8:26pm Jun 5 2010
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"Ackk!" hissed Cardinalkit as he fell to the ground, "Snowkit!" he meowed happily, "What are you doing here?" Cardinalkit licked his friend on his cheek. He stood up, Who was he talking to in there?
8:27pm Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 779
8:29pm Jun 5 2010
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Snowkit was shaking like a leaf in the wind. "I-i-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i d-d-d-don't kn-know. But she wasn't very nice." Calming down a bit he shook his head. "W-wanna play?"
8:33pm Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jun 6 2010)
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Cardinalkit tasted the air, opening his mouth he smelt a slight tang in the air. "What is wrong with your cut?" he asked then padded toward Snowkit. He sniffed it, "Will you be alright if we play? I don't want to get your cut more infected."
8:50pm Jun 5 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit purred. "I'll be fine. Just a scratch." Smilling he tackled Cardinalkit. Crimsonfang came back into the medicine den to see if she had eaten but sighed seeing she hadn't. "You need to eat as well Rainfeather. Be strong when you are ready to leave the den."
9:06am Jun 6 2010
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Cardinalkit took the surprise of the tackle and use his strong back legs to launch Snowkit into the air, then he ran over to him and screached "Ha ha ha ha aha ha!" Rainfeather was sleeping when Crimsonfang arrived, she didn't lift her head or twitch her whiskers. She just lay there, hoping that Crimsonfang would give up.
11:09am Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit laughed as he play fought with Cardinalkit. Batting at his ears lightly and nipping at his paws. Crimsonfang sighed in defeat. "Fine. Become so weak that you can't help the clan when you leave the den." licking the top of her head he murmured "I just don't want you like that. I love you too much to see you weak." With that he padded out.
4:57pm Jun 6 2010
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Featherkit snarled at them, "Some of us are trying to sleep you know!" she spat and then dragged Cardinalkit's tiny body off of Snowkit. "Stop!" Feeling a jet of awkwardness, Rainfeather watched Crimsonfang leave. He loves me.... me? Rainfeather took quick nibbles of the mouse, it was stringy.. and oddly lumpy. Rainfeather looked down at it, "Ehhhewww!" she pushed the mouse as far away from her as she could. "Maggots!" she spat, then realized she ate about two mouth-full's of it. "Did Crimsonfang try to make me more sick?"
5:20pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 779
Spiritfeather padded about the camp stretching her mucels. Looking about she walked towards the entrance of the camp. Snowkit padded up to Featherkit his head low. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to." hearing something about maggots he padded to where he heard the cat. "W-whats a maggot?" padding to the mouse he sniffed it.
9:03pm Jun 6 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Jun 6 2010)
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OoC: I hope this makes up for my absence. BiC Padding away from her calico apprentice, Patchpelt took in a frigid breath. The air was laden with chilling flakes of snow, and the ground was coated in a claw length la yer of the fluffy, falling clouds. The snow has only been falling for an afternoon, and it is already this thick, she thought absentmindedly. Curling her paw, Patchpelt tossed some into the air. With a kitten-like grin, she rolled onto the ground and purred with delight as the snow crunched under her weight. Leaping to her paws, in an unexpected burst of energy, Patchpelt loped off to the medicine cat den. Glancing at a new kitten that was as white as the falling snow, Patchpelt spotted the rotted piece of crow food. “Rainfeather,” she started, “Was that your meal? I can get you something new.” Knowing that a rebuke was coming she barged on like a badger, “I am organizing a meeting at the Basking Rocks…”-whispering into her ear so the kit couldn’t hear-“At midnight. Tonight.” Patchpelt’s back fur prickled as the cold air finally made her shiver. I need to get moving or else I will get a cough from this cold. Turning her stunning emerald eyes to the little kit again, she noted a grusume infection. “Little one, what is your name?” Patchpelt asked with the tenderness of a queen, twitching her tail in a ‘come here’ motion. Trotting to the medicine cat den, Mistsoul couldn’t help but visit the den which had created her. I left this clan because of a message from StarClan, and lost what I love most…You can never lose what you have learned, silly kit. With a gruff chuckled, Mistsoul nodded in agreement. She could remember all of the herds, leaves, flowers, and odd combinations. I hold it so close to my heart that I know I will always be a medicine cat, not by name but by heart. Though she was still fit from her expedition, Mistsoul was losing weight like a lot of the other cats in IceClan. Seeing Cardinalkit she mewed happily, “Well, if it isn’t the most handsome tom-kit in the clan.” Her honey eyes shone with tenderness. Then she spotted a white kit. “Who do we have here?” she asked, but when she saw the festering wound, her mouth dropped open in alarm. “Let me get some horsetail for that!” Dashing into the herb den, which she was grateful for its plentiful stock, Mistsoul grabbed a mouthful of tender leaves. Chewing them into a paste, Mistsoul trotted back to the tiny, white tom. Spitting the leaves on the wound, she meowed sternly, “Tell me your name, kit. Where did you get that wound, it could have been bad!” Even though her tone was serious, it was filled with concern, and open love. What a queen you will make, her companion whispered in her mind. Not for a long while though! she answered back. Swiftdarkness mourned for his lost kits; Midnightpaw, and Lostkit. The day was gloomy with the snow fall, and he couldn’t seem to keep the kits from his mind. Deciding that he was going to find his mate, Swiftdarkness called for her. When he spotted her by Eaglestar he trotted up to the two she-cats. “I hope I’m not interrupting a meeting,” he mewed humbly. With a lick on his mate’s cheek, he added, “I just had to find her.” There was a commotion at the entrance that had him looking over his shoulder. Fernseed wobbled into the camp with Duskfire lying on her back. Her silver coat was matted with icicles, and her crystal-blue eyes were filled with misery. Why must death always come to our clan…
Just call me Siri.
9:11pm Jun 6 2010
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Cardinalkit felt a surge of joy, she called me hansom! "Thank you!" he meowed happily ignoring Featherkit's glare. "You shouldn't touch that.." meowed Rainfeather, "Those make the fresh-kill very very bad for you...." Rainfeather meowed to the kit. Patchpelt murmured something into Rainfeather's ear. Rainfeather listened intently to Patchpelt, "I will be there..." meowed Rainfeather, "But how can I get there with these wounds that will open any second?" she questioned.
9:33pm Jun 6 2010
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((Yeesh, noticed I have not posted in forever.)) Shadowpaw blinked in sadness at the falling snow, blue eyes turned upwards towards the sky that almost seemed to be crying. Is that what your doing Starclan? Crying for those you've killed? He thought bitterly, but only sighed in confusion. He called himself a mouse-brain for doubting Starclan the way he was and twitched his whiskers to rid them of the heaviness of ice. Getting to his paws the young tom paced back and forth in front of the apprentices den, keeping his eyes on the ground. The bitterness and darkness that swirled from the recent events clouded his mind until everything seemed in a haze. He hated it that he blamed others for everything, but wasn't it the warriors job to protect Midnightpaw? Now she was dead. Was it not Fernseed's responsibility to save lives? Then why was Lostkit gone? He hissed at himself and padded towards the camp entrance, intending to do something productive with his paws. He glanced towards the medicine cats den to search for Patchpelt and noticed her speaking to a new kit. He huffed and figured she would not mind him hunting for a while. Falconwing purred softly and pressed her faced briefly into her mates shoulder, taking comfort in his familiar scent. At least one cat seemed to think she was ready for something like this, and it was defiantly not herself. "No, your not interrupting anything. We're just discussing the recent storms..and deaths." She muttered that last part under her breath, ears flattening in sadness. She wondered if Midnightpaw's death was still as raw to him as it was to her. It was almost like a thorn in her paw, always reminding her of what the clan had lost with every step. Her eyes widened at the sight of Fernseed carrying Duskfire into the camp. She looked up at the sky and mentally wailed. Another... Silentheart shivered slightly as the snow piled onto his still shoulders, having sat by the edge of the camp for what felt like moons yet was no where near that long. Something about the sadness that radiated from the entire place. In all of his seasons, he'd never seen anything like what was happening. Finally getting to his sore paws, he padded into the medicine cats den and sat at the entrance, watching the she-cats talk and tend to the kits. His blue eyes landed on Mistsoul and the new kit, having not caught his name, nor did he really care all to much. "Do you miss being a medicine cat?" He asked softly, surprised to find his voice scratchy and gruff, like he had not used it in a while. Which was exactly the case. He did not want to be a burden to the already grieving clan, so he stayed in the forest most of the time and hunted. The only thing he could do to help. "Your really good at it, a waste of talent really." He mused.

9:40pm Jun 6 2010
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Nightpaw padded back into the clearing, her head heavy with grief from the lives her, Gentlepaw or Fernseed couldn't save. Her sightless light blue eyes shawn as the light pieces of snow fell on top of her black muzzle. All I want to do wright now... is sleep. But Nightpaw new she couldn't even try to get some rest, the needs of the Clan came before her wants. With a heavy sigh, she walked into the medicine cat den, her black tail dragging on the snowy ground. She heard Rainfeather talking to Patchpelt, but her mind was too distracted to listen to what they were talking about. Nightpaw sat down, waiting for something like a kit to walk up to her crying about what another kit did to it, but it was silent. nightpaw smelt the scent of horsetail, drifting trough the air, she followed her nose to the scent and found it connected with Mistsoul's and another cat's... a kit's scent. "Mistsoul? Are you helping this kit?" asked Nightpaw blindly as she smelt the kit. Infection! and none of the medicine cats were here! "Thank you for helping, I probably have know wright to thank you but.... Thanks, you put some pressure of of us when we were gone, dealing with this kit instead of letting it's injury get worse." Nightpaw meowed Gratefully.
10:51pm Jun 6 2010
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Posts: 779
((OOC; ACK! Attack of the posts!! XD)) Snowkit smilled at the cats infront of him. "My name is Snowkit. What are yours? Also I got my wound from when I was out in the woods." twichting his ear he looked happy to get to know the cats. Looking at Cardinal kit he got up and licked his friends ear in acknowledgment and purred. Fireeyes sighed releaved when he saw Fernseed come back with no signs of an injury. Padding up to her he asked "What happened? I came out of the warriors den to find you and the others were gone. Did a clan try attacking us?" worry was flowing through his voice.
1:27am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Gah! I think I will attack my teachers! ::not really:: But I am so glad that I am graduating in four days. ::groans with relief:: Though, I don't think I can post for four days! I have SIX projects due, which makes no sense because I have only four cla.sses! ::kicks the air:: x3x Sorry for the rant. I will post ASAP!
Just call me Siri.
8:55am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Sorry for the absence guys. I was watersliding and working on a writing project. Eaglestar smiled at Swiftdarkness and mewed, "No worries. I am finished speaking you two can hae some private time if you would like."
5:58pm Jun 7 2010
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(( Don't know what to post so... bump?))
6:24pm Jun 7 2010
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(( bump))
8:49pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Nom. Lurkbump. I feel... hungry... and I want to kill something in a RP... can someone let me know if I can join/hunt? LIke, whats goin on in teh plot? I would join as a young adult cat, a warrior. Let me know :3))
8:51pm Jun 7 2010
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(( As far as I know you maybe could join. I would ask East, she owns this rp! But if you want the jyst of it I could maybe tell you...;) ))