9:34pm Jun 16 2010
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Rosekit looked at him, thinking deeply, "Crimsonfang... He might be too new for the clan for an apprentice... If he wern't so new, he might have been able to take on Featherkit... or not..." she paused, "Right now... Rainfeather is in no state to take on another one... her battle scars wont heal for atleast another moon.. But I do think Greyheart will be a fantastic mentor... And I think Swiftdarkness will be able to take on another apprentice." Hopefully... and one more warrior... She paused to take a breath " But with Shadowpelt.. she might not have the patience.." "Brightleaf might be a good mentor...and Timberfur wants an apprentice. Do you think he would be a good mentor?" She looked at Redpaw, her light blue-green eyes shining. "Really though." Shatteredpaw's meow was frustrated, "I would not make a good warrior. Have you ever heard of the three legged warrior?" She paused and looked at her feet, "I don't know what to do..."
10:10pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 10:16pm Jun 16 2010)
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather shook her head. "I-I do not know. I'm sorry." she sat beside the two she cats not knowing what to do. Lostfoot purred lightly now. "It doesn't matter how many paws you have. Look at me. I was born with no paw but I fight and hunt as any warrior. Being without a paw makes us stronger. We fight and try extra hard to learn what we do. Remember...strength and paws do not make the greatest warriors. It is their heart and determination to doing what they love that makes them great."
1:15pm Jun 17 2010
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Shatteredpaw looked at him You know you are not changing my mind right? she questioned him silently. "Yea.. The first time I caught a peice freshkill was two moons later than when I became an apprentice..." She snorted Whatever.
1:31pm Jun 17 2010
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(( *coughcough* waiting for eaglestar *coughcough*))
4:49pm Jun 17 2010
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Lostfoot sighed and gave up. "Very well."
8:04am Jun 18 2010
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ooc; bump
5:57pm Jun 18 2010
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(( Bump Bump))
10:09pm Jun 18 2010
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(( BUMP)...lol))
10:16pm Jun 18 2010
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Eaglestar siled weakly at Shadowpelt, "Thanks,but I" she broke off, she was about to say that she had already had some until she noticed Larkkit eating the small chunk she brought before and she started again, "Thank you very much"
10:49pm Jun 18 2010
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Cardinalkit took a huge mouthful of the fresh-kill, So strong and rich.... he thought as he ate the savory flavor and let it soak through his mouth. "Larkkit do you like it?" he meowed, then realized how mouse-brained that question was. He dipped his head to eat again, I haven't been fed this well for a while... he flicked his long ginger tail through the air in happiness. His bright red eyes shawn amber,as satisfaction streamed through him. This is the best stuff ever!! he purred to himself. If Featherkit didn't want to eat out in the snow with the rest of her litter, that would be just fine. " We don't need her." Cardinalkit meowed to himself and the rest of the kits in secrecy.
11:25pm Jun 18 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit sat a little ways away from the rest of the kits. Although some were his friends he didn't want to disturb them. So he sat where he was and layed down.
2:15pm Jun 19 2010
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OoC: Sorry I was gone! I forgot about this horse camp. ='( I'm a horrible person, but I will post now!
Just call me Siri.
2:21pm Jun 19 2010 (last edited on 2:22pm Jun 19 2010)
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Redpaw looked at Rosekit and mewed, “Brightleaf shouldn’t get one. She’s too emotional.” Like all she-cats. “But Timberfur would be good,” he meowed with a spark in his amber eyes. Looking at his fresh kill, Redpaw mewed, “Are you hungry at all?” Mistsoul looked at Blackfeather. “Oh, of course,” she sniffled, “It’s just my eyes are a little blurry and I couldn’t hear you very well.” Licking her lips, Mistsoul mewed, “Thank you for your concern, but I think I can go back now.” Getting to her weary paws, Mistsoul’s tail drooped to the ground. “I want to know what happened.” OoC: ::Waits for Rainfeather:: Oh, this is getting good! x3
Just call me Siri.
2:39pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Larkkit looked at Cardinalkit and mewed, "I do! It's good, better than milk" her sightless awua eyes swept throug the den and she could sense someone in the corner. (spidey senses ;P) She padded over to Snowkit with a small piece of meat in her mouth and asked, "Do you want some?" ooc; -dazed and confused- Who's Brightleaf? -fail-
2:46pm Jun 19 2010
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ooc; Siri, I think you should wait for Blackfeather, not Rainfeather. lol ^^ I will pst later.
3:25pm Jun 19 2010
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ooc; East, do you want to make Cardinalkit a apprentice yet? He is six moons old... :3 Thanks ... And Brightleaf is ah.. one of my new characters. almost taking over emeraldrain.. bic; Rosekit's whiskers twitched in amusement, "Yea, I am a little hungry.." she meowed shyly. She looked at the deer, So that is what a deer looks like...Her Blue-green eyes brightened, "Who do you think will mentor Featherkit?" The thought of her fox-hearted sister brought things to her mind. What kind of warrior would Featherkit be? Ambitious. That was the only word that would fit. Rosekit's ears twitched. I haven't tried Fresh-kill yet!! Then she smelt the scent of it, It won't hurt to try, Cardinalkit is eating some.. although he is already 6 moons old.
3:33pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((Sorry for not posting :P)) Shadowpelt shrugged and tossed the "mouse" onto the fresh-kill pile. "Wait, Eaglestar, I-" She cut herself off, so as not to yell. She padded quickly closer and mewed softly, "I need to talk to you. Its about the deer..." Shadowpelt was eager to tell her leader about how the deer had died.
3:41pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Theres so much going on, and just when my dad decided to murder our computer...literally.)) Letting her head fall onto her paws, Falconwing watched as the clan seemed to move on even through their grief for the newest lost warriors. For some reason she felt little over the death of the warriors, even though she knew them. Perhaps it was the knowledge that something was going to happen sooner or later, or that through so much death it did not seem to effect her as much. Nothing could be worse then losing Midnightpaw, so why bother? She thought to herself, scanning the clearing once more. Eyes landing on Redpaw, she suddenly felt guilty that she had not put much thought into her apprentice. Getting up, she trotted over to him and smiled at the kits. "I'm going to steal him for a training session." She mused to the younger cats, then flicked his shoulder with her tail. "Come on, a battle practice will do you some good. And i'm so sorry i'v neglected your training. It won't happen again." She told him in a softer voice. Some mentor I am. Pacing back and forth in front of the camp entrance, Silentheart looked from the camp then into the forest with worried eyes. He felt so detached from the clan, as if he was a outsider looking in on all of their grief and sadness. It's because i'v seen where all of the dead cats go, and it's amazing even if not all of the family is there. You can still watch over them and are happier then you could ever hope to be. I wish I could tell those that have been hurt by these deaths that. He sighed and padded into the forest to search for Mistsoul. He'd seen her leave in tears and thought about following, but after Jadewing went after he he figured a mother would help her more then a friend. But it was taking to long and he was becoming anxious. Following the scent trail, he found them and nodded to the she warriors before walking over to stand beside Mistsoul. "You alright?" He asked worriedly. Ears flat in sadness at the bodies laying in the scent of camp, Shadowpaw could not help but picture his sister laying there again, and thinking of her in a hole in the ground hurt. Looking up, his breath caught in his throat as a shimmering form stood beside Ashfoot, but was looking straight at him. The apprentice looked uneasily around, wondering if any other cat was looking. "Is..is something wrong?" He asked, and Lostkit only gave him a sad look, no words leaving his tiny mouth. "Lostkit?" The shape dissipated into a thousand tiny particles that glowed like stars before vanishing. Shaking his head, Shadowpaw looked around until he found Patchpelt and bolted over to her. "Did you see him? Lostkit?" He asked breathlessly, knowing his eyes were wide with terror.

10:49pm Jun 19 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather shook her head. "I'm sorry. I don't know." Snowkit purred but shook his head. "Sorry but I'm not really hungry. Thanks though." Fireeyes padded over to Fernseed with a piece of deer meat. "Hey. You wanna share?" he asked sheepishly with a smooth smile upon his face. Crimsonfang padded up to Featherkit from behind "How's little miss grumpy doing?" with a smirk he purred at her amuement in his eyes.
11:21pm Jun 19 2010
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Featherkit shot him a get away from me glance. She barred her thorn-sharp teeth at him. "What do you want?" she asked, Why does he always have to talk to me? She sunk her black claws into the earth. She dragged her gaze off of him, he reminds me of..Redstorm. she thought then glared at the ground, stunned. "Okay Falconwing, Bye Redpaw!" she meowed then walked happily back to the nursery and tore off her piece of fresh-kill. He talked to me! she thought then bit into the flavorful fresh-kill. Nightpaw listened to what Fernseed was talking about, and how she tried to treat Rainfeather. After Rainfeather had vomited the piece of fresh-kill, Nightpaw smelt maggots. "Gentlepaw! Can you smell that?" Nightpaw tasted the air, "Rainfeather must have eaten a rotten piece of Fresh-kill!"Nightpaw lifted her sightless light blue gaze to Gentlepaw, her black pelt shimmering. "Rainfeather," Nightpaw meowed, "How do you feel. " Rainfeather groaned and then Nightpaw heard her get up. "Fine thanks! " The white spotted silver warrior lifted herself onto her long powerful legs, "Thank you Fernseed! I don't think I well be eating another mouse again in a hurry." Rainfeather meowed, then padded to the fresh-kill pile, She still is hurting, thought Nightpaw, but I won't tell Fernseed. Nightpaw could tell by the way Rainfeather flinched while she walked and clumsily stepped.Maybe she can tell.