6:26pm May 12 2010
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(( Woah, did not see that coming! ))
7:09pm May 12 2010
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7:28pm May 12 2010
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Eaglestar smiled down at Falconwing and mewed, "That is all. Meeting dismissed." Leaping off the ledge she walked over to Falconwing tears brimming in her eyes. She saw the haste and apprehension in the she-cats eyes, "Have no worries." she whispered, "You are a perfect cat for the job. Don't try to replace Leopardheart just be yourself."
7:17pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 8:14pm May 13 2010)
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After the meeting that Eaglestar called, Emeraldrain padded toward the apprentice den. Quietly she poked her small head into the den. "Greypaw," she whispered, trying to get the apprentices attention. "Greypaw.." she whispered a bit louder, trying to get her apprentice out of the warmth, but not wake the other sleeping ones. She sat outside the den, waiting. Moonlight seemed to wash through her pelt giving her a warm feeling despite the cool breeze. The fresh-kill pile needs restocking.... Maybe we will go hunt. That will give me more time to help perfect Greypaw's hunting crouch.
5:54pm May 14 2010
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An evil dark m*censored* of black flooded over Shatteredpaw's head. She ran as fast as she could, "Poisonkit?! Nightkit?!" she screeched, but no voices came back to her... Not even her own echo. She pelted forward, but the darkness flooded her vision. The cool leaves brushed against her pelt as she ran past. Shatteredpaw leaped to jump over a tree log that she could ever so faintly see in the darkness. She underestimated the jump and her face slammed onto the ground. Shatteredpaw looked up to see huge amber eyes. She tried to slowly back away, but the log kept her still. "help.." whimpered Shatteredpaw as she looked at the dark creature backing up into a leap. Shatteredpaw closed her eyes, she couldn't bare to see what would happen next. M*censored*ive jaws clamped onto her neck, immediately Shatteredpaw's eyes opened, she felt the creature whip her from side to side. She flew into the tree, and starred at the animal. It was a fox. Shatteredpaw tried to run away and again tripped on a stick. The fox grasped her paw and Shatteredpaw felt it rip her fur of, then-Shatteredpaw gasped, It was a dream! she thought remembering the horrifying moment when the fox ripped her paw off. Rainfeather noticed an unfamiliar scent move into the air. That smells like Treeclan. "Sunstripe?" the voice came from the bushes. A huge black tomcat pushed through the bushes. Nightclaw!! Nightclaw, Jayflight's mate, and shatteredpaw, poisonpaw and nightpaw's supposed father. "Rainfeather! Is Sunstripe here?" he meowed as he approached her. "Uh yea... I will get you him..." Now is your chance! "But you have to tell me something first." When Rainfeather and Nightclaw had settled in the forest, away from the camp Rainfeather spoke. "Is Nightpaw, Shatteredpaw, and Poisonpaw your kits?" Nightclaw looked surprised at the question. "Shatteredpaw... she is my only kit... The others are.." his voice trailed off. "Some cat named Nightfang? No... Blackfang gave Nightpaw and Poisonpaw to us.. she threatened to destroy us if we didn't take them.." he confessed. "Blackfang...." Rainfeather Echoed. "A black cat with white flecks, large ears, huge fangs, and amber eyes?" she asked. "Thats the one." Nightclaw meowed. "So... they are her kits?" Rainfeather pressed. "Yes." he meowed, with his head down. "Can I see Sunstripe... and maybe Jayflight?" he meowed hopefully. " Yes, you Can see Sunstripe.... but Jayflight was killed by Blackfang some time ago.. she was trying to tell the kits about there true parents." Rainfeather eventually Sent Sunstripe with Nightclaw, and Sunstripe left Iceclan to go back to his home.
9:43am May 15 2010
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(( Bump D:......... lol ))
2:23pm May 15 2010
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2:43pm May 15 2010
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(Let's say Cheetahwind woke for the gathering) Cheetahwind looked at the small apprentice he was @ssinged to. He gave a comforting smile. Littlepaw smiled back, but it was halfhearted. Her first mentor was dead... would her mentors keep dying, and she would make a circle of mentors, until she eventually became an elder, with no adventures at all to tell to the young apprentices?(Oh, you will ;D) Cheetahwind bounded over. "Um, would you like to go out now, or do you want to...?" He trailed off, pointing at her former mentor. "No, I'll come." Tears pricked her eyes while saying this. "But please, could we arrive not too late? I want to say goodbye, one more time..." "As do I." He looked at his former apprentice. I barely taught her..... Once they got to the training hollow, they began working on disbalancing techneques. "You are small," Cheetahwind said, "But what you lack in strenth, you come with speed, nimbleness, and the ability to flee if needed. For example," He blinked comically. "Try and trip me." Littlepaw was surprised. That simple? She ran at him, attempting to tangle his paws together, but Cheetahwind knew it was coming, and nocked her over. "Try something surprising." Littlepaw felt frustration deep inside her, but tried again, this time, jumping on his shoulders. But Cheetahwind shrugged them, and fell off with a plop. "Again." This time, she aimed for the paws, but failed. "Again." Littlepaw growled. What could she do? But then she had an idea. She aimed for Cheetahwind's shoulders, but she was really focusing on the paws. Cheetahwind laughed. "Trying that aga-?" but he was cut off, as Littlepaw leaped onto Cheetahwind's unprotected paws, making him stumble. He fell with a small 'ounph'. "Nice, let's do some more." They practiced for what seemed like a whole moon. Littlepaw's shoulders ached as they headed back to camp. Littlepaw smiled to herself. It was fun. Maybe next time Cheetahwind would teach her hunting techneques?...
7:41pm May 15 2010
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10:09pm May 15 2010
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11:12pm May 15 2010 (last edited on 11:14pm May 15 2010)
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((Ok, wow~ I need to post! >.< I haven't had time to get on in so long. ::cries:: But school is almost over. I hope no one minds if I move it to morning.)) Redpaw sat in front of the apprentice den while the sun lifted into the sky. Blazing red, hot yellow, and shimmering orange rays created a halo effect on the meandering cats. His pelt was glossy, and his eyes were sharply aware of any movement. Redpaw's tail-tip twitched as he watched Swiftdarkness come back throught the entrance. Midnightpaw is really gone... Tears prickled the backs of his eyes, but he held them at bay. Scrunching his nose at the flare of emotion, Redpaw set out to find his mentor. Falconwing was Midnightpaw's mother, but she is stronger than most she-cats. She will teach me well today. Swiftdarkness could hardly think. One ebony paw set itself before the other, only to lead him back to the camp. Oh, StarClan, guard my kits well. Looking up, Swiftdarkness thought, for only a moment, he saw Leopardheart holding Lostkit and Midnightpaw in his tail. His posture protective and loving, but not replacing. A weary smile creapt upon his jawls. With a bit more life in his paws, Swiftdarkness went to Sunflare and asked, "Would you and your apprentice like to go on a patrol?"
Just call me Siri.
9:37am May 16 2010
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Featherkit sat in the den, away from all the other kits playing. She was still sad about her father's death and couldn't move her mind from the though. Her silver spotted pelt shawn dark grey in the light of the den, and her crimson eyes made her look menacing. She turned her head once the other kits decided to play outside of the den. How can they be playing!? she thought in frustration. Poisonpaw lifted her head, her leg ached from the branch that fell on it. "I should be out training right now." she spat to herself, but new that couldn't happen for at least 2 moons. Cardinalkit didn't feel as if he wanted to play right now. He wanted to see the camp better. The gra.ss felt odd on his paws, the sand normally soaked through them when he was in the ScarletClan nursery. His skinny body helped him slide through the crack between the back of the nursery. I am three moons old... he thought, and I will be trained as a IceClan warrior at six moons.. An IceClan. Warrior. This would be different for him, living with his sister; maybe she could help with his training. He padded out from behind the den, "May as well get to sleep." he muttered to himself, and padded back into the nursery. "You don't belong here." hissed a voice from the den, "You are a ScarletClan kit." she reminded him. "You think I don't know that, Featherkit? and you aren't the brightest out of your litter, so I wouldn't be talking." he retorted. Then padded to his nest, and felt bad for saying that to her. But it will only get worse in this Clan.
11:32am May 16 2010
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Looking around, Bluepaw spotted Redpaw. Bluepaw came up behind Redpaw, and gently touched his shoulder with her tail-tip. "I know," She said softly. "Sad, isn't it?" She then laughed. "I can't remember who my mentor is, can you believe it?"(Not really, I know)
12:52pm May 16 2010
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Falconwing spotted her mate padding back in, and sighed softly. Setting her shoulders straighter and head higher as if she was ready to move on with her life, she padded over to him and murmured a good morning, licking his ear gently. Without waiting for a reply, something that would probably break down her resolve, she smiled softly to see her apprentice already up and ready while speaking to his litter mate. "Ready to go training? I'd like to try your fighting move today, seeing as we hunted last time." She nodded to Bluepaw. I'm as ready for all this as a newborn kit! Sunflare scuffled his paws in embarr*censored*ment as Swiftdarkness asked him to go on patrol. "Err, we would but Poisonpaw's not ready to leave the medicine cat's den. But I could go myself." He added quickly. Poison paw's not going to be happy about that, but the more she rests the sooner she can get up and train again. ((Fail...))
9:12pm May 16 2010
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9:12am May 17 2010
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ooc; Can't do a full post. Bumpo.
9:34pm May 17 2010
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(( Bump? I don't know what to wright :P .. Idea's anyone?))
9:38am May 18 2010
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"Fernseed! I am going collect some catmint!" called Nightpaw, she just wanted an excuse to get out of the camp. I'll pick some up on the way back.. she thought. As she padded through the quiet forest, there was not sounds, just the rustle of dry leaves on the trees. Something must have spooked the animals. Nightpaw heard the quiet brush of leaves against another cats pelt. "Who are you?" she meowed trying not to show her worry. Her neck fur began to rise. She heard the cat hiss, then turn off and run into the ferns. Not bothering to follow it, Nightpaw sat there with her tail wrapped neatly over her paws. Nightpaw tasted the air, a familiar scent flooded over her. "I have smelt that before.... when I was a kit.." she murmured to herself. A strange cat came.. Where did Rainfeather the cat came from..? she thought for a moment. "A Tribe Cat!" she meowed, the cat must have been from the Tribe of Burning Fire... But why is the cat here? why isn't it with the other tribe cats at the Fire Mountain? Those questions echoed in her mind. I can't wait to tell Gentlepaw about this.. she thought and padded over to an old twoleg garden to fetch some catmint. The succulent scent ran throught. he. Can';'t wait to get to camp/.
5:56pm May 18 2010
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7:05pm May 18 2010
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((I will post in a moment. I'm so busy, I really want to rp but there isn't time. D= Though, today I can spare a moment.))
Just call me Siri.