5:43pm May 20 2010
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((Nope, please don't. Sorry I haven't been playing with her! She sorta floated outta my mind...)) Jadekit, snuggled beside her family, a rumbling purr emmiting from her throat. She pawed Larkit's ear just for fun.
5:44pm May 20 2010
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LON (Lost On Nextpage)
7:45pm May 20 2010
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Emeraldrain looked at the kit, his white tail stood out the most to her. "Your name.... will be Snowkit. Okay?" she meowed, happieness flowing through her. (( I shall finish later :P ))
8:29pm May 20 2010
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Larkkit oke up to her ears being battered. She turned around and swiped her sheathed claws across Jadekit then lept on Featherkit and mewed, "I'm sorry. You are my sister. Do you want to play wiff us?"
8:52am May 21 2010
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Emeraldrain looked at the kit, his white tail stood out the most to her. "Your name.... will be Snowkit. Okay?" she meowed, happieness flowing through her. I got to name my own... well not mine... A kit without giving birth to it! "I will bring you to camp... can you walk? Or shall I carry you?" she meowed, pride and joy in her voice.
8:58am May 21 2010
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Featherkit let out a furious snarl, "Of course not!" she turned and staled away muttering things to herself. Rosekit looked at her small blind sister. Disappointment flooded over her giving look. She felt a stab of sympathy for her, but it is never worth trying to play, when your sister is like Featherkit. "Larkkit!" meowed Rosekit trying to make her a little more happy. "I will play with you and Jadekit!" she meowed and then padded over to her small sister. That was the first time that Rosekit noticed that she was growing bigger than her. "What would you like to play?"
9:21am May 21 2010
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Looking at Poisonpaw’s foot thoroughly, Fernseed mewed, “To be honest, I don’t know.” Her jade eyes shimmered happily, and she quickly replied, “But I trust in StarClan, and they have shown me in a dream that you will run with the warriors.” before Poisonpaw could get gloomy. What she meowed was true, StarClan had shown this among other things. Licking Poisonpaw on the cheek she meowed, “Now don’t try to wiggle those little claws again, or I will send Tigerstar after you.” The threat was given lightly with a rasp of a laugh after it. I need to find more broom. When Rainfeather came into the den, Fernseed went right to work. There was a large gash that she filled with marigold, and other scratches that she put juniper juice on. “That should do it,” she mewed. “If you have any other problems just let me know, and I will do all I can to help. Mistsoul bared her slight fangs in a grin at Cardinalkit, “Don’t worry about Featherkit. She takes her time warming up to others.” Though, she did wrap her tail closer to the little tom. “Eaglestar, could you let Cardinalkit have a drink. He’s as tiny as a mouse!” With a lick on the crown of his head, Mistsoul lightened the joke. Redpaw was gasping for breath by the time he and Falconwing reached the Training Hollow. Through his determination and natural talent for running he was only a couple fox lengths behind the she-cat when the stopped. She’s already meowing orders! he thought in exasperation. When she told him to attack, he stood for a moment. Redpaw looked at her a.ssessing the weak and strong points. Noting that one fore paw was held with a bit less pressure, he knew not to attack it, so that he wouldn’t get swiped at. Instead he stalked toward her shoulder, but changed course at the last moment to bat at her hind foot.
Just call me Siri.
9:47am May 21 2010 (last edited on 9:57am May 21 2010)
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Snowkit purred. "I like my name! And yes I can walk even if my one leg hurts." When he was set down he padded beside the she cat with a slight limp. Excited he walked a bit faster then Emeraldrain. A mom! I have a mom! And I have a name! Yay!! He padded along getting faster then before until he smelled the scents of many other cats and stopped dead in his tracks. "S-so many cats." Backing up a bit he bumped into Emeraldrain and ran/limped behind her. Crimsonfang sat beside the entrance looking around and using his other senses when he smelt a kit he got up but soon he smelt a she cat. Must be the kits mother. Must of snuck out another way. Tricky little bugger. Thus sitting back down.
9:55am May 21 2010
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Desired Name: Snowkit (Later on Snowpine.) Position: Kit Family: Emeraldrain and Raveneyes Mate: nope Crush: Jadekit (Yes he has a kitten crush on Jadekit) Age: (not needed) 1 moon. Additional Info He's a runt. No joke he's very small. Gender: Tom Appearance: http://zombiekitty3.deviantart.com/#/d2q0q1t Personality: Kind, smart, strong spirit, loyal and determined. 

2:40pm May 21 2010
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((Where is Snowkit?))
2:48pm May 21 2010
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((Snowkit is a little bit near the entrance of camp but he isn't close enough to be spotted just scented. ))
2:59pm May 21 2010
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((Bring 'im closer!))
3:11pm May 21 2010
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3:11pm May 21 2010 (last edited on 3:33pm May 21 2010)
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Fireeyes padded about after a while he sighed and sat down. "Great, just great. First things first Rainfeather ditches me for that tom, second I made some of the she cats hate me and now we're losing cats. Greeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat." he spoke with sarcasm. It had been a day since Rainfeather had broke his heart more then once and he began to realize that she wasn't the she cat for him. But who is? Ugh my head. I need to stop thinking. Looking about he got up and padded towards the medicine cats den laying near it he took a deep breath and sighed. Being near there made him calm and more like himself. As a matter of fact he liked to be his none pervy self. The real him. Closing his eyes he imaged Fernseed for whom he had a crush on ever since kit hood. But she's a medicine cat. Their not permitted to have kits or mates. Still I'm not going to let that stop me from trying. Getting up he went out to hunt. After a few hours he came back with a few mice, a squirrel and a bird (Though not very big). He took them to the pile and dropped them taking the squirrel he padded towards the medicine cats den. "Fernseed? Are you here?" He put the squirrel down and looked in. ((Note Spiritfeather even though shes an elder I will play her as much as any other characters I have (((Except for those in other clans))) and she is actually pretty playful with kits and likes to be funny with some of the warriors reminding them of when they were apprentices who were sent to care for the elders as punishment to make sure the kits don't be bad. XD)) Spiritfeather sat down and looked at the kits playing. Purring she thought about Cheetahwind and smirked looking at the kits remembering the time he was sent to care for the elders as punishment. What a great idea to use to make these kits behave themselves as apprentices. "Oh little kits would you like to hear a story?"
3:18pm May 21 2010
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Snowkit looked towards the smells and built up a bit of courage to inch closer and closer. When he saw a big red tom sitting in front of the entrance. Shaking he looked back at Emeraldrain and forced himself to walk forward. "I am brave. I-i am brave I am brave I am brave." The tom nodded at the kit and motioned for his head to let him in. Then looking back Emeraldrain he nodded and looked at him. Snowkit paused he had lost all bravery and stood there like a stunned rabbit. "Ok I'm not brave!" Crimsonfang sat there he looked at the kit and saw Emeraldrain nodding to both of them he let them through. Chuckling to himself at the kits constant re*censored*urance.
3:33pm May 21 2010
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Jadekit stopped tussling with her mates. "You smell that?" For a kit, she had an amazing sense of smell. "C'mon!" She scrambled to locate where the scent was coming from. It came from around the entrance. Jadekit skittered towards the entrance where the scent came from. she spotted where it came from even before she got there. From her perspective, it looked like a giant, white, furry lump. "Oi!' She called. "What's your name? Mine's Jadekit." She smiled, showing the rows of her little pearly white, sharp teeth.
3:41pm May 21 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit looked at Jadekit and felt his fur go hot in a blush. She's so beautiful! "M-my name is S-snowkit. I-it's a pleasure to meet you." smiling at her he bowed a little wincing at his hurt leg. Crimsonfang watched and smiled at the kits from the corner of his eyes. Heh...cute. Little kitten crush. Walking out of the warriors den Lostfoot shook his. Hmmmm what an odd dream. A prophecy. I wonder who the other cats will be. Ugh no time to ponder now. I must help my clan first.
3:53pm May 21 2010
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Jadekit smiled, and poked his kitten fat. She laughed. "We'll nock all that off ya' in no time, that's for sure!" She grinned, totally oblivious to Snowkit's dreamy look. " Come on, follow me to the kits' den!" She hopped away, looking back every so often to make sure Snowkit was following. When they got to the kits den, she stopped. "This is where all us kits and mom's sleep." She said proudly. "Soon (AKA like, three moons) I'm gonna be moving over there," She flicked her tail at the apprentices den. after Jadekit had talked for a while, she stopped, and said. "Well, what do you have to say, anything interesting?"
4:01pm May 21 2010
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Snowkit looked around the den. "U-umm i-interesting? Like what?" Looking at Jadekit now he tilted his head in question.
6:12pm May 21 2010
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''haha! stop stuttering!'' laughed Jadekit. "Never mind the question." jadekit introduced Snowkit to all the kits. "Watch Featherkit, she's a bit stingy." Jadekit whispered.