4:38pm May 30 2010
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7:17pm May 30 2010
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ooc; Bumpo ;P
9:58pm May 30 2010
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ooc; East!!! You should probably reply to Shatteredpaw, which is on the other pg c:
6:02pm May 31 2010
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ooc;....... BUMP
11:32pm May 31 2010
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OoC: Ahh! I'm back! ::tumbles in:: Sorry to leave like that, but for my B-day I got to go to a horse camp. x3 ::Which was uber fun!:: And Eklipse, no problem with the switchie thing. I like it that way. It's much easier, don't you think? I was doing it on another Rp, and kinda spaced and did it on this one. o3o' I hope it wasn't too confusing. And, as you can see, I want to post!! Lol BiC Fernseed looked at Shatteredpaw and meowed sternly, “Kit, stop squabbling like some angry squirrel. You are far exceeding my expectations.” Flicking her tail at the apprentices’ paw, she continued, “Look at your walk. You can catch prey now too. I think that is far from helpless.” Whiskers twitching in irritation, Fernseed hoped that Shatteredpaw understood how serious she was. I once thought that she would never walk again, but I was wrong. Very wrong. His black pelt clung to his thin sides, as Swiftdarkness patrolled the boarder by TreeClan. He had even seen a mouse tail since he left the warriors den. How long will this last, he wondered solemnly. Then a strange rasp caught his attention, “Twigstripe!” Crouching into a stalking pose, Swiftdarkness hid in some bracken ferns. “Firpaw, you’ve gone too far again.” A she-cat hissed. “Get over here!” “But I saw a mouse,” the apprentice complained. “It’s not ours to take, you should know better.” The she-cat grumbled again. Padding from his hiding place, Swiftdarkness mewed, “Thank StarClan for honest warriors.” He couldn’t stop a soft mrrow of laughter when Twigstripe jumped slightly, and fluffed up, but not nearly as much as the tabby apprentice. “The times are stressing your clan?” he asked gently. After a pause Twigstripe mewed, “Yes, but we will manage as always.” With a flick of her tail, she got Firpaw to her side. “We will be leaving,” she mewed and slipped into the underbrush with Firpaw hot on her pads. She and Leopardheart look so similar that I had thought, for a moment, that he was back. With a sigh of disbelief, Swiftdarkness mourned his friend, and kits again.
Just call me Siri.
11:36pm May 31 2010 (last edited on 11:37pm May 31 2010)
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Desired Name: Firpaw [Firtail] Position: Apprentice Family:
Age: 6 1/2 moons Additional Info: He is pretty little for right now, but he will grow into a strong warrior like the picture below. Gender: Tom Appearance: A deep brown with black stripes, and his eyes are seafoam green. 
Personality: Outgoing and bossy. He's not important, but I just wanted him to come into the Rp a bit. =)
Just call me Siri.
9:21am Jun 1 2010 (last edited on 6:13pm Jun 1 2010)
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9:27am Jun 1 2010
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ooc; Yea Siri, it is alot better... and pretty eayer too. c: Shatteredpaw let out an eritated hiss, Berrypool and I both know that I can't catch prey.. But will I really be able to help? Shatteredpaw pushed that thought away. She is acting like a kit, panicking.
5:26pm Jun 1 2010
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((OMFG, I want the new CS pet! Ezhani, or something... It's so cool! *Drools* If only my mom would let me buy creds on this game... *Sighs* If anyone was to give me one I woul love them forever an ever and ever an ever an ever and I them an Aerix!!!*Very much wants one*))
5:51pm Jun 1 2010
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(( Wow Fullmoon. You make me want to give you one.... if I had one... Sorreh but If I did have one I would give it to you :) )) Desired Name: Brightleaf Position: Warrior( She is replacing Emeraldrain!! ) Family: CaveClan/ Treeclan, she never new her parents. Mate:none Crush: [open] ( Sorry East... Emeraldrain Dumped Raveneyes... unless, Raveneyes wants to be with her in a different clan... she is going to her Parrents Clan, TreeClan :P ) Age: (not needed) 16 moons Additional Info Gender: female Appearance: Has big black paws. http://dandelionsflowers.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/cat-in-gra*ss.jpg before you go to this link, take the thing out of gra*ss Personality: Very gentle cat. But she is like a Tigerclaw at Fighting, she is good at hunting and eventually, wants to have kits. She is a very likeable she-cat.
6:12pm Jun 1 2010
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Brightleaf padded through the forest. She didn't need a hunting patrol to find her fresh kill. All she needs is silence. The gra.ss felt soft under her pads; as she walked. The brittle leaves blew off the tree's they were perched on, leaving the ground ahead covered. The prey would probably not come out of there burrows, so what is the use? Determined that she would bring some fresh kill back to the Clan, she began to pad forward again. A small tail flickered back and fourth through the leafless hazel bush. Brightleaf crouched down as the small vole darted out of its protection, into the open to nibble on something. Setting each big black paw down as she stalked it, she avoided startling the small creature. Brightleaf sprang, and gripped her jaws on the vole, killing it. She lay the prey down and looked at it, scrawny, thin, and little, like the whole of IceClan was becoming. "It is better than nothing..." she muttered to herself. Then padded back to camp, she set her small vole on the fresh-kill pile and sat down outside the warriors den, wrapping her tail neatly around her feet. She starred forward, longing for company from another warrior. "I hope the prey will be restored..." (( #ccff00))
6:22pm Jun 1 2010
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((Fullmoon: They beat meragons. O,o Never thought I would say that...as in NEVER. But I want one so badly that I am going to sell Matrix, Zero, and other albinos/meragons/creatu/items/everything! o3o' ))
Just call me Siri.
7:07pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Woah, this is the day Siri goes crazy. You like horses, allot I take it? :3 Just like me about birds O>o, I adore Mirabilli's and Easaro's and Ulius's and Aeirix's, but Mirabillis the best. Thay are mah fav o^o ))
7:30pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Eklipse: If you get an Ezahni just tell me and we can trade. I have two aerixs waiting to be sold for Ezahnis ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
9:32pm Jun 1 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC: Whoa! Sorry I haven't been on in a while major writers block. Also erm...Eklispe...whats gonna happen to Snowkit then? I mean Emeraldrain left so he's back to being parentless.)) Lostfoot padded into the clearing looking around he padded towards the freshkill pile and took a small vole. OOC; It's the best I can come up with.))
4:38pm Jun 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Is so making a Ezhani roleplay. Anybody wanna help me with the plot?))
10:03pm Jun 2 2010
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ooc; Siri, That will probably never happen. I don't get CS pets. Ever. Never. I have only had... 1, so far :P ooc#2: Electro: Okay, I did not hink of that!!!!!!!! OMGOSH. Lol, ok.... well I will keep Emeraldrain then. Sorry about that she is still in the clan :) Brightleaf looked across the clearing, to see that Lostfoot was eating his fresh-kill alone. She padded over to him, hoping that she didn't seem to wreck his privacy, or interrupt the past medicine cat's thoughts. "uh... Hi." she meowed, Hoping he would be in a good mood. She didn't want to talk to any cats with a bad aditude, or a grumpy mood. "I hope you don't mind me interrupting... " she meowed, "but I would like to talk to a cat... any cat... that won't snap at me." Without me clawing off there ears first. She silently continued her sentence. ((#ccff00))
12:16am Jun 3 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot looked up and purred. "Hello. Of course I don't mind. Why would I do that?" Tilting his head to the side curiously he obviously showed he was not even close to violent or bad tempered. Sitting up he smiled at her. "Would you like to share my fresh kill?" OOC Eklipse: Ok))
9:48am Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 2:35pm Jun 4 2010)
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"Oh no," Brightleaf meowed, "You are far more important than me." Then she looked at his fresh-kill, her stomach rumbled Disagreeing with her decision. Brightleaf swayed her paw along the light blanket of snow on the ground. "What was it like... in CaveClan?" she meowed curiously. A strike of panic bolted her side, like a bolt of lightning. What happened in CaveClan that I am...Brightleaf stared at Lostfoot, then she plunged into memory's. Brightkit was padding on the oft ground when...A huge cat came thundering toward her, it was too dark to tell what he looked like. She bent down, affraid of what might happen next then, the huge tom cat swiped at her, nocking her of her feet so easily, the cat kept swiping her till Brightkit didn't know what was happening, she just was getting slammed into the cave walls. The huge tom cat stopped in front of her, then she realized she was bleeding in several places, she stared up into its ____ eyes, it snarled and horrified, she realized she couldn't move. Then a familiar Grey cat stood in front of her. "Get away Lostfoot." the huge cat sneered to lostfoot, "She has seen to much." (( East- what color are hawstar's eyes?)) (( Electro&East : That okay with you ? ^^ ))
2:34pm Jun 4 2010
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