9:14pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm May 7 2010)
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~!2000!~ Congrats to everyone! We have made it to 2000 posts! ::dances::
Just call me Siri.
9:16pm May 7 2010
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9:16pm May 7 2010
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ooc; POOOST!
9:17am May 8 2010
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[Starclan] Larkwing hesitated, she looked down at her paws to thing of an answer that would please the tom. "She isn't here." she meowed, then began to realize How that would have meant that If Jadewing isn't here, she is in the dark forest. "But she isn't in the dark forest ether." she added to her statement. She looked at Leopardheart for an moment trying to feel his confusion. "She is in IceClan." She finally admitted, waiting for an explosion of anger.
10:04am May 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Oh and Yes Siri, I did draw those Pictures; I just drew them, and of course found no other cats on the internet that looked like them so Yea.. Thanks for the Complement! ))
1:51pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson watched everything. Seeing Rainfeather he smiled lightly. Timberfur looked around for Echovoice.
11:34pm May 8 2010
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Spitting the rest of the horsetail paste onto Ashfoot’s shoulder, Fernseed patted it down with her forepaw. “There,” she mewed, “that should do.” All around her the air sizzled. Ominous clouds loomed over the trees, as tempest winds howled their fury. A streak of lightning flashed across the dark expanse, momentarily illuminating the clearing, and a boom of thunder closely followed. Her silver, spotted pelt was shimmering like a firefly in the night. Trotting over to Nightpaw, she overheard speaking to Tigerfang about her doubts. Nudging the ebony apprentice with affection, Fernseed mewed, “You are learning fast, Nightpaw. You are very capable, and I know that you will one day be a great medicine cat.”
Just call me Siri.
4:12pm May 9 2010
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ooc; Is Mistsoul gunna reply to her momma?
5:54pm May 9 2010
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-Having some computer problems- I hope to have more posts up soon! <3 Thanks for understanding~
Just call me Siri.
9:15pm May 9 2010
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Rainfeather felt useless. Sitting, or lying in the medicine cat den, waiting... She dug her huge claws into the ground and pulled herself forward, toward her brother. So that she could share toungs with him for the last time. Her injured body disabled her to Rest her head on Redstorm's body. "I can't believe the last time I spoke to you.... I was hissing.." she murmured sadly, her Ice blue eyes clouded with sadness. She pushed her muzzle into Redstorm's Red fur and closed her eyes. Nightpaw looked up at her mentors face like she could actually see her, "Thank you Fernseed." she meowed, and stood up. Nightpaw looked up, the gift of sight... what would it be like? she wondered quietly to herself as the wind ruffled her thin coat of fur. Nightpaw new she wouldn't do well once snow came because of her thing coat. She could hear the snow whispering to her, like it was almost here.
10:41pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson walked up to Rainfeather. "Rainfeather? I'm so sorry." he laid his tail on her shoulders gently. ((Fail post due to writersblock. Major one at that))
11:15pm May 9 2010
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Staring into the clear blue eyes of the brilliantly red she-cat, Mistsoul wanted to deny it. She looks nothing like my mother, yet…I have told you, and you have seen it in dreams. Mistsoul shivered. In a reoccurring dream, Jadewing would stare at her with such a loving look then burst into flames. No matter what Mistsoul did the hungry fire would devour her mother, and a strange cat would gaze down at her with piercing, cold blue eyes. Silly, little one, that you didn’t believe me. My friend, it’s not that I didn’t believe you I just didn’t…What to? No, I wanted –er want my mother back. But she’s just so-Not like your mother. Cat’s change, when we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Her whiskers twitched with discomfort, her pelt bristled with unease, and her mind was flooded like the river during leaf-bare. I have to accept this change. I can no control in this matter, so I must accept it and change. With a broken sigh, and a half-hearted smile, Mistsoul mewed, “Welcome home…mom.” Tears burst over her cheeks, so unexpectedly, that Mistsoul blinked in shock. “I don’t know why I’m crying,” she mewed helplessly. “But I think it has to do with how unfair this is. You came back for Leopardheart, didn’t you, and now he isn’t even here.” Closing her eyes and shrinking into herself, Mistsoul padded closer to the strange, yet familiar, presence. Nuzzling her nose into the soft fur of Blazewing’s, or Jadewing’s, neck Mistsoul whispered, “I can’t lose you again. It was hard enough the first time. Please, don’t leave me.” An odd sensation filled Mistsoul and she knew that Eaglestar had lost a life. The pain ebbed in her heart as well, and threatened to take her as well, but she held fast. Shivering, Mistsoul clenched her eyes shut tight. What will we do with all of this death? Looking around at the cats, Redpaw shuddered. They were all showing weakness; weeping over the dead, stumbling around with lost looks, or going numb. No cat was stepping up and taking control. Sitting in front of the apprentice den with his fluffy red tail curled around his forepaws, Redpaw sneered at Copperfire when his mentor slashed at him. At least she isn’t totally lost. Falconwing seems to have more fight in her than any she-cat. When he thought of Patchpelt his heart clenched. She was sweet, talkative, and loving. He huffed at the word. His mother had been loving but it only brought her death. Though, Redpaw knew that all she-cats should be weak. Then they won’t fight back when we yowl or claw at them. All they’re good for is kitting. They aren’t good fighters at all and never will be. As if to prove a point, Redpaw spotted Bluepaw and jumped on her. Biting her on the neck, not too hard, but enough to hurt. Slashing her underbelly with sheathed claws, Redpaw purred wickedly. He got up and bounded away from her before she could do anything to him. Tail straight in the air, Redpaw knew he would have killed her had she been the enemy. Swiftdarkness wrapped his tail around Falconwing. “My love,” he mewed, “be gentle. All the cats mourn the losses. Why did you chase Copperfire away?” The fiery tom had looked lost and distressed when Falconwing spat at him, and Swiftdarkness wanted to know the reason for his mate’s rash behavior. She is normally so kind, but the loss of Midnightpaw is nearly unbearable. The breeze swept through the camp again, but this time a chill came with it. Clear and fresh, Swiftdarkness could smell snow. Leaf-fall hasn’t even begun. When Eaglestar called for a meeting, Swiftdarkness didn’t want to leave his mate or his lost kit. But duty held him like a hawk’s claw. Licking Falconwing on the cheek, Swiftdarkness went to hear who Eaglestar would have as deputy next. Ashfoot limped over to the High rock and sat beside Swiftdarkness. The ebony tom looked nothing like his former self, Ashfoot noted. He looked skinnier, his pelt wasn’t as glossy as before, and his eyes were dull. They only lighted when he talked to or about his mate and kits. We need to find more prey, and find out why it’s disappearing so quickly. Patchpelt shifted restlessly in her sleep. Her paws twitched, whiskers flared, and her breathing was rapid. Why am I running? What am I running from? It was dark all around her. Menacing clouds threatened to pour down ice-rain. There was no shelter in sight only butchered stumps and fallen logs. But the instinct to run was pounding in the back of her mind like a woodpecker. The ground was all mud, dirt, and rocks; it hurt the pads of her paws. Suddenly, harsh bright eyes of a monster appear before her. With a yowl of fright, Patchpelt saw five other cats running as well. “StarClan, help us.” She whispered breathlessly as she ran away from the roaring shinny beast. The stench clogged her throat and made her rasp, but still she meowed, “Stay safe! Find a tree!” Then there was light, real sun-high light. Brush, trees, and soft gra.ss greeted her. The blurry shadows of the other five cats were at the edge of her sight, but she knew that if she looked she wouldn’t be able to seem them. So she didn’t bother. Instead, the mouthwatering scent of prey called to her. Patchpelt’s empty belly rumbled loudly. Catching the prey was so easy; it was like the leapt into her claws. A mew whispered through her mind, “Death comes, but life can hide.” Blinking awake, Patchpelt took a moment to recognize the warriors den. Cheetahwind lay beside her, deep in sleep as well, so she didn’t disturb him. What an odd dream…Trotting to the High Rocks, Patchpelt was still wondering about the dream when Eaglestar looked to announce the new deputy.
Just call me Siri.
11:16pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I will post Leopardheart later, maybe tomorrow.))
Just call me Siri.
9:10am May 10 2010
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Jadewing pressed her nose into her daighters fur and breathed in her familiar scent, "I won't leave. But, you can't tell any cat. I knew you would understand. Birdwave, Ravenblaze and Duskfire wouldn't as much as I lovea all my daughtes, I needed one to know it'sme." She wrapped her tail around her kit and mewed quickly, "Let's go I think I heard Eaglestar calling for a meeting." ooc; I'll post Eaglestar later.
9:44pm May 10 2010
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9:19am May 11 2010
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Rainfeather dragged her Ice blue gaze onto the Crimson warrior. " Thanks.." she meowed quietly. She ran her paw down Redstorm's side , "Good bye.." Rainfeather looked at her white paws, the cool wind seemed to be calling to her. Rainfeather shook her head and dragged herself back to the medicine cat den.
9:12pm May 11 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm May 11 2010)
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Eaglestar watched the cats gather and took a deep breath, "Tonight we mourn the loss of three great warrios and a young apprentice." her crimson eyes watered, "But tonight we aso name a warrior and I shall choose a new deputy." her voice rang out clearly yet wavily, "The new deputy will be" she breathed deeply."Falconwing" Listening to the cheerin for Flaconwing she smiled and continued, "Crimson has come to this clan to learn our ways and forget those of his past. Step froward Crimson" the tom stepped towards her, "From this day forward you shall be known as Crisonfang. You shall sit vigil for tonight to guard our camp." her cream tail flicked as she saw a few cats with doubtfull looks on their faces, "Littlepaw, since you are left without a mentor Cheetahwind will be there to guide you. You both lost seomone special and will understand eachothers pain and yo will learn from eachother."
9:53pm May 11 2010
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1:05pm May 12 2010
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Crimsonfang nodded and walked towards the entrance sitting there and looking for any danger. Fireeyes glared at the new warrior and spat at him. Only to recieve a smack on the ear by his brother Timberfur.
4:32pm May 12 2010
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Through the foggy haze that had filled her mind since she had entered the camp, Falconwing heard her leader say her name and rose her head stiffly. Wanting nothing more then to curl back up beside Midnightpaw, she knew that now duty called first. Getting to her paws as if they were weighted by stone, she blinked in confusion as the cats cheered her name, wondering what in Starclan she had done. Green eyes looking at Eaglestar for some sort of confirmation or retort, is was not until Shadowpaw ran up beside her, nuzzling his nose into her fur. "You'll be a great deputy. Just as you are a mother." He murmured, and she could hear the pain raw in his voice, as well as the pride. I'm deputy? Is Eaglestar insane! There are so many other warriors ready for this position and could do it better! But at the same time a sense of pride enveloped her, diminishing the pain, if only for a second. Licking her sons ears gently she forced a purr of comfort before padding up to sit below Eaglestar, smiling up at her leader the best she could. But I cannot take Leopardheart's place, he was to great. Looking from one cat to the other, she prayed to her warrior ancestors that she would not make a fool out of herself. Taking in a breath, she let it out as she listened to Littlepaw be given a new mentor. Watch over her and Shadowpaw now Midnightpaw, and i'll see you when my time comes. For now, forgive me if I do not grieve over your death outwardly, because I must care for my clan the best I can and I know you will understand. She closed her eyes to stop the flow of tears, lashing her tail in annoyance at her weakness. But inside, my heart breaks at the thought of losing you so soon. She met Shadowpaw's eyes, smiling at him as she used to in the nursery, like everything would be fine now, and he returned it with a watery grin. She pointedly ignored Copperfire, who looked quite proud of her himself. Next she looked for Swiftdarkness, her comfort in life and only love. She remembered his words from earlier, asking her to go easy on Copperfire. But he does not know what that flame colored tom said, or how he acts. It's confusing and impossible, what he says happens. He cannot be my adopted son, can he? Perhaps I should talk to Swiftdarkness about this soon. Shaking her head, she itched to be sitting beside her mate and bask in the comfort of his fur, not standing in front of the clan as a deputy. But Eaglestar wished it that way, and she would not complain.
