8:51pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 779
(( HI~! 8D And yes I loves it. )) Crimsonfang hesitated and tried to push himself back. But he knew thistlestorm was right. "I supose I could give it a shot. But if she claws me to pieces I'm blaming you." he mewed with a hint of laughter. Taking a deep breath he padded towards her. "Hello."
9:27pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 779
11:55pm Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 779
Desired Name: Hawkmask Position: Warrior Family: Spiritfeather (Mother) and Blackfeather (sister) Mate: none Crush: none (Yet)
Age: (not needed) 21 (Spiritfeather had TWO litters) Additional Info Gender: She cat Appearance: http://zombiekitty3.deviantart.com/#/d2t4z3p Personality: Think of her almost like a cross between Ravenpaw (from first book) and Silverstream. GACK!! I'm SO sorry if I'm adding too many cats. DX>))
7:27pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 779
Bump must keep alive. <8/))
3:29pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 779
5:45pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
I'm back! And I have some new ideas. 
I was wondering if this could be the territory that they come to first. Florence, Oregon, Sand Dunes Prey: Mice Small Birds Squirrel Snake Lizard
Predator: - Birds of Prey
- Stray Dogs
- New Monsters (ATV's/Four wheelers)
Weather: - Spring
- Warm (70F/21C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 7 days
- Mild wind (Early in morning/Late in afternoon)
- Summer
- Hot (80-90F/26-32C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 14 days, or less
- Breeze throughout the day
- Fall
- Warm to Chilly (70F/20C early Fall, 50F/10C late Fall)
- Rain: 1 out of every 7 days, early Fall; 1 out of every 5 days, late Fall
- Breeze during early Fall; Mild wind during Fall
- Inch of Snow possible during late, late Fall
- Winter
- Chilly to Cold (50F/10C to 32F/0C)
- Rain: 1 out of every 3 days
- Harsh Wind, breeze during day
- Snow: Highly possible, up to eight inches
- Thunder Storm, Floods, and small cyclones are possible
Territory: - Sand...everywhere! xD
- Roughage Spots (Like in picture, smaller ones in the front)
- Foliage Islands (Like in picture, large one in the background)
- Ponds
- Creeks
- Rivers
- Ocean on Coast
- No two-leg houses, but odd dens (Tents/Trailers)
Will add more if neccessary, what do you think? I have more pictures as well.
Just call me Siri.
5:46pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I don't even know what our current territory really looks like, I just guess. O3O
Just call me Siri.
5:51pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; I lovers it! Ir curent territory is in like a weird place somewhere. lol. IceClan territory is gr*censored*y with a small pond at the edge that goes into TreeClan territory. A small river that gets bigger towards the end ends in a waterfall down a cliff with stair like rocks that lead into CaeClan territory.
5:56pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Hmm, lol! I never knew that. o3o' So, should they stop here, or should I come up with another place? I really like making terriorties. =) Also, if they stay here, could we change the clan name? I mean, that doesn't look like IceClan anymore. =3
Just call me Siri.
6:14pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Electro, I say go ahead and make more charries. Others don't seem to mind, look at the list! =P
Just call me Siri.
6:15pm Jul 4 2010 (last edited on 12:22am Jul 6 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,771
Leader: Eaglestar - EasternBluebird Lives Left: Five Deputy: Falconwing - Stray (Apprentice - Redpaw) Medicine Cat: Fernseed - Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: Gentlepaw - Fullmoon / Nightpaw - Eklipse Warriors: - Raveneyes - East
- Swiftdarkness - Siri
- Rainfeather - Eklipse
- Thistlestorm - Eklipse
- Berrypool (Stella) - East (Apprentice - Shatteredpaw)
- Kestrelheart - East (Apprentice - Bluepaw)
- Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Littlepaw)
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Sunflare - Stray (Apprentice - Poisonpaw)
- Patchpelt - Siri (Apprentice - Shadowpaw)
- Dreamfur - Fullmoon
- Mintleaf - Fullmoon
- Blazewing - East
- Copperfire - Stray
- Timberfur - Electro
- Fireeyes - Electro
- Crimsonfang - Electro
- Mistsoul - Siri
- Ravenfeather - East
- Brightleaf - Eklipse
- Lostfoot - Electro
- Hawkmask - Electro
Apprentices: - Shadowpaw - Stray
- Littlepaw - Fullmoon
- Shatteredpaw - Eklipse
- Poisonpaw -Eklipse
- Bluepaw - Full
- Graypaw - East
- Redpaw - Siri
Elders: - Windkeeper - East
- Spiritfeather - East
- Tigerfang - East
Queens: - Echovoice - East
- Emeraldrain - Eklipse (Apprentice - Graypaw)
Kits: - Featherkit - Eklipse
- Larkkit - East
- Rosekit - Eklipse
- Jadekit - Fullmoon
- Cardinalkit - Eklipse
- Snowkit - Electro
Loners: - Luoke - Stray
- Alcarié - Stray
Deceased: - Fallenwind - Stray
- Silentheart - Stray
- Blackstorm - Stray
- Flameridge - East
- Jadewing - East
- Falconeyes - Eklipse
- Dingofang - Eklipse
- Larkwing - Eklipse
- Jayflight - Eklipse
- Blackpaw - Fullmoon
- Midnightpaw - Siri
- Leopardheart - Siri
- Redstorm - Eklipse
- Ivynose - Eklipse
- Ashfoot – Siri
- Birdwave - East
- Ravenblaze - East
- Duskfire - East
Tribe/Clan (Cats who left): - Silverthaw - Siri
- Cougarclaw - Siri
- Dovefire - East
- Robinwing - Eklipse
- Embersky - Fullmoon
- Coldeyes - Fullmoon
- Brokenheart - Fullmoon
- Quailfoot - Eklipse
Additional: - TreeClan
- Leader, Lonestar
- Deputy, Twigstripe (Apprentice - Firpaw)
- FireClan
- Leader, Phoenixstar
- Deputy, Sevenstripe
- CaveClan:
- Leader, Hawkstar
- Deputy, ?
Just call me Siri.
10:24am Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Siri: Oh mah gosh! Lol I love it!!! Now I acctualy know where Iceclan lives!!)) "Okay Okay! Just go!" Thistlestorm meowed, He needs to stop moping! He thought and padded away before Crimsonfang could come back. Rainfeather lifted her muzzle, then her eyes widened. "You know that 'mouse' you gave me? It gave me a worse stomach ache that a kitting queen.?" She pushed her muzzle into the snow, "Why do you want to talk to me?" she asked turning her fiery ice blue gaze on him.
11:44am Jul 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,842
ooc; Siri, doesnt matter. They can stop their first and then head somewhere else. I was reading the seasonal desrips and saw chilly to cold (10C - 0C) and it made me laugh because thats sooo cold to some people but for me, wheere I live , n winter thats like gorgeous! Our cold is -55degrees celcuis :)
12:18pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((If it's alright i'd like to add two more toms. Their newer characters of mine and i'v really fallen in love with them for some reason.)) Desired Name: Alcarié (will be Panthergaze) Position: Loner (will be warrior) Family: None he cares to remember, but he looks at Luoke as a son Mate: Nope Crush: None as of yet Age: 39 Moons Additional Info Gender: Tom Appearance:  Personality: He is a very laid back cat, with hardly any temper whats so ever. He is not the most loyal cat though, to anyone except himself and Luoke, and does not mind to turn his back on those who he considers friends. But he is protective, if not loyal, and will jump in front of a killing blow to protect those he cares about, and will laugh any thanks he gets off. But Alcarié is a shameless flirt, enjoying to spend a lot of his time around the she-cats. He is a smooth talker and can seem sweet and caring at times. But if things get serious he backs away quickly. -- Desired Name: Luoke (will be Starpaw then Starwalker) Position: Loner (will be apprentice) Family: His mother is deceased, along with his brother and sister. He looks to Alcarié as a father Mate: None Crush: None Age: 14 Moons Additional Info Gender: Tom Appearance: He is a tiny cat, no larger then a 6 moon old kit with abnormally long legs and skinny body. No matter how much he eats he does not gain weight, so most of his ribs show along with his back bone. His bones are very weak and fragile, making him weak and clumsy. He would never make a good warrior, seeing as he can hardly walk and not break something, more less fight. Personality: He is a very socially awkward cat, always hiding in behind the larger, stronger Alcarié. He is very bold though, for such a weak cat and will stand up for what he believes in. He also tends to think that even though he is smaller and weaker then most, he'll be able to do just as much as any cat. Alcarié has a saying for him: You might be weak in body, but strong in heart. He lives by these words.

12:49pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang sighed and shook his head lightly "I'm really sorry about the mouse. Please forgive me. " he held seriousness in both eyes and voice.
8:26pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 2,092
12:22am Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 12:25am Jul 6 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Love the new toms~ I have to go to bed, but I will update everything and post ASAP! I have to do all this final stuff for college, so I've been a bit busy. Sowwy! ^.^' EDIT: Everything is updated! Check my first post, as in the first one that I, Siri, did, please. =) I don't want to have any oppies. Makes me feel rude. ='(
Just call me Siri.
10:06am Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; hey Stray, wouldn't that be funny if Starpaw bacame the leader? Lol, StarStar.. Rainfeather sniffed, her Ice blue gaze intense. "Fiiine, but let me choose my own fresh-kill next time!" she cuffed his head affectionately and padded off. yes let him believe he did nothing wrong... (Fail)
11:47am Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thanks Siri (: Love the new idea's by the way. eklipse: It would be humerus XD but seeing as he can hardly walk without breaking something I doubt he'll become leader. Normally I have him as Medicine cat apprentice, but as there are two already, he'll be a dysfunctional apprentice. East: I'm going to post Alcarié's and Luoke's intro's, bt if their not accepted then i'll delete this post. Thanks.)) Eyes trained on the small mouse not a few lengths in front of him, Alcarié knew him and Luoke would acually eat tonight. Taking a cautious step forward, the tempting scent making him want to blow his cover and just rush the silly little thing, he knew that it would be a futile catch. He would not have minded if it was just himself he was hunting for, he was quite used to going hungry, but knowing that he had a kit to look after as well. And a down right puny one at that. Only a few more paw steps before it was his. A sudden squeal of pain, loud and shrill made the mouse and Alcarié jump, the prey disappearing into a burrow. Cursing, the older cat leap to his paws and bolted into the undergrowth where he'd left the kit, heart racing. Though Luoke was not his own kit, he'd vowed from the moment he saw the scrap of fur laying on the side of a old two-leg road limp and bleeding he'd take care of him. Said kit was sitting not far from where he'd left him, ice blue eyes brimming with tears of pain and left fore paw lifted delicately off the ground. It was clear he was trying not to wail again and be strong. Curling his long tail over Luoke's shoulders in comfort, the older tom looked down at the paw and saw the small streaks of blood seeping from tiny scratches and the beginning of swelling. "I'm sorry Alcarié, I though that if I caught the squirrel then perhaps I'd stop being useless." Luoke whispered, looking down, ashamed. Heart going out to his adopted son, Alcarié purred in comfort and could pretty much guess what had happened. He'd chased after the squirrel into a tree and gotten his paw caught in a knob, tearing the skin and spraining his ankle when he'd tried to jerk it out. It would have not caused much damage to a normal, healthy cat, but Luoke was anything but. Licking his ears, Alcarié thought of their next move. It would be suicide for him if we keep going with him this way. Foxes or two-legs could get to him when he can't run and I have to hunt. I'm no healer though, I can't even take care of my own scratches, more less a sprained paw. He looked into the distance. I know though of a cat who said that there were cats of the forest who could heal, though their vicious and do nothing but kill. Clan cats I think. And there are two-legs everywhere in that direction now. He sighed. But what choice do we have. Luoke is easy kill right now. "Come on, I know a place that might be able to help. But you must be quiet while we're there okay?" He did not want to scare the kit, but being caught by some of their cats that were not a healer was not in his plans. Seeing him nod, Alcarié picked Luoke up by the scruff and dashed off, glad he was so small. Every now and then he'd whimper when his paws would hit a small stick or stone. Puffing by the time he'd reached the forest where monsters were digging and odd smells whiffed up to his delicate nose. It was cat scent, thought much different then anything he'd encountered. Luoke whimpered again, eyes closed. "It's alright, i'v got you." He muttered through fur. Gaining up his courage, the older tom stepped past what he knew were scent markers and dived into the shadows to conceal himself and his cargo. Following his nose, Alcarié finally came upon what seemed to be their center of business. The scent of many cats, kits as well, and the meows of cats confirmed this. "Listen Luoke, if this goes wrong, I want you to plea to them thats your no danger. They might take pity on you." He set the kit down and looked into his eyes. "If this goes wrong, they will probably kill me. I don't want you to say anything or try anything alright?" He murmured, and was surprised when Luoke buried his face into his fur and nodded. Not used to affection, Alcarié flushed and licked his head. Picking his back up and taking a deep breath, he really hoped the stories of these clan cats where not true. Pushing into the entrance, Alcarié tried not to yowl in surprise at the sheer amount of cats, instead swallowed his fear and raised his head in pride. Placing the kit at his feet, standing protectively over him, Alcarié swept his gaze across the cats, daring any of them to say anything. ((Their in Iceclan camp by the way. I could not find a way to incorporate that in the post.))

3:04pm Jul 6 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; If Strays post is allowed I will also post a cat to speak with the tom.)) Crimsonfang purred at Rainfeather as she padded away. "Alright." Seeing Hawkmask pad up to a strange tom he never recognized. Keeping watch out of the corner of his eye he as ready if things went wrong. A she cat padded up to Alcarie and Luoke. "Hello. My name is Hawkmask. I'm a warrior. I must ask you both to leave. You do not carry the scent of a clan. And also state why you are here. If you refuse I will attack. Much to my regret." Staring at the tom she held her head just as high as Alcarie. Tail up and eyes serious with a tint of fear of having a fight.