2:06pm Nov 28 2009
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Cheetahpaw proudly puffed out his chest, and came to sit by Patchpaw. "I'm an aprentice!" He wooped.
5:30pm Nov 28 2009
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Silentpaw sat at the back of the group, amber eyes slitted in anger. Swallowing his snarl, he got up and padded up to his mentor.Can we please go learn some battle moves, alone." He asked stiffly, claws sinking into the ground. He wondered what heas so mad about, oh wait, maybe it had something to do with that new apprentice.
5:50pm Nov 28 2009
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Cheetahpaw stiffened. He didn't like Silentpaw one little bit. He sat beside Patchpaw. "Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!" He said.
7:12pm Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 2:37pm Nov 29 2009)
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Tigerfang walked up to Cheetahpaw and said, "If you're that whiny you'll never be a warrior" she said turning away and calling out to her apprentice. ((Kestrelpaw, male, brown with black spotty stripish things and white under belly bright blue eys. Looks like a kestrel basicly)) Eaglestar prodded Patchpaw with her nose and said, "Come on, we're going hunting." hoping to teach her apprentice some eof the things they've been missing doing together.
8:30pm Nov 28 2009
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8:43pm Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 5:59pm Oct 6 2010)
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The Basics: Name:Rainkit (Rainpaw) { Rainfeather} [Rainstar] Nicknames:LongClaws, Mutant, freak Age:19 moons Position:Leader Gender:She-cat Birthplace:FireClan Residence:IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Piercing Ice blue Coat Color: White spotted silver pelt. Scars: One across the eyes, a different scar on the back of her leg, and a long scar on her back. Distinguishing Features:The Icy blue eyes, very long black claws, tall, silvery fur -link coming- , The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, birds and how they chirp, Likes: Being accepted to her Clan, feeling as one of them even though she desn’t fit in. Dislikes: Being judged because of her Claws, where she came from, who her father was, Secret(s): I have been A ScarletClan cat, there mark is on the back of my leg, I also am from FireClan I look like them. Thin, and fast. Weaknesses: Too much Sympathy, unstable emotions, love. Always wanted a mate, if someone were to pick on me, that would be the thing to pick on. Strengths: Very very fast, sleek, long Claws for battle Pet Peeves: Being called any nicknames, from ‘LongClaws’ to ‘Mutant’ Fears: Having kits, The Other: Scent: Bright scent, flashy, but distant, like the scent of a past forest fire, Crush: none Family: Rosepaw, larkpaw, Jadepaw, Featherpaw, Nightfall, Poisonheart. Deceased; Brother Redstorm, sisiter, Blackfang, Mother Pheonixstar, Father Iceheart. Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope. Kits are weird. Additional Information: Rainfeather always had lived a hard life, being born half Clan and Both of those Clans she never even lived in, her Father being Iceheart, her sister Blackfang nearly destroying the Clans, and her Genetically tested Claws. Knowing she would never fit in, when Rainfeather was a kit, she ran away from IceClan, to Find a Clan of some sorts, called ScarletClan. ScarletClan, the Clan of cats for albino's accepted Rainfeather, because of her crimson colored eyes, they gave her a scar of there symbol on her back leg, like they do to there young, and trained her as if she was one of there own. Rainfeather had gone hunting one day, and she got captured and genetically tested on, making her have abnormally huge Claws and changing her eye color to a pricing Ice blue. Later in Rainfeather's life, when she was an apprentice, Redpaw(Storm) Was tested on too Changing his, normally ginger pelt to an actual red color. Rainfeather never kept trying to be trusted, until she finally got to her warrior life, when she attacked, and blinded a cat from her own Clan, under the control of Iceheart. Later Rainfeather suffered the sorrow of her Brother Redstorm, and her Sister Blackfang's deaths, and she knew that after that she could only try to be trusted again. Being the harsh and kind she cat, with all her feelings coming out at once, you may find it that you automatically like her, or automatically hate her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Basics: Name: Cardinalkit (Cardinalpaw) {Cardinaltail} Nicknames: None so far. Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: Tom Birthplace: Old ScarletClan territory. Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Vibrant, fiery red Coat Color: White, with brown stripes, a black underbelly and a red tail. Scars: A scar across the bridge of his nose. Distinguishing Features: Long tail, red eyes, very skinny and tall, and odd pelt markings The Personality: Loves: Hunting, and being depended on by other Clan mates, being trusted. Likes: Being included with Rosepaw and the other adopted siblings, he doesn’t like feeling like the outsider. Dislikes: Swimming, anything to do with water, CaveClan cats, Secret(s): I am Cinderstar’s son. Weaknesses: Fast comebacks, verbal fights Strengths: Respectful and quick learner, hunting and fighting Pet Peeves: Confrontation with She-cats. The Other: Scent: Golden-rod, sweet but brisk. Crush: -Open- Family: Deceased Ivynose and Cinderstar. Adopted Mother Eaglestar, and Adopted sisters, Rosepaw, Featherpaw, Larkpaw, Jadepaw. Mate: N/A Offspring: No. That is all I am going to say. T_T Additional Information: Cardinalpaw is a very unique cat, he is very respectful of his senior warriors and the warrior code. Being half Clan doesn't seem to bother this cat, he keeps on going knowing he will probably never see his father or brother again. Ivynose would have been a great mother, but she would have never had known what her son had looked like after being blinded, and having Cardinalpaw and Arrowpaw as an elder could have striped her from them, but she never got to know Cardinalpaw's loyalty to his adopted Clan because she died before he could say goodbye.others whisper behind his back about his and his emaciated size. Also Starpaw is petrified to fight, always seeing the face of the fox that slaughtered his family instead of an enemy warrior. Cardinalpaw’s brother Arrowpaw is now in FireClan, with the Remaining ScarletClan cats.But due to his intellectual smartness, though, he enjoys watching Mistsoul and Nightfall work, he always enjoys being able to learn new things. The Basics: Name: Sunstripe Age: 19 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Residence: TreeClan The apperence: Eye color: Fern green Coat color: Light ginger Distinguishing Features: Very strong build.  The Other: Scent: Honey, sweet smelling Family: Rainstar. Mate: No! T-T Additional Info: Sunstripe also lost Redstorm and Blackfang, but in a different way than Rainfeather. He never knew Redstorm existed, he always thought he was killed by a twoleg monster on the Thunderpath, and he thought Blackfang was kept in the genetic testing place. But he was wrong, after Blackfang's death, he was brought to IceClan to be re-united with his brother and sister, by Pheonixstar. Living IceClan, he never felt like he fit in, and after he lost Redstorm to sickness, a TreeClan warrior by the name of Nightclaw came to IceClan to retrieve him. His high energy and random attitude. cane make it hard to like him, but when you get inside of his heart you will wish you can never be out.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Basics: Name: Emeraldkit (Emeraldpaw) {Emeraldrain} Nicknames: None so far. Age: 16 moons Position: Queen Gender: She-cat Birthplace: She was a rouge, unknown Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Sea foam green, Coat Color: Black tabby with a brown pelt Scars: none Distinguishing Features: Different colored eyes and black and light brown tabby markings  The Personality: Loves: Her kits, Raveneyes, feeling protected Likes: Safety, her Clan, Dislikes: Heights, fox’s badgers, fighting, Rainstar…, taste of fish Secret(s): I don’t actually like the Clan life. Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, Strengths: Hunting, social activity, Pet Peeves: Heights, paralyzes her, The Other: Scent: Water-mint, crisp and sweet Crush: Raveneyes Family: Loners, I am not sure which ones though. :/ Mate: Raveneyes Offspring: Duskkit and Sunkit <3 Additional Information: Emeraldrain is a kind and happy she-cat, she actually would turn out to be a wonderful mother, which she later became. Her kind and soothing ways helped Snowkit when he first Arrived in IceClan, making her an Ideal mother for her Kits Duskkit and Sunkit. Although she secretly hates the Clan life, the reason she stayed in it was because of her mate, Raveneyes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Basics: Name: Hawkkit -Shatteredkit- (Shatteredpaw) {Shatteredrose} Nicknames: Dead foot, Age: 16 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Shallow light blue Coat Color: Very deep ginger tabby Scars: Torn ear, lost foot, other pelt scars Distinguishing Features: The dark pelt color, lost paw, torn ear.
The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, Likes: the smell of horsetail Dislikes: Being disabled and teased because of it, not being able to hear from her left ear Secret(s): My father is Nightclaw of FireClan, and my sisters aren’t related to me Weaknesses: Fighting, swimming, hunting, hearing from the left side of her, running Strengths: Sharp toung, free living almost :P Pet Peeves: not being able to run The Other: Scent: Dried leaves from fall Crush: -Open- Family: Father: Nightclaw Mate: Uh, no. Offspring: No thank you…? Additional Information :Shatteredrose would make a terrible leader, her small sense of awareness and her shy but outgoing personality would destroy IceClan. Her courage, disappeared after she got attacked by a fox at young, causing her paw to be lost. But lucky for her, StarClan has nothing for her like that in her road, they are worked around her Hard apprenticeship to give her a great future as her new ti tle as a warrior.
8:47pm Nov 28 2009
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((What??? We're allowed to make new clans?))
8:56pm Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 1,713
Oh I had no clue what waz going on I don't know the clans
9:17pm Nov 28 2009
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Ivy Nose padded up to her sister "Eagleflame, were have you been!" she meowed in exitment. "I was attacked, or atleast that is whet I thought.. I haven't been able to find the clan since!". Ivynose's tail twitched in excitement, as she gazed into her sisters eyes. Sorrow began to wash over Ivynose's warm look. "Or... or...where have I been.." she murmured.
10:18am Nov 29 2009
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((eklipse, could you use one of these; ( ) [ ] { }, when talking out of character or say OOC: so we aren't confused. And it's Eaglestar, we already have a leader. So if you wouldn't mind changing Phoenixstar to a warriors name, we also have to deputy.))
Just call me Siri.
10:20am Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 5:34pm Oct 13 2010)
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The Basics: Name: -Poisonkit- (Poisonpaw) {Poisonheart} Nicknames: None so far, But I would tear off any cat's ear that gave me one. Age: 16 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Sickly green Coat Color: White with odd tabby markings. Scars: Torn ear. Distinguishing Features: Strange eye color.
The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, battles in between other Cats and Clans, Likes: Being the most aggressive, being feared, Dislikes: Knowing her mother was evil, being lied to, being questioned, Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father... I don't know who he is. Weaknesses: Hunting, swimming, Strengths: Battling, fighting, Pet Peeves: Fearing beetles... The Other: Scent: The smell after it rains Crush: No. Family: Mother: Blackfang /Sister: Nightfall Mate: How do I tell you this lightly. NO. Offspring: If I don't have a mate I wouldn't want offspring, yes? Additional Information :Living up to her name, Poisonheart is a smart and cunning cat, her ability's will make her a warrior IceClan will favor. But the thought of being from another Clan didn't hurt her as much as her sister Nightfall, knowing she was a child of a murderous cat damaged Poisonheart, but like everything else, it made her stronger. The Basics: Name: -Nightkit- (Nightpaw) {Nightfall} Nicknames: None... I hope, I don't get any though... o_0 Age: 16 moons Position: Medicine Cat Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light pale blue Coat Color: Pure Jet black Scars: none so far, Distinguishing Features: Different, FireClan Build.
The Personality: Loves: My Clan, My position, healing Likes: Being a little different, Dislikes: Not being able to see, being judged about where she was born. Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father is Snowdarkness, the murderess FireClan medicine cat. I haven't told Poisonheart who our father is yet... I don't plan on it though... Weaknesses: Fighting, emotional strength, Strengths: Sharp comebacks, Pet Peeves: stepping in mud and water, which makes me wonder why, I am fully FireClan. :S The Other: Scent: Mourning, the day after a thunderstorm. Crush: -OPEN- Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: I am forbidden to have one... But I wouldn't mind one. Offspring: No..................... >Cries< Additional Information :Nightfall's personality is unlike her mother, Blackfang's , she rarely gets angry and puts the needs of her Clan first. Nightfall will be sweet and kind hearted again though, the thought of her Father being a medicine cat, a murderer and knowing she is a mistake hurts her like nothing she has ever felt before. Some cats still can tell that she is related to her terroris mother, her tall legs and black fur is a major resemblance, but that doesn't bother her as much as knowing who her parents are and loosing a relative, to fact, because they have different mothers. But What StarClan can say to Nightpaw is that her path will be getting allot more interesting... The Basics: Name: -Featherkit- (Featherpaw) {Featherstorm} Nicknames: If. You. Give. Me. One. You. Are. Dead. T-T Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Flashing bright red. Coat Color: Leopard spotted and tan. Scars: One cut on her ear, and one thin one down her back. Distinguishing Features: Red eyes, Sharp black Claws. 
The Personality: Loves: My parents. Which are dead. Likes: Being very aggressive. Dislikes: Rosepaw, Larkpaw, snowkit, etc. Secret(s): My mentor, Blackfang told me that he killed Eaglestar. I tried to tell the others. They didn't believe me. My mentor also is ruff with me............... >,= Weaknesses: Being nice, confiding in others. Strengths: Fighting, Hunting, Pet Peeves: Being told what to do. The Other: Scent: Smoke after it has burned through the forest.... Crush: -OPEN- But I won't have a crush on them. Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: NU. >3 ha turned down. Offspring: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I am an apprentice, genius. Additional Information :Featherpaw will never be a easy cat to like, her fast tung and easily triggered aggressiveness will always remind her cats of her Aunt Blackfang. But unlike her, she has some things that will make her moods turn around, but right now no cat knows these things but her. Part of Featherpaw's personality is also how she treats her apprenticeship, she is oddly willing to do everything her mentor tells her to, in order to be like her father, and also her mother Redstorm & Eaglestar.
10:40am Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 10:42am Nov 29 2009)
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((Sorry I haven’t been on.)) (Back at Cheetahpaw’s naming ceremony) Patchpaw called out Gillian’s new name until the Clan quieted down. Watching as Cheetahpaw walked toward her see twitched her tail impatiently. When he sat next to her she mewed, “Congratulations Cheetahpaw!” Rubbing her cheek along his and purring in delight. “Welcome to the Clan and Cougarclaw will be a great mentor! She’s wise and patient, but she’s a bit of a loner so don’t give her a hard time or anything,” she said rapidly. Looking of to the side Patchpaw saw Silentpaw glaring with menace at Cheetahpaw, and maybe her. Is he angry with me? I know he doesn’t like Cheetahpaw for some reason. But would my liking him drive Silentpaw away? I wouldn’t want that. Blinking apologetically Patchpaw said to Cheetahpaw, “I have to go Eaglestar wants me. Also don’t listen to Tigerfang; she can be a bit harsh.” Dashing away to go practice with Eaglestar, Patchpaw spared a glance over at Silentpaw and saw him following Leopardheart. (Present) Leopardheart was surprised to hear his apprentice talk in such a tone. I’m going to have to watch that he doesn’t get any more violent to Cheetahpaw. Silentpaw is a smart cat, he may be able to learn by watching me. Leopardheart nodded, “I think it would be a great time to practice together. You had some faults that I want to correct and so alone time with my apprentice would be good.” Flicking his tail for Silentpaw to follow, Leopardheart lead the way to the training area. Once there Leopardheart started with the basics. By the time they were done both apprentice and mentor were breathing hard and thinking more clearly. I think it would be good for him to fume a little about Cheetahpaw. “Silentpaw, you can talk to me about anything, and yes, I mean Cheetahpaw. I see that you don’t like him but make sure that this doesn’t affect your mind. You will be a strong warrior and you need to trust your leader’s decision, and I know you will. Just don’t let this poison you, many great warriors have fallen prey to this, I don’t want you to be one of them.” Leopardheart told Silentpaw, hoping that he had said the right thing. Giving Silentpaw an encouraging lick on the ear he mewed, “And you fought well today. I’m glad to have you on my side because I don’t know what I would do in a battle against you.”
Just call me Siri.
10:56am Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 10:57am Nov 29 2009)
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Cougarclaw looked around the camp; I wonder where Cheetahpaw got off to. I was hoping to show him around our territory. Seeing him sitting by the Elders den she thought, and how can I miss him? Silly mouse-brain I am at times. Trotting over to him Cougarclaw said, “I would like to show you around the territory. It would be nice for you to know it so that you won’t get lost hunting or wander into another land when patrolling.” Seeing him nod in excitement, she motioned him to follow her. “It a bit after sun-high so we have to make this quick if we’re to return before dark.” Setting a brisk pace out of camp she was pleased to see that he could easily keep up. I don’t think I’ll have to wait up for him. Let’s see just how long he can last though. Picking up the pace so that they were at a leisurely *lope, noting that he wasn’t breathing hard she kept the speed. They made a whole round in record time, having stopped at all the necessary landmarks while checking the borders for intruders. “You did very well today. Get some rest, tomorrow well wake up early and start your hunting lesson then you may feed the Elders and yourself. And maybe if you do really well we might do some lesson work on fighting.” Cougarclaw stated then nodded to the fresh-kill, “Don’t forget to eat. Prey will be getting harder to find soon so eat up.” (((*lope is a four beat motion that is smoother than a jog/trot and much faster.)))
Just call me Siri.
11:10am Nov 29 2009
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Silentpaw panted and tried to smile at Leopardheart. "I wont let Cheetahpaw affect me. I dont need no distractions in the clan to keep me from my ulitmate goal, becoming one of Iceclan's greatest warriors." He meowed, looking up at the sky with shining eyes. "You want to know why I dont like Cheetahpaw?" Besides him taking Patchpaw away. He thought bitterly. "Its because he was born a kittypet, and is able to become a warrior. While my brother and sister were born clan cats yet they can never know what thats like. They died along with my mother, so I want to become a warrior for them both, not myself." He told her, feeling his heart drop at the thought of his lost littermates. "I wont pay no attention to Cheetahpaw, let him do as he wants, but one wrong move to Icelan and i'll shred him!" He snarled, fur bristling and amber eyes blazing. ((Hm, Im gonna add a litte more drama to Silentpaw's life. Plus I dont have anything to do with Fallenwind.)) Fallenwind sat at the edge f camp while watching the clan bustle around. He diddn't have anything aginst Cheetahpaw, andproved it by congradulating him. He wished Silentpaw was a little more forgiving, but once his mind was set he would not budge. Just like his mother. He thought with anguish, picturing the beautiful silver she-cat. He knew it was hard for the apprentice to be alone, without his mother and litter-mates, and not knowing his father. Cringing with guilt, he knew it was his fault that Silentpaw diddn't know his father. But how can I tell him, he'd hate me! Looking around, he wished thee was something to do to occupy his worried mind.

1:12pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 1:12pm Nov 29 2009)
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(((=o You called Leopardheart a girl! Lol, sorry Stray I had to say that~))) Leopardheart looked at the young cat knowing that he was already a warrior. What a burden it must be to know that his litter-mates will never become the warriors they were meant to be. To lose his mother, at such a young and tender age, never knowing who is father was, or is, and be left all alone in his own Clan. Nudging Silentpaw with affection, Leopardheart said, “I know that your mother, and Whisperkit are both very proud of you. They are watching your every step from StarClan, not judging you, praising your decisions and hoping you learn from the mistakes you make.” Leopardheart felt an odd pull while he looked at Silentpaw; I hope that my kits will grow to be strong like this. “Let us go eat. Maybe Patchpaw will be back from her training with Eaglestar. Keep her close Silentpaw; it’s nice to have a warrior that you can trust when the going gets tough.”
Just call me Siri.
1:39pm Nov 29 2009
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((Opp's sorry!)) Silentpaw nodded, but decided aginst his last words. Patchpaw has Chetahpaw now, she does not need me. He thought in annoyance. Anyway, if I get to close to another cat, then i'll pay more attention to them then my training, I cannot let that happen! Fluffing up his fur, he padded into the camp and over to the fresh-kill pile. Picking out a small mouse, he sat under a small bush to eat, thinking on his mentors words. Fallenwind was about to walk over to Silentpaw, but decided aginst it. The apprentice seemed to be thinking about something. Sighing, he spotted Falconwing fixing to head out into the forest, looking glum. "Whats wrong Falconwing, its not like you to mope around?" The secat jumped and scuffled her paw unconfortablly. "I just miss Silentpaw." She grummbled. But at least I know him and treat him like my son, unlike his father ho wants nothing to do with him. She gared at Fallenwind, who looked uncomfortable like he knew what she was thinking. "Your lying Falconwing, now as deputy I want you to tell me whats bugging you." She scowled. "Alright, I just think I screwed things up with Swiftdarkness, and I diddn'tven do anything." She snapped and thrashed her tail. Great, mate problems. Theres one complication I dont have. At least not anymore. "Then patch it up, dont stand around moppeing." He snapped, and she hissed aggresivly. "Dont take out your grief over Shimmerpool's death on me! She was my bestfriend, and I payed my last regards to her by keeping her son alive! The least you could do is spend time with your own son!" Fallenwind lashed out one paw and slammed it into her head, eyes glittering with fury. "Dont talk to me like I dont care about Silentpaw, he's all I got left." Falconwing stood back up ad shook droplets of blood off her fur. "Then show it!" She yowled, unshealthing her claws and advancing on the deputy, who stood his ground, ready to attack.

1:44pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 1:46pm Nov 29 2009)
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Mistkit looked at her mother, who was napping with Ravenkit, Birdkit and Duskkit all curled around, then turning she crept out of the nursery. Looking around she spotted Tigerfang, Cougarclaw, Cheetahpaw and Spiritfeather. Not the cats that I’m looking for, thought the kit. I can’t believe that Eaglestar said that it was ok for me to become the apprentice of Fernpaw! I can’t wait to go to the HighStones with her. Trotting over to the Medicine den, she quickly found Fernpaw dipping her head in greeting Mistkit sat by her soon to be mentor. “When do we get to leave?” asked Mistkit. Fernpaw looked at Mistkit and replied, “I think it would be best for the Clan if we leave today. Let us go tell your mother and Eaglestar that we are going to leave.” Nodding rapidly Mistkit rushed ahead and went to the nursery and told Jadewing quietly so that the other kits wouldn’t wake up. Bounding out she found Eaglestar and Fernpaw waiting for her then Eaglestar said, “Travel quickly and safely, may StarClan be with you.” At that both Fernpaw and Mistkit set out for Mothermouth were the Moonstone was located. It's really happening, I'm going to come back a completely different cat. I will finally be able to prove my worth to my Clan. (Fast Forward, so I won't have to write it later.) Fernseed and Mistpaw entered camp in the twilight of the next day. They had gone to the Moonstone and received their new names. They had also gone and talked to the other medicine cats of the different Clans, showing themselves as the new medicine cats and asking about sicknesses and herbs. Tired for the exhausted by their journey both she-cat walked to the Medicine den lay down for some well earned rest.
Just call me Siri.
1:57pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 2:01pm Nov 29 2009)
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(((No problem))) Swiftdarkness, who was just coming out of the warriors den, looked over and saw that Falconwing and Fallenwind were about to fight. What’s with this! Running over with frightening speed, Swiftdarkness put himself between the two and demanded, “What is the problem here?” Looking back and forth, he stopped cold. Is that blood on Falconwing’s face? Glancing at Fallenwind’s paw he saw a bit of Falconwing’s fur between the deputies claws. How could he! Fur bristling Swiftdarkness checked his temper, barely, and said to Fallenwind, “Go talk to Eaglestar of something” and before he could stop himself, “Or I just might claw your eyes out!” Turning his back to the deputy, with all the disrespect he could manage in that gesture, he cuddled closer to Falconwing. “Are you ok?” Swiftdarkness purred out between licking her wound. It was a small scratch but he was still fuming at Fallenwind. What a way to abuse power! How could he! Calm down Swift, you don’t know the whole story. Catching Falconwing’s eye, he mewed, “Do you need Fernseed? I can take you to her. Oh, wait they went to the Moonstone, well I can take care of you if you need it. Do you need it?" Ears twitching back he thought, I sound like a worried she-cat whose kit got hurt. That's the last thing I want her to think, she's a strong cat. Stuttering Swiftdarkness said, "I mean...well that is if..." giving up he said, "Are you ok?" Knowing that he had said that for only the million-th time.
Just call me Siri.
1:58pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 1:59pm Nov 29 2009)
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((Late post, hold on and let me fix it.))
2:02pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 2:04pm Nov 29 2009)
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((Late post where? o.o)) ((I think I might have late posted with Leopardheart. (= oops))
Just call me Siri.