared?" he asked smirking darkly and rammed his side into the little tom with his powerful shoulder. "Or are you just nervous around an actual Iceclan warrior?" he smirked even more darkly and he laughed a bit. "You know...we're pretty far from camp...and such a shame you're so weak. Why Eaglestar didn't just rid of you and that tom I'll never know. Or even why she let Firtail or any of the other cats that don't belong here join I'll never know." looking at the tom he smirked. "I have a little job for you Starpaw...I want you to kill Rainstar and Swiftdarkness. And if you don't and tell anyone I'll hunt you and you're friend Nightfall down...and murder you both very very slowly." he growled darkly and his whole posture went dark and sinister. "You remember little Featherpaw saying I killed poor old Eaglestar? Well she wasn't lying. I chose to tell her. Why? Because noone trusted or even would believe her. You see little Starpaw...I can do you much you a world much better then Panthergaze ever could. Now I first thought of killing you...but I think a cat with your smarts could be quite useful in my need of help. Simply go into the medicine cats den and take two deathberries. Put them in some mice and give them to them. And don't forget...I'll watching when you do." he growled and smilled.
9:27pm Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Nightfall likes your Character Bio. :) Featherpaw was shaking when she walked into Blackwolf's conversation with Starpaw. "No," she hissed, her voice trembling. Not Starpaw too! This will be a horrible trick! Her red eyes were wide with worry and she backed away slowly, every step placed down lightly so her mentor would catch no sign of her. Suddenly, her foot got caught in a mouse hole of some sort, and she fell back onto a large twig, making a m*censored*ive snap. Shaking her foot to break free, she nipped at some of the branches around it, but they wouldn't let her go. Featherpaw's fur was sticking up and fear pierced her. Crimson eyes wide with panic, she hissed and spat, struggling to get out of the hole's grip before her mentor could get to her. But I will be caught. I know it. I am only a fox length away from him. Her ears shot up, "Get out get out get out!" she hissed at her foot as she twisted and turned it, only leading to fall and snap some more branches. As some sand and dirt crumbled around her foot, she dug angrily with her paws, flinging some of her own fur with the flying sand and dirt. "I am done for......" she hissed, shaking, as she realized that the ground was frozen solid, and the parts she broke free were week to begin with. "He gonna kill meee..." she moaned, as her fur was twitching back and fourth. Blood seeped into the dirt and snow around her foot, leaving stains from her very sharp, long claws. "But I won't let him!" She replied to herself, "I am a strong warrior!" >> Nightfall padded silently beside the strange CaveClan cat, feeling different feelings come off of him, "We are at the border now," she meowed awkwardly, "We will send one of our warriors to come get you............." after a long silence she turned and padded back into her own territory.
4:44pm Nov 3 2010
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OoC: I like this little plot twist, a lot -grins evilly- Weak little Starpaw killing Rainstar and Swiftdarkness...hm. BiC: Starpaw padded along a bit behind Blackwolf, trying to keep himself from hyperventilating. He can't be that bad, can he? He asked himself, looking up from the ground he'd been concentrating on. Looking up into this eyes, he inwardly shivered. Perhaps. Suddenly the much larger tom stopped, forcing Starpaw to do so as well. "Whats the matter...you scared?" Blinking at his sudden words, the medicine cat apprentice forced himself not to nod enthusiastically, hoping to placicate Blackwolf enough that he could high tail it back to the safety of camp. Something told him that this cat was just as bad as the monsters, if not worse. Though he was never one to jump to conclusions, he felt right about this. Suddenly Blackwolf's shoulder knocked into his own with enough forced to nearly drive Starpaw off his feet. Muttering, Starpaw righted himself, fur starting to fluff up in terror. What was he doing out here alone with this cat! Big mistake. "You know...we're pretty far from camp...and such a shame you're so weak. Why Eaglestar didn't just rid of you and that tom I'll never know. Or even why she let Firtail or any of the other cats that don't belong here join I'll never know." The weak comment hurt, but not as much as some would think. Starpaw knew he was weak and learned to live with it. But the slur about Alcarié sent a tiny hiss a escaping from his muzzle, eyes slitting dangerously. He knew he had no chance of even laying a scratch on Blackwolf, but he would try if he kept it up. His next words thought sent the boiling blood in Starpaw's veins freezing, stopping in it's tracks just as his heart did. Kill Rainstar, and Swiftdarkness? The thought was preposterous, he'd rather kill himself! But...Nightfall. The tom would go after his beloved mentor, the only cat who seemed to see the good in him anin everyone else, even thought she was blind. And it would be his fault for not complying. Tears suddenly prickled in his eyes and his paws shook. It was between his leader and deputy, or his mentor and friend. He cherished all three cats equally, but truly loved only one. Blackwolf's other words were thrown into deaf ears, thought he hard them his mind only processed the proposition. Finally he opened his tear filled eyes, letting the waterfall of his very soul flow from those orbs onto his cheek fur then soak into the ground. "If...If I do this, will you leave Nightfall out of this?" He asked, voice trembling as badly as the rest of him. Without waiting for a reply to small cat turned around and bolted back towards the camp, away from the nightmare cat and the death he proposed. He was not sure now many times he tripped over his own paws, scuffing his shoulders, chest and legs, but he always got up and seemed to move faster, faster then he;d ever let himself run. There was pain in his limbs, not used to this kind of exercise, but he welcomed it as the start to his upcoming punishment. He was going to kill his leader and deputy. Once the camp came into sight he slowed to a walk, poking his nose into the camp and breathing in deeply. Each cat meant something, some of them comfort, some protection, some friendship, and yet he would betray them all. But it was not to protect himself, no he'd die a hundred times over if he could instead of doing what he was about to do. But he would not allow Nightfall to be killed, more-less slowly as Blackwolf promised. Looking into each cats eyes from a distance, he memorized the look in them, because next time he saw those orbs they would be staring at him with hatred, betrayal, and pain. A tiny wail escaped his maw, feeling so lost and helpless was not new, but never on this scale. Paws feeling as if they were weighted down by stones, he walked over to the nearly non-existent fresh-kill pile and picked up a mouse, planning on splitting it. Another pang of guilt racked through him, knowing he would be killing two cats with this fresh-kill then healing them like the prey was supposed to. Walking over to the small herb pile, he turned his back on the rest of the clan, shoulders haunched until he looked like no more then a stack of sticks, bones poking out at angles, and thinning fur hardly covering his tiny body. Ripping the mouse in half, jaws aching after words from the use, Starpaw picked up two of the four deathberries from the pile with his claws, staring at the two berries like they were the bane of his exisence. Then again, weren't they? Disgusted with himself, Starpaw stuffed first one half of the mouse with a berry and squashed carefully, letting the berries juices flow through it. The trick was the get all the poison from the berry, the juice, into the prey the pull the mushed pulp free so that there was no evidence that the prey was rigged. Plus there was no flavor of the berry left. He did the same to the other half. Grabbing first one half of the mouse he padded over to Swiftdarkness. But the deputy was with his daughter, and from the happiness in their faces they were enjoying one another's company, and he would soon destroy that, forever. Guilt gnawed at him yet again, and he almost dropped the mouse and ate it himself right then and there. But Nightfall's battered body entered his mind, bloody and broken under Blackwolf's paws. He would not let it happen. Walking up to the senior tom he dropped the prey at his paws, horrified at how skinny Swiftdarkness actually was. I'm so sorry! He mentally wailed, wiping all of his sadness and grief off of his face. "I...I brought this for you. I went herb hunting a actually caught a mouse." He lied, smiling all the while. Why did it feel as if his face was breaking? Or maybe it was just his battered heart? "I wanted you to have half, and i'm giving Rainstar the other half. What good would it be if we lost our two greatest warriors?" He asked. Yes, what will it be like? Without another word he turned and padded off again, knowing if he stayed any longer he'd spill the truth, then he'd have to say good bye to his mentor. Grabbing the other half of the mouse, he looked around for Rainstar, claws sinking desperately into the ground. Please forgive me, even thought I know you cannot. He did not spot the leader, so he guessed she was still out with Gentleheart and Shadowpaw. Walking sadly over to the make-shift den the leader used, Starpaw dropped it onto the ground there, under the bushes where it would not be visible unless you were a cat actually laying down in the. Walking away again, into the herbs stock so he could ponder what he would do now, Starpaw wondered if Blackwolf was watching, sneered at his emotional weakness as well as his physical weakness. Probably. But he did not care. He'd just committed one of the greatest bouts of treachery probably since...well, he did not really know, nor did he care. All he was sure of was that if Blackwolf did not kill him, Iceclan would.

4:52pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf jumped and pinned Featherpaw down. Growling he glared. "You were spying on us weren't you. Well then little Featherpaw I think it's time to teach you a lesson!" he spat and brought on an *censored*ault. Scratching and biting he stopped and got off picking the she cat up he padded towards camp. "Not so tough now are you little Featherpaw." he growled and kept his way to camp.
When the tom and his apprentice got to camp he went to the medicine cats den. Putting her down he growled and padded out. "Switdarkness...I think I should inform you theres a rouge running around. I think the tom Crimsonfang killed wasn't alone. They attacked Featherpaw." he informed and nodded to the tom and backed off. "I will leave you to your buisness." he meowed and padded away glaring at Featherpaw as he p*censored*ed.
Sharptalon padded towards the she cat. "I think I should come with you...I mean...umm...I was *censored*inged to stay at you're camp for temporary stay and well...I think maybe to save some troubles I should just come along." he stated and followed her.
4:56pm Nov 3 2010 (last edited on 4:58pm Nov 3 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((My gosh... how about Littlepaw actually eats the mouse-half?))
5:04pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 779
We'll have to see how the tables go Fully. XD Also Eklipse...I wont be able to go to youth...family things happenin.))
5:11pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Could I join? Even out the cats and make some warriors to make mentors?]
5:31pm Nov 3 2010
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ooc; Smiles happily. I missed you, big posts! bic; Rainstar padded outside of her den, a different scent was hanging in the air, and she picked up Starpaw's scent. "Starpaw killed this...?" She wondered. And below her tall frame was a mouse, Had he left it for me? she wondered, then rolled the tiny creature over with her long black Claws. I shouldn't........ The Clan needs it more..she thought. Examining it, she found it was a Clean-ish kill, and knew that it would probably suit a Cat's eating expectations. Then pushed it toward the fresh-kill pile, slowly and painfully. Setting it lightly on the top of the fresh-kill pile, Rainstar padded back to her den, feeling famished, but good that she spared the mouse for one of her Clan mates. Maybe on of the other warriors will eat it.. She though, knowing that they would benefit more from the mouse. Curling up in her nest, she wrapped her long white tail around her silver fur and gazed outside her den, waiting for the trouble to strike again in the poor Clan. >> Emeraldrain seen Rainstar leave the prey in the fresh-kill pile, and while her kits were alseep she may as well have a bit to eat. Grabbing the mouse's tail in her mouth, she dragged it back to the outside of the den. As she slumped her shoulders to eat, she feared that the other cats in the Clan may need it more... No, There are no elders any more, I may as well eat to keep my kits alive. she took a deep bite into the mouse, and her heart felt full of grateful content. The first content since Snowkit had died. I hope you are happy, little one... she thought, still feeling the slightest spread of icy pain in her heart. After she gulped down the rest of the kill, she padded back into the nursery, keeping her green eyes to the sky. "Snowkit, I hope you are safe... I can't wait till I see you again." Then with that silent prayer said, she padded into the nursery, and gazed outside, her eyes glazed with tiredness, she would stay awake for her adopted son's vigil. ooc; I bet knowone was suspecting THAT! Featherpaw's head was shaking as her savage mentor dropped her harshly on the ground. She felt worn, beaten, and the scratches on her face were welling up with blood. She narrowed her eyes to Swiftdarkness, "It........" her voice was ruff from shock, and she knew she would be hard to understand. Trying desperately to choke out the words that would benefit Crimsonfang and hurt Black wolf she moaned, "It was B-Blackwolf..." Standing up, a gash on her shoulder bleed heavily, with her eyes narrowed, she regained her voice. "Blackwolf did this to me. Crimsonfang had nothing to do with this." Flinching slightly as pain stretched down her back, she knew that things with her mentor would only get worse. "I am telling you the truth.." she rasped, her black spotted cream fur was standing on end. He won't beleive me, None of them will! Rainstar and Swiftdarkness will be dead soon.... Here pupils were those as thin as pine needles, giving her red eyes a menacing look to them. Everything about this Clan was wrong, and Featherpaw was stuck in the middle of everything. "I am Fine." she hissed, as more blood flowed out of her shoulder cut, "I don't need some stupid medicine cat to give me stuff that doesn't work." Padding away she went off to find Starpaw. Seeing the light grey apprentice padding through the Camp, she sprang in front of him, blood flying as she hissed, "What did you do?" every word force out of her mouth with an equal amount of rage. Letting her black claws slide out of her paws, she stepped closer to him. So close that her face was pressed against his, "Tell me, or I will make you miserable." she spat and stepped back, mussels tense, making even more blood flow out of her wounds. Eyes wild, like a crimson fire raging on through a forest, she let out and long hiss. >> Pausing Nightfall meowed, "We will drop you off in the Camp for now. " she hissed, "We still need to get to treeClan and Night-fall is coming soon." ooc; Waiting for Patchpelt... :P
5:32pm Nov 3 2010 (last edited on 5:32pm Nov 3 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Detteroni! :D I want you to, but you'll have to check with the rest of the gang.))
8:39pm Nov 3 2010
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Starpaw had been trying to clear his mind, throw out the thoughts of what he'd done and who would die soon. He had not felt this miserable since his mother had died, and even then it had not been this sharp of horror because he'd done this himself. Killed innocent cats for another's awful gain. Closing his eyes, tears flowed freely once again, so he kept his back top the rest of the camp, closing himself off from all the other cats like they would do to him soon enough. Suddenly the scent of blood, and a lot of it filled his nostrils, causing him to shiver in repulsion. It could not be his work thought, his kills (the very thought sent his mind reeling and he wanted to wail like a kit) would be clean and bloodless. Had Blackwolf hurt another cat already. Opening his eyes, he was suddenly face to face with a viciously looking Featherpaw, and she did not look happy. Starpaw swallowed in sadness, realizing she was in this just as deep as he himself was. Yet she wanted no comfort, actually she seemed alright with the way things were going. Is she plotting with her mentor as well? He asked himself taking a scared step back, jaw opened in a silent wail and ears flat against his skull while looking up at the other apprentice. "What did you do?" Featherpaw asked harshly and he flinched. Yes, what did I do? "I..I don't know." He admitted, trying to keep more tears from entering his eyes,. "He threatened Nightfall. Said he would kill her if I did not do as he said." He meowed, voice pitching high like a kits. "I had no other choice because Blackwolf would!" He finished, crouching low. "Do me a favor Featherpaw, if you want to kill me please go ahead and do so." Starpaw muttered, feeling drained and no more like a medicine cat apprentice then a murdering rouge. "I failed my clan, I failed my mentor and my father, and now I'v failed Blackwolf even thought I wanted to so bad. But I will not sit by and watch him kill my mentor. I'd rather be dead!" He finished with a hiss, clear blue eyes dull. Looking around, his eyes caught Rainstar walking, not laying somewhere dying as if she really ate the mouse. If she did not, then who did? He asked himself, heart chilling. "Just do it." He finished to Featherpaw. "I do not want to know who I just killed.

9:52pm Nov 3 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Of course Detlove can join! :D -huggles Dethface-
12:35am Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Det, I think you've joined...three times now? O3o' If I remember correctly. So have at it! I hate to say it guys, but I'm really sick now. I mean really sick. I'm coughing so hard I have a head-ache so I don't know if I can see long enough to type a nice post. Would you mind a pause? Until I can get Patchpelt, or Swiftdarkness's post up? I would greatly appreciate it. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
12:02pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Oh, thanks. I'll probably only join as one cat and I'll see how this goes. Rogue coming straight up. :3]
12:14pm Nov 4 2010
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Name: Spider [Spiderclaw] Age: 18 moons Gender: Tom Rank: Rogue, soon to be warrior Deion: Spider is built completely for speed with his leggy black hind and forelegs, bulked up with muscle and sinew. He has a slim and nearly skeletal body physique that makes him nigh useless for fighting, unless tripping your opponent is considered fair in a fight. He has a short and rough black fur parted slightly at places to reveal smooth white scars, but only along his flanks and back. Personality: He is a bit gruff and a loner at heart, but he doesn’t really mind other cats unless they’re a direct threat. Other than that he tends to slink around the IceClan’s territory, staying near the edges in case he needs to flee. Skill: Hunting mostly and avoiding other cats are his two main skills Likes: Spider has never had any particular liking for anything in general. He simply tends to go on with his life and deal with everything as it comes at him. Dislikes: Same as above. History: Rogueborn Mate: Wants Crush: Open Kits: None Kin: Deceased, unknown Other:

4:30pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((How 'bout spider lives in the new territory, and they find him where they're supposed to camp, so they ask him to join? Oh and, maybe on of my charries could crush Spider... WAIT, I don't have any warrior Femmes, do I?))
4:31pm Nov 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((OMG, how 'bout Jadepaw likes Spider? :O She'd be good with an older man. XD She's what, 14 moons?))