8:55pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 1,864
(( :D That'd be nice. I've read the books, and I've been in other RPs of it and not of it, so I'm pretty good in the main stuff, but I dunno if I could read 111 pages of plot x3))
9:02pm Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 1,713
9:09pm Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 9:10pm Jun 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
(( Aww!!1 I wanted to torcher you into reading the whole roleplay... twice... Anyways here is the list of characters.. Long isn't it? Leader: Eaglestar - EasternBluebird Deputy: Falconwing - Stray (Apprentice - Redpaw) Medicine Cat: Fernseed - Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: Gentlepaw - Fullmoon / Nightpaw - Eklipse Warriors: - Raveneyes - East
- Swiftdarkness - Siri
- Rainfeather - Eklipse
- Redstorm - Eklipse
- Berrypool (Stella) - East (Apprentice - Shatteredpaw)
- Kestrelheart - East (Apprentice - Bluepaw)
- Quailfoot - Eklipse
- Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Littlepaw)
- Emeraldrain - Eklipse (Apprentice - Graypaw)
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Sunflare - Stray (Apprentice - Poisonpaw)
- Patchpelt - Siri (Apprentice - Shadowpaw)
- Dreamfur - Fullmoon
- Mintleaf - Fullmoon
- Blazewing - East
- Copperfire - Stray
- Birdwave - East
- Ravenblaze - East
- Duskfire - East
- Lostfoot - Electro
- Echovoice - East
- Timberfur - Electro
- Fireeyes - Electro
- Crimsonfang - Electro
- Mistsoul - Siri
- Ravenfeather - East
- Brightleaf - Eklipse
Apprentices:- Shadowpaw - Stray
- Littlepaw - Fullmoon
- Shatteredpaw - Eklipse
- Poisonpaw -Eklipse
- Bluepaw - Full
- Graypaw - East
- Redpaw - Siri
Elders:- Windkeeper - East
- Spiritfeather - East
- Tigerfang - East
Queens:- N/A
Kits:- Featherkit - Eklipse
- Larkkit - East
- Rosekit - Eklipse
- Jadekit - Fullmoon
- Cardinalkit - Eklipse
- Snowkit - Electro
Loners:- N/A
Deceased:- Fallenwind - Stray
- Silentheart - Stray
- Blackstorm - Stray
- Flameridge - East
- Jadewing - East
- Falconeyes - Eklipse
- Dingofang - Eklipse
- Larkwing - Eklipse
- Jayflight - Eklipse
- Blackpaw - Fullmoon
- Midnightpaw - Siri
- Leopardheart - Siri
- Redstorm - Eklipse
- Ivynose - Eklipse
- Ashfoot - Siri
Tribe/Clan (Cats who left):- Silverthaw - Siri
- Cougarclaw - Siri
- Dovefire - East
- Robinwing - Eklipse
- Embersky - Fullmoon
- Coldeyes - Fullmoon
- Brokenheart - Fullmoon
Additional:- TreeClan
- Leader, Lonestar
- Deputy, Twigstripe (Apprentice - Firpaw)
- FireClan
- Leader, Phoenixstar
- Deputy, Sevenstripe
- CaveClan:
- Leader, Hawkstar
- Deputy, ?
(( Yea.. So that is the list :P Like in the second series, we are kinda doing something like the Great Journey.. Like that.. And blah blah blah... Lol, it is been going on for quite some time.. so we expect you to continue after you join. As yuo can see we have lots of cats... but whatever. Lol, we really don't have a main thing.. we just kindah have a prophesy about the 6 cats findin a new home and stuff.... Any questions ? :] .. ))
9:18pm Jun 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
(( Bump))
9:42pm Jun 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,864
((Coolio. I should have a bio figured out by tomorrow, I'll let you know :3))
5:43pm Jun 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
(( Okay!! But remember to Ask Easternbluebird tooo! ))
6:27pm Jun 8 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
ooc; Yee can joineth! lol. I'm in a really good mood right now and I'm loving it!
9:38pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Desired Name: Shadowpelt Position: Warrior Family: Er, I don't wanna say anyone in the RP already so she just was... here? xD N/A Mate:None yet ;D Crush:She's very flirtatious. Age: (not needed) adult Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: Black, with a small white spot on her chest and swirling green eyes. Personality:She's generally in the shadows (xD) but will often show up and talk to toms with the intention of embarr*censored*ing them. However, she may just use this as a cover to end up talking to real potential mates... She secretly aspires to be a queen.
9:53pm Jun 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; How old like 15-20 moons ish?
12:39am Jun 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,771
OoC: 24 moons would be two years old. So 15 moons would be a little less than a year and a half. School is almost out, one and a half more days! Then I can post as much as I want!
Just call me Siri.
6:47pm Jun 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
ooc; -growls- Lucky bum Sirm/ We arent out until June 25th :(
6:56pm Jun 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
(( Bump???? lol I don't know what to type...)))
8:18pm Jun 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,864
(( I'm not out until two weeks from now... D< But on the age thing, I guess I'm like mating and/or kits age. A little younger, like Squirrelflight when she had her kits. *lame-o reference* xD When shall I start posting?))
8:20pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Now if you'd like :)
8:27pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Any huge action I should know about first? Like, battles in progress or anything?))
8:30pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; No battles. Echovoice is expecting Timberfur's kits. Falconwing was recently made deputy. Ashfoot, Ravenblaze, Birdwave and Duskfire were just killed b y a monster that came off the road
8:38pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; Epicepic shtuff peoples!))
9:09pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 1,864
(( Yaaay! okay, Imma just hunt and interact ;D Look out, toms, Shadowpelt's comin your way.)) Shadowpelt crept throught the camp enterance, three bald mouse tails hooked to her mouth. She flung them on the fresh-kill pile, keeping one stuck on her pearly whites for herself, and lie down. Her green eyes whirled in thought as the took small bites out of the furry brown mousepelt. Shadowpelts bristly toungue flicked in and out to shake off the dusty hairs that clung to her toungue like kits to a queens belly. "i wonder," she mewed to herself,"if anyone else will notice the trap?" Amusement danced in her eyes and her whiskers twitched when she thought of the delicate "trap" she had set up earlier to cause a little confusion. She left scent marks and trails all over a specific area of the territory, in a wide circle. She had also left prey along the way, just to add to the illusion that she had been there. Anyone following the scent would end up in a huge circle, back where they started. On top of that, she had climbed up a birch tree and from there precariously leaped from tree to strongest tree back to camp. She rolled the mouse remains in her paws a while more before getting up to see how Echovoice was doing.

10:07pm Jun 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Echovoice sat oustide the nursery with Timberfur talking softly and sweetly to him about something when Shadowpelt walked up, "Hey Shadowpelt" mewed the toroiseshell queen, "How are you today?"
9:00pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Jun 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
(( I am changeing Quailfoot to a tom cat :P Bacicly Quailfoot is going back to scarletclan.... and his is Named Thistlestorm... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Brown _spotted_tabby_bengal_cat.jpg For those who want to see a pic of him he is... there.. But blackish grey.I need another tom cat that isn't a kit.:3 sorry if I confuze any people..)) Thistlestorm padded into the forest, "A little fresh-kill will do the clan greatly.." he meowed before padding deeper into the damp snow-filled forrest. His paws stug from the snow he had been walking through, I wish the snow could just go away.... He lifted his head to taste the air and smelt something. A sent! After recently becoming a warrior, Thistlestorm had been eager to go out hunting as a warrior... with out a mentor watching over his every move. He followed the scent and padded throughout the forest. A little while later, after finding mouse remains on the train, Thistlestorm realized that he had ended up in a huge circle. "What the heck?" he meowed and padded back to camp. "Echovoice!" Thistlestorm yowled across the clearing. "Echovoice!" he panted once he got close to her. Hist former mentor was talking to Shadowpelt.As he walked he meowed "I was following a scent trail and there was mouse remains on the way and and..." he stopped to catch his breath."It led me in a really big circle!" Realizing how Kit-like he just sounded he straitened his back, "I mean.. I didn't catch the cat that did it..." Failure! You are acting like an kit trying to be a warrior! ((East is that alright that Echovoice is Thistlestorm's past mentor?))