4:39pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 8:34pm Feb 4 2011)
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This thread is made in addition to Easternbluebird and Siritachi1's original two Death is Too Framiliar thread. Time MoonHigh *Last hour before the sun rises. Weather Gentle breeze Slightly Clouded Sky Degrees: 41F/5C Season Greenleaf || NewLeaf || Leaf-fall || Leaf-bare Prey Scarce || Moderate || Plentiful Prophecy "Otter, Dark, Sweet, Blue,_____,____,____ are to stop the death from it's jaws." Prophecy Cat(s) 1. Otterkit -Electro 2. Darkstorm - Eklipse 3. Sweetpaw - Detneth 4. Bluepaw - Fullmoon 5. -Open- East? 6. -Open-
7. Scarlethaze-Stray
4:40pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Jan 19 2011)
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Master Cat List *Created by the Siritachi1* Leader: Rainstar - Eklipse Nine lives (Apprentice - Larkpaw) Deputy: Swiftdarkness - Electro (Apprentice - Jadepaw) Medicine Cat: Nightfall - Eklipse (Apprentice - Starpaw) / Gentleheart - Fullmoon Medicine Cat Apprentice: Starpaw (Luoke) - Stray Warriors: Raveneyes - East (Apprentice - Cardinalpaw) Kestrelheart - East (Apprentice - Bluepaw) Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon Grayheart - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Sweetpaw) Patchpelt - Det (Apprentice - Shadowpaw) Copperfire - Stray (Apprentice - Rosepaw) Crimsonfang - Electro (Apprentice - Featherpaw) Ravenfeather - East Lostfoot - Electro (Apprentice - Graypaw) Windprint - Eklipse (Apprentice - Redpaw) Shatteredrose - Eklipse (Apprentice - Painfulpaw) Scarlethaze - Stray Leopardwind - Detneth Littlefire - Fullmoon Apprentices: Shadowpaw - Stray Bluepaw - Full Graypaw - East Redpaw - Stray Painfulpaw - Electro Cardinalpaw -Eklipse Featherpaw - Eklipse Larkpaw - East Rosepaw - Eklipse Jadepaw - Fullmoon Sweetpaw - Det
Queens: Echovoice - East *Temporary owner: Eklipse Kits: Sunkit - Fullmoon Duskkit - Eklipse Sorrowkit - Electro Wolfkit - Stray Otterkit - Electro Rogue: Spider - Det Gender Ratio 19 // 16 *New!* Cat count Stray: 5//1 Eklipse: 3//5 Det: 1//3 Electro: 5//1 East *Temporarily absent: 4//2 Fullmon: 1//5
4:40pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 4:16pm Jan 16 2011)
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Additional Information TreeClan- Leader, Twigstar
- Deputy, Stumpfoot
FireClan - Leader, Wolfstar
- Deputy, Riverbreeze
CaveClan: - Leader, Cavestar
- Deputy, needed!
Florence, Oregon, Sand Dunes Prey:- Mice
- Small Birds
- Squirrel
- Snake
- Lizard
Predator:- Birds of Prey
- Stray Dogs
- New Monsters (ATV's/Four wheelers)
Weather:- Spring [Newleaf]
- Warm (70F/21C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 7 days
- Mild wind (Early in morning/Late in afternoon)
- Summer [Greenleaf]
- Hot (80-90F/26-32C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 14 days, or less
- Breeze throughout the day
- Fall [Leaf-fall]
- Warm to Chilly (70F/20C early Fall, 50F/10C late Fall)
- Rain: 1 out of every 7 days, early Fall; 1 out of every 5 days, lateFall
- Breeze during early Fall; Mild wind during Fall
- Inch of Snow possible during late, late Fall
- Winter [Leaf-bare]
- Chilly to Cold (50F/10C to 32F/0C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 3 days
- Harsh Wind, breeze during day
- Snow: Highly possible, up to eight inches
- Thunder Storm, Floods, and small cyclones are possible
Territory:- Sand...everywhere! xD
- Roughage Spots [Bushes, single tree, ect.]
- Foliage Islands [A cluster of trees with undergrowth]
- Ponds
- Creeks
- Rivers
- Ocean on Coast
- No two-leg houses, but odd dens (Tents/Trailers)
4:41pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Jan 13 2011)
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The Basics: Name: -Nightkit- (Nightpaw) {Nightfall} Nicknames: None... I hope, I don't get any though... o_0 Age: 16 moons Position: Medicine Cat Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light pale blue Coat Color: Pure Jet black Scars: none so far, Distinguishing Features: Different, FireClan Build. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/184/428471542_19d8542fa3.jpg The Personality: Loves: My Clan, My position, healing Likes: Being a little different, Dislikes: Not being able to see, being judged about where she was born. Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father is Snowdarkness, the murderess FireClan medicine cat. I haven't told Poisonheart who our father is yet... I don't plan on it though... Weaknesses: Fighting, emotional strength, Strengths: Sharp comebacks, Pet Peeves: stepping in mud and water, which makes me wonder why, I am fully FireClan. :S The Other: Scent: Mourning, the day after a thunderstorm. Crush: -OPEN- Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: I am forbidden to have one... But I wouldn't mind one. Offspring: No..................... >Cries< Additional Information :Nightfall's personality is unlike her mother, Blackfang's , she rarely gets angry and puts the needs of her Clan first. Nightfall will be sweet and kind hearted again though, the thought of her Father being a medicine cat, a murderer and knowing she is a mistake hurts her like nothing she has ever felt before. Some cats still can tell that she is related to her terroris mother, her tall legs and black fur is a major resemblance, but that doesn't bother her as much as knowing who her parents are and loosing a relative, to fact, because they have different mothers. But What StarClan can say to Nightpaw is that her path will be getting allot more interesting... The Basics: Name: -Featherkit- (Featherpaw) {Featherstorm} Nicknames: If. You. Give. Me. One. You. Are. Dead. T-T Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Flashing bright red. Coat Color: Leopard spotted and tan. Scars: One cut on her ear, and one thin one down her back. Distinguishing Features: Red eyes, Sharp black Claws. http://cats.about.com/library/graphics/breeds/bengal/ohmydreamweaver.jpg The Personality: Loves: My parents. Which are dead. Likes: Being very aggressive. Dislikes: Rosepaw, Larkpaw, snowkit, etc. Secret(s): My mentor, Blackfang told me that he killed Eaglestar. I tried to tell the others. They didn't believe me. My mentor also is ruff with me............... >,= Weaknesses: Being nice, confiding in others. Strengths: Fighting, Hunting, Pet Peeves: Being told what to do. The Other: Scent: Smoke after it has burned through the forest.... Crush: -OPEN- But I won't have a crush on them. Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: NU. >3 ha turned down. Offspring: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I am an apprentice, genius. Additional Information :Featherpaw will never be a easy cat to like, her fast tung and easily triggered aggressiveness will always remind her cats of her Aunt Blackfang. But unlike her, she has some things that will make her moods turn around, but right now no cat knows these things but her. Part of Featherpaw's personality is also how she treats her apprenticeship, she is oddly willing to do everything her mentor tells her to, in order to be like her father, and also her mother Redstorm & Eaglestar.
Looks: Name: Rosekit Gender: Female Position: kit Crush: Redpaw Mate: no Age: 5 and 1 half moons Personality: Rosekit will be a fantastic warrior, with her strategy from kithood, to her apprenticeship. Her kind personality makes a very loyal friend and you may have a hard time letting her go. Kin: Rainfeather, Eaglestar, sunstripe Redstorm, Blackfang, Ivynose. Appearance: Beautiful dark red she cat, with Cream spots, A white muzzle and Brilliant blue eyes.
4:41pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 7:46pm Jan 13 2011)
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ooc; I know, I made this page humungus....... But I wanted to keep my characters together with the rp. The Basics: Name:Rainkit (Rainpaw) { Rainfeather} [Rainstar] Nicknames:LongClaws, Mutant, freak Age:19 moons Position:Leader Gender:She-cat Birthplace:FireClan Residence:IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Piercing Ice blue Coat Color: White spotted silver pelt. Scars: One across the eyes, a different scar on the back of her leg, and a long scar on her back. Distinguishing Features:The Icy blue eyes, very long black claws, tall, silvery fur -link coming- , The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, birds and how they chirp, Likes: Being accepted to her Clan, feeling as one of them even though she desn’t fit in. Dislikes: Being judged because of her Claws, where she came from, who her father was, Secret(s): I have been A ScarletClan cat, there mark is on the back of my leg, I also am from FireClan I look like them. Thin, and fast. Weaknesses: Too much Sympathy, unstable emotions, love. Always wanted a mate, if someone were to pick on me, that would be the thing to pick on. Strengths: Very very fast, sleek, long Claws for battle Pet Peeves: Being called any nicknames, from ‘LongClaws’ to ‘Mutant’ Fears: Having kits, The Other: Scent: Bright scent, flashy, but distant, like the scent of a past forest fire, Crush: none Family: Rosepaw, larkpaw, Jadepaw, Featherpaw, Nightfall, Poisonheart. Deceased; Brother Redstorm, sisiter, Blackfang, Mother Pheonixstar, Father Iceheart. Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope. Kits are weird. Additional Information: Rainfeather always had lived a hard life, being born half Clan and Both of those Clans she never even lived in, her Father being Iceheart, her sister Blackfang nearly destroying the Clans, and her Genetically tested Claws. Knowing she would never fit in, when Rainfeather was a kit, she ran away from IceClan, to Find a Clan of some sorts, called ScarletClan. ScarletClan, the Clan of cats for albino's accepted Rainfeather, because of her crimson colored eyes, they gave her a scar of there symbol on her back leg, like they do to there young, and trained her as if she was one of there own. Rainfeather had gone hunting one day, and she got captured and genetically tested on, making her have abnormally huge Claws and changing her eye color to a pricing Ice blue. Later in Rainfeather's life, when she was an apprentice, Redpaw(Storm) Was tested on too Changing his, normally ginger pelt to an actual red color. Rainfeather never kept trying to be trusted, until she finally got to her warrior life, when she attacked, and blinded a cat from her own Clan, under the control of Iceheart. Later Rainfeather suffered the sorrow of her Brother Redstorm, and her Sister Blackfang's deaths, and she knew that after that she could only try to be trusted again. Being the harsh and kind she cat, with all her feelings coming out at once, you may find it that you automatically like her, or automatically hate her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Basics: Name: Cardinalkit (Cardinalpaw) {Cardinaltail} Nicknames: None so far. Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: Tom Birthplace: Old ScarletClan territory. Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Vibrant, fiery red Coat Color: White, with brown stripes, a black underbelly and a red tail. Scars: A scar across the bridge of his nose. Distinguishing Features: Long tail, red eyes, very skinny and tall, and odd pelt markings
The Personality: Loves: Hunting, and being depended on by other Clan mates, being trusted. Likes: Being included with Rosepaw and the other adopted siblings, he doesn’t like feeling like the outsider. Dislikes: Swimming, anything to do with water, CaveClan cats, Secret(s): I am Cinderstar’s son. Weaknesses: Fast comebacks, verbal fights Strengths: Respectful and quick learner, hunting and fighting Pet Peeves: Confrontation with She-cats. The Other: Scent: Golden-rod, sweet but brisk. Crush: -Open- Family: Deceased Ivynose and Cinderstar. Adopted Mother Eaglestar, and Adopted sisters, Rosepaw, Featherpaw, Larkpaw, Jadepaw. Mate: N/A Offspring: No. That is all I am going to say. T_T Additional Information: Cardinalpaw is a very unique cat, he is very respectful of his senior warriors and the warrior code. Being half Clan doesn't seem to bother this cat, he keeps on going knowing he will probably never see his father or brother again. Ivynose would have been a great mother, but she would have never had known what her son had looked like after being blinded, and having Cardinalpaw and Arrowpaw as an elder could have striped her from them, but she never got to know Cardinalpaw's loyalty to his adopted Clan because she died before he could say goodbye.others whisper behind his back about his and his emaciated size. Also Starpaw is petrified to fight, always seeing the face of the fox that slaughtered his family instead of an enemy warrior. Cardinalpaw’s brother Arrowpaw is now in FireClan, with the Remaining ScarletClan cats.But due to his intellectual smartness, though, he enjoys watching Mistsoul and Nightfall work, he always enjoys being able to learn new things. The Basics: Name: -Windkit- (Windpaw) {Windprint} Nicknames: Hopefully none... Age: 22 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: CaveClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Green/blue Coat Color: White with coal colored streaks. Scars: none Distinguishing Features: Different pelt & build.
The Personality: Loves: His Clan, Likes: Hunting, teaching apprentice's, kits. Dislikes: Being mocked, Secret(s): I have loved Mistsoul for a long long time... NOW SHE IS DEAD. T_T Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, emotions getting in the way of things. Strengths: Seeing in the dark, hunting, running Pet Peeves: Stepping in anything wet. The Other: Scent: The FireClan river, sweet and cool. Crush: >Open... Family: N/A Mate: Maybe some day <3 Offspring: I want some.. Additional Information Very kind and loving tom cat with the love of kits... Is very loyal to his Clan; and will question everything you say to him. However, he does not know about his CaveClan nature, which makes him stand out around the IceClan cats. The Basics: Name: Hawkkit -Shatteredkit- (Shatteredpaw) {Shatteredrose} Nicknames: Dead foot, stump Age: 16 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Shallow light blue Coat Color: Very deep ginger tabby Scars: Torn ear, lost foot, other pelt scars Distinguishing Features: The dark pelt color, lost paw, torn ear. http://th02.deviantart.net/fs51/300W/f/2009/269/1/3/Hawkfrost_by_Fiercesoul.jpg The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, Likes: the smell of horsetail Dislikes: Being disabled and teased because of it, not being able to hear from her left ear Secret(s): My father is Nightclaw of FireClan, and my sisters aren’t related to me Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, hunting, hearing from the left side of her, running Strengths: Sharp toung, free living almost :P Pet Peeves: not being able to run The Other: Scent: Dried leaves from fall Crush: -Open- Family: Father: Nightclaw Mother: Jayflight Mate: Uh, no. Offspring: No thank you…? Additional Information :Shatteredrose would make a terrible leader, her small sense of awareness and her shy but outgoing personality would destroy IceClan. Her courage, disappeared after she got attacked by a fox at young, causing her paw to be lost. But lucky for her, StarClan has nothing for her like that in her road, they are worked around her Hard apprenticeship to give her a great future as her new ti tle as a warrior.
5:12pm Jan 8 2011
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((EKLIPSE!?! Omg!!! I remember you, I thought you quit :/))
5:41pm Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 779
Eklipse Sharptalon no deputy. : that possition is open for someone else.
9:10pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 9:13pm Jan 8 2011)
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((Eklipse:Too Framiliar? Darnit, I wanted to be Redpaw.))
10:07pm Jan 8 2011
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OoC: Sorry Full ^.^ i'd let you play him except I like him a little to much to give him up so easily. Eklipse; I don't remember anything about this new prophecy, apparently i'm really far behind. But I guess i'll use Scarlethaze as my prophecy cat. I'd like to use her more then what i'v been doing.
3:14am Jan 9 2011
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[Siri was planning one out, I think. c: It was Electro's idea or something though. lD I forget what it was about. D:]
11:39am Jan 9 2011
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ooc; Actually, the prophesy is being planned by ELECTRO! And HI SONADOR!
11:42am Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 4:27pm Jan 9 2011)
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4:52pm Jan 9 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Jan 13 2011)
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ooc; We also need a owner for The TreeClan cats.... bic; As darkness flowed over the temporary camp of the Clan's, all of the leaders stood in a circle, staring at each other with angry or curious eyes. Cats murmured cautiously around them, and gave nervous glances toward the other Clans cats. "Now!" said Rainstar to silence the murmures of the other Clan cats as she stood to order her turn to talk. "I propose we must move the camp. It is not safe for us, we found a dead queen... and a beaten kit. Half dead. There is something out there. Whatever it is..." she breathed in, then sat down. "It is not safe..." She looked around at all the fearful gazes and eyes lit up in the subtle moon light. All of the cats feared death. Pain. It was natural. But fear made there emotions quickly change to panic, and that would effect them greatly. "Today, at dusk, we found Thistlestorm dead. He had an apprentice, and her name is Larkpaw. I will train Larkpaw, and give Redpaw to a male warrior, Windprint. *Sweetpaw, your new mentor will be Greyheart.*" She knew that Redpaw would be happy of her decision. Nor did she like him back. Windprint rose and dipped his head, but Rainstar was overall not happy of the decision. Part of her wanted to keep Redpaw as an apprentice; show him that she cats can be just like tom cats. But on the other hand, it was better for Larkpaw to have a female mentor, and Rainstar didn't know of one that could teach the blind. Rainstar knew how because when she blinded Ivynose, the Clan's youngest elder, also known as Eaglestar's sister or Cardinalpaw's mother, she had to teach her how to do the basics...Shadking her pelt quickly, she looked around the cats again, to initiate to any cat that seen her day dreaming that she was done. She looked at Wolfstar, who seemed to rise at the recent matter. Her ice blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Then what will we do for the night?" he asked with his head cocked at a curious angle. Rainstar looked into his bright green eyes, then to the other Clan leaders. "We can be hunted even better at night." Rainstar dipper her head at his fact, then meowed."I request we leave here at dawn. We will take watches at each entrance of the cave-camp. Rotations will be organized, and each Clan will do there part."
7:23pm Jan 10 2011
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ooc; Bump! :)
8:04pm Jan 10 2011
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OoC: I could play Twigstar if need be. BiC: Watching as his mentor, how he loathed the very thought of this weak she-cat who was trying to take the place of Falconwing, speak Redpaw made it clear through his actions, lips curled back in a sneer, fur along his back fluffed up, claws out and ready to slash, what he thought of Rainstar. His cockiness falter slightly as she gave him a new mentor, surprised at the abrupt change, but was swiftly replaced. "You mean she's giving me to a cat who already failed one apprentice?" he meowed softly, just loud enough for a few others to hear. He meant Starpaw, and the fact the weak tom-cat had become medicine cat apprentice recently. "From she-cat to a failure tom, can't she give me someone decent?" He snapped, refusing to meet his new mentor. Huffing, the red apprentice got to his paws and sauntered out of the m*censored* of cat, tail high over his back. He did not fear this threat that Rainstar had called out, he could take it if it dared show it's face; whatever it was. Finding a small outcrop a little distance from the clans, but not far enough he could not hear if he was called, the tom sat down with a grunt, hip bones grounding into the hard packed dirt. "Their all just a bunch of scardy mice, jumping at their own shadows anymore. What happened to the powerful warriors rouges always feared? Pah!" Throwing a mocking look back towards the four clans, Redpaw, lay down under the stars, wondering, not for the first time, what would become of them all. --- Giving the area another good sniff, Shadowpaw grumbled as no more prey scent reached his nose. "I think all the other prey has been scared off." He told Gingerstorm, blue eyes glittering with remorse. "But at least we caught something." Shrugging, he padded back towards the she-cat he considered a friend, fur fluffed up against the biting cold. "Perhaps we should head back?" In truth he really did not want to, finding he enjoyed his time away from the m*censored* of starving cats and the lingering scent of death they all seemed to carry. But he did not want to get into trouble and risk holding back his naming ceremony. He wanted to be on par with Gingerstorm, not below her as a apprentice. "Do you think we should meet up like this again?" He asked wearily, eyes searching her own. "I mean it might benefit us in the long run, as you stated earlier." He quickly added, feeling the need to defend himself. OoC: Fail post, guess i'm slightly out of shape...

5:16pm Jan 11 2011
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ooc; It is okay Stray, we were... off? For a bit. We are bound to be a little out of righting shape. =) bic; Featherpaw snarled at Redpaw for his sudden sneer of anger. It sounded more to her like fear. The fear of something new, she knew it was in him. Licking some of the blood from her paw, she outstretched her claws. They had been annoying her for a while, and the pain seemed to be noticed by some of the elder warriors. She licked around the claw, careful not to cut her tongue like she had done before. She couldn't get the thing out, it was frozen onto her claw. She decided to use the abnormally cold night to brush it into the wet snow. It tugged, then pain tore among the claw, but she pushed it harder into the snow. A tuft of something dark appeared onto the snow, she smiled as nicely as she could to Windprint beside her. He was defiantly getting suspicious. She rolled her eyes as she bent down to smell the snow, he still thought she was a kind gentle she cat. He did not know her at all. He was putting Rosepaw's personality in her place. She sniffed then a smell... dried blood... then something strong. Poisonheheart's blood. That is what it was; but there was some black and white fur attached to it. Fear stung the tips of her ears, she whipped back up her head and looked around at the cats. They were watching the leaders talk about mouse-brained murderers. She picked up the fur and blood in her teeth, then padded back. Windprint gave her a questioning look. "What are you ea-" "Nothing. Just.." she closed her mouth on the blood. "Just need to go make some dirt." her voice cracked, then she rushed out of the group of cats before Windprint could say another word. Once she was far enough away, she spat out the fur, then stared at it. "This is getting back at me isn't it StarClan?" she hissed when she noticed a blood trail from where she had walked. When she removed the fur from her claw, it must have been covering a scab. >> Gingerstream looked up at the sky, then back at Shadowpaw. "I agree, this was fun." she looked at her feet, then hesitated. "I would love to do this again." she meowed looking at him with aqua eyes glowing. Then she dipped her head to him, and sped forward with her long FireClan legs.
6:15pm Jan 11 2011
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[Sweetpaw needs a mentor and I'll post as soon as I can. ^^;]
5:17pm Jan 12 2011
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ooc; Okay, great Det!
8:59pm Jan 12 2011 (last edited on 9:00pm Jan 12 2011)
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The loud crush of made Sweetpaw feel like she was being swallowed by a giant, heavy wave. Squeaking anxiously each time a large warrior -usually unfamiliar- crashed into her as he or she struggled to get closer to the leaders, the small she-cat finally gave up trying to listen to the gathering and scampered off towards the edges, where there were less cats, and most of them elders. This is better, she thought with a purr, surprised that she could actually hear the Clan leaders better from this greater distance. Maybe because it's quieter, she mused, her ears flicking as she tuned into the discussion. "...and give Redpaw a male warrior, Windprint." Sweetpaw's head jerked up. "Another change of mentors?" the she-cat meowed sadly, feeling a bit left out. Ever since her own mentor had disappeared, she had been mentored on-and-off by Leopardwind, but the proud warrior had other things on her mind and often forgot to take Sweetpaw out for training. Which reminded Sweetpaw, where was Leopardwind? By now the meeting had ended, sort of, and Sweetpaw didn't feel like hanging around only to be caught in the stream of leaving cats, which would probably feel something like swimming upstream during a salmon-run. Feeling a bit apprehensive at her audacity, Sweetpaw padded over to Redpaw in quick, mincing pawsteps, giving the tom a pitying look. "Why are you so angry?" she mewed softly, settling down a small ways away from him, curling her white-splotched tail over her paws. Blinking ocean blue eyes she watched Redpaw carefully, wondering if he would be angered at her for asking such a private question, and as well for the pitying voice she was using. Ducking her head away from the other apprentice Sweetpaw sighed heavily. "You don't need to answer, but..." she trailed off, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence, "you could say I'm curious," she finished after a few long moments, the tip of her tail twitching as she shifted nervously. -- [I don't know what to do with Leopardwind D8 And I'm being kicked off. T.T]

5:10pm Jan 13 2011
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ooc; Okay Det! I Edited my first post on the thread. I will edit the Master Cat list soon too. About time for another post! =3 bic; Rosepaw stepped away from the cats. They were noisey, and the real reason she stepped away, they smelled. Everything had a stronger scent... The cat's must have not been bathing.... Hopefully they would realize it. Padding north, she walked past the FireClan cats, there tall figures were extremely thin, more thin than they were at normal. They seemed so fragile, so breakable that she winced every time one of them stepped, or moved. Turning her crystal gaze from them, she padded on into the darkness of the cave-camp, where the cats would sleep. Her stomach made a loud growl, which echoed around the cave. Shrugging away the embarra.ssment she told herself over and over again that there was no cat in side the cave with her. Some type of feeling was still pressing her to go over to the strange lump of moss over in the corner. There was a possibility it was a cat. But no cat could be that small. >> "Strange," said a black, cat with orange and white flecks as he uncurled himself. He looked at the IceClan apprentice with striking green eyes. "Wh-who are you?" she squeaked out. "Oh me?" Darkstorm meowed, voice deep and rich. "A FireClan warrior." He looked around, "Couldn't you guess?" he stood up revealing the skinny tall body, tall pointed ears, thin tail, and a modeled face. "Well it is dark in here." she meowed back to him, fear was still lingering in her voice. Darkstorm let out a grunt, "Eat this, I heard your stomach." he replied with little amusement in his voice. I don't mind her in here, but it isn't good for a cat this young to be that hungry. I can spare myself even though I am a new warrior. "Why would I trust you!?" her voice echoed around the cave, and her pupils floating in her crystal colored eyes shrunk to slits. "You are a FireClan cat." ooc; Aaaaaaaaaannnnnd that is all I got. Right now... there will be a better one later.