9:10pm Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; How eklipse? She is only 20 moons old roughly. She was never in ScarletClan.
9:28pm Jun 10 2010
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ooc; LoN
9:39pm Jun 10 2010
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(( No I mean that Thistlestorm is Replacing Quailfoot, who is going to Scarletclan. Gt it ? :P ))
9:57pm Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; I know eklipse. but how can echovoice had metnored him/her? She is only 20 moons. Not old enought to mentor him!
10:20pm Jun 10 2010
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ooc; Too bad!! She mentored him when she was a kit!Okay.
10:41pm Jun 10 2010
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(( Bump))
11:14pm Jun 10 2010
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Posts: 779
Oh wow you two))
11:31pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm Jun 11 2010)
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((xDD Shadowpelt shall be happy about this.)) Shadowpelts ears twitched, and her jaws felt like they would burst open with laughter. Her eyes bulged a little and she looked over at the skeptic ex pression on Echovoice's face. On the other hand, Thistlestorms eyes and mouth were plastered with confusion. She burst out laughing, almost falling over. "Hey warrior, recognize any new scents lately? Any, like, female scents?" Her laughter died down as she remembered the kits. Her tail tip still flicked over to Thistlestroms chin though, and she giggled. Stalking away proudly, she wondered if anyone else would fall to her trap. As she pa ssed him, she let her tail run its entire length under his chin. "See ya later, tomboy!" she called over her shoulder.
6:45pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Bump x3))
6:48pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Gahh! What's happening??!))
7:44pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes sat in camp looking about. He had just talked with Timberfur and Lostfoot. Purring he padded over to Shadowpelt. "You did that. Didn't you." Looking back at Thistlefur and back at her. Timbefur licked Echovoice's ear and purred lightly. "I still can't get over the fact I'm going to be a dad." Lostfoot just laughed lightly. Crimsonfang padded into the Medicine cats den to look at Rainfeather not knowing what had happened earlier. OOC; Do you know how hard it is to type FireEYES instead of FireHEART after reading the first series again? XD Also...I wanna add a cat. O_o But we has too manyyyyyyyy))
7:54pm Jun 11 2010
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Echovoice purred and nuzzled into Timberfur, "Me neither, I''m excited." OoC;FAIL POST
8:09pm Jun 11 2010
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Shadowpelt purred lightly. Her tail tip flicked at his pelt provacatively. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Maybe, Timberfur needs to start recognizing when a female is out there. I wonder a bit why he followed it... But I hope someone else gets stuck as well. Its interesting to see which cats go for it. Mostly males..." She winked, and her tail swept his pelt length again one last time before she curled it around her feet. Her haunches lowered down to the ground, slowly. Of course, she stretched a bit and lifted her tail in an arc to show her curves before setting down her front paws. Blatant flirting was her thing."So, what happening?" she asked Fireeyes.
8:23pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; It was Thistlestorm who followed the trail nnot Timberfur tw. He was with his mate. ;P
8:37pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes shrugged it off. "Ah nothing much. Just the same average life. You?" Timberfur purred at her and licked her cheek.
9:35pm Jun 11 2010
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((Fixed ;D Sorreh, still gettin the hang of it.)) Shadowpelts whiskers twitched. She was a little annoyed that he wasn't provoked or at least embarrased at all. "Not much... say, you noticed anything new about the camp? Like... I don't know, it just... feels different. Anyway, you hungry?" She didn't wait for an answer. Her paws padded across the ground, and she paused by the entrance. "Hey," she called over to Fireeyes, "you wanna hunt? I kinda want something fresh right now." She licked her lips. "Y'know what, I think I saw a big kill somewhere out there.... it was called... I think..." She rolled her eyes up to her forehead, as if racking her brain. "Deer? Or something like that? It was really big, but I don't think much of it was left..." A glint was in her eyes, unseen in any other cat. "We should go check it out. Maybe a quick snack." She turned to start off again.
9:40pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes smiled and followed behind. It was good to go off with someone who was tolerant of him. Other then Fernseed at least...thats what he thought. "Hey wait up I'm coming."
10:24pm Jun 11 2010
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Shadowpelt glanced over to Fireeyes again before striding forward. She sped up her step a little. Her tail waved freely, and she was ready to go find this... "deer". Her eyes flashed and she quickened her pace even more. This was gonna be good. "So," she called as she continued into the forest, "you ever heard of these deer? I think I saw a little one once, but..." she let her sentance trail off.
10:30pm Jun 11 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes nodded. "Ya I've seen Deer before. They aren't harmful to us." speeding up he was now at her tail running. "Though I've never eaten one."
9:56am Jun 12 2010
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Thistlestorm looked confused, "I don't understand...?" me murmured, then remembering the scent of female. She set the scent trail!? Thistlestorm shook his head. He growled lowly to himself. Hot with embarra.ssment," I have fallen for a trick!" he looked up at the cloudy sky. "Mousebrain!" Rainfeather lifted her head to see Crimsonfang. Why you lying traitor! "Guess what I am still living from that thing you fed me." she spat, "I don't suppose it was an accident that you gave me a mouse with maggots? Was it? Even if you said it was I wouldn't believe you because..." she paused. "I wouldn't believe you that's why!" she spat. Then tried to stop her neck fur from rising. She unsheathed her huge long black claws, "Why did you do this?" Rainfeather's ice blue eyes strained, they pierced through Crimonfang.