8:59am May 4 2010
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"Somewhere alone" whispeed Jadewing, choking back tears, "Come my dear" she flicked her tail and heaed for the emptty training hollow, "Sit please" she asked as she arrived, "I have omething very important to speak to you about"
9:01am May 4 2010
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9:02am May 4 2010
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ooc; Woot! 100 pages!!
7:02pm May 4 2010
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Cheetahwind broke through the crowd, horror in his face. "Where is she??!" He looked in the middle of the clearing, and saw her. "M-m-midnightpaw..." His voice cracked with emotion. "Why did you die so early, I hadn't even trained you that much! why, why did you leave? I'd hoped to see you become a warrior, but now...."He trailed offf burying his head in the faded apprentices body. He then looked to the next. "Leopardheart.. you taught me so much, you neither needed to die. you didn't nee to leave either. Oh, why has Starclan pulled away two that were dear to me? Who will you take next?" One silent thought slipped through his head. Patchpelt....
7:03pm May 4 2010
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((We almost have 2000 posts!!))
7:46pm May 4 2010
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ooc; I know!!
7:47pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 5:17pm May 5 2010)
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(( Siri, Sevenstripe ( Fireclan deputy) is a female cat :p, Thanks siri )) Nightpaw stood beside Gentlepaw and Fernseed. "Is this my fault?" she murmured. Then she imagined having one of the deaths to one of her sisters. I will try my best to help that from not happening! Fear struck her again, Is this my fault? The question seemed unbearable to her. Nightpaw's sightless light blue eyes gazed off into the distance. Then she heard the voice of Quailfoot. "Ivynose... It should have been me.." Quailfoot meowed. So it was Ivynose who had fallen off the border cliff. "No, our stock of Marigold is low. But the cobwebs... We have plenty." she meowed, "I can go fetch some marigold..." her voice trailed off. The question of it the deaths in the clan were her fault still nagged at her mind. Nightpaw shivered. No, focus! "Leopardheart," meowed Larkwing as she dipped her head respectfully. "Welcome to StarClan." the cool night breeze drifted by her fur. She looked at the past Iceclan deputy, "I hope our hunting grounds fit your perspective nicely." (( I will have more coming tonight ))
7:56pm May 4 2010
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ooc; Fit your perspective not Find :P
5:41pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm May 5 2010)
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Shatteredpaw took a fresh bundle of moss bedding to the elders. "Tigerfang, I have new bedding." she meowed with a mouth full of moss. Then set it down. She dragged the old bedding to the entrance of the den and dragged in the new. "Did you see any of the warriors fighting off those dogs?" she meowed. I wonder what its like.... Living as an Elder...Shatteredpaw began to mold the moss to Tigerfang's liking and listened for a response to her question. Rosekit looked out into the clearing, a cool breeze hit her nose and she felt a slight nag of disappointment. Fox dung! Redpaw isn't out there! Redpaw was one of the things she looked forward to seeing, his orange pelt always lit a fire in her heart. Every glimpse she caught of him out of the nursery made her happy. "Where are you Redpaw..?" Rainfeather glanced at Poisonpaw who was ... or seemed to be in a deep sleep. She looked at the slim lithe body witch was covered in scratches. How did I let this happen to me? she looked out at the center of the camp, Cats where grieving. What for? She strained her eyes to see even farther and seen the long haired, grey stripped white body of Ivynose. Ivynose lay limp and lifeless, Rainfeather gazed on to see the body's of Mindnightpaw. She was such a young apprentice too.. Rainfeather looked at the bigger body, Leopardheart. What had happened to him? And one more body lay there lifeless. Its dark red-brown pelt shawn in the moonlight and its white tail was flattened against the earth. "Redstorm!" Desired Name: Cardinalkit Position: Kit, right now. Family: Cinderstar, leader of Scarletclan and Ivynose. Mate: Too young. Crush: [OPEN], when he turns into an apprentice. Age: (not needed) 4 moons Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Respectful young cat witch honors the warrior code above all, he is polite and wishes he could have met Leopardheart. He is soft and kind but, beast in battle and protecting his clan.
6:58pm May 5 2010
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ooc; Aarrghh. So many cats! After watching Cinderstar leave, Eaglestar picked Rosekit and Larkkit up by the scruff and motined for her otehr kits to follow. She set them by Echovoice and asked her to watch them for a bit while she thought about the new deputy. The calico she cat dipped her head and played with Featherkit. Dashing over to her den she lay for a few mintues stressing about her clan befor "falling asleep." She opened her eyes to the bright light of StarClan. There she saw her mother, deput, fallen warriors and Redstorm. POadding over to Rosestar she touched noses, "I've missed you. And lost another life? What has caused this?" Her mother looked at her simply and mewed, "Stress." she jerked her head over to Redstorm and smilied at her kit. Padding over to her deceased mate Eaglestar pressed up against him and tocuhed her nose t his ear. "I'll miss you." she whispered as she watched her body restore it's strength. the cats were starting to fade away.
9:21pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm May 5 2010)
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((1990 posts!! (If I've counted correctly) Ten more posts to go!))
12:34am May 6 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Um, I can't post but I will edit the Bio list. Thanks for updating me Eklispe!~ Oh, and Eklispe, do you draw all of those? Like Posionheard and Cardinaltail? Because they are beautiful!~))
Just call me Siri.
9:17am May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Yus she does. Most of the time ;P Me, eklipse and Electro area ll real life friends and have drawing parties XD
6:32pm May 6 2010
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8:52pm May 6 2010
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11:47pm May 6 2010
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(StarClan) Staring around himself, Leopardheart could hardly breathe but realized that he didn’t have to. He went as still as a pool of water. There was no need to breathe, move, or think. Shivering at the odd euphoria he quickly took a deep scentless breathe. All around him he could smell nothing. Blinking as he came to himself, Leopardheart realized that Larkwing had appeared before him and seemed to wait for him to speak. His surroundings were stunningly beautiful, but there was only one thought on his mind. “Where is my mate?” he asked hastily. “Where is Jadewing?” His regal, spotted pelt shimmered in the stardust while his topaz eyes shone like the sun. (Camp) Mistsoul followed Blazewing hardly willingly. All she wanted to do was mourn with her siblings. Her paw steps where heavy and slow compared to her usually light and lively prance. Silver crowned head hung in defeat with her spotted tail dragging behind. When the creamy sand of the Training Hollow crunched beneath her paws, Mistsoul looked up. Her honey colored eyes duller than normal met ice blue ones. “What is your will, Blazewing?” she mewed stonily feeling as though she had no more emotion left to spare. Her patched fur bristled with a mixture of grief, hate, and self-misery. Patchpelt grieved for the lost cats, hated the dogs, and wished that she could have done more. Her emerald eyes turned nearly black with tears as she squeezed them shut. Shaking her head, Patchpelt couldn’t accept the fact that Leopardheart was gone. He had been like a father to her, and he was gone. Her tail was strangely still where it curled around her fore paws. Normally she was wiggling around with her enthusiastic attitude, but this was no night for excitement. Licking the cheek of each deceased cat, Patchpelt walked off to find solitude. Her paws lead her to the warriors den where she curled up in her soft, thick mossy bed. The muted jade green was soothing and her lavender scent lingered comfortingly along with Cheetahwind’s stronger spicy aroma. Though, beneath it all she could still taste Copperfire’s mild, fresh rain scent. Both relieved her. She soon fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming about life and death. Death is so terrifying because it is so ordinary, if only it didn’t happen so much of the time.
Just call me Siri.
9:25am May 7 2010
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"I am not Blazewing." she breathed, "I am Jadewing. Your mother. You have no reaso to believe me, and I know I must sound like a trickster, but StarClan gave me a second chance." Like they did Silentheart. "I had come back to be with Leopardheart and my kits, but only one cat could know me." Tears were forming in her eyes threatening to burst out, "But Leopardheart is gone again, this time he has left me." He flame coloured pelt bristled as she flexed the claws on her ivory paws. "How can I make you believe me?" Kestrelheart looked around at the distraught camp, "What have we done to deserve this?" he questioned StarClan lightly, thogh he knew they had no cotrol over the most of it. Tigerfang looked up at the blind apprentice, "Thank you very much Nightpa. I haven't seen anything but Ia go out there an' see whats happened." her amber eyes glowed and as she slid out of the elders den with Windkeeper and Spiritfeather by her side. "Oh StarCla!" she nearly yowled as she raced, with seemingly more energy, over to the bodies of the fallen cats. "Midnightpaw. Oh dear, she was so young." Windkeeper snarled a snarl to StarClan under his breath and he spoke, "None of them deserved this." Padding over to Redstorm he mewed, "He was a young cat to." ooc; this is the last timeI'm RPing Spiritfeather as I'm giving her to Electro because she is originally her charrie :) Spiritfeather lookded farther and saw the limp gray and white body of Ivynose, "Oh Eaglestar must be distressed!" she exclaimed, "her mate, her deputy, and her sister all in a matter of a few minutes. And such a young cat to" she sighed, "Looks like we have a job ahead of us." Leaving that place and coming back to life, Eaglestar sighed,. She felt refreshed in the body but not the mind. Stepping out of her den she yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the higrock for a clan meeting"
3:40pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 3:43pm May 7 2010)
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((Ooh, so Cheetahwind's spicy, eh? ;D LOLZ)) Cheetahwind unraveled himself from the bodies, half his heart missing. "I will miss you, friends." He whispered gently, then, he trotted to the warriors den to relieve himself into the dreamworld. He saw Patchpelt was already there, her sweet lavender scent mingling in the air. He could still scent Copperfires' smell, although it was faint against the other fresh scents of him and the others. He gently laid in his bed beside Patchpelt, hoping not to wake her. "What'll we do without him?" He murmured to nobody in particular. He rested his head close to Patchpelt, and quickly went into a deep slumber. He had disturbing dreams, of a river flowing of cat-blood, hungry dogs giving chase, and the most scariest one of all, Patchpelt laying at his feet,her fur atted with blood and her body mangled. In the angle of how he was looking at her, he was her killer. ((did you know lavender (Apparently) helps you sleep?))
4:39pm May 7 2010
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Silentheart watched from the sidelines as Jadewing walked off with her daughter, paws itching to follow them in case any dog returned. Deciding against it, he padded up to the group and sat beside Midnightpaw who, in a way, still felt like a sister even though she was not blood related. A sudden hiss drew his from his dark thoughts as Falconwing, her normally gentle green eyes now vicious and filled with such grief it was almost painful to look at, slashed her claws at him, but never moved from her daughters side. "Back off liar!" She spat, and her words left puncture wound in his heart. Flinching, he backed away quickly, almost falling over his paws. Hearing Eaglestar call for the others he was glad for the distraction, padding to the edge of the group with his head hung low and tail leaving shallow grooves in the ground. Looking over, he was not surprised to see Falconwing still haunched over Midnightpaw, clearly not moving till the morning. ((Seeing as i'm working on coloring on computer I thought i'd try some of the cats from this RP.
http://s853.photobucket.com/albums/ab94/Fallenwind/?action=view¤t=Free_Cat_fight_Lineart_by_Tesseri_S.jpg&newest=1 The line-art is not mine, only the coloring and small details are. See if you know who they are ^^))

6:58pm May 7 2010
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ooc; It says "Silentheart and Cheetahwind" ;P.