12:10pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang looked at her in pure shock. "I-i...I didn't know the mouse had maggots. I just grabbed something to keep your strength up. I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to." Lowering his head he seemed like a kit that just been born wanting it's mother but not being able to find it.
12:35pm Jun 12 2010
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Shadowpelt smiled a toothy grin. She sped up even more, just to be faster then him. "Its right up here..." she yelled, and she really could smell the carc*censored* even now. As she leaped over a log, she saw the dead deer about ten foxlengths away. It was fresh enough that no marks were on the hide. At first she smiled, then she realized something. How did it die? It looked fine, and she couldn't smell any poison.... but they'd better check anyway. There was a thunderpath up ahead, and it was possible that the deer had been killed by the poison they shot off. The deer was about as big as four badgers, including the head. Shadowpelt came to a sudden halt, about a fox-lentgh away from the doe. She wanted to inspect it first.
7:00pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes stopped as well and sniffed it. "It smells fine..."
8:54pm Jun 12 2010
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ooc; What did I miss? D;
11:01pm Jun 12 2010
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Rainfeather shot him an unbearable glance, A small pang of sympathy jut into her mind. "Your little acting won't work with me! All the time you were in this clan I have been your target!" Rainfeather spat, then went on. "Why else would you have said, 'I love you' or stuff like that! A cat like me shouldn't be loved." she looked at her claws remembering Ivynose, "I Should never be loved." she murmured.
12:06am Jun 13 2010
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((A deer got found, it was either killed by a wolf (bad news for us) or hit by a monster (more bad news, but more with the current plotline) xD)) Shadowpelt had a flash of memory. "Lets flip it."
1:14am Jun 13 2010
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OoC: I missed a lot, but I am now graduated! So no more school...until college. But I will post tomorrow, I haven't slept in over two days. o3o Adios.
Just call me Siri.
1:39am Jun 13 2010
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Crimsonfang flinched. "I-I'm sorry...I'll never bother you again..." Backing put he turned around with nothing but a broken heart. Fireeyes looked at her strangely "Flip it?"
2:31am Jun 13 2010
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Shadowpelt glanced back at him before padding to the other side of the deer. "Yeah. Like, over. Flip it over. I wanna see the other side." She pushed up against the side of the doe with her full weight. It lifted a bit, but not quite enought to entirely flip it over. "Unngh... Can I get some help?"
8:28am Jun 13 2010
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Rainfeather felt the wind brush her fur as Crimsonfang left. "Did he really do it on purpose?" she murmured to herself. Then looked at his body as he moped through the clearing. She lay her head on her lap, waiting, but not knowing what for. Rainfeather's eyes widened, an angry pain shot through her stomach. Rainfeather shut her eyes and curled up as tight as she could, hoping the stomach ache would go away.
11:26am Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes helped her flip the deer over and looked at it. Crimsonfang moped about knowing he blew his chance at her love. "Why am I such an idiot?" Lostfoot padded up to Rainfeather "Are you alright?" the once Caveclan medicine cat looked worried at the warrior. Then he lightly prodded her stomach. Hissing under his breath he narrowed his eyes to slits. "Don't worry I'll be right back." quickly he went to get the right herbs for her stomach ache. This isn't good. Stomach ache like that. I hope Fernseed won't mind me doing this. Padding over to Rainfeather he chewed up the leaves and gave them to her. "Eat them. They'll help."
7:45pm Jun 13 2010
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"Mouse brain! Don't touch me!" she spat when Lostfoot prodded her stomach, sending a new sort of pain through her side. She closed her eyes. Rainfeather tried to bend herself closer in, but she couldn't and the pain kept coming. "Eat them. They'll help." Lostfoot meowed to her, Rainfeather squinted, them lapped up the herbs, trying not to gag.
8:12pm Jun 13 2010
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Lostfoot stood beside her. Worry pure on his face nothing else. He just stood there and waited to see if it would ease the pain.
1:38pm Jun 14 2010
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The deer had been mangled viciously on one side. It looked like some kind of indent... and tire marks! "A monster...!" Shadowpelt breathed. A monster came off of the Thunderpath again! Whats happening? Shadowpelt wanted to run, but the deer was completely fine and unhurt in most places. It smelled fresh and fine... "Okay, lets take this thing to camp. Go get some backup. I can try and take off the parts resembling mousedung." Shadowpelt began surgically removing the tainted or mangled parts of the deer, as quickly as possible throwing them into the bushes. There was still a huge amount of good meat left.
1:43pm Jun 14 2010
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Having dropped Ravenblaze, Duskfire, Birdfire, and Ashfoot in the center of the clearing, Fernseed padded silently to her den. Padding in on Lostfoot and Rainfeather, she paused at the viciously mewed order from Rainfeather. “Lostfoot,” she mewed quietly, “If a she-cat has a belly ache never give them Tansy. Even if they are not expecting, it is just safer that way.” Her pale blue eyes were clouded with pain, inner pain, but she went into the herd den and grabbed a mouthful of water-mint. I hope that Rainfeather isn’t expecting kits, but if she is; better safe than sorry. Trotting over to the white and black spotted she-cat she asked, “Are the aches in the upper of lower part of your belly?” Fernseed also remembered her gentle Mistsoul mewing, ‘Pressing on the belly hurts. I remember when I was a kit and I had a tummy ache, and I spat all over you when you pressed on it. So be nice and ask where it hurts.’ A soft look filled Fernseed’s face. She had always asked ever since that day. Oh, Mistsoul, you should have stayed. Stiffening, Swiftdarkness looked from Eaglestar to his mate in anguish. “No, StarClan!” he growled angrily. “Why did you take those young warriors?” Meanwhile, Patchpelt searched for prey. He starving belly yowled like a warrior in battle. I’m so hungry. How am I to travel like this? Her patched head hung low as she crept forward. Scenting a vole that had slipped out of its den, to get seeds most likely, her ears perked into attention. “Please,” she whispered quietly. Catching sight of it, she bunched her muscles, and honed in on the little scrap of meat. Pouncing, Patchpelt knew mid-jump that her prey was going to escape. And escape it did, scampering off into a bush. Patchpelt had jumped off of a stick, which had been hidden under the snow. With a hiss of distaste, she continued her search into the afternoon. When the sun started to set, and all she had for the fresh-kill pile was a scrawny mouse, Patchpelt knew that her group had to leave that night. Even if the gathering is in two sunsets.
Just call me Siri.
7:24pm Jun 14 2010
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Rainfeather looked up at Fernseed, Lostfoot gave me the wrong herbs!? She located the pain in the upper part of her stomach, "Upper..." she muttered then flinched when another pain stabbed through her stomach. "S-s-stupid..." she managed to choke out "Crimm..sonf-fang..."Rainfeather searched the camp for him, happy to not see his presence. How am I going to make it tonight? Rainfeather thought, I can bearly move! Rainfeather looked forward, the camp was busy. "Can you get Patchpelt...?" asked Rainfeather.
9:12pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot looked to his paw. "I'm sorry Fernseed. My skills have become werak. I tried to help the best I could. But I'm afraid this knowledge is leaving me." Fireeyes nodded. ((FAIL.))
9:23pm Jun 14 2010
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Shatteredpaw walked up to Lostfoot. "Hi!" she meowed with a mouthful of two fat mice. "Do you want to share one of these?" she asked then dropped the smaller one at his feet, dropped off her other catch and sat beside him. "I have been an apprentice for 1 moon... this is my first piece of fresh-kill I caught."
10:05pm Jun 14 2010
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(( xDD Fireeyes should go and get help. Shadowpelt: :O OMG go get sum help!!1! Fireeyes: o3o... *nod* Shadow: :S Um... go. Fire: ... *nod*)) Shadowpelt began slicing off a leg. Once she got the meat, she staggered to camp, tripping multiple times and trying not to let the deer drag. At the pile, she ignored stares and plopped down the leg before running off to get more.
10:09pm Jun 14 2010
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Eaglestar saw Shadowpelt dragging in the deer leg and nearly yowled in delight, "Oh! Look at this all! This is the most food I've seen in such a long time!." she ran off to the rsery and dragged Echovoice back so she could eat, queens were important. After bringing the queen she went back to get Spiritfeather and Windkeper.