3:55pm Jul 7 2010
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I joined not long ago so I believe.)))
3:56pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 779
3:58pm Jul 7 2010
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ooc; I leaves tomorrow O.o and Det, if you can catch up I have no problem with you joinething our rp. Siri, I have an extremely late birthday present you might have to wait till I get back to get it though o.O
3:58pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Jul 7 2010)
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BIOS Desired Name: Robin // Phantasme Position: Queen // Rogue Family: No // No Mate: Stormtalon (Deceased) // Open
Crush: Open x2 Age: 20 moons // 18 moons Additional Info Gender: She-cat x2 Appearance: Russet she-cat with black paws // Pale gray she-cat (is also blind) Personality: Warm and loving // Cold, mostly a loner
4:06pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Jul 7 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Sure Eklipse! I'll have a look st her picture now.)) Luoke glared at Nightpaw as she padded away, sticking out his tongue childishly as she padded back into the den. He glanced over though in surprise as Hawkmask walked away, really hoping Alcarié was in a decent mood and not offend any cat. "Don't run into anything there Nightpaw." He meowed sarcastically, having heard Fernseed call her that. Not that he wanted a enemy already, but Nightpaw's behavior was a little irking. Hearing Hawkmask finish speaking to Luoke and the others, he watched as the kit seemed to be getting along alright, at least he was not bleeding anywhere else but his paw. "Still think i'm going to hurt some cat?" He asked her coolly, a slight smirk on his face.
4:09pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~} Sorry to butt in, but can you post the Med. Cat's BIO on my RP Stray-dreams? ♥ {~}
4:16pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((*smacks head* I forgot to do to that earlier. I'll go do that now.))
4:18pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask hissed lightly but showed humor in her eyes. "You're sons in good paws. They know what their doing. Now come with me. So I can tell Eaglestar the situation. And no rude comments. She's as strong as any cat."
4:23pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm Jul 7 2010)
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Alcarié shuffled his paws uncomfortably, getting up to follow her. "Well, acually he's not my real son. But I look at him like one." He admitted, tail twitching. 'And he's a good kit, weaker then most by strong of heart." He admitted, padded up to stand beside her. "If you don't mind my asking, what do you call this place?" He asked, blue eyes scanning the clearing curiously. After a bit, the cats seemed like normal cats, a little more muscled then what he was used to, but living like this would probably do that. "I will not say a word out of line. I'm in your alls debt for helping Luoke."
4:36pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~} What's going on? Can I just make my charries break into the scene? {~}
4:39pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 779
She looked around the clearing proud to be apart of this life. "This is Iceclan. He's seen as a son to you and thats what makes him your son. I believe he is strong. He surely doesn't mind throwing around a comment or two. Like you."
4:48pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Yeah, you can probably jump in anywhere Detneth. Sunflare is outside of camp if you want Phantasme to mewet someone.)) Chuckling slightly, Alcarié grinned proudly. "Then i'v taught him well." He meowed, looking around for this leader everyone kept talking about. He really hoped she would not kick him out and leave Luoke here alone. That would be the only time he'd fight, if they tried to separate them.
4:51pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask purred at Alcaries words and padded to Eaglestars den hoping she'd be in there. "Eaglestar?" ((FAIL POST))
4:52pm Jul 7 2010
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Phantasme slunk through the forest, her thin gray body clearly visible in the gloom. She stiffled a hiss of frustration as she neared the strange scent that filled her nostrils as she neared the clearing. Cats...yet unlike those I have ever seen, she thought anxiously, flicking her ear in frustration at her blindness. Behind her followed her littermate, Robin, whose bulging belly clearly stated her pregnancy. "Stop," she mewed softly, holding her tail up to bar Robin's way. "I scent...cats." -- Robin shuffled her paws uneasily in the undergrowth, hoping the strange cats that were out there wouldn't hurt her unborn kits. She pressed her flank up against Phantasme's to comfort herself as she peered into the forest around her.
5:00pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Digging up the two mice he'd been lucky to catch, Sunflare was about to start back to camp with his catch when the wind shifted, carrying the scent of other cats with it. Fur bristling slightly, he knew the clan could hardly feed it's self, more less loners. Placing the mice back, the golden tom slunk through the snow until he peered at two she-cats. Abut to jump out and demand to know what they were doing, he stopped and stared as he noticed the one's swelling belly. No cat should be out here in this weather carrying kits. He thought sadly, and let his fur lie flat. Exiting the shadow, he smiled slightly at the two, showing he meant them no harm. "What are you doing out here in this weather?" He asked calmly, never having been one to be drastic unlike most of his clan mates.
5:02pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Oh my kittens! That was a lot of reading! xD But I'm glad that this Rp is still running strong! ::flexes:: "Oh, yeah." Anyway, sorry about that Eastie, I thought you said Wednesday. ^.^' Forgive me? As for the present. o.o Now I want to know, but I can wait...I think! xD Detneth, I can Rmail you a breif story line of what is happening, if you would like.
Just call me Siri.
5:04pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Phantasme swung around to face the sound the mew had come from, her fur bristling. "Wha-" she began angrily, though Robin placed her tail on Phantasme's back to remind her to stay calm. "I'm sorry," Robin mewed softly, gazing at the large tom who stood in front of them. "Phantasme gets uncomfortable around strangers. I'm Robin, and we're only out here because our two-legs tossed us out. It was because Phantasme accidentally scratched one of their kits and I got pregnant." She bowed her head sadly, hoping the tom wouldn't attack.
5:04pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{~} Thanks Siri, I'd appreciate it. I only really understand what's going on so far with my cats, but nothing else xD {~}
5:09pm Jul 7 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm Jul 7 2010)
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Glancing over the two, Sunflare quickly *censored*essed the personality of the two. The grey she-cat, Phantasme if he remembered, was aggressive and quick tempered, white the russet she-cat was calmer. Odd, but no cat deserved to be out in this weather, kittypets or not. Finally he sighed, wondering if he would get into some trouble for what he was about to do. He was a lower ranking warrior, younger and naive so they would probably show little leniency. "There's a clan that lives not far from here. Their decent in their own way, but can be nasty. But I would not suggest going that direction," He pointed with his nose towards Caveclan and the others. "They'll probably claw your fur off. Where are you headed?"
5:11pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Det, if I may call you that, I'm working on the Rmail right now!~ =)
Just call me Siri.