3:29pm Jun 4 2010
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Lostfoot looked down at his paws remembering his many memories in Caveclan. Most not good. He was one of the few cats he believed willing to stand up against their leader. Being a medicine cat Hawkstar could not attack him. "Alot had happened in the clan...Hawkstar is still in control...sadly. I left the clan wanting no part in his evil ways. I tried my best to reason with him but sadly enough...he never listened. He never liked me in his clan. He thought I was weak. Never the less I was granted an apprentice. I left soon after my apprentice was given his Medicine cat name. He knew of the plan. Hawkstar is a good leader but sadly corrupt. Power makes him blind. He wants more I think. He may try to take the other clans. But I can never be certain." licking Brightleafs head sharing the memory he mummered his sympathy of that fateful night. She had most likely of been killed if not for him. "But now I belong to Iceclan as a warrior. I do not regret my decision to leave Caveclan. It is not the clan I remember. Sometimes I regret our last leaders decision of deputy. But they chose who they thought strong enough to lead the clan." ((OOC Eklipse; Othay.))
3:32pm Jun 4 2010
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5:28pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm Jun 4 2010)
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Brightleaf looked at the medicine cat, He is wise beyond any cat I have known. She looked into his eyes, "Thank you..." she meowed, "But I still regret leaving..... or.. I mean.. I didn't want to go but... Hawkstar....." her voice trailed off, then she remembered, the scars that Hawkstar had left on her. A scratch across the muzzle, like Tigerstar had, and a torn and ripped ear; Which still remained. She looked down at her black paws, "I am afraid of what will happen next..." she meowed, remembering how Hawkstar had killed her parents in front of her and Silverstrike (a new CaveClan warrior), not knowing they were watching; then Hawkstar saw Silverstrike and Brightleaf, he killed Silverstrike before anything else happened, when Silverstrike was guarding brightleaf. Brightleaf's heart ached, she had loved Silverstrike. "Nice talking to you..." she meowed trying to sound happier. Then padded sadly to her nest in the warriors den. ((#ccff00)) ((And Electro, Silverstrike is my cat... not The other Silevrstar :P and Do you want to make Crimsonfang talk to Rainfeather? she is in the medi act den :D ))
5:41pm Jun 4 2010
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((OOC; Eklipse, othay. And Ya I need to play the bumm. XD)) Lostfoot nodded to her in return. Crimsonfang padded up to Rainfeather who had been in the medicine cats den for a while. Sitting infront of her he mewed. "Hey. How you doin'?"
5:48pm Jun 4 2010
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Rainfeather was looking into the dark forest when she heard "Hey. How you doin'?" The familiar meow sounded in her battle torn ears. She lifted her head to see Crimsonfang looking at her. "Oh." she meowed. Then winced when she moved,on of her scratches almost tore open. Her long legs ached from sitting all day, and her white spotted silver pelt was stained with herbs. She stared at her voice slightly tense. "I am fine. Thanks." She dragged her piercing Ice blue gaze off of him. "Why are you coming here? To see me." She meowed suspiciously, I can still shred a cat even though I am hurt.
5:52pm Jun 4 2010
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Crimsonfang smiled lightly. "I was just wondering. It's good that you're feeling fine. Try not to move so much though. Looks like that move hurt." Getting up he padded away then came back with a mouse. Dropping it before he licked his paw a bit and rubbed over his head. "Thought you might be hungry. Here."
5:59pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 5:59pm Jun 4 2010)
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Rainfeather sniffed at him, "I know I am hurt!" she spat after him when Crimsonfang walked away to the fresh-kill pile. Mousebrain! She glared after him, Then Rainfeather seen him drop the mouse at her feet. "I think the cats that can move more than a mouse-length will be more use to the Clan." she meowed, then looked at her pelt, Will those scars ever heal? She looked at Crimsonfang, her Ice blue gaze burning. "Just because I haven't eaten in two days doesn't mean I am hungry." she meowed, betraying her growling stomach.
6:17pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang gave her a look that made it known he knew she was lying. "Just eat it. Or I'll force you." Snowkit padded about when the other kits were napping. Walking around he limped a bit and smelt the smell of herbs. Curious he padded towards the smell and looked in. "H-hello?"
6:40pm Jun 4 2010
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ooc; What have I missed. PS eklipse/ electro either of you going to (not using real name. Its a nickname) whiteout/roughcopy's/skeletor bday party tonight?
8:12pm Jun 4 2010
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ooc; Of COURSE not.. I am too Unpopular or Uncool or Anoying and stupid. Seee? I don't et invited to things like that. EVER. Rainfeather shot Crimsonfang a furious look through her ice blue gaze, then pushed the mouse toward him. "I am useless right now. So I will not Eat. Give it to some cat who needs it." she meowed sharply, clearly angry about him acting as a parent to her. She didn't take her gaze off of him, her neck fur began to rise and she kept her claws shealthed. "I am not eating it."
8:22pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; Nope. Wasn't invited.)) Crimsonfang just shrugged and pushed it towards her again then left. "Suit yourself. I'll leave it infront of you. Till you decide to stop being emo and do something about that empty belly." Snowkit padded farther into the den until he bumped into a she cat. And she did not look quiet happy to him at least. "I-I'm sorry!" pushing down he reopened his cut which was starting to become infected.
8:25pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 8:31pm Jun 4 2010)
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(( vbump))
8:29pm Jun 4 2010 (last edited on 8:31pm Jun 4 2010)
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"oof!" Poisonpaw looked at the kit, "Watch where you are going kit! Or I will slice you in two!" Poisonpaw didn't recognize this kit. "Aren't you a little young to be out of the nursery, kit?" Cardinalkit looked up to see Snowkit limping, "Whats wrong?" he meowed raceing over to him, "I think your leg is infected, but.. Oh no! " Cardinalkit's red eyes blazed, "The Fernseed gentlepaw, or Nightpaw aren't here!" Cardinalkit hurried into the den, Snowkit hadn't heard him, then he heard "I will slice you in two!" Rainfeather grabbed the mouse and flung it at Crimsonfang as he began to walk off, "Stupid kit warrior!" she muttered to herself.
8:54pm Jun 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang laughed as he left and picked it up flinging it back making it fall before her then dashed out. Snowkit crouched speechlessly looking at Poisonpaw. "I-i-i-i-i-i--i-i-i'm s-s-s-s-s-s-sorr-r-ry." he finally muttered out.
9:25am Jun 5 2010
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Rainfeather looked at the fresh-kill, "I will eat it here.... but... later." she meowed, repeating her thoughts, hoping that Crimsonfang wouldn't hear. Then she lowered her head for some rest. "You should be!" Poisonpaw meowed, a slight purr of amusement in her meow. "Where are you from, kit?" she repeated herself, staring at the oddly colored cat, "You are obviously new to this Clan. " The kit looked terrified, "you better not be one of those, loners or kittypets..."she murmured quietly, trying to spook the kit, then she loudened her voice, "Or the warriors will get You!"
10:49am Jun 5 2010
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(( Bump)) ooc; East: Rainfeather is in the medicine cat den and Crimonfang keeps trying to make her eat but she keeps refusing. Snowkit bumped into Poisonpaw in the Medicine cat den because he needed help from Fernseed/Nightpaw/Gentlepaw, because his cut on his leg is getting infected. And none of the medicine cats are there.
11:42am Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Dont worry about not coming. The only funny thing that happened was when Jayden hit everyone in the face with a hot dog. :/ and when Ryan jumped over the frepit. and tanks
1:35pm Jun 5 2010
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OOc; Oi. )) Snowkit cowered in fear whimpering a bit. "I-I w-w-was f-found by E-e-em-m-maraldRain. M-my name is S-s-snowkit." shivering he stayed low to the ground.
8:18pm Jun 5 2010
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ooc;East: Why would I wory about some idiotic party? I didn't even want to be invited. I had another friend over and he screamed whenever the gombas squished him in mario. That was alot of screaming. "Emeraldrain is your adopted mum eh?" meowed Poisonpaw, then she looked at the kit, "Snowkit..........." Poisonpaw murmured, she once had a brother named Snowkit, he died a few weeks after being born. Poisonpaw bared her long white fangs, "Emeraldrain is not as smart as she thinks she is... bringing a stray like you into the Clan." She looked forward and noticed the kit had a small nick on its leg. "Why you in here?"
8:23pm Jun 5 2010
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Snowkit was speechless now. This she cat scared him alot. Turning back and bolting he did not wish to be in there. All of a sudden he collided with Cardinalkit.