10:56pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 779
Spiritfeather purred "Why hello Echovoice." she sat up and smilled at the queen gently. Fireeys bolted off back to the deer to gather more o it and bring it back. Lostfoot smillde and nodded. "Of course Shatteredpaw. Well done." He purred at her and licked inbetween her ears in acknowledgment. "You will make a wonderful warrior."
10:56pm Jun 14 2010
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Posts: 779
11:46pm Jun 14 2010
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Scenting fresh meat, Patchpelt ran for the delicious tasting smell. “Shadowpelt!” she mewed happily, seeing that black she-cat biting off pieces of meat. It was the most kill she had ever seen, more than all my moons put together! “Let me help you,” Patchpelt meowed. Grasping a chunk in her jowls, Patchpelt sliced it off with her sharp claws. Salivating all over her mouthful, Patchpelt could hardly get it back to camp because of her need to eat. Feed Eaglestar, the queens, kits, and elders first. Then I may eat.
Just call me Siri.
1:12pm Jun 15 2010
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Posts: 1,864
Shadowpelt mrrr'd happily when Patchpelt helped get the meat over. Well, this is turning out to be a good thing. But I need to speak to our leader so I can talk about the bad, viciously mangled part of this meat. For now, I can help my clan. Shadowpelt, excited, grabbed a huge chunk, nearly as big as a kit, and hauled it back to camp. "Hey, anyone wanna help out over here?" She flicked her tail towards the cats dashing in and out of the camp entrance with meat. "We've got a deer!"
5:59pm Jun 15 2010
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"Hii Spiritfeather" mewed Echoivce while eating a mouthful of deer. She called out for her mate so they could enjoy a meal together. Eaglstar looked at her former apprentice with such happiness she felt she could cry, "Patchpelt," she mewed, "Eat, you deserve it" before grabbing a small piece and heading off to the nursery to her kits, adopted and real.
7:09pm Jun 15 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jun 15 2010)
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Shadowpelt was filled with happiness at the fact her Clan was getting a full meal for all. She hoped the sick cats and queens got it first. But maybe she should bring some to Eaglestar, then talk to her about the monster? Yes, that would work. She dashed off and grabbed a chunk of meat. Using her claws, she carved into the meat (leaving the small pieced for the little kits of course), and transformed it into a shape somewhat resembling a mouse. Shadowpelts eyes sparkled at the joke, and she quickly ran to Eaglestar. "Here, I brought you a mouse."
7:37pm Jun 15 2010
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Shatteredpaw looked up at Lostfoot, "I wish that were true..." she muttered to herself, Like that will ever happen? Myt warrior name will probably be Shatteredfoot! Shatteredpaw looked forward, "It won't happen like that.." she muttered to herself. Thistlestorm looked at the clearing, buzzing with happiness because of the huge amount of fresh kill. He watched as the little kits eyed up the Fresh-kill, looking curious and confused. He sighed, "I will eat later.."
11:36pm Jun 15 2010
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((Bump ^^))
11:44pm Jun 15 2010
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Desired Name: Blackfeather Position: Warrior Family: Spiritfeather (Her mother) Mate: None Crush: Thistlestorm Age: (not needed) 20 Additional Info Gender: She cat Appearance: Black and brown with blue eyes and white chest. Personality: Seems very quiet doesn't talk much some think is mute. Has beaten Fireeyes for trying to it on her.
12:35am Jun 16 2010
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Blinking up at Eaglestar in thanks, Patchpelt took a smaller piece of the kill. Trotting to the medicine cat den, she mewed, gruffly because of the catch in her mouth, her arrival. “Fernseed!” she yowled, “Where are you? There’s some kill out there, and I thought you might like some.” Looking around she saw the silver she-cat crouched over Rainfeather. Dropping the kill, her hunger forgotten, she dashed over to the pair. “What’s wrong?” she frantically mewed, “Is there anything I can do?” “Get me the yarrow,” Fernseed ordered to any cat near her, “Now!” Dear StarClan, I don’t know what’s wrong. They are not birth pangs, but what else is there? The water mint should have helped by now. The foul scent of the yarrow berry brought her back. Fairly shoving it at Rainfeather, Fernseed commanded, “Eat it.” Redpaw trotted over to the fallen warriors. Looking at the oldest one, he was saddened. He liked Ashfoot, much like any of the other toms he had been proud and strong. The clan is better off without the other three, he thought bitterly. We have no use for mind twisting, badger bossy she-warriors. With a dignified huff, he padded over to the fresh kill, holding his tail high. Mistsoul walked away from the happy kits to find a meal. She had been kit-sitting most of the day. I wonder where Copperfire is. Stopping mid-paw step, Mistsoul felt her eyes prickle. “Sisters,” she hardly whispered. “No!” Tears blinded her as she dashed out of camp. Slipping in the wet slosh of snow, Mistsoul yowled her grief. Why? Why did you leave me? They didn’t leave you, young one. They are waiting for you, but your time is nowhere near. Be at peace. With a fearsome hiss, Mistsoul wanted to slash apart her companion. Leave me alone! She felt that those harsh, cold words hurt her, but Mistsoul didn’t care. Collapsing under a fern, Mistsoul cried freely. She felt her companion lick her cheek, and was about to snarl but the constant friend was already pulling back. Just remember, I am always here for you. No, Mistsoul thought, not really. Not in the flesh. And that was all she wanted in that moment. All she wanted was some cat to be with her, to mourn her kit, and to accept her.
Just call me Siri.
8:58am Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Jadewing was padding back into camp after recovering from her strange dream and she saw Mistsoul, having alrady told her kit it wa her she mewed, "Whats wrong my kit?" her voice soft with worry, "What's wring?"
9:20am Jun 16 2010
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ooc; Siri, is yarrow suppost to make the cat throw up? Right? I can't remember ... :/ bic;Rainfeather wrinkled her nose at the foul scent and did as the silver medicine cat told her, Rainfeather lapped up the horrid tasting leaves and felt as if her touge was ran over by a twoleg monster. "Ehhww!" she hissed and her stomach pain caught her breath. What is wrong with me?! Rosekit padded up to the Fresh-kill pile, not attempting to eat what is there. Redpaw! Rosekit fluffed out her chest, "h-hi Redpaw," she meowed and looked at the ginger tom. She looked down at her white paws. Her cream spotted red pelt stood on end, "How have you been?" Rosekit asked, Why are you talking to him? You are not an apprentice! He won't talk back!
12:04pm Jun 16 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, yup. o3o I don't know what is wrong with Rainfeather, so Fernseed is trying a few different things. =)
Just call me Siri.
12:14pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 12:15pm Jun 16 2010)
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Jolting to attention, Mistsoul’s claws sank into the earth as she prepared herself for a fight. Then noticing that it was merely her mother, Mistsoul felt even more burden upon her heart. “Oh, Jadewing, don’t go back, don’t ever go back!” she cried. Realizing that she made no sense, Mistsoul barely breathed as she rasped, “It’s my sisters. They’ve all been killed.” Her honey eyes brimmed full of new tears as she yowled, “All of them! I don’t even have Duskfire to tease me anymore, or Ravenblaze to talk to, or Birdwave to teach!” Collapsing to the ground, Mistsoul covered her nose with her forepaws trying to muffle her cries. Why! Meanwhile, Redpaw looked up from the piece of kill he had scored. “Oh, it’s you.” He mewed. “What are you up to, Rosekit?” Looking at the little she-kit before him, Redpaw knew that she knew how to fight. He had watched her attack her siblings on more than one occasion. A little too temperamental for me, but she would make great tom kits who would rule clans. Redpaw added up the moons in his head, and grinned a toothy grin when the total came to him. “Your five moons old now, right? One more and you will be an apprentice.”
Just call me Siri.
1:11pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather padded about outside of the camp thinking about the loss of their clanmates when she heard crying coming from a fern. Huh? Crying? I must be going insane...but what if it's a cat? "H-hello?" She padded closer to the fern.
6:28pm Jun 16 2010
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ooc: Siri, Rainfeather ate some freshkill with some.. maggots in it.. That is what is wrong with her :).. I will post later))
6:55pm Jun 16 2010
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ooc; Featherkit it the one who fights alot Siri :3, Rosekit fights Featherkit back... most of the time.. lol.. Rosekit is the brave one. Rosekit shrugged, "Nothing.." she answered to his question. Rosekit's gaze sparked as he reminded her about her apprentice ceremony that would be coming up soon. "Yea I am Five moons! Well Five and 1/2.." she meowed, Has it really been that long? "I am so exited to become an apprentice.... " she meowed, I wonder who my mentor will be? She Looked at her soft white paws, "Do you enjoy it..? Being an apprentice?"
7:23pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 7:27pm Jun 16 2010)
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OoC: xD My bad, Eklipse! So many kits that I can't keep them separated. Redpaw rolled his bright auburn eyes, “Kinda boring right now.” Poking one of his claws into the deer meat, which he thought was a little tough. But who can complain, I’ve been so hungry lately with the shortage of prey. “With all of the prey pretty much gone, and my mentor becoming the deputy, I don’t get much time with her.” Looking around the clearing, Redpaw wondered which cats would be mentors for all the kits that were coming of age. “Do you think Crimsonfang, Shadowpelt, or Grayheart will become mentors? Or will Rainfeather and Swiftdarkness get their second?” Looking to the left, her honey-gold eyes wide with fright, Mistsoul saw an outline of a cat in the dimness of the fading light. Did they hear me call Blazewing, Jadewing? I hope not. Sniffling, Mistsoul pulled herself together. Be strong for the clan. “Who’s there? This is Mistsoul…” she mewed in a softly broken mew.
Just call me Siri.
8:27pm Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather padded closer to the fern "It's me...Blackfeather. Are you ok?" she asked softly. Lostfoot licked Shatteredpaw between her ears and purred louder. "I know. You will the most fantastic warrior the clans have ever seen."
9:33pm Jun 16 2010
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Jadewing looked up at Blackfeather from her tear filled eyes, "Oh, hey Blackfeater" mewed the fiery she-cat. While saying this she thought, First me, but, I came back, then my mate now all my kits but one. Oh what have we done to deserve this? She whispered quietly, "H-how did they d-die?"