6:06pm May 24 2010
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Shatteredpaw leapt up, then fell down. "Coming!" she called and ran as fast as she could without falling over. Shatteredpaw looked forward, she could see her white mentor's blue tail disappear into the bushes. "I won't be left behind!" she meowed to herself and began to sprint as if nothing was wrong with her paw. Quailfoot pricked her ears as soon as she heard the warning, She sprinted toward the leading group of cats and found Nightpaw out of them, she helped guide her through the forest that was left, What is happening?!
6:08pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( bump? I think I am LON))
6:11pm May 24 2010
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(( oh, now I have a sepia Meragon... If anyone wants it... >P ))
7:58pm May 24 2010
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(( Bump ... :D ))
8:44pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 8:49pm May 24 2010)
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((East, I was going to have it snow because the prophecy is going a bit faster than I thought it would. I didn’t expect to have so many none chosen cats know about the monsters, but it’s alright. Now it makes it easier for the chosen cats to leave.)) -Here’s the plan- The snow will stop the monsters (bulldozers) so that the chosen cats can leave the clan in search of a new territory. What do you think? ~ Looking at Littlepaw suspiciously, Patchpelt thought, my own dream was similar. Though, I didn’t see any cats dieing. But she had felt the urgent need to move. Maybe StarClan is telling us to move quickly because these strange monsters are coming to the clan fast! “Littlepaw, do you know of any other cats having this dream?” she asked desperately. “I dreamt that there were five other cats than me. If I’m guessing right, that means you were one of them and we need to find four more!” Her dull eyes flashed with intelligence and barely suppressed desire to defend her clan. “Littlepaw, I want you to ask other cats if they have had any odd dreams. But don’t tell them about yours. I don’t want the clan to go into a frenzy. The shortage of prey is bad enough with bare-leaf on our tails.” Licking the little, black she-cat between the ears, Patchpelt trotted away to find her apprentice. He had seemed a bit out of focus during training, and Patchpelt had thought it was because of lack of prey, but now she had a different idea. What if Shadowpaw had a dream as well?
Just call me Siri.
8:53pm May 24 2010
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Curling her tail around her side, Fernseed peered around the tree she was hiding behind. There was a huge monster resting in the sun a good tree-length away. The broken bodies of Ashfoot, Duskfire, and Ravenblaze were only a tail-length away. Oh, StarClan, why didn’t you tell me about this. They didn’t need to die! In a daring move, Fernseed shot out of her cover and grabbed Duskfire by the scuff and towed her back to ‘safety’. “Nightpaw, Gentlepaw look after her.” She mewed softly, “Berrypool, Quailfoot help me get the other two.”
Just call me Siri.
9:43pm May 24 2010
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"Then it is from StarClan!" Littlepaw blinked. "But me, why me? I'm about the size of a kit!" Then she thought strategy. "How about you ask the wariors, and I ask the apprentices? We can ask them if they've had any interesting stories, and act like we just want to hear something cool!"
10:26pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot padded towards Littlepaw and sat down with her overhearing the conversation. "This is probably a prophecy we must fulfill. And we have to find our new territory first. I suspect Patchpelt has also had such a dream?" Looking down he smiled at the apprentice.
11:09pm May 24 2010
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Jolting to her paws, Patchpelt almost hissed at Lostfoot. “Are you trying to scare me into StarClan!” she exclaimed with a loud yowl. “Try to stomp up on us like a fox; don’t be so quiet as if you were hunting a mouse. I’m sure I’m not that tasty anyway.” With a mrrow of laughter, Patchpelt glanced over her shoulder to make sure no other cat was listening in on them, like Lostfoot had obviously been. “So…you’ve had a dream as well… Littlepaw, I like your idea. Though, I will talk with Shadowpaw.”
Just call me Siri.
7:14pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Sounds perfect to me Sirum :) ooc; Me Electro and eklipse probably wont post Thursday night as we have our school play. ;P Jadewing padded into the warrios den wanting a nap. Her day had been tiresome and stressing, trying to find enough prey to feed such a large clan is hard. Whatever. she sighed At least I'm alive again. So shenclose her eyes and let the darkness carry her waway. Her dreams were dark and disturbed full of flashes of images. Birhgt round lights charging at her, and acidic tang of monsters, the ground being torn up. Suddenly a peace came across her, cool, light and fluffy. Snow. The monsters couldn't destroy in the snow. But then it was gone and they came back threatening to drive them ouyt, something had to be done. Waking up Jadeing panicked her now ice blue eys were wide with fear she ra nout, trying to head to one place she found peaceful in all hard times. Running out of the den she nearly bowled Patchpelt over in the process. Berrypool mewed hardly, "Yes Fernseed" she turned nd saw Shatterepaw heading their way. She quickly ran over to her and mewed,"Don't come unless you want to. I will not make you. There are three dead cats, you may come and help if you must but don't say I didn't warn you." Her blue tail was fluffed to more than twice its normal size as she ran back to help Fernseed and Quailfoot. Kestrelheart walked over to Bluepaw and mewed, "How about a training session? Fighting perhaps. I would like you to learn some defensive strategies before we practice attacking." His bottled pelt bristled up against the cold air, "I can't imagine why we are getting snow so lat this year."
7:52pm May 25 2010
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Rainfeather lay in her nest. In the medicine cat den, but then overheard. Patchpelt and some other cats talking about some dream. She pulled herself out of the den and joined the group. "I have also had this dream... " she meowed. Then looked toward Patchpelt, then swept her ice blue gaze over the others. Rainfeather swept her long white tail across the brittle gras.s. There is other cats here that have had the dream! I am one of them! She looked at the other cats. "What should we do about it?"
12:02am May 26 2010
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OoC: Oh, that sounds like fun! Enjoy the play, and break a leg! ::that's what they say...right?:: >3< BiC At first Patchpelt didn’t know what to do, all the cats were looking to her. Suddenly a single white snowflake landed on her nose. Closing her eyes and flattening her ears against the sudden chill that padded down her back fur, Patchpelt heard a whisper. StarClan places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight. Tears prickled the back of her eyes making them shimmer a startling emerald so pure that there was nothing to compare them to. Oh, Leopardheart! Taking a shaky breath, the calico she-cat mewed, “Now that we are only missing one cat, let us keep this to ourselves.” Looking at each cat in turn, Patchpelt felt courage building in her heart. “No need to make the clan any more nervous than they are, so let us be quiet about finding the next cat.” Gazing at Littlepaw she mewed, “You ask the apprentices’ and we, warriors, will ask the others.” Blinking to each in turn, she left them. The sudden drowsiness was becoming a familiar sign to Patchpelt. I can only hope that it won’t bring sadness. Patchpelt knew that she slumbered in her nest, back in the warriors’ den, but she felt miles away from home. A bitter, arctic snow stormed through the strange land. It was barren. Not a single tree to be seen, nor a stump. The dirt was hard, but she could feel the life protected underground. Padding forward in absolute silence, Patchpelt tasted the snowflakes and cringed. The sour, acidic monster scent was on them. Then she heard it. Her entire pelt bristled, as she turned to hiss at the shinny creature. But, to her surprise, it was retreating to the hard thunderpath. What seems to be a curse can be a hidden gift. Six hearts will unite to find what is lost…
With a fustrated sigh, Patchpelt didn’t know what to think of this new dream. I know that snow scares these new monsters, but what was lost? Fernseed looked back at Berrypool and Shatteredpaw. I hope that we will all get out of this safely...Glancing at Quailfoot, she gave a breif nod and all the cats jumped forward. Rushing to the fallen cats, the all helped to get the out of the open. Panting under the ferns, Fernseed mewed, "Good work -huff- When we catch -huff- our breath let's head -huff- back to camp." Looking down at the cats, she shivered. They were so mutated that Fernseed knew that if one had survived they would never be able to walk again.
Just call me Siri.
9:21am May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Padding back into camp after a training session with Patchpelt, Shadowpaw yawned widely and blinked tiredness from his eyes. Surely a quick nap won't hurt anything, i'll hunt after words. Slinking into the apprentices den, he sighed as the nest he'd created warmed his cool pelt and sleep fogged his mind. The yowling of cats was what woke him up from the deep sleep, the voice seeming to echo through his mind. Jumping from his nest, he noticed to other apprentices were in there and he wondered where they were. Exiting the den, he almost shrieked in terror. Shadowy cats lay around the clearing in pools of blood, none he was able to identify. Others were running from the camp with bristling pelts and wide eyes. The ground was shaking, and m*censored*ive yellow monsters, slower then the ones he was used to, burst in, jaws tossing cats left and right, crushing them. The trees around were falling as other monsters descended on the unsuspecting cats. One cat, the only one he could actually see appeared before one of the monsters, it's tiny body shimmering slightly. No longer is it safe here. It murmured, and Shadowpaw eerily realized who this was, it was as of he was looking at a tiny copy of himself. "Lostkit." He whispered, running for the tiny kit whose eyes were glowing with wisdom. Find the others, and lead with them. Shrieking with horror, the monster was over the kit in a flash, a pool of blood leaking out. Jolted from sleep again, eyes wide with terror, Shadowpaw got up from his nest with shaky paws. I need to find Patchpelt, maybe she knows what it means. Bolting from the den, he nearly ran into his mentor, not expecting her to be so close. "Patchpelt, I..I had a dream." He whispered. "Lostkit was there, except he..died." Body quaking, he looked up at Patchpelt for help.

9:26am May 26 2010
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(( I have to fall down to the ground crying in the play so I might break a leg XD )) Shatteredpaw struggled to keep up the pace with Berrypool, her paws began to sting because she had rubbed them raw. "Oh no.." she muttered then tried to walk forward but collapsed for a rest. Quailfoot arrived with Nightpaw, "Thank you.." Nightpaw murmured and rested quailfoot looked around at the tired cats. When she was an apprentice in Scarletclan, it didn't matter how tired she was. She still had to keep running. Which obviously still has an impact on her to this day.
8:44pm May 26 2010
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ooc; I have to laugh at Sir Pettipot ;P I'm a knight who is a little bit... stipid ;P Berrypool padded over to Shatteredpaw and ay her tail across the young cat's back, "Go back to the clan. You need to rst."
9:14am May 27 2010
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Staring down at her apprentice Patchpelt was a bit surprised. She had thought that Shadowpaw might be one of the six, but it hadn’t really sunk in yet. Now it was like a fresh prick of a thorn. Where do we go from here? The calico she-cat mewed, “Lostkit was in your dream? You’re sure of it?” That could only mean that each of them might get guidance from StarClan. If that is true, then Leopardheart is my companion. “Shadowpaw, you and I are not the only cats to have received a dream. There are others,” she whispered, making sure that no cat could hear them. “We should all meet tonight…by the Basking rocks, ok? I will tell the others.” Licking her apprentice on the top of his head, Patchpelt felt like her tail was being pulled. But I know that this is really happening. Fernseed looked at the sullen warriors, and at her two apprentices and Shatteredpaw. “No, Berrypool, we have the warriors now. I don’t want us to separate.” She meowed calmly, “Let’s all move slowly back to camp.” Suddenly a fat, fluffy snowflake landed before her, then another, and another, and another. Soon the sky turned a gray-white, and snow was falling thickly. This will make for a long cold travel back, but safety from the monsters following.
Just call me Siri.
9:15am May 27 2010
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OoC: It's my birthday. ^.^ <3
Just call me Siri.
1:06pm May 27 2010
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Posts: 779
Happy Birthday Siri!! ^^
4:41pm May 27 2010
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::giggles:: Thanks Electro~
Just call me Siri.
4:56pm May 27 2010
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