5:37pm May 22 2010
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Raveneyes looked at Emeraldrain and smiled, "O rly? This is so exctiing!" exclaimed, "Another cat in our clan to be a father"
5:47pm May 22 2010
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ooc; LON
12:54am May 23 2010
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((Eklipse: =O I want to cry, you've probably already sold the meragon, or named him/her, but I would have loved!~ Thanks for offering though.))
Just call me Siri.
1:20am May 23 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm May 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((More kitty cats, so now I will get rid of one of mine~ ::cries:: I can’t RP much anyway, but I will keep my main…for now.)) As the clan bristled around busily, Ashfoot crept out of the camp. He planned to go hunting on the far reaches of the territory. As he padded up to the north side, were a thunder path was, he wrinkled his nose. The acidic tang of monster was thick in the air. “How strange,” he mewed, “It’s off the thunder path.” Pacing a couple more steps forward Ashfoot froze. Before him was a barren clear cut. Fresh, thick dirt was tossed around, wide trunks of trees were all that stood tall, and a huge, huge glistening monster roared toward him. Panic struck him to his very heart, but he quickly turned around and began to run. Though, the faster he ran the faster the monster came. With a pitiful yowl of fear it crushed his tail. StarClan! What is this! Then it was over. Ashfoot screeched as it ate at his ginger pelt, but the pain quickly disappeared into darkness. ((I really did want more from him, poor Ashfoot had no chance…)) Looking up, Fernseed saw Fireeyes coming in. “Hello,” she mewed warmly. “Is there something the matter?” The silver she-cat hoped not. All she wanted was some peace, and undisturbed rest. Though, the clan was more important than anything to her. When Nightpaw came with the cat mint she flicked her tail over the ebony apprentices’ shoulder, their signal for her to place it in the herb den. Then Fernseed noted the prey sitting before the tom’s paws. “Oh,” she gasped, “I am such a mouse-brain!” Rasping good-naturally at herself, Fernseed purred, “Did you come to feed the medicine cats?” Patchpelt had been lagging all around camp that morning. All she wanted was to teach Shadowpaw, but she could hardly twitch her tail-tip. Deciding that a short nap couldn’t hurt, the calico she-cat settled down for a snooze. The moment her emerald eyes closed, a dream grasped at her like sharp claws. The worst sound she had ever heard echoed through an empty field. If was like a hawk shrieking, but a fox crying as well. Shivering, Patchpelt could only keep going forward, as if her paws were under some other cat’s control. Then she realized that there were no trees to be seen, and only scarred, upturned trunks. This was no field it was a two legs territory. Suddenly the ground shook with thunder and the humongous monster appeared again. It was going to eat her! “Stop!” she cried, but the foul beast wouldn’t stop. A streak of red-gray barreled into her side. “Stay safe!” The cat yowled before the monsters glisenting teeth clipped his tail- “No!” she rasped blinking awake. Panting as if she had ran from Fourtrees and back, Patchpelt’s claws sank into the moss bed. Looking around it took her a moment to realize that she was in the warriors den. The dream had felt so real, I could have believed that StarClan was telling me something. But she had never seen a monster like that before. “Too much rotten prey before bedtime,” she grumbled and went to find Shadowpaw.
Just call me Siri.
9:47am May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Nope Siri, as far as I am concerned it is still in my hatchery. :P )) "Yes, I was afraid of telling you...."she murmured under her breath. "I think I may have about 2.." meowed Emeraldrain. "Lets get some fresh-kill now." she decided. Rainfeather closed her Ice clue eyes, she new the dream that would be waiting for her would be good. But she was wrong. Rainfeather's eyes quickly shot open, the sun shone silently in the sky, everything was quiet. Dark storm clouds formed behind her, threatening lightning, and thunder. Rainfeather gasped as the tree's around her began to fall. Big dirty yellow twoleg monsters, seemed to be eating the trees. Panic shot through Rainfeather, she has long legs. She may as well use them. She hurdled toward the IceClan camp, then shock burst into her as she seen the camp was covered in ground up dirt and gras.s, the trees cut down and no cats lurked here. "No!" screeched Rainfeather in horror. Smaller monsters took away little bits of the highrock, which was blown into prices. "Its not safe here!" hissed a voice, spooked Rainfeather ran to the Fireclan border to see and strange dirt field. All the pine tree's have been ripped up from it. All of the sudden Rainfeather felt the ground shake beneath her feet she ran back from where she came but there was a monster, she skid and ran back to the field but another monster was there. Rainfeather slipped and fell, and the monster- "Rainfeather!" spat a cat." Rainfeather noticed StarClans hunting grounds. A huge red cat stood in front of her, his fluffy whitetail flicking. "Redstorm!" she meowed happily. "Trouble is coming Rainfeather. There is no room for the Clan Cats in the middle. Six must lead." he meowed Then disappeared. Rainfeather woke with a jolt, That was a dream from starclan! But... what did Six must lead mean?
2:43pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes purred with amusment. "I was wondering if you'd like to share a squirrel. T-that is...only if you're not to busy." looking at his paws he shuffled them a bit waiting for the awnser of a possible rejection. Not daring to look back up he shuffled his paws a bit. Snowkit played for a bit longer until his shoulder stasrted to hurt badly. "Ow. I should probably get this looked at."
3:03pm May 23 2010
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((East: Would you mind if the clan moved?)) With a gentle look, Fernseed mewed, “I think I have time for a quick snack.” Padding up to the tom she brushed her tail-tip across his cheek. “Thank you.” Crouching down Fernseed ate with little, quick bites. When was the last time I had a meal? But she sadly couldn’t remember. Blinking her jade-green eyes, Fernseed looked up at the sky and noted the angry gray clouds. “Do you think it will snow tonight?” she asked as a shiver made her fur bristle. The days were starting to cool rapidly as the leaves turned fiery red, orange, and gold.
Just call me Siri.
3:11pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes padded and sat besie her. "I don't know. I hope so though. Snow is a beautiful thing. Just like you." looking at her from the corner of his eyes he had whispered the last part hoping she hadn't heard then looking up again.
3:32pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Since Fireeyes had been so close to her, Fernseed heard him murmur, “Just like you.” Her jade eyes widened in shock. She dug her claws into the sandy ground and pretended that she hadn’t heard. “It is a wonderful thing to behold, but it makes for difficult times.” Fernseed meowed, “I can’t find juniper berries, and the cat mint dies away completely until new-leaf.” Shuffling her paw, Fernseed kindly mewed, “I’m not hungry anymore, thank you for the meal.”
Just call me Siri.
3:47pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes nodded. "True. You're welcome." Looking at her as she left he ate the rest of his share for the squirrle and cleaned up after him and Fernseed. Had she heard what I said?
4:08pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Acutally, ashfur had a chance, if he had gone sideways, but cats don't have that intelligence. XD))
4:20pm May 23 2010
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((my shirt button is being annoying, so please don't be angry at me for using no caps. D;)) littlepaw's hands twitched in her sleep. ''run! run!'' she gasped. ''they're gaining on us!" she wasn't sure what they were running from, but it was destructive. she could hear the bone chilling yowls from the cats behind her. six more were in lead with her, sprinting and holding kits and elders in their jaws. she dared to look back. she saw billowing smoke coming from a giant monster with a jaw that stuck out. it was very bright yellow,, and looked old. she saw it scoop up cats that were being slow. ''follow the others!'' she yowled, turning back, she jumped and grabbed two kits before the third were torn apart. ''no! _____kit!'' Littlepaw woke up, her body covered in sweat. so.. real.... she shook her head. was starclan trying to tell her something? she needed to tell someone. no, not eaglestar, or cheetahwind. she'll tell patchpelt. she would understand, and not tell anybody. so,she padded to find patchpelt. sheasked around. ''has anyone seen patchpelt?'' she asked.
4:24pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((oh an siri, I will fight you for that meragon, 'cuz I'm trying to get all the types and I believe I don't have silver. :p))
4:53pm May 23 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm May 23 2010)
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((Fullmoon: Ashfoot was intelligent, but I made him die. So the poor dude really didn't have a chance. As for the silver meragon, I will pwn you. The meragon will be mine! ::Muwahahaha:: Besides, if Eklipse thinks about giving him/her to you. I will send a shinny penny. ^.^ ))
Just call me Siri.
5:11pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
(( aww.... *cries* yeah, I know you made him die. plus, there's way too many cats in the clan. xp. take away all the warriors I haven't been using, and put them in the tribe. (ambersky, etc...)
10:15pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; No prolemo Siri :) Birdwave padded out of the camp with two of her sisters following. She turned from one to the other and mwed, "Can you smell that?" she snarled at the scent of the monsters. She heard a large growl and a loud shriek and ran with them to the noise. Her two ash coloured sisters ran ahead to investigate. There they saw the fallen body of Ashfoot. Ravenblaze and Duskfire snarled and went closer to the large creature to check it out just as it decided to charge forward. Birdwave couldnt do anything so she ran away leaving her two sisters on theirown. ooc; D; Below is a few mins later. Running back to the camp fur covered in ash and tears straeming down her face Birdwave ran to the medicine den and mewed to Fernseed, "Help. We need to leave here. Now. Ashfoot Ravenlaze and Duskfire have all been killed by a monster. They are off the thunderpaths andare k-k-killing us." she stammered amber eyes wide with shock and fear.
11:06pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Having taught Shadowpaw proper defensive techniques, Patchpelt was lying out in the center of camp. Her fur was slightly damp from the sweat of working with an apprentice, but the fact that she didn’t bother to clean herself was shocking. Without much prey I don’t have any energy anymore. Her typically glossy pelt was clumped, and her eyes were dull. With minimal effort, Patchpelt licked a tuff of chest fur. Deciding that it was too much work at the moment, she lay her head on her forepaws. Seeing Littlepaw padding around uneasily, the calico called her over. “What’s the matter, Littlepaw?” Fernseed looked at Birdwave with horror. She felt as if the squirrel she had just shared with Fireeyes was going to crawl out of her at any moment. “Truly?” she asked in alarm. “Gentlepaw, Nightpaw! Come quickly!” Dashing after the new warrior, Fernseed yowled, “Grayheart, Quailfoot, Berrypool come quickly!”
Just call me Siri.
12:40pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"Patchpelt, could we talk alone?" Littlepaw whispered. She brought Patchpelt to an empty part of camp. "I-I had this dream last night, it was about monsters, all of us were fleeing, and I was with seven at the front of the mob." Her voice cracked. "We were running, and running, and running, and the monster scooped up a kit, and then the dream ended." Littlepaw shaked. "I think it was from StarClan."
3:58pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Yer truly" Birdwave stammered as she ran witth Fernseed to where the fallen cats lay. Berrypool heard Fernseed and ran to Shatteredpaw, "Want to come with me? Fernseed is in need of as.sistance and I think it coiuld be a good time for some small training." without waiting for her apprentice she ran, "Follow my scent if you want to come" she yowled back at the she-cat.
5:59pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( I will post later. ))