7:25pm May 18 2010
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Watching Nightpaw walk out of camp made Fernseed a bit uneasy. She didn’t feel comfortable with her apprentices’ not spending as much time together as she had hoped. Gentlepaw didn’t seem to be showing as much enthusiasm as Nightpaw either, and that bothered her more. Laying her ears back, Fernseed licked her chest fur twice before counting the juniper berries. They blue, gray fruit was more useful during bare-leaf, but harder to find in the frost laden bushes. With a sigh that brought fresh lavender and marigold scents into her, Fernseed nodded to herself. Twenty-three should do just fine. Peering up to a far corner of the den, Fernseed felt her neck bristle. The single death berry sat bright red and menacing. All medicine cats kept one, just in case, but Fernseed couldn’t stand the sight. “I wish it was gone.” She meowed softly to no cat. Padding out of the herb den she stretched luxuriously. The morning was fresh with the crisp scent of snow, barely held away from the camp. Checking on Poisonpaw, Fernseed mewed, “Can you wiggle your toes? Not too much, but I want to see if you have feeling in them.” Swiftdarkness berated himself for the careless comment. He should have remembered, the whole clan had gossiped about Poisonpaw and her accident. Glad that his ebony pelt didn’t show the furious blush, he purred after his mate. He sensed that she was still in shock, though he was also, and knew that the responsibility of her new position and her apprentice were good for her. Swiftdarkness let her go, but stared after her with loving sapphire eyes. Turning back the tom before him, Swiftdarkness mewed, “Of course. I’m sorry from my mouse-caught tongue.” His tail-tip swished back and forth with embarra.ssment, “Let’s go find Grayheart. He’ll want to come with us.”
Just call me Siri.
7:25pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 8:02pm May 18 2010)
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Redpaw glanced at his sister. “I don’t think it’s sad, it’s down right fox-dung! You should remember who your superiors are.” With an arrogant sniff Redpaw trotted off to Falconwing with his tail held high. When he reached his mentor, excitement coursed through him. Redpaw knew that his amber eyes glowed with pride that his mentor was going to teach him how to fight. “Yes,” he chipped, “I’m ready when you are Falconwing!” His ivory claws dug into the soft, yielding dirt beneath his paws. When she teaches me these moves, I will become the greatest apprentice there ever was! Mistsoul had napped until the sun was high. She was glad that Falconwing had become the deputy. She will be a great one, won’t she. Yes, little one, Falconwing has a brave heart. Though, brave hearts still fall prey to evil. Be with her in times of trouble. Even though Mistsoul didn’t understand the warning, she nodded. Getting to her paws she shock the moss clumps from her silver, spotted pelt. Arching her back as if to touch the pure blue sky, Mistsoul yawned loudly, and padded out of the warriors den. She was about to go to Eaglestar’s den, but decided that a visit to the nursery would be better. Mistsoul had heard rumor that a new kit was there, and she wondered who was mothering him. Creeping in through the small entrance, Mistsoul purred at the sight of the little tom kit. “Oh, look at you!” she mewed with affection. “So handsome and strong, but too lean, who is feeding you?” Wrapping her tail around the oddly colored kit, Mistsoul frown went she felt that he was slightly chilled. “Are you cold?” Touching her nose to his brow Mistsoul knew that he was crawling right into a spot in her heart. And he has yet to purr a word.
Just call me Siri.
8:11pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 12:53pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
Prophecy Idea I talked with East and she said that it would be fine to have a group of cats become part of a prophecy. Now here's the idea. The clan is becoming very large, and prey is rapidly disappearing. StarClan has become concerned so they send a message to six cats (One per player). Remember two pages ago when Patchpelt had a dream? She dreamt that a monster was eating the forest. Then she was in a plentiful meadow. Now I'm a bit sketchy on what to do because it will be hard with an Rp, and I want little power playing as possible. So are you guys with me! I want comments and ideas, from everyone! Tell me what you think. Chosen Cats 1. East - Graypaw 2. Eklipse - Rainfeather 3. Electro - Lostfoot 4. Fullmoon - Littlepaw 5. Stray - Shadowpaw 6. Siri - Patchpelt ((This is a wonderful time for apprentices. I wish I had thought of it before giving Patchpelt the dream.))
Just call me Siri.
10:07pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Yea! Siri I think that is a great Idea. And I would like Rainfeather to be my Prophesy cat please. :) Thanks! )) Poisonpaw listened to Fernseed, She will help me get batter in time to be a warrior! Poisonpaw obeyed and tried to move her toes. A bitter pain shot through her leg making her dig her thorn-sharp claws into her moss bedding, but at lest she wiggled her toes. "Do you know.." Poisonpaw looked at her leg, then continued to Fernseed. "When I will be better?" she asked waiting for a response that would crush her hopes. Don't think so bitterly! Fernseed won't let that happen... Poisonpaw lectured herself in her head. Cardinalkit looked the pretty she-cat. "I..I am a little cold.." he meowed softly, and tried to settle in her tail. Cardinalkit dragged his gaze to her. "My name is Cardinalkit..." he meowed flicking his long tail, "I came from ScarletClan." His red eyes shawn happily. I kind of like being different... he thought then shuffled his paws. "The leader of the Clan is feeding me... al though.. I don't know her name.. and I haven't really been hungry." he meowed trying to sound as polite as he could. A warm wind of friendship washed over him. Whoever this cat was he liked her.
10:13pm May 18 2010
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ooc; Hmm... -ponders- I dunno who my Prophecy cat will be yet. I think Blazewing <3 Eaglestar motionaed for her kits to follo9w her and walked into the nursery so she could rest with Cardinalkit. Seeing Mistsoul she smiled, "I see you've met little Cardinalkit. He's the son of one of our fallen warrios from tonight. Ivynose." She looked at her adopted son and her cromsin eyes gleamed, a perfect match for his.
10:28pm May 18 2010
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Cardinalkit looked at the she-cats surrounding him. He nodded slowly at the mention of his mother, Ivynose. I'll miss her.. He thought then looked at eaglestar which reminded him of Ivynose. "I wish she was still here.." he murmured sadly.
10:30pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 779
I'm ok with it.))
10:36pm May 18 2010
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Her scarlet gaze softening Eaglestar looked at the young tom, "Me too." tears began to stream down her face, "I know you don't really know who I am. Your mother was my sister. I will love you as if you were my own because you are all I have left ofher just as they are all I have left of my mother and mate." she said indicating her kits. She turned back to Mistsoul and mwed softly, "Im so lad you're back."
9:28am May 19 2010
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Cardinalkit glanced across the den at Featherkit; which made a faint hiss and padded into the darkness. "Will Featherkit always hate me?" he meowed quietly to Eaglestar. Cardinalkit laid his chin on Mistsoul's tail. He could still see Featherkit starring at him in the distance. Her gaze burning with jealousy. Cardinalkit shifted himself to face a different direction. He swung his head around when he heard Rosekit wake. She had such a thick fluffy red coat that she couldn't feel the cold. Rainfeather shuffled her blood streaked paws. She padded to the freshkill pile. There was a little amount there, 2 small mice, a scrawny water vole, and a thin rabbit that Rainfeather had managed to catch before the dog attack. Rainfeather grabbed the smallest piece there, the water vole. As she laid down to eat she looked at her naturally thin battle scarred white spotted silver coat matted with blood. Then she noticed how much her ribs were showing through, The Clan is starving..She began to take small bites out of the vole to keep it lasting for a while longer. After she was done her meal, she padded toward the medicine cat den and lay in some moss beside Poisonpaw, who was sleeping at the moment. "Fernseed... Can you check these wounds?" Rainfeather meowed, she new that she wasn't a medicine cat, unlike Redstorm who thought he could cure his own cough. Rainfeather had a deep gash on the top side if her neck, minor scratches on her back, and a long scratch on her side.
4:47pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((It's a excellent prophecy, great idea Siri / East! If it's alright I'd like to have Shadowpaw as my chosen cat, have not done much with him yet I love his personality.)) Glad that her apprentice was so eager to learn, Falconwing still saw at times a look of ambition in his eyes that chilled her. She had been trying to show him that learning to be warrior did not just include using claws and learning blows, but also how to show comp*censored*ion to those weaker then you. In my heart I know Redpaw would become a loyal, powerful warrior and be a great *censored*et to the clan, but first he might need a few more lessons in humility, looking over at Bluepaw she sighed almost over-dramatically, and how to treat she-cats. Whiskers twitching the new deputy, a position she still did not fully believe she deserved, was glad her apprentice seemed to respect her. How, i'm not really sure. I'm the least cat around here that Redpaw should look to in respect. Casting those thoughts aside, she flicked her tail towards the forest. "Let's see how fast you are shall we?" She asked,and took off, long legs effortlessly sweeping her across the forest floor. She again felt like a warrior, nothing to worry about or grieve over, and only the forest with it's secretive whispers in her ears. Slowing once the training hollow came into sight, she spun around quickly to face her apprentice, already speaking even if he was not right behind her. But she knew he was fast, and his determination would help. "Alright, I evaluated your hunting, and your pretty good at it, i'll teach you what you need to know to become successful another time. But now, I want to see how strong and agile you truly are." She grinned, making sure her claw were safely sheathed. "Attack me with all you have." Paws still groggy from a restless, almost sleepless night Shadowpaw padded from the apprentices den, horrified to see the sun already high. Great, just how I wanted to start my day. Patchpelt's probably thinking i'm a lazy lump of fur. Quickly scanning the clearing for his mentor, his blue eyes instinctively went to the center of the clearing where he knew Midnightpaw's body had been. Seeing the spot empty he flinched. It's almost like she never existed. Eyes casting towards the ground with shadows covering them, he forced away his tears, vowing to be strong in spite of the recent tragedies. I'll become a warrior for both of us sister, and I will not let your memory fade like so many others. Getting unsteadily to his paws, he for some unknown reason padded into the medicine cats den, sitting to the side in hopes no cat would see him. The scent of sweet herbs, and bitter ones alike were calming, and cleared his mind. I'll just stay here a few more minutes, at least until I see Patchpelt. He glanced over to spot Poisonpaw. I don't think many cats really stop by to see her, except Sunflare who feels its his fault she's hurt. Padding over to the prickly apprentice, he hoped he would not get his ears clawed. "How's your leg?" He asked curiously. At least this give me some excuse for being in here.

4:48pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 4:49pm May 19 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((I would like Littlepaw as a prophecy cat, please. Se hasn't been much active, and well, she's still very small, so this is like a test to prove herself. I would've loved to choose Cheetahwind, but he's always too awesome. :p))
6:46pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 779
I have chosen my chosen cat...the chosen cat for me will be Lostfoot. Also this post will be made of a new character I made but I'll post his ref later when I has scanned his ref. :/)) A small orange and brown tabby ran through the leaf laden ground his right foreleg slightly bleeding from a gash he got from a jutting rock. He looked rather young about 1 month or two. Looking back he tripped over a root and hit his head on a rock knocking him out. ((Fail post is fail.))
7:44pm May 19 2010
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Emeraldrain was padding through the forest. Where has all the prey gone!? she wondered. Padding through the fallen leaves she noticed a small ginger tom, which appeared to be dead. "Hello?" she meowed at the kit. "Hello fuzzy kit? are.. are you alive?" she meowed and gave him a gentle prod with her paw. Emeraldrain noticed the slight rise and fall of his small body, He is alive! she thought, then prodded the kit again, this time a but harder. The rustle of the wind lifted some of the dry leaves around him, he almost blended in with the surroundings. "You will be okay... if you ever wake up..."
8:14pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 779
The tom could of sworn he heard a voice. Wh-what? W-who's that? I-it's female *gasp* could it be my mother?! W-why is it so dark? Why can't I see?! Trying his best to force himself to get up and speak he found he could not move. But even still he tried over and over again.
8:49pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 779
10:42pm May 19 2010
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"Let me help!" meowed Emeraldrain urgently before the kit could fall over, she grasped his scruff in her jaws and sat him down, "Where have you come from?" she meowed, What if it is another kit from a different Clan!? Emeraldrain fought back her panic. "I will take you back to camp.. do.. do you need help? Wait, tell me your name first!" she meowed, like a worried Queen.
1:17am May 20 2010
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Posts: 779
The little kit looked up at her "M-my n-name?" he mewed looking down and flicked his left ear wonder. Why can't I remember my name? I don't even remember why I'm here or who my parents are. Do I even have parents?! Looking up he mewed "I-I don't remember. I don't think I even had a name." then dropping his head to the ground tears forming he shuffled his paws onlt to whince when he moved his wounded for leg and paw. "Ow." he mumbled to practically no one.
9:21am May 20 2010
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Emeraldrain looked at him, fear crept through her as she saw the wound on his leg. "Can I give you a name then?" she meowed as she quickly examined him, the ginger and brown tabby kit had a pure white tail. Where did this kit come from? How did such a young kit get here? Emeraldrain helped him up again. "I-I could be your mother..." murmured Emeraldrain softly, I am already expecting kits.. It will help me get used to them. She licked his wound to clear away some of the dried blood. "Let me take you to Fernseed she will make you better.." (#07a53a, emeraldrain color code.)
10:08am May 20 2010
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Posts: 779
He looked up at the she cat and purred. "R-really? Thank you so much." he went to jump up a bit in excitment only to yelp when he landed on his foreleg. Yay! I have a mom now! And I'm going to have a name! Purring with excitment he looked up at her again to happy to say anything now.
3:06pm May 20 2010
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Seeing Cardinalkit do this she whispered, "She doesn't hate you. He's just.. agrexxive." She pulled Fetherit closer and nuzzled her along with her three other kits. Jadekit was snugled up right by Larkkit and Rosekit and Eaglestar tried to get them all together. ooc; @Fullmoon. Are you going to play Jadekit? Or should I take over her?