5:33pm Nov 26 2009
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Silentpaw scowled, hating that she seemed to dislike his quiet pesonality, because he diddnt want to dsappoint her. "Yeah, Cougarclaw will make a fine warrior for our clan." He bit of the part about Gillian, because it would probably offend her. Falconwng stared off after Swiftdarkness, feeling lost and alone. Maybe she lost his friendship,an sheiddnt even do anything! Only spoke to Shadepelt about leaving her alone. Cursing herself, she padded over to Fallenwind, who gave her a sympathetic look.
5:36pm Nov 26 2009
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((sweet Fullmoon)) Eaglestar was happy yet nervous, Hmmm... He will need a mentor. But who to choose? She thought as they padded into camp, Jadewing was second in-line walking back to the camp once she saw the entrance she bounded into the nursery to check on her kits They are all sleping. she thought to herself They are so big. Not much longer until they are apprenticed Fernpaw padded to the Medicine Den looking for her mentor, She took a deep breath in, Her scent is stale, where could she possibly be? She scouted aroung te entire camp llooking for her Echosong before bounding up to Leopardheart and asking, "Do you know where Echosong is?"
5:42pm Nov 26 2009
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Leoparheart looked at Fernpaw knowing her should tell her but needing to tell Eaglestar first. "I need you and Eaglestar to hear something." Replied Leopardheart. Glancing over to where his leader would be coming he nearly fell over like a paralyzed mouse. They weren't kidding when they said he was big. Straightening Leopardheart walked over to Eaglestar, "I need to talk to you now, please. It's important to the Clan."
Just call me Siri.
5:49pm Nov 26 2009
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Eaglestar nodded, "Okay Leopardheart, but I don't uinderstand what could have happened while we were gone."
5:55pm Nov 26 2009
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Leopardheart signaled with his tail for Fernpaw to come join them. "It's about Echosong." Seeing the confusion on both of their faces, he quickly continued, "She left tonight. I wanted to go after her Eaglestar, I did. But I could move my paws and the kits. I couldn't leave them alone. I heard her talking too, she said something about StarClan calling to her. Oh, Eaglestar I'm sorry for failing you." Dipping his head, Leopardheart felt like no warrior but a mouse-brained fool for letting their medicine cat leave without even a single word.
Just call me Siri.
5:57pm Nov 26 2009
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Gillian flicked his ears. He couldn't help eavedropping. Why would she just leave?? Gillian shook his head. He sat in the middle of camp, just staring at nothing.
6:04pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 6:14pm Nov 26 2009)
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6:05pm Nov 26 2009
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Duskkit woke when no one was in the nursery, with that she ran out and saw Gilllian sitting there, she was terrified but tried to hide it as she said to him, "What are you?"
6:06pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 6:06pm Nov 26 2009)
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Gillian smiled at the little kit, trying not to frighten her. "Why, I'm a cat, just like you. Can't you see?" He smiled. "Your brave, you know that? You look strong, so you'll make a good warrior some day."
6:07pm Nov 26 2009
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Cougarclaw walked over to Gillian and sat down by him. Watching his confused ex pression she understood that he too had over heard. “Don’t worry, Eaglestar will fix everything. And I’m sure that Echosong left with good reasons. The medicine cats get visions from StarClan so I’m sure that StarClan tad talked to Echosong.” Feeling a little excited Cougarclaw thought, I might be able to mentor Gillian or Graypaw. Wow I don’t know if I could do it though, but I’m sure that Leopardheart and Swiftdarkness would help me. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t even have either of them yet.
Just call me Siri.
6:08pm Nov 26 2009
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((Late post epic fail. After Duskkit leaves.))
Just call me Siri.
6:22pm Nov 26 2009
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((i gotta go eat be n later))
9:31am Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 9:32am Nov 27 2009)
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Mean while, Mistkit peers out of the nursery and looks at the new comer. He’s a very big cat but Leopardheart was big before he got here and Leopardheart is nice, so this cat must be. Trotting out of the den the kit goes in search of the medicine cat. Looking to and fro for her but not finding her the little she-cat goes to the den and finds Fernpaw there. “Fernpaw, have you seen Echosong? I wanted to listen to her stories,” Mistkit inquired. Mistkit watched as many emotions crossed over Fernpaw’s face. I wonder what’s happened. “Echosong has left us to go on a mission that only she and Starclan know. I fear that she won’t be coming back to us Mistkit.” Stunned by Fernpaw’s news Mistkit stated, “Then you’ll be our new medicine cat. And you’ll need and apprentice.” Looking down Mistkit was embarr*censored*ed that she would say such a thing to an elder cat, even if she was just a litter ahead. But it would be my honor to someday become medicine cat, if that is what Starclan wills. “I will talk to Eaglestar about having you as my apprentice, you’re still young but if you’re willing to take this duty,” Fernpaw replied with her eyes glittering, “Do you know that once you set yourself to becoming a medicine cat you can have no kits, correct?” Mistkit too young to know the joy of having love for another cat quickly replied, “Yes, I did know. And I’m willing to make that sacrifice. Echosong often called the whole clan and I her kits and lovers, and so will I if Eaglestar let’s me.” Not knowing that these words were far beyond her years Mistkit stood proud before Fernpaw, while she nodded and licked her ear in farewell so she may talk with Eaglestar. Fernpaw thought as she left, she’s just a kit. Will she regret this choice once she’s old enough to love another cat? No, I don’t think so. Mistkit has always been serious about all tasks she must face and if she makes mistakes she never regretted it, she would say “It’s in the past and only Starclan could change it, so why should I whine about it.” Feeling more confident Fernpaw, walked over to Eaglestar’s den hoping it wasn’t too late. I don’t want to disturb her if she’s asleep. She needs the rest. Calling into the den she heard no reply, looking around she saw that her leader was still talking to Leopardheart. Settling herself down for the wait, Fernpaw licked one paw and brought it over her ear twice, three times. If Eaglestar approves then I won’t have to go to the Moonstone alone. (((I’ve only read the original series so if they don’t go to the Moonstone, well…oops =3 )))
Just call me Siri.
10:25am Nov 27 2009
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((Tis okay, I haven't thought of name for Moonstone/Moonpool thing yet, EBIL EBIL)) Right at sunrise the next day Eaglestar bounded out of her den, despite the late night last night she felt refreshed and awake. Bounding down into the clearin, then walking into the apprentice den she prodded Gillian with her paw, "Get up you lazy lug, we are going to hold your apprentice ceremony." ((tis all I can do with her until fullmoon posts)) Jadewing awoke to her kits playfighting ,"Yuo are already up" she asked. Wondering how they could get up so early and play. Duskkit mewed back to her mother, "Yeah, and we are going to be warriors when we're older. Or at least I am." she finished with a glance at Mistkit. Birdkit walked up to their mother and curled up beside her, "I'm tired momma"she mewed right as Ravenkit hurled a piece odf moss at her head. ((Thats what my cl*censored*room is like XD))
12:53pm Nov 27 2009
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Fallenwind sighed as he padded back into camp fro the dawpatol, tired yet satisfied. There was no new scets from Hawkstar's clan. For now at least. Grummbling, he glanced around campfor something to do, and decided to speak to Eagestar. Padding up to his leader, he dipped his head in greeting. "Have you picked out a mentor for Gillian?" He asked.
4:10pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 5:46pm Nov 27 2009)
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(((You didn't say if you approved or not. Fernpaw needs to know so they can head out to Moonstone/Moonpool. And poor Leopardheart got no rea.ssurance about Echosong leaving.))) (((I think I write too much... =o)))
Just call me Siri.
5:45pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 5:45pm Nov 27 2009)
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(((Ok so not there but I'm still posting!))) Swiftdarkness waking up in a foul mood decided to make a mid-day patrol so that he might work off some steam. Checking in with Eaglestar and getting it permission to go, he motioned to Patchpaw, Cougarclaw and Leopardheart. When the three cats arrived he asked them if they would like to join him, all agreeing to go along they left camp. Setting a brisk pace straight ahead in hopes of doing a full circle of the territory, Swiftdarkness thought about what was making him angry. Why am I so worked up over this kittypet? It’s done and over, he’s in our Clan whether I like it or not. And what’s so wrong with him anyway, he was just born to the wrong mother. Many warriors have thought life too hard and the leaders let them go to the two-leggers only to have them come back more loyal than before. A bit wind blown from the fast pace he check on the others, Cougarclaw was in the back watching Patchpaw with no sign of exhaustion were as Patchpaw had to work hard to keep up with the bigger cats. Leopardheart was matching his pace studying Swiftdarkness with concern. Slowing he said, “The scent is a bit weak here let’s renew it.” Walking out to re-mark the territory Swiftdarkness glanced at Cougarclaw who seemed to have found some prey instead. Cougarclaw wasn’t even winded by the run; as a matter of fact it had felt great. Cougarclaw always did like to run, she had enormous endurance. Running is much better than sharing tongues with gossipy elders. Stalking with an expert’s precision, Cougarclaw pin-pointed the squirrel and pounced killing it before it had a chance to bl ink. Walking back to the group she saw that they were all waiting for her. Setting down the squirrel Cougarclaw said, “We should head back and catch more prey on the way home because Gillian is getting his name today.” Watching as indecision flash across Swiftdarkness’s face, as if he didn’t want to be there but knowing he should, Swiftdarkness replied, “I think that would be smart. We’ve made it half way around the border and the patrol never noticed anything this morning.” All three senor warriors looked at Patchpaw, who looked tired but knowing she would never admit to it, and came to a silent conclusion. I wonder how Swiftdarkness and Leopardheart came so close together, they seem so different. Leopardheart is devoted to his Clan and mate where as Swiftdarkness is still a bit hasty and indecisive. Yet they act like brothers and they never bicker. Flicking her tail as if to dismiss the thought, Cougarclaw trotted up to Patchpaw and whispered to her about how well she kept up today and Eaglestar would be proud. To bad Leopardheart didn’t take Silentpaw. It’s really quiet odd. Loosing her train of thought as they came into camp, Cougarclaw went to drop the squirrel off in the fresh-kill pile.
Just call me Siri.
5:53pm Nov 27 2009
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Gillian groaned, and opened one eye. He got to his feet. "Now?" His paws tingled with exitment. but then it hit him. Was Luna worried? He frowned. Lunahad known Gillian since they were both kits.
6:11pm Nov 27 2009
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Patchpaw wandered over to the apprentices’ den, only to find Gillian and Eaglestar talking. Is he afraid? He looks like he’s thinking of home or something sad. I hope he settles in well, I’m make sure that I’m the first share tongues with him when he gets his new name. Purring softly Patchpaw walked away to the nursery seeing Duskkit and Birdkit playing, looking to Jadewing she saw that Ravenkit was curled up next to her. Walking over Patchpaw asked, “Where’s Mistkit?” Jadewing simply responded, “With Fernpaw, she loves to be the medicine cats…cat.” Watching each other they shared a moment of silence for Echosong. Patchpaw then stated, “She’ll make a great apprentice for Fernpaw, if Eaglestar likes it.” Eyes glittering with pride Jadewing purred in agreement.
Just call me Siri.
10:58am Nov 28 2009
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((I'm sorry I haven't been on. What didn't I approve of? I said you are Mistkit and they shall go to the Moonstone thing)) "Yes now," and with that she bounded over to the Highrock, jumped up and yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath Highrock for a clan meeting" she looked off the rock, proud of her caln. And with that she finished the ceremony naming Gillia, Cheetahpaw, and his mentor Cougarclaw. ((new cat)) Name: Tigerfang Gender: Female Position: Warrior Looks:  Personality: Very short tempred but is also very loving. Will rp teh rest out? Mate - poen Crush - open Kits: none yet