5:29pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 5:32pm Jun 23 2010)
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Cheetahwind sat around camp, then he spotted Patchpelt. "Patchpel-" He greeted, but stopped mid-name. "Are you alright Patchpelt? You look a little disoriented." He gave her a warming shove. "What's bothering you? I can help."Then he saw Patchpelt looking intently in thin air. "A-are you alright?" He asked.
5:31pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
1:30am Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
!Trip! I will be gone from June 23rd to July 2nd! Sorry about that, but I might be able to get one, though, not likely. Looking up at Silentheart, Mistsoul frowned. He was not the same cat on the outside, as he was before, but she still loved him for what was inside. Her pelt heated with embarra.ssment when she realized how kit-like she was behaving. “I’m sorry,” she stuttered, “I’m usually more collected than this, and you would know.” Pulling away, she shivered at the sudden loss of heat, Mistsoul looked around herself. Realizing, yet again, that the snow itself seemed to be isolating them from any other cats, making itself into a barrier she didn’t want to break apart. What a wonderful feeling, she thought. “Thank you, Silentheart,” Mistsoul mewed with all her heart, “I really needed you.” Blinking her honey-gold eyes, Mistsoul wondered if there would ever be a time when they could have kits together. But now is definitely not the time, she yowled in her mind. Patchpelt could hardly believe her emerald eyes. What is this? she wondered. In the snow, right before her, Patchpelt saw a cat, but not any cat, Larkwing. The gentle she-cat that had defended Eaglestar to her own death, and Patchpelt admired her courage. Blinking rapidly, Patchpelt shock her head. “This can’t be true,” she mewed to herself. Then, to her astonishment, Larkwing spoke. It is true! Leaping to her paws, Patchpelt soaked up every syllable the she-cat murmured like moss soaks up water. The words were a sweet solace in all of Patchpelt’s hardship, and she opened her mouth to ask for guidance when Cheetahwind appeared. Turning narrowed eyes toward the tom, Patchpelt had never felt this frustrated. “Cheetahwind,” Patchpelt yowled in exasperation! “Did you have to come here now?” Realizing that her words could be hurtful, she instantly wished she could take them back. I really do want to speak with you Larkwing, but StarClan doesn’t will it now, obviously. Padding up to the spotted tom, Patchpelt nuzzled behind his ear, but she had to jump-nudge to reach, being that she is so much small than the exotic wildcat. “Please forgive me,” Patchpelt pleaded. “You of all cats should know my tongue speaks far more than I will it, much like a noisy kit.” OoC: So there is my last whoo-ra for the week. ='(
Just call me Siri.
9:30pm Jun 24 2010
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Larkwing looked at Patchpelt, "I can wait." she whispered in Patchpelt's ear then walked about 2 tail lengths away from them. She watched as she spoke to Cheetahwind. Her blue eyes blazed with a strange intensity as she looked at Patchpelt. What a kind young she-cat. She thought, Unfortunately, caught in a love triangle. Larkwing groomed herself until the young warrior was ready. "Gentlepaaaaaaw....." Nightpaw nagged, after she ran into the camp scarred from the monster, she had calmed down to talk to her friend. "We are going to the gathering two nights from now!!! " She prodded the she cat, Can she hear me? Nightpaw faced the apprentice blindly, "What do you want to do?" if you can hear me... she added silently in her head.
10:26pm Jun 24 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Getlepaw staredat Nightpaw. "What happened to you??" She didn't say it rudely, or anything like that. "Oh, nevermind. What to do??!" Gentlepaw licked herself. "Well, if you want to go out of camp, some of our storage is low, and merigold grows close to camp." Gentlepaw spoke again. "What's the smel of Merigold?"
1:55am Jun 25 2010
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Posts: 1,864
((I'm going to quit, sorry D: Giving up some of mah RPs.))
7:28pm Jun 25 2010
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(( :( awee bye !!!)) "Okay!" Nightpaw meowed, then she searched her brain, "Marigold.... It is kind of a pungent smell, but it kind of smells bitter." she thought some more. "I am not sure if we will find lots because of the snow has fallen but we can try!" she meowed, A little bit of snow won't stop Gentlepaw and me from getting important herbs!! "Lets go!" Nightpaw began to walk and she heard Gentlepaw's paw steps beside her. She froze, the booming sound of the two leg monsters echoed in her head. "We shouldn't go too far from the camp," she meowed sheepishly, "the monsters are getting closer."
12:01am Jun 26 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Bump!!!!!!!!!!! Lol watch this fail till Siri comes back! ))
11:27am Jun 26 2010
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8:17pm Jun 26 2010
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ooc; Can't post gtting read y for the burning. ;P
10:48am Jun 27 2010
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ooc; Heeeeyyy ELECTRO..... *points down* BIC; Thistlestorm padded around the clearing, desperate to be talked to. He just got back from a hunting patrol and caught nothing for his clan. He lay down and starred across the clearing, looking in al directions for a cat to talk to. Emeraldrain padded into the clearing, Thistlestorm and her caught nothing on their patrol. With a deep sigh, she padded into the clearing. She spotted snowkit, "Oh look at you!" she meowed fretfully, "Real warriors do eat like that!" she focused her gaze on the orange kit, stained with deer blood. A messy eater! She began to lick harshly at the kit, "If you don't like me licking you," she meowed in between licks, "Don't eat so messily!" As more snow began to fall Rainfeather padded around the camp and stretched her long legs, she had been put off fresh-kill for a while, since Crimsonfang fed her that rotting, maggot filled mouse. Even though she was hungry even thinking about eating made her stomach flip. "At least my scratches are healing..." she muttered to herself. It would be a long journey for her tonight, her and all the other cats with the weird dream. But Rainfeather would be fit for it. Rainfeather padded around the clearing waiting for the moon to be in the sky. I will use that hole in the undergrowth to get out of the camp with ought being caught. She decided, Her silver fur shawn as the wind blew through it, freezing her skin underneath. I may as well sleep now, She thought then walked into the warriors den. She settled into her warm moss nest, This is better than sleeping in the Medicine cat den. She closed her Ice blue eyes and let sleep take her. Poisonpaw let out a loud huff, impatient to know when she would get better. Or if she would get better. Her sickly green eyes shot Nightpaw a angry glance, seeing her leave the clearing without her. "I want to be out training with Sunflare!" she yowled, then realized how loud that was. Many of the warriors would be thinking she is having a fit. Poisonpaw dug her sharp white claws into the earth, the small amount of living gra.ss around her swayed when a breeze swept through the den, Poisonpaw licked her black and white fur angrily. What did I do to deserve this StarClan!?! she thought angrily. Then set her head down and glared at any cat that walked past her. Brightleaf bounded around the camp, her bright yellow eyes shining, "Its snowing!!" she meowed as she jumped, happiness flowing through her. The other cats didn't seem to be happy. Why aren't they?! The snow is amazing! She bounded to the freshkill pile, and selected a small sparrow, and began to devour it in small gulps. Her black paws stood out in the snow, she leapt into a tree trying to climb it, then she slid down. Warriors began to stare. Mousebrain! You are leaping around like a kit! She puffed out her chest and walked into the warriors den, oops.
12:53pm Jun 27 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Sunflare padded out of the warriors den in a slightly dejected manner, paws itching to do something worth his time. He shivered slightly as his paws sloshed through the snow, orange fur standing out from the white. "I hate this weather." He muttered in annoyance, flicking his ears as the white flakes tickled them. Glancing around, he tried not to chuckle at Brightleaf's kit like antic's. "Someone likes the snow." He mused before padding into the medicine cats den. "You'll be out of the den and training soon Poisonpaw." He meowed cheerily, having learned to ignore her glares and sharp words. "Ill have a word with Fernleaf soon to see if I can get you out of her for a bit, even if it does not include training."
6:22pm Jun 28 2010
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Poisonpaw shot his mentor a worried glance, "I hope you are right..." she muttered, then dragged her burning gaze on Sunflare."How soon?" she asked then flicked her black striped tail back and fourth. Breathing in, Poisonpaw looked at her mentor, "Will Shatteredpaw become a warrior before me?" she meowed sadly. Say no! Say no! She cried in her mind.
6:34pm Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Sunflare gave her a long look, trying to come up with a excuse to bye him some time or just turn to conversation around. Finally he sighed, giving up. "I'm really not sure Poisonpaw. You might have a warrior ceremony together, but in a way I doubt before." He meowed gently, licking her ear soothingly as if she were a kit. ((Fail post..))
9:23am Jun 29 2010
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Poisonpaw starred at her paws, she let out a huge sigh and looked around as her mentor soothed her. "There is nothing fun to do in the medicine cat den..." she muttered and stared outside the camp. Her venomous gaze burning, I will be out there soon...maybe Thistlestorm noticed Crimsonfang by the camp entrance staring at his paws. He happily walked over to him, "Why are you so sad?" instantly he remembered him with Rainfeather, "Ohh." he meowed answering his question, "Rainfeather..." Thistlestorm looked at the tom, troubled. "Why don't you go over there and talk to her?" he meowed, then a huge gust of wind almost blowed him over to the side. He fluffed up his black and grey fur. He looked at Crimson, half ready fro him to claw his eyes out. The sun was slowly setting.
1:38pm Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 6,296
look what my brother found! ;P ……………………………………. ¸„..¸ …… ¸·*”¬.¸ … ¸,.„¸ ………………………………... ¸,„.-’·-¬’˜ˆ¨¯¯’¯¯¨ˆ˜*˜*^’¬-.„'¸ ………………………. ¸,.~*˜¨¯ ………………….…………. ¨*·.,¸.-·¬·, …………………. ¸„-”¨ …………………….. ¸.·*'¨,·¬·,¯¨'*·.¸ …… *·.¸./ ‘……………… „·* ………………………... ;’ …. '·--·' ….....; ………..`¬,.-·¬·, ……………. ,·` …………………………… ‘¸ …………... ¸’ …………... `·, ¸.’ ………….. ¸” ………….. ¸,...„¸ ………………`¬··-—--~^*¨ ……………..... ´, …………. ;” ………… ,´O …. `, …….. „¸ …………….. ___ ……………….´, ………….. “„ …………‘·.„¸¸¸¸„.·’ .. * …... ¸¸„..-~·¬^;*”¨¯¸/’, . ‘;’, ……………... ‘,¯`, …………….”, …………. ¸¸„..-~;¬^*’˜¨¯l,·’¨`·’¯`·,·’´ ………¸/’ .', ……………... ’;·’ ……………...’; ……… ¨¯ .`·,`·-·‘ ………………... ¸¸„.--··~·--..„¸’; ……………... ';¬·-, ……………... '; ……………. ‘, …………….. ¸.~*¨ …………….’; ……………... ’;„.·’. ¸.·¬, .;'¯¨*·.¸ ……… ; …………….. ’; ………… ¸·* …………………...; ……………... ’;¸„-“…. ; . ’„ …...`·.¸ …... ; ……………... ; ……….. ,` ………………...l`·.¸ .; ………….. ¸„-“¨ …… ,’ ... ”¸ …….. `¬.¸¸; ……………... ;.. ;¸ …… ; ¸ …. _¸.·´`·.¸·.¸/`·.l¸¸„„.·’ ……… ¸„-“ ……….. „’ …...”-„ ………. ; ……………. _;¸/’ .`·-·´`¬·’ `·;·´„„.--··¬^*”˜ˆ¨¨¯ ………….. ¨ …………. „” ……...`·.¸ …… ; ………………… ¯¯¯¯¯ ………………………………………….. „;” …………`·„¸ ... ; …………………………………………………………………... „-“ .;*¬, …………….`·.„; …………………………………………………………………. “¨ … ;¸.·' ………………. ; …………….. ¸„.-·¬^*”˜¨¨¨˜”*^¬~.„¸ …………………………………. ’; ………………. ; ………… „·*´ ……………………..`¬.¸ …………………………….. ’; ………………..; ………. ,” ……………………………...`·, …………………………... ;¯¨'*·, ………………..; ……… ;’ …………………………………”, …………………………. ; . ¸·' ………………. ; ……... ;' ………………………………….. ‘; ………………………… ';´
12:03am Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; ACK SORRY!! D8> ...What is that?)) Snowkit struggled in Emeraldrain's licks and felt more embar*censored*ed then anything. "S-sorry mom." Crimsonfang sighed. "I promised I wouldn't bother her anymore and she's more likely to claw me to pieces if I bother her." looking at Thistlestorm he gave a weak smile.
5:16pm Jun 30 2010 (last edited on 5:16pm Jun 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; FULLMOON!!! Tell your brother that is epictastic awsomeness!!! "No need to apologize Snowkit!" Emeraldrain meowed and licked him several times. "Now you are clean. " she paused, "Go and play! and be carful!" I can't wait till I have my kit! She padded back to the warriors den, and shook the snow off her pelt. Her soft green eyes were coated with sleep. She walked to her nest and began to sleep. Thistlestorm narrowed his eyes, "I see, and why? what did you do to her?" he asked, you auviously need her to be with you. he added silently. "I am going to force her to talk to you, and you to talk to her. " he looked at Crimsonfang's eyes, troubled. "Look, she is outside the warriors den. Alone!" he nudged his friend. "You can't fight forever."
5:18pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( I will be gone for a couple days :'C I am banned from the computer till the end of sunday. I will try to get another post in by them though. ))
8:00pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Bump :D Back early!! C: . Hey any of you guys Like the Cyid? I love it!! I know it is not a bird or a dog or a cat, but hey tis the next best thing :). ))