1:37am Jun 20 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, I was waiting for Rainfeather to respond to Patchpelt's post. x3 But now that that is over, I shall post! BiC Fernseed clearly saw the gimp that Rainfeather tried so hard to hide, but she let it be. I can only do so much for a warrior. If they refuse my help, I can’t force them to stay and heal. Looking at Nightpaw, with her eerie pale blue eyes, she mewed, “That is a good sense of smell you have, Nightpaw.” Looking at the remains of Rainfeather’s last meal, Fernseed was a bit concerned. If maggots are polluting the mice, what will we eat? Flicking her tail, as if to rid the thought, Fernseed yowled, “You two go get some moss, so that you can clean this mess up. I’m going to speak with Eaglestar.” Padding out of the medicine den, Fernseed almost ran into Fireeyes. “Oh!” she rasped, “Sure. I can spare a moment.” Her tummy rumbled in agreement. When was the last time I had a meal? Fernseed wondered as she bit into the venison. With a huff, Patchpelt sighed with relief at the sight of Rainfeather up and about. I don’t know what I would do if she couldn’t move tonight. About to find some food, Patchpelt purred with delight as her apprentice approached. About to greet him warmly she hesitated at his frightful ex pression. “Did you see him? Lostkit?" he asked in short gasps. Her emerald eyes narrowed in unease as she looked around the clearing. “No,” she whispered softly. “Shadowpaw, you lost your littermate at birth. How could I see him now?” Patchpelt’s love for Shadowpaw made her pad up to him, and she wrapped her tail around his shoulders in comfort. Patchpelt knew that she would fight like a queen to protect this little tom. He has been through so much trial, and at the tender age of an apprentice at that. Deciding they both needed some gentle moments, Patchpelt purred between comforting licks on his head, “Just relax, Shadowpaw, StarClan will make things clear when they choose.” Gazing down at Shadowpaw, Patchpelt wondered if she was truly ready for this challenge. I should take to another cat about this, she thought. At the sound of a masculine rasp, Mistsoul thought she would fall apart all over again. “Copperfire,” she mewed tenderly. Nudging Blazewing on the cheek, Mistsoul went to the tom. Flicking her tail in good-bye to Blackfeather, Mistsoul trotted a ways away before stopping. She didn’t want to be overheard. Her bright honey eyes were a deep topaz from all the tears that had been shed. I will miss you, my sib, but I will continue to remember you and father while I am still here. Her silky silver tail curled around her delicate paws. “Do you think I was a good sister?” Mistsoul asked hesitantly. She knew that Silentheart would give her an honest answer, what she needed most.
Just call me Siri.
1:38am Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Ah! I forgot Redpaw! xD I will post him in the morning...er...afternoon since it already is the morning.
Just call me Siri.
11:34am Jun 20 2010
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ooc; Okay Siri! Lol I just wasn't sure. I had to have one of the monsters getting closer... :)Excitement.. BIC; Nightpaw dipped her head to her mentor's praise, then put her nose to the ground like a dog to find the moss, she racked it off of a near by tree and padded back to the Medicine cat den and soaked up the remains of the rotten mouse. What are we going to do when the deer runs out? Our cats will be so well fed and ... Nightpaw took the dirty moss out of the camp and buried it. There was a strange smell of monster in the forest. Nightpaw padded forward, smelling. Then a huge crash boomed behind her. Nightpaw gasped, and pricked her ears, luckily, she was far away from the camp. Nightpaw ran as fast as she could away from the monster that seemed to be churning away the earth. She skidded into the camp, "Monster..s." she panted, "Are eating the earth!"
11:43am Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Shadowpaw pressed his muzzle into his mentors shoulder as he used to do to Falconwing in search of comfort. Sometimes he missed the closeness he shared with his mother, but Patchpelt almost felt like a older sister anymore. Sighing the young cat lifted his head and smiled at Patchpelt, trying to throw all his misgivings about everything to the back of his mind and concentrate on becoming a warrior. "Thank you Patchpelt." He meowed softly, and looked at the ground in embarr*censored*ment. "Er, sorry about this, breaking down." He muttered, fur flushing slightly. I'm supposed to be a apprentice now, not a wailing kit! Silentheart inwardly flinched at his new name. Sitting beside the she-cat he looked up at the sky and half closed his eyes. "Yes, you were a good sister. They loved you and you them, I could see that much." He thought on his next words, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "Is it because you were not here much of the time?" He questioned. "Their watching over you right now, and seeing you so torn up over their deaths is making them hurt just as much as you are." At least I think so. When Leopardheart and the others grieved over me I grieved right along with them because I felt it was my fault for not being strong enough to have stopped that pain. He nudged her cheek his his muzzle tenderly. "Take it from a cat who was with Starclan for moons. It's amazing there, no pain, no hunger, and you can watch everyone all the time. But it takes away from the goodness of it watching those you care about cry for you when your so happy." He meowed. "Be proud of them, and keep their memory alive, thats all you can do now. And yes, you were a great sister to them."

4:44pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( bump))
5:06pm Jun 20 2010 (last edited on 5:07pm Jun 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,864
(( I'm waiting for Eaglestar. xD And yah, thats where I was going with the monster-hit deer too. ^^))
8:29pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
OH. DAMN. ((Crap! What's been happening??! I'm so sorry for leaving D: Just give me what's been happening the last few pages and I'll catch up.))
9:36pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Yeahh.... I have no clue what's going on. ;P
12:25am Jun 21 2010
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Re-cap Prey is pretty much non-existent. The ‘monsters’ made their first move. While Ashfoot went out to find prey, he got ‘eaten’ (hit) by a monster. Birdwave, Duskfire, and Ravenblaze went to help, but it was too late, and they also got hit. Snow is falling, so the ‘monsters’ have to move back to the Thunderpaths. Patchpelt has told all of the other cats, who have had dreams, to meet at the Basking Rocks at Moon high. The Gathering is in two nights. I don't remember when the last time you posted was, Fullmoon, so I hope this is kinda helpful.
Just call me Siri.
4:47pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 6,296
6:13pm Jun 21 2010
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Thistlestorm padded around the camp, he lifted a piece of the deer off the body and began to eat. The flavor of non-stringy meat tasted great to him. The Ice cold air blew over him and he shivered, his dark grey fur fluffed up and he finished eating and sat there. What do I do now? he looked at the deer, nope... no hunting.. he looked through the camp, I guess no patrols. He shivered again, snow was falling from the sky rapidly, the camp would soon be full of small snow drifts. Rainfeather ate her fresh-kill and stood on the white, Ice covered ground. Her Ice blue eyes glowed with satisfaction. About two hours had p*censored*ed since she had felt any stomach pains and her battle wounds were healing well. She licked her black spotted white chest, all was well in the clearing. Her pelt glowed in the snow, but Rainfeather still felt the cold snowy air. Then Nightpaw skidded into the camp, "Monster..s." she panted, "Are eating the earth!" Rainfeather pricked her ears, trying to push away the nagging question of, 'How could you tell there are monsters when you can't see?'. Rainfeather padded up to Nightpaw, "Where abouts?" she asked gently soothing the lithe black she cat with her tail. "B-by the." Nightpaw breathed in, "Fireclan Border." she paused again,"I heard them.smelt them..." Nightpaw explained the rest to her. Rainfeather smelt the Monster's scent on Nightpaw. Not now! Rainfeather ran toward Eaglestar which was talking to Shadowpelt. "Eaglestar, Nightpaw heard the Twoleg monsters advancing near the Fireclan Border. Nightpaw almost got caught by one, but she fled." Rainfeather explained, "What do you suppose we do?" Rainfeather steadied her body from shaking, her legs we ready to run of without her. What do we do!
8:47pm Jun 21 2010
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Eaglestar shook her head, "I don't know." she mumbled, anger and fear welling up inside her threatening to escape, "I don't know what can be done." Kestrelheart trudged to the medicine den and mewed,"Fernseed... we.. will die." his yellow amber eyes were glazed as he continued to look at her, "I.. am..dying" He looked up at her from hiscrouchhich hadn't been droppe into purposely, "Help.. me"
9:31pm Jun 21 2010
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((Um... Who is Eaglestar talking to? Shadowpelt has been trying to talk to her about how the deer died for like four posts x3 Sorreh if that sounds rude.))
9:24am Jun 22 2010
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Nightpaw heard Kestrelheart, No you shouldn't say anything! Let Fernseed! She padded into the den and smelt Kestralheart. Well I can't tell anything... she slid into the medicine cat den, her light blue gaze focused. Then she smelt Gentlepaw, "What do you think Is happening?"
10:46am Jun 22 2010
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Patchpelt held Shadowpaw for a moment longer then pulled gently away. How lucky I was to have my apprentice come along with me on this adventure. When the silly little tom mumbled about being breaking down, she merely meowed, “I needed that as much as you did, Shadowpaw, so thank you.” Licking the crown of his calico head, Patchpelt stood and arched her back. The artic air made her shoulder sore all over again, but Patchpelt knew she would act as if nothing was the matter. When Nightpaw came speeding down into the camp horror set into Patchpelt’s frame. The black she-cat had a frightened look in her pale unseeing eyes. "Monsters…Are eating the earth!" she panted. Patchpelt flattened her ears against her skull. StarClan! How could you? I thought the snow prevented them from coming anymore! Wanting to tear into something, Patchpelt left camp in a huff. Mouse-dung, fox-brained, badger-minded, kit-barf! “StarClan, just leave us alone!” she yowled in a fit, when the camp was out of hearing range. “If you’re just going to lie to us then let us be!” Swiping at a drift of snow with unsheathed claws, Patchpelt hissed, and jumped into the air to pummel the falling flakes as well. When she landed, her calico coat was drenched, and she shivered from the cold. Suddenly feeling tired, so tired, Patchpelt could barely pick up her paws as she padded under a drooping fern. The moment her head rested on her forepaws, Patchpelt was dreaming. Run….run faster…get running! Her feet were pattering a rhythm on chilled grounds. The night was dark, so dark it seemed to suffocate her. But she kept running. Were am I going, she yowled, but no cat was beside her. Don’t wait, Patchpelt, go! Leave now, and go to were the world ends. Patchpelt’s breaths were labored as she mewed, I don’t know where that is! Then blinding lights shone. As if devoured the darkness, Patchpelt gasped in shock. All around her was debris. She wasn’t running anymore, but standing on a stump. Looking all around her, she could only see one cluster of trees. Suddenly, it burst into flames. No! she yowled in distress. Go, Patchpelt, go now. The sun was now a bright globe sitting overtop of the blazing trees. Find what was lost.
Jerking awake, Patchpelt felt disorientated. Then she looked to the sun, but through the leaves of the fern, she couldn’t see it. She knew that it was also hidden by the snow clouds. What do I do now? Getting to her frozen paws, Patchpelt walked back to camp felling empty. Fernseed watched Kestrelheart as he spoke to her. She didn’t like the way his eyes had glazed over. But what does it mean? An omen from StarClan, or a crazed cat? Nether was good for the clan, so Fernseed motioned to a barely spared moss bed. I guess it’s good that Rainfeather left the den. Padding over to Kestrelheart, Fernseed put her tail on his forehead. It was slightly warm, so she went into the herb den and grabbed two poppy seeds. “Eat them,” she mewed. Mistsoul looked up at Silentheart with such defeat that she closed her eyes. Her head fell to her chest, and she sighed heavily. “I’m acting like a fearful kit, huh?” she mewed softly. “Thank you, Silentheart,” she whispered his name ever so softly, “For being here for me.” Rubbing her cheek along his, she curled into the warmth of his chest. The snow fell around them, preventing any sound to be carried to them. Just the soft landing of flakes filled their ears. Mistsoul looked out at the forest from Silentheart’s shelter, and felt her eyes droop. The snow blurred her vision, and Silentheart’s new pelt blended with the snow, making it an odd color. At least I have my mother, she thought. And Silentheart.
Just call me Siri.
7:33pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Bump :) I really don't know what to post...
8:05pm Jun 22 2010
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ooc; Eaglestar was speaking to Rainfeather. wahtever. ;P Eaglestar turned back to Shadowpelt, "How did this deer die?" ooc; Failure ^ Kestrelheart ate the seeds and lay on the moss bed. ooc; IMPORTANT. kind of. So, Blazewig/Jadewing was my original cat to be the prophecizewd one but I'm going to make it Kestrelheart instead okay?
9:31pm Jun 22 2010
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StarClan... bic; "What are we going to do..." murmured Larkwing to herself as she looked down from StarClan, seeing Patchpelt scream. I know... if only I could help you... Larkwing swallowed and padded of into the Clearing. To confused to eat, she looked at the ground. The sweet smelling smooth gras.s swayed as she thought to herself. She would be so more hopeful if I could speak to her somehow... Searching for something in her mind to figure out her problems, Redstorm walked up to her. "I know you want to talk to her," he meowed softly to Larkwing. "So why not just talk to her by giving a vision of hope?" Larkwing looked at the star-filled red warrior, his green eyes hopeful. "Thank you Redstorm." Larkwing padded forward and Redstorm vanished, "By the will of StarClan, I Larkwing choose to Give Patchpelt a vision of hope." The colors of the night faded and Larkwing watched as she moved from Starclan grounds to The land of IceClan; her old territory. She floated slightly above the ground and padded toward Patchpelt. "Patchpelt." she meowed, "You are the only one who can see me." She starred at the warrior, "Have faith in your warrior ancestors, even StarClan can not be perfect." Larkwing padded into the forest, beaconing Patchpelt with her tail to follow. Away from Earshot of other cats, she sat down. "We can talk as long as you like."
3:07pm Jun 23 2010
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ooc; bump...
4:21pm Jun 23 2010
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Silentheart blinked down at the pretty warrior in surprise, hating to see her so sad. Placing one paw protectively in front of her so he was shielding her from the elements, or her own person demons he was not really sure. Licking the top of her head, the warrior purred rustily in comfort. "To tell you the truth, i'm as scared as you are." He whispered, voice melting into the wind and snow he was unsure if she could hear him. He paused for a second then murmured softly, "I'll always be here for you." Closing his own eyes to stop the wind from making them water, he let his senses cover the area to make sure no cat would come around to bother her for the moment.