5:59pm Jan 13 2011
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Finally breaking off the staring contest with a small pebble on the ground, Redpaw turned his scowl onto Sweetpaw. He itched to claw something, but knew he'd get into trouble if it was the other apprentice's face. Taking in a deep breadth, the red tom narrowed his eyes in her general direction. Don't attack her Redpaw, she's just a stupid she-cat with nothing better to do then annoy me. Snarling, more at himself then at Sweetpaw, Redpaw jerked his head back the opposite direction to stare off into the distance. "For the same reason every other pitiful cat in the clans is angry." He snapped. "I'm hungry, i'm tired, and i'm weary from travelling." He spoke to her in a voice that could correspond with a warrior talking to a ignorant kit. The wind shifted directions, blowing the bitingly cold air directly onto his face, freezing his nose until he felt it would fall off. But a lingering scent, barely noticeable to any other cat unless they were attuned with, or in his case searching for it, caught him off guard. I'm delusional. He told himself, ears flat against his skull. I just want to believe Falconwing is watching over me. The though made his bitter heart cringe slightly, but he shook the feeling off. Yet her words flowed through his ears, a lesson she'd taught him only a few days into their training sessions. Treat every cat as if they were your littermates, do not pick any out because they are smaller, weaker, or female. One day that cat might just be leading you as leader or deputy. A bitter smile reached his lips, curling them. I'm sorry Falconwing. Turning again, he padded over to Sweetpaw, though it was clear the action was grudgingly. Sitting a few tail lengths away from her, the apprentice listened as the clans broke up. "What are you doing so far from the others anyway? Haven't you heard theirs a killer on the lose?" He words were cold, but he figured she was doing pretty good if he even spoke to her like a halfway civil cat. --- Shadowpaw watched the warrior race off with a almost goofy grin on his face. She actually wanted to meet up again, that was a bit of a shock. Chuckling slightly the black tom cat bolted forward as well, though not as fast as the longer legged she-cat, he figured he did pretty well with keeping up. Puffing by the time he reached the group of cats, he looked swiftly around to make sure no cat to interest in where he disappeared to before he padded up to Gingerstorm one more time and dipped his head, smiling. "You can come up with the time and place to meet, just find me afterwards." He meowed softly so no other cat could hear. Whipping around the black tom strolled back among his clan mates as if he'd never disappeared.

8:08pm Jan 13 2011
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Gingerstream looked at him as he walked away, little glitters of hope danced in her eyes. She turned around then padded away. Her heart felt golden, for both of the reasons that they were good-ish friends, and that they would be able to meat again. She let out a sigh, Dimondpaw was looking at her with her scary blue eyes. "What do you want?" She snapped as the apprentice drew closer to her. "Oh, nothing." she meowed as she came to sit beside her. Dimondpaw was her best friend, and they were sisters too. She looked ahead, away from Gingerstream keeping her crazed gaze off into the distance. "You know that will not work..." Dimondpaw meowed swiftly, then glanced at Gingerstream through narrowed eyes. "What? What do you mean? What wont--" "Gingerstream, you know what I mean." her wisdom grew farther every day, Gingerstream was sure of it. Being Larkspur's apprentice, she was bound to have the more-than-likely wisdom for every cat. "You cannot be with another cat from another Clan, and I will tell you why." She looked around, "If you will listen." Dimondpaw lifted her silver muzzle to the sky, she seemed to not take any answer for her question. "See that cat there?" she pointed with a silver paw. "Yea, Nightfall. Medicine cat." Gingerstream replied, already bored by her sister. "Well, FireClan, was Blackfang, past CaveClan was Snowdarkness. They were murderers." she explained. "I don't see how that has to do with anything, they both ended up in FireClan and--" "Then how is there child in IceClan?!" Dimondpaw raised her voice and drew her chaotic eyes upon Gingerstream, a snarl building at her lips. She flinched. "Lostfoot, past CaveClan. Now in IceClan. Miserable, his parents were crossed between Clans as well." Dimondpaw looked off again into the speckled sky, relaxing. "Believe me, you don't want this." she meowed, the last part a hiss. "I don't love him, we are just friends. That will not change." She confirmed. "Let it be so; because just friends is always how it starts." Then she walked away, toward Nightfall, then cut a sharp turn then was gone. I can do whatever I want. She thought. Nightfall didn't look in misery, neither did Lostfoot. It doesn't harm a cat, it is just a mistake. Nothing bad could happen. Even if she did ever want Shadowpaw as a mate, they would be gone, away from each other. And that would never happen. We are just friends.
1:43pm Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 1:44pm Jan 15 2011)
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Sweetpaw gave Redpaw a sad smile. "I'm hungry, tired and I want to stop traveling too, but I'm not angry," she meowed pointedly, arching one blue eye. "I just keep on hoping for better days. If this is the worst, it can only get better." The she-cat was hoping that Redpaw wouldn't get angry at her for spewing some more of her 'sentimental mousedung', but that came with being overly optimistic. "And just because some cat is killing us off, it doesn't mean I should cower in some den wishing that he or she doesn't come after me. That's no way to live your life. I'm training to be a warrior and my duty is to keep the Clan safe. If I had any talent in fighting I'd go after that rogue or whatever myself." Sweetpaw's eyes narrowed uncharacteristically as she growled; "I'd rip out their belly and leave them to rot on the ground." Shrugging her shoulders in that nonchalant, almost indifferent way, her sudden outburst brushed off like a faint dusting of snow, Sweetpaw scooted closer to Redpaw and touched her tail to his in a comforting gesture. "Don't give up," she meowed softly in his ear before standing up and trotting off back in the direction of the camp. Stopping in mid-step the she-cat looked back and tilted her head at Redpaw. "And I mean it!" she called out.
[Anyone Leopardwind or Spider can meet up with? I'm pretty sure Spider was with Swiftdarkness in the last role-play. :P]

4:15pm Jan 16 2011
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Shatteredrose padded across the clearing with hopeful blue eyes scanning the grounds as she limped. Her dumb paw was still not giving her any hopes of being able to move, run or fight properly; but she was still able to teach another apprentice with a disability just as great as her's. She noticed another cat sitting in the clearing before her. The leader's gathering must have not interested this cat as well. As she got closer, straining her eyes to tell which cat it was, she noticed it was Leopardwind. "Hello," she meowed happily with perked up ears and bright eyes. Her dark ginger pelt shawn black in the moonlight, and her turquoise eyes and white muzzle were the only features that would be able to identify which warrior she was. Other than the paw... "How have you been doing?" she asked, a little more happy to be making conversation with a warrior just a little older than she was. She sat down the best she could in the cool snow. It felt refreshing when it seeped through her fur as water, she sighed. There was so much going on in the Clans... She felt like she couldn't keep up. >> Rainstar leapt off her rock, finally the gathering was over. She didn't like being stared at by all of the cats below her. Shaking her white spotted silver pelt, she strode over to her den. Noticing a framiliar blood red pelt, she sat beside the she-cat and meowed, "How are you liking the Clan life?" Scarlethaze would probably be coming along nicely, she was defiantly taking her part with the other warriors and helping out. Although her literate problem did still bug Rainstar, she knew that she would eventually adjust to the way the Clan cats communicate. "Do you need help with anything?" she asked her, while searching her amber(?) gaze. Maybe she was enjoying the journey. Maybe she liked traveling, or maybe she didn't want to be with the Clans anymore... but Rainstar noticed something about her that seemed unsure.
4:21pm Jan 16 2011
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Leopardwind glanced up slowly, then purred. "Why, hello there Shatteredrose. I'm doing fine. Hungry and tired like all the rest of the cats, but I've been feeling optimistic today." Shrugging her lithe gold shoulders lazily the she-cat stood up and tramped down on the snow below her a bit more, making a softer sitting place. Settling back down Leopardwind glanced at the younger warrior again, her green eyes curious. "Are you doing alright? I hope this journey hasn't been to strenuous."
At this the warrior let out a long yawn, and purred with amusement. "Well, it's making me tired, at least," she meowed genially. "But it's only sunhigh!" [Right time? D:]
8:13pm Jan 16 2011
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ooc; Uhm, it is actually Moon-high. But we could have a time lapse.... :3
8:29pm Jan 16 2011
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Redpaw huffed at Sweetpaw's back, but decided against shouting a snarky come-back. She's only trying to be friendly, even if her attempt was pathetic and annoying. Scowling still, the young tom got to his paws and stretched until his back protested against the movement. He'd like to see the smaller Sweetpaw try to take on the killing whatever, probably get her tail handed to her. Then he'd end up having to interfere to save her. The though made him grin slightly, able then to show the clan that he was not just some on of a rouge. Whirling around to join the other cats only because the air was chilling him to the bone Redpaw was surprised to knocked heads painfully with another. "Watch it bee's for brains!" He snapped, angry eyes meeting startled blue. "Oh, er sorry Redpaw." Shadowpaw stuttered, his black fur ruffled. "Didn't see your cranky pelt there." He added, gaining back some of his spirit. To his horror the ginger apprentice gave his pelt a sniff before cringing back with a disgusted look. "You reek of Fireclan." The words sent Shadowpaw's heart sputtering. "What have you been doing, rolling around in their make-shift dens, or betraying your clans secrets to them." The black apprentice hissed furiously, fangs flashing. "But it matters little to me, maybe you'll join those flea-bitten idiots and get out of my fur." Sauntering past Shadowpaw, Redpaw's tail flicked his nose with his tail. Eyes slitted in fury, Shadowpaw told himself that attacking the arrogant apprentice would only cause trouble. --- Nodding her m*censored*ive head through out Rainstar's speech, Scarlethaze watched with sympathy as Redpaw stalked off. "Poor young cat, troubled he is." Her accented voice meowed softly, amber eyes gleaming. "My group knock him around for insolence such as that." The reminder of her own home caused her to sigh, the hole in her heart that would forever be there since their deaths gave a painful tug. Vengeance was no longer her goal, but the want to shred those beings pelts was still strong. How she missed them, their voiceless communication, ability to stick together throughout thick and thin, and the never ending comfort of her mates warm pelt. Suddenly Rainstar was standing beside her, throwing her out of her reverie. "It been while since we spoke last Rainstar." She meowed; a small, but still foreign, smile lighting her normally p*censored*ive face. "You good leader, even if other cat think not, if you think not. I follow you orders." Tipping her head to the side, she over looked the other cats, her abnormal height giving her a advantage. "I fitting in well enough." She answered Rainstar's question. "Other clans look at me funny, laugh at my voice. But I not listen." Watching as Sweetpaw padded off from Redpaw, Scarlethaze mentally chuckled. Laughing was still odd, a hollowed sound coming from her throat she did not understand or like. "It not I that need help Rainstar." She mused, not taking her eyes off the interaction between the apprentices. "It you. You are troubled, yes?" Finally tearing her eyes from the drama unfolding, the non-native cat looked directly into Rainstar's own. "You not have to tell me anything, I understand. But though I not speak well, I know how to listen and keep my maw shut." --- Limping from the tiny den he'd called his own and where he'd kept the very few herbs he'd been able to collect, Starpaw groaned as his back legs protested loudly. He hated this weather. Yawning, the tiny apprentice looked around for Nightfall, wondering if perhaps she had something for him to do. The tom felt useless, and unworthy of the position in the clan he'd been given. Leaning down to smooth out his thin, ruffled chest fur he sniffed around for any sign of his mentor. Nothing. Staggering around the m*censored* of cats, he tried to stay in the shadows as much as possible, wanting to stay out of Featherpaw's range of sight. That she-cat frankly scared him. Spotting a black pelt in at the side of the crowed he lumbered her over, opening his mouth to speak when the scent reached his nose. Even my senses are failing me. He though furiously, a flush rising on his face. Not Nightfall, but Swiftdarkness. About to meow a apology and take off as fast as his worthless legs could, he stopped short at the sight of a second cat, one his did not know. Looking up at Spider, he felt a swift pang of longing and hope. This was a rouge cat, so perhaps he'd seen, or even met, Panthergaze. Trying to find the right words, Starpaw faltered at the thought that perhaps Swiftdarkness, the deputy of Iceclan, was going to kick the rouge out. He did not want to get mixed up in that, lest if came to a fight.

6:08pm Jan 17 2011
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Shatteredrose lifted her head shyly as she was looking at her white paw stationing her on the ground. "I am doing alright," she meowed looking away for about a heart-beat. "But it is putting allot of stress on my paw..." she looked down at the stubbed figure. Sighing, she looked back at Leopardwind and meowed, "All of us are tired... I guess.... I don't know. I want to get to our new home quick. I hate being out of place." Her perfectionist mind skirted out everywhere, like a trail a mouse left behind red in the white snow. She turned to Leopardwind with a light flick of her tail, then meowed, "I think I am going to go to sleep now.." her voice came out lightly timid, but she felt more heavy than she should be. Dipping her head to the older warrior, she padded to her bed, dark thoughts of murder trailed in her mind. Trying to shake them away, she collapsed onto her bed withought another thought. >> Rainstar was surprised at the wise reply that had came from Scarlethaze's mouth. She didn't need to be surprised though, any cat that could communicate with other cats withought even speaking to them would be brilliant. Her piercing ice blue eyes filling with water slowly, she looked across the wide outstretch of plain before her. "There.... There is a cat.. He, he told me he loved me.." She told her still looking ahead. Then she dropped her head down and stared at her black clawed feet with glittering eyes. She didn't understand why this subject made her cry. Was it because she always wanted to be loved? No. Was it because knowone cared? Maybe.. Was it because she never was able to find a mate? Probably. Was it because she was sad that now that she found a cat that loved her, she couldn't love him back? Yes. That was defiantly it. "I have never been loved... ever. I was too different. " she explained with a slightly faltering voice. "I can't fall in love with him back, I am too important... way to important..." she shook the tears from her white and Black muzzle. "I couldn't put my Clan out of a 9 lived leader for 12 moons.................." her voice drifted off. Then she lifted her head. Her eyes, and heart hardened back to the fierce, insanely detailed ice blue. The tears instantly stopped, and she flexed her mas.sive claws in and out. "I cannot be loved. Any cat that would ever become my mate would be put in risk of a terrible danger. I am not suppost to be loved, knowone. Never. Can love me." >> Nightfall padded through the forest, her dark fur was brushed back from crawling underneath the brambles to reach the sweet smelling cat-mint. She was nearly jubilant at the thought of finding some, but then the invadeing reality came into her head. It told her that the other Clans would want some of it. No, probably most of it. Should I hide it? I suffered the pain! I crawled underneath a bramble bush. It is mine. She thought selfishly. If the other medicine cats wanted some they could come and ask her face to face... and try to avoid angry scratches. The hunger was driving her mad, it must have been effecting her emotions. And now I am turning into Poisonheart... as an elder! She shook her head. Watch yourself. A joking voice meowed into her head. She wasn't going to act like that towards a cat. Surly she would change in the presence? Then a scent flooded toward her nostrils. Smelt like Painfulpaw...ish. "Painfulpaw?" she asked lifting out a paw, then touching smooth fur to her hard pads. There was no noise. Must be him. As she got closer she realized the real cat. "Starpaw." she meowed realizing the smaller shape. She dropped the cat-mint, then scented some more. Her voice changed to thoughtfulness, and she was confused at the fact. Pushing her obsessive brain away, she asked, "What are you doing out here now?"
7:04pm Jan 17 2011
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[I'll post, but can someone debrief what Patchpelt was doing and a bit of her personality for me? I don't want to botch up her character. :/]
7:12pm Jan 17 2011
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Scarlethaze watched the Iceclan leader with wide eyes, maw opened slightly in astonishment. She had thought Rainstar would have said something along the lines of because the clan seemed to be split in half due to her leadership, or perhaps something about this nearly life threatening journey. But love problems? Never would have thought. She was forced to completely rethink her words of comfort. "Well, not something I expecting." She meowed truthfully. "You very wrong Rainstar." There was no sugar coating her words, this needed to be said. "You deserve love, more then other cat." Leaning down her head she gently butted Rainstar's shoulder affectionately. "You say you not loved because you different? Or you not loved because you don't want to be loved?" Amber eyes boring into the leaders own she scowled slightly. "If you love another cat, I not say this one, but another tom cat and they love you, truly, then no matter what danger you fight to be with them." Scarlethaze itched to cuff the leaders ears as if she was a kit. "You believe no cat can ever love you, yet you wrong Rainstar. So very wrong. In you is a heart that lonely, that wishes to be loved; yet scare, terrified like a lost kit. It something you do not understand, something you cannot control like you can everything else. Love not be tamed, never has, never will. Get over that." She took in a breadth. "There saying that my people used to, well, think; believe. Brief is life, but love is forever" A tiny wail bubbled in her throat at the quote, remembering her thoughts when her mate communicated the same to her only days before his death. She pushed it back. "I not love smart, and I do not think you understood much of what said." A sad look crossed her eyes. "You language is so...difficult! I know what I think, but cannot make words for them!" Longs claws sinking into the gr*censored*, she looked down and chuckled. Her claws matched Rainstar's now, long and sharp and tearing into the unsuspecting ground. "We not so different Rainstar. I used to believe I no find love either, that I wrong, physically and mentally, in some way. But it, love, come out of nowhere and bite you in tail." Again tears threatened her eyes, but again she pushed them back. "You strong Rainstar, have heart, courage, loyalty, ambition in the right way, and though you not see it you very pretty she-cat. Do not run, and do not hide. You life be better in some ways." Curling her thin tail around her front paws, she tipped her head to the side. "As for the moons you out of duty, your cats be there for you, no matter what." --- Starpaw jumped with a small yowl of surprise as Nightfall suddenly appeared, dropping some sweet smelling cat-mint at her paws. Jerking his head from the rouge to his mentor, he tried to come up with the right words. "I...er..I was just going to ask the rouge if perhaps he's seen my father." He mouth went dry, wondering if Nightfall would be displeased with the fact that even though he had his clan he desperately missed Panthergaze. He was, after all, betraying the warriors code, or so he thought. He could have lied, even thought about it but decided that Nightfall, out of all cats, deserved to know the truth. Guilt shined in his eyes, but for the first time he was glad his mentor could not read his face. "Please don't be mad Nightfall." He added quickly, tiny body starting to quiver. "I," He paused, searching her face. Was something different about it? Something ominous? No, he decided, he was just seeing things. "You thought I was Painfulpaw?" He asked cautiously, refusing to be hurt that she did not recognize his scent.

7:14pm Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 7:26pm Jan 17 2011)
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OoC: Det; Last time we saw Patchpelt she was out spying on Shadowpaw and Gingerstream. I think I have Siri's deion of her on here somewhere. If not I can describe it fairly well. Just a sec. Edit: Found it! The Basics: Name: Patchkit (Patchpaw) {Patchpelt} Nickname(s): Patchy Age: 26 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: Unknown Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Emerald green Coat Color: White, flame-orange, and black Scars: Five long, pink slashes across her left shoulder, which have long since healed and turned to scar tissue. Distinguishing Features: I am dainty on the outside, but huge on the inside! http://i775.photobucket.com/albums/yy37/siritachi3/Patchpelt.jpg The Personality: Loves: My clan Likes: Snow, dusk and dawn, talking, lounging in lavender, and play-fights Dislikes: Hot weather, doing nothing, being silent, hunting, and being alone Secret(s): I really want to know who my real mother and father was. Weaknesses: Left shoulder pain, stealth is nearly impossible, defense fighting, my size Strengths: Offense fighting, my size, cunning, rambunctious, crafty Pet Peeves: Being told to be quiet and losing The Other: Scent: Lavender Crush: Copperfire -Silentheart- Mate: -wants- Offspring: I wish I could. Family: I don't know... Additional Information: N/A

5:33pm Jan 18 2011
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Rainstar nodded to Scarlethaze. She was right of her to be much wiser than herself. Even though the conversation with her pressed tears to her eyes, she tried her hardest to old them back. "Thanks Scarlethaze," she meowed greatly, but her stubborn mind didn't seem to welcome in any of the speech that Scarlethaze made. Maybe she could force it. Rainstar looked back, across the plain again. She turned to dip her head, then left in silence, running. >> Nightfall stared, her eyes were darkened a bit from the shadows from her ears. It felt like something just slammed the wind out of her. ".......................I......guess.." she faltered for words. Everything, everything was messing with her mind ever since her murderous parents Blackfang and Snowdarkness visited her. Her heart thumped faster, Did Starpaw possibly notice something different? Could he realize she was troubled? Surely not! But the tone in the apprentice's curious voice made her shiver. Everything she went through to hide, seemed to be coming undone... maybe. There was no sure fact that any cat other than Fernseed, and Gentleheart knew of her secret? There was no cat she could ever feel like trusting. Starpaw? A voice shimmered in her head, she didn't know. Out of all the times, she always knew but now that was lost. "Come... Starpaw, I need you to come with me; for herbs... " she dipped her head to the other cat that was sitting there. Then turned around, and began padding away with the silent sounds of crunching from the snow under her feet. She didn't want to feel that awkward around Starpaw if she told him her secret, so maybe...no?
5:39pm Jan 18 2011
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[Hmm...thanks Stray. <3 Det can't post now, but she'll do it as soon as she's able. ^o^]
5:21pm Jan 19 2011
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*Important* I have talked to East, and she says that her browser isn't letting res work for her computer. That is why she hasn't been posting. A temporary character control is in order... POSSIBLY permeant. Her Characters are not as played as much as ours, so they could be ether left to the curb till she is able to post... or taken over by one of us. I understand that everyone has lots of characters already, but it is alright if the cats are simply not played. There is not a garentee she is able to come back, however the problem is being worked out...ish. I will post a update every now and then from her, and tell you guys if she is able to come back on or not. The answer should be coming soon. ^^
5:27pm Jan 19 2011 (last edited on 5:34pm Jan 19 2011)
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ooc; East currently has six characters. Two are females, the other four males of course. NONE of which are prophesy cats. Her characters include: Raveneyes Apprentice - Cardinalpaw Kesteralheart Apprentice - Bluepaw Ravenfeather Greypaw Echovoice Larkpaw It may be important to play the cats hi-lighted because they are an important role in the Clan. For example: Raveneyes is a mentor, he should be present.' I can take Echovoice; because I have experience with her. If the other characters go un-answered, that is okay too! The apprentices maybe will just hook up with another mentor.. =]
9:35am Jan 22 2011
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ooc; bump!
9:53am Jan 22 2011
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[Sorry for not posting. D8 I'll do that right now. Just...where is Patchpelt? xD and who plays Swiftdarkness? As I'm pretty positive that Spider was talking to him about some'at. :P] Sweetpaw couldn't help but purr when she heard Redpaw yelped loudly and then snapped at some poor cat, now evidentially Shadowpaw as Sweetpaw flicked her head back quickly. Blinking pale blue eyes the she-cat trotted off towards the large group of cats, namely for Rainstar and Scarlethaze. Head held high to compensate for her small height the sweet apprentice searched for any sign of the large red warrior, who Sweetpaw reasoned would be much easier to see in the throng of cats. "Scarlethaze?" she called out as she neared the large she-cats bulk, narrowing her eyes in worry. -- Leopardwind felt abandoned now, without any cat to speak to. Sighing the she-cat trotted off towards a small corner that was shadowed from the moonlight, slipping under the crowded leaves of some bush. Twirling around a few times the she-cat patted down a small circular area and settled down on it, resting her head on her forepaws. But still Leopardwind couldn't get to sleep, keeping her eyes partially slit as she watched the small bit of flat ground in front of her studiously.

10:22am Jan 23 2011
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ooc; Electro plays Swiftdarkness, and last time, Patchpelt was spying on the two cats Shadowpaw and Gingerstream (from FireClan) hunting together. Maybe she could lecture Shadowpaw about being friends with another Female cat from another Clan? :) ~Post will be coming later.
1:12pm Jan 23 2011
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As Patchpelt approached Shadowpaw a flicker of concern pas.sed over her muzzle as she saw Redpaw stalk off angrily, leaving behind a slightly dejected Shadowpaw. "Shadowpaw!" she meowed out loudly, her eyes slit with annoyance. "I want to talk to you about something urgent." Nearing the apprentice Patchpelt wondered if she was coming on to hard on the apprentice, but decided against backing down. The matter was urgent, and if she started to pull away now Shadowpaw probably wouldn't take her seriously. "I've noticed you have been hanging around a certain...FireClan cat. Care to explain?" [Bah D: Did I come on too angry with Patchpelt? Also, made her color purple. :/]
1:41pm Jan 23 2011
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Watching as Rainstar bolted, Scarlethaze shook her m*censored*ive head back and forth in confusion. Why you run from love Rainstar? It going bite you in the tail one day. Tearing her eyes from the leaders back the red she-cat stretched as far as she could without hitting another cat accidentally; At least though no cat was looking at her as a outsider for the moment. When they did, she felt like clawing them across the face. That would not end well for them considering her larger size and power, though she knew she lacked speed severely. Yawning, she tipped her head over her shoulder as someone called her name. "Ah, hello Sweetpaw." She meowed cheerily, turning her body so she could look at the much smaller apprentice. "How you?" --- Starpaw watched Nightfall cautiously, wondering for a split second if it would be safe for him to follow his mentor. She did not seem right anymore, healthy and it frankly worried him. But she was his mentor and one cat he felt did not look down on him. Reason enough to follow. "For herbs, yeah." He whispered, following with his head low and ears flat. --- Shadowpaw jumped as Patchpelt approached him, whirling around with a smile on his muzzle to look at his mentor. But the look of happiness quickly fell into one of confusion and slight agitation. "I've noticed you have been hanging around a certain...FireClan cat. Care to explain?" Feeling his hackles starting to raise at her tone, Shadowpaw felt his lips curl back slightly. "Yeah, her name is Gingerstream." He growled, starting to feel slightly hostile. "She's a friend of mine; we just went hunting for our clans. Whats wrong with that?" He snapped, tail twitching.
