2:06pm Nov 29 2009
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Falconwing shook her head, spilling small blood droplets across the ground. "Its not bad." She grummbled, still glaring at Fallenwind. The deputy gave Swiftdarkness a annoyed look before whirling around and stalking towards Eaglestars den. "A small misunderstanding mostly tha o ou of hand." She sighed and let her ears droop, suddenl exhausted. "Thanks for stopping us, it would have gotten ugly then Eaglestar would have shredded us both." She tried to purr, but failed. Leaning aginst him, she felt emotionaly and physically exhusated. "I think sleep would be good." She muttered.
2:16pm Nov 29 2009
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Swiftdarkness looked down at, the suddenly helpless looking, Falconwing in dismay. She’s so strong, willful and energetic. Where has this Falconwing gone? Feeling worried Swiftdarkness nudged her into walking to the Medicine cat den. “It will be warm and quiet in there,” he said when he felt her resist. “I’ll help you settle in then go and grab some fresh-kill to share, you look hungry.” She looks leaner in a way, has she been loosing weight? I won’t stand for it if she has, I’ll hunt for her, along with the Clan, and so she won’t get any skinnier. Reaching the den, there was an open moss spot that had some sun light coming through. “This is perfect, I won’t be gone long.” Bounding away he got a fair sized rabbit, mentally promising the Clan to replace it with more, and brought it back to her. Finding her asleep, and not having the heart to wake her, he settled in next to her and licked her wound while purring softly. I think I’ve fallen and can’t get out, she’s got me. I need to tell her, I can only hope that she feels the same. Being warmed by both the sun and Falconwing, Swiftdarkness couldn’t resist napping. It felt so right being with her.
Just call me Siri.
2:24pm Nov 29 2009
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Falconwing woke a little later, feeling better. Yawning, she suddenly noticed Switdarkness laying beside her, and smiled smally. He looks so cute while asleep, more vunerable then when he was awake. She thought, and purred softly. Yawning aai, she lay her head across his shoulder and sighed, feeling sleep claiming her again. Wonder what time of day it was, and if she was needed for patrol was the last thing she thought before falling asleep again.
2:48pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 3:01pm Nov 29 2009)
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Leopardheart looked around the camp, where is Swiftdarkness? I thought we might go on a patrol together. Sighing he called over Cougarclaw and Tigerfang asking, "Would you like to patrol with me? Eaglestar asked me to go out with a warrior or two." Seeing them both nod, he blinked his thanks to them. I think I'll have Silentpaw and Patchpaw go hunting for the Elders. Glancing at the fresh-kill pile, maybe for the whole Clan too. Walking over to the Apprentice den he called the two out, while seeing Cheetahpaw completely knocked out, the two looked at odd ends. “I would like it if you two would hunt for the Elders then stock the fresh-kill pile well,” he ordered. Watching them nod, he smiled and said, “Thank you. The both of you are hard working.” Noticing Kestrelpaw he added, "You need to get back into shape, go with them." Smiling Patchpaw glanced at Silentpaw and noticed that he was much more secluded than normal. I wish we could get along. I don’t even know what happened, but I think it has something to do with Cheetahpaw. Glancing back at the other apprentice she sighed, then startled when Silentpaw gave her a hard stare. “Silentpaw?” she barely got out before he was out of the den and half-way across the camp. Silentpaw, I would rather be friends with you then Cheetahpaw. Patchpaw let out a small offended yowl when she realized how Silentpaw took the sigh. Tail low and ears no longer pricked, Patchpaw headed out of the camp behind Silentpaw. With Kestrelpaw right behind her.
Just call me Siri.
2:52pm Nov 29 2009
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((eklipse is mah best friend and has been since we were 5 'kay? She will be leader of antoher clan but only rp it at gatherings. The other kitties she named are in our clan, and just so you remember Ivynose(she-cat), Dovefire(tom), and Eaglestar(she-cat) are brother and sisters and ALBINO!!)) Kestrelpaw walked up to Patchpaw and poked her, "Whats up?" his eyes were shining. He was happy. He hadn't been able to train for a while because Tigerfang had been ill. ((Trying to incorperate these cats in more)) Flameridge and Raveneyes wer out hunting and Eaglestar was laying on the Basking Rocks trying to get some sleep. She hadn't been able to sleep because of the thougth of rogues or another clan attacking. She stretched herself oput and then curled up fallingg asleep quickly into some rather odd dreams..... Where am I? Eaglestar tried to cry aloud but no sound came out. Once again tome flashed by and she was staring at her self in the nursery with little kits, but this time there was 4. There's one more kit than last time. This time it was spoken aloud. Oh StarClan, don't let there be anymore! Foiur kits is a lot to handle. I've seen Jadewing with her kits, they are a handful, but very bright. .....And she awoke, scared yet somehow refreshed. She knew what to do.
2:57pm Nov 29 2009
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Swiftdarkness let out a small, short purr of pleasure when he awoke to find that Falconwing had stayed with him. Looking up he noted that it was near or past the time for dusk-patrol to leave. Letting out a merrow of laughter he thought, oops. Leopardheart wanted me to go along with him to talk about Silentpaw. I guess that will have to wait. Gently nudging Falconwing he whispered, “I think we slept the day away. Fernseed and Mistkit, Mistpaw will be here soon. So we should leave before they get here, or unless you want to stay,” he licked her cheek as if contemplating the idea. I think I could sleep with her forever and not grow tired of it.
Just call me Siri.
2:59pm Nov 29 2009
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(((I will edit my post before with Leopardheart to add him into the hunting for the Clan, East. And I was just a little confuzed about two leaders, X3 Sorry.))) (((Ps. I have to leave.)))
Just call me Siri.
3:13pm Nov 29 2009
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Cheetahpaw was flicking his tail, looking at the fresh-kill pile. Then, he looked at his mentor. "Can we do fighting trining?" He had been waiting for this moment his whole life.
3:17pm Nov 29 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((((Tis okay, siri ima use Cougarclaw right now cause liek she's Cheetahpaws mentor)) Cougarclaw mewed to her apprentice "Of course" and they padded off. ((sorrry bout short fail posts))
3:39pm Nov 29 2009
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Cheetahpaw hurried towards Cougarlcaw. "What are we going to do first?" He asked.
4:11pm Nov 29 2009
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"fighting" She mewed to him before running off to the clearing. ((you can post mor ewith them fighting and all))
6:16pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 5:33pm Oct 13 2010)
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The Basics: Name: -Poisonkit- (Poisonpaw) {Poisonheart} Nicknames: None so far, But I would tear off any cat's ear that gave me one. Age: 16 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Sickly green Coat Color: White with odd tabby markings. Scars: Torn ear. Distinguishing Features: Strange eye color.
The Personality: Loves: Her Clan, battles in between other Cats and Clans, Likes: Being the most aggressive, being feared, Dislikes: Knowing her mother was evil, being lied to, being questioned, Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father... I don't know who he is. Weaknesses: Hunting, swimming, Strengths: Battling, fighting, Pet Peeves: Fearing beetles... The Other: Scent: The smell after it rains Crush: No. Family: Mother: Blackfang /Sister: Nightfall Mate: How do I tell you this lightly. NO. Offspring: If I don't have a mate I wouldn't want offspring, yes? Additional Information :Living up to her name, Poisonheart is a smart and cunning cat, her ability's will make her a warrior IceClan will favor. But the thought of being from another Clan didn't hurt her as much as her sister Nightfall, knowing she was a child of a murderous cat damaged Poisonheart, but like everything else, it made her stronger. The Basics: Name: -Nightkit- (Nightpaw) {Nightfall} Nicknames: None... I hope, I don't get any though... o_0 Age: 16 moons Position: Medicine Cat Gender: She-cat Birthplace: FireClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light pale blue Coat Color: Pure Jet black Scars: none so far, Distinguishing Features: Different, FireClan Build.
The Personality: Loves: My Clan, My position, healing Likes: Being a little different, Dislikes: Not being able to see, being judged about where she was born. Secret(s): My mother is Not Jayflight, it is Blackfang of FireClan, and my father is Snowdarkness, the murderess FireClan medicine cat. I haven't told Poisonheart who our father is yet... I don't plan on it though... Weaknesses: Fighting, emotional strength, Strengths: Sharp comebacks, Pet Peeves: stepping in mud and water, which makes me wonder why, I am fully FireClan. :S The Other: Scent: Mourning, the day after a thunderstorm. Crush: -OPEN- Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: I am forbidden to have one... But I wouldn't mind one. Offspring: No..................... >Cries< Additional Information :Nightfall's personality is unlike her mother, Blackfang's , she rarely gets angry and puts the needs of her Clan first. Nightfall will be sweet and kind hearted again though, the thought of her Father being a medicine cat, a murderer and knowing she is a mistake hurts her like nothing she has ever felt before. Some cats still can tell that she is related to her terroris mother, her tall legs and black fur is a major resemblance, but that doesn't bother her as much as knowing who her parents are and loosing a relative, to fact, because they have different mothers. But What StarClan can say to Nightpaw is that her path will be getting allot more interesting... The Basics: Name: -Featherkit- (Featherpaw) {Featherstorm} Nicknames: If. You. Give. Me. One. You. Are. Dead. T-T Age: 8 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: She-cat Birthplace: IceClan Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Flashing bright red. Coat Color: Leopard spotted and tan. Scars: One cut on her ear, and one thin one down her back. Distinguishing Features: Red eyes, Sharp black Claws. 
The Personality: Loves: My parents. Which are dead. Likes: Being very aggressive. Dislikes: Rosepaw, Larkpaw, snowkit, etc. Secret(s): My mentor, Blackfang told me that he killed Eaglestar. I tried to tell the others. They didn't believe me. My mentor also is ruff with me............... >,= Weaknesses: Being nice, confiding in others. Strengths: Fighting, Hunting, Pet Peeves: Being told what to do. The Other: Scent: Smoke after it has burned through the forest.... Crush: -OPEN- But I won't have a crush on them. Family: Poisonpaw, Snowdarkness, and Blackfang. Rainfeather,Sunstripe, Redstorm, Eaglestar, Pheonixstar, Iceheart, Rosekit, Jadekit, Featherkit, and Larkkit. Mate: NU. >3 ha turned down. Offspring: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I am an apprentice, genius. Additional Information :Featherpaw will never be a easy cat to like, her fast tung and easily triggered aggressiveness will always remind her cats of her Aunt Blackfang. But unlike her, she has some things that will make her moods turn around, but right now no cat knows these things but her. Part of Featherpaw's personality is also how she treats her apprenticeship, she is oddly willing to do everything her mentor tells her to, in order to be like her father, and also her mother Redstorm & Eaglestar.
Looks: Name: Rosekit Gender: Female Position: kit Crush: Redpaw Mate: no Age: 5 and 1 half moons Personality: Rosekit will be a fantastic warrior, with her strategy from kithood, to her apprenticeship. Her kind personality makes a very loyal friend and you may have a hard time letting her go. Kin: Rainfeather, Eaglestar, sunstripe Redstorm, Blackfang, Ivynose. Appearance: Beautiful dark red she cat, with Cream spots, A white muzzle and Brilliant blue eyes.
9:32pm Nov 29 2009
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Cougarclaw noted that a lot of the Clan was busy and running about, so she thought that this was a great time to teach her apprentice to fight. I just hope that he doesn’t squash me in the process. Yowling over her shoulder, “Come on now pick up the pace, I know you can run.” Was our run today that draining to him? He hasn’t had this much exercise in his life most likely, he will be sore tomorrow. “Ok, so this is where we train,” she told Cheetahpaw hoping he remembered, “We will be coming here often. Now, I want you to attack me.” Seeing him hesitate, the she-cat lounged and batted him across the face with sheathed-claws. “Too slow, in a fight there will be no time to think about how much smaller your opponent is, or that it’s just a she-cat!” Cougarclaw fired at him, knowing she was being a bit hard but not wanting the tom to take it easy one her. I might as well get some work out of it too. Hearing the bushes rumble, heralding the approch of another cat. Who could this be?
Just call me Siri.
9:36pm Nov 29 2009
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Seeing Cougarclaw destracted, he pounced onto her back. He gently put his weight on her, but not enough to squish her. Then, he got off her back, and batted her to the other side of the training area.
9:42pm Nov 29 2009
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Tigerfang stood beside her apprentice and sid. "Lets go hunting" Kestrelpaw nodded and they padded out of the camp. Kestrelpaw scented the air and asked his mentor, "What is that stench?" she lifted her nose, wrinkling it in disgust once she got a whiff of it, "Smells like badger, we should go tell Eaglestar" The apprentice nodded and followed her vback to the camp.
9:48pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 9:49pm Nov 29 2009)
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Surprised Cougarclaw looked at Cheetahpaw. “Well done. I wasn’t prepared for that; now let’s see if you can be successful again. Also don’t hold back I know my strength and you can’t hurt me too bad.” Cougarclaw then taunted, “If you can get a paw on me!” Then stepped into a crouch to see what her apprentice would do.
Just call me Siri.
9:52pm Nov 29 2009
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Cheetahpaw looked closely at Cougarclaw. "There." He dived under Cougarclaw's belly, battering it. Then, before Cougarclaw could do a counterstrike. He rammed into Cougarclaw, but not too hard. But if it was a real enemy, he would ram him or her with full force. Cheetahpaw did this before, and got a hard skull.
9:57pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 9:59pm Nov 29 2009)
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Cougarclaw grunted with the effort of trying to stay balanced, dear StarClan that was a hit! He’s much better then I planned. Tired of playing defensively, Cougarclaw made for a straight forward lounge but flinted to the right at the last minute and knocked Cheetahpaw over. Rapidly moving she batted his bared stomach. And when he went to roll on top of her she slipped between his hind paws and brought him down again. Breathing hard, Cougarclaw was about to attack when she caught a whiff of something. “Hold on Cheetahpaw,” she stated when her apprentice was about to attack again. What is this smell? Thinking fast she realized that it was badger. "We have to get back to the camp, there's a badger out here Cheetahpaw." Cougarclaw signaled for him to follow her back to camp, "This could be bad," she said quickly, "They like to take kits. I hope that we can warn Eaglestar in time."
Just call me Siri.
10:00pm Nov 29 2009
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10:04pm Nov 29 2009
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((No! )'= Miss you already.))
Just call me Siri.