5:12pm Jul 7 2010
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"Yes Hawkmask?" mewed Ealgestar drowsily. ooc; -fail!-
5:13pm Jul 7 2010
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Robin sighed, "Anywhere I suppose. But in truth, please don't think of us as kittypets. We stayed there for a bit because our other sister Ei was also pregnant. But she died along with her kits, and then I got pregnant, so we're like...loners, I think you would call them." Phantasme nodded, "Why are the cats around here so hostile?" she asked, her former fury dissipated by her curiosity of Clan life. "And are you a Clan cat?"
5:23pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 779
"I have come to tell you something important. May I come in?" she mewed softly.
7:29pm Jul 7 2010
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Nightpaw hissed, " Don't trip in a gofer hole! The gofer might eat you!" She padded back into the medicine cat den. Okay.... That was not like me. She lay down in her nest. "Good riddance" Brightleaf leapt around the camp happily. Her light silver fur shinning, she noticed A black tom-cat. She padded up to him quietly. "Who are you? Are you new in the camp?" She meowed, then flattened herself on the ground and begun to play with a little ball of snow. She lept into the air then landed neatly beside him. "Hi!"
7:29pm Jul 7 2010
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Sunflare nodded at Robins's words. "Yes, we'd call you loners. You don't hurt us or purposefully steal our prey, so your not rouges." He explained, feeling slightly stupid. He turned his head to look at Phantasme. "Yes, I am a clan cat, called Sunflare." He pondered for a second if he should explain why they were like they were. He did not want them to sound weak. "We act as we do because we must protect our territory from others who want the prey. There are a lot of use, meaning a lot of mouths to feed. And at the moment theres little prey, meaning we're more hostile then normal." He meowed calmly. "May I ask who you are?"
7:32pm Jul 7 2010
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Alcarié nearly jumped a tail length in the air as yet another cat seemed to appear, whipping around to glare at her, trying to get his fur to lie flat. But his anger quickly dissipated at her cheery attitude. "Er, i'm here so my son of sorts can get help for a wound." He told her, batting the ball of snow back at her. He smiled slightly. "Hi yourself." ((Fail post...))
7:32pm Jul 7 2010
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"My sister already introduced me, but I'm Phantasme. We've travelled a long way from the two-leg dens, and we'd like to know if you could offer us a place to stay until my sister kits. I don't want her out in the snow like this when she gives birth." However hostile Phantasme acted, she genuinely cared for Robin and wanted to make sure that she and her kits survived, unlike Ei. -- Robin nodded and looked at Sunflash pleadingly, "Please? Both me and Phantasme can hunt and fend for ourselves, but there doesn't seem to be a single den in this StarClan-forsaken place."
7:40pm Jul 7 2010
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She looked at him, "Your son? Where? Is he a kit? and apprentice?" She ran across the camp, then ran back. "I didn't see him..." she meowed panting. Then she straitened her back, and flicked her ears. "So whats your name?" she asked, this time waiting for an answer. She shuffled her black paws in the snow, her eyes glowing.
8:04pm Jul 7 2010
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ooc; bump
8:08pm Jul 7 2010
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"Of course" mewed the creamy queen, "What is happening?" eaglestar asked suddenly awake, "Is it another attack?"
9:59pm Jul 7 2010
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Hawkmask nodded for Alcarie to follow. "No we aren't under attack. But this tom Alcarie as he told me, has led his son here to be healed. I thought I should report the situation."
2:37am Jul 8 2010
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8:41am Jul 8 2010
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8:47am Jul 8 2010
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)) Could cardinalkit become an apprentice naow!!? (( ))Siri, can we have it moonhigh soon? So that we get to do that meeting?(( Cardinal kit stepped out of the nursery. His small black paws were already covered in snow. He whipped his long tail around uncovering it from the snow. I am bored. He leapt over a small snowdrift and looked at the snow covered clearing, then he sat down. "Not much fresh-kill... " he meowed.
3:15pm Jul 8 2010
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Sunflare looked over at Robin and blinked kindly, understanding her plea. There was no way he'd let a queen suffer through leaf-bare with kits alone or with only one other cat to take care of them. He was way to kind hearted, probably the reason most of the clan seemed to look at him as one of the weakest links. Sunflare could not help but chuckle at Phantasme's wayward attitude, aggressive and cold on the outside, but kind on the inside. "I understand your concerns completely. Iceclan would not condemn any cat to such a fate, at least our leader probably would not, and it's her thought that counts." He flicked his tail for them to follow. "Come along, i'll take you to camp." He meowed cheerily. -- Alcarié glanced over to where Hawkmask disappeared into a den, and looked inside himself. He nodded to the she-cat inside, feeling vulnerable against her red eyes. He shivered slightly. Finally he looked away and smiled back at the she-cat in front of him. He laughed lightly, surprised by her energy. "Well, he's not exactly my son, but I look at him as one and take care of him." He meowed. "No, he's not a kit, but he looks like one, thus the nickname 'Kit'. And apprentice though? I'm not really sure what that is, terribly sorry." He flushed at his own ignorance. "The names Alcarié, the kit's Luoke. Mind if I ask yours?" He asked, smiling charmingly.

7:08pm Jul 8 2010
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Brightleaf flung her tail side to side quick, "My name is Brightleaf," she meowed happily. Saying my warrior name out loud is gooood.... she stared at him. ))AHHH EPIC FAIL((
8:37pm Jul 8 2010
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ooc; bump
12:03pm Jul 9 2010
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5:29pm Jul 9 2010
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12:25pm Jul 10 2010
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Eaglestar scrutinized the black tom-cat, who was sitting outside her den conversing with Brightleaf one of the clans gentler warriors, with intense crimson eyes. Flicking her tail-tip in irritation, the leader wondered if another warrior would be wise for the clan or the downfall. Watching him talk with one of IceClan’s loyal warriors, Eaglestar wondered if he wouldn’t have a problem getting along with any cat in the clan, or if he was just trying to sway her she-cats away. Kneading the ground with her ivory claws, Eaglestar looked back at Hawkmask and mewed, “Well, report why he is here. There is no reason for you to wait on my every command. I want to know why this tom has wandered into my clan, what he plans on doing in his time here, and if he plans on staying.” There has to be a motive, she thought, no cat would walk around in this weather just to find a clan. Getting to all four paws, Eaglestar shock the sand from her fur, and turned to lick the moss off her back. With a shiver Eaglestar padded out of her den with a dismissive flick of her tail at Hawkmask. Deciding that she would find more information talking with the tom than demanding Hawkmask to tell her, she would go figure out things out herself. Analyzing the tom once more, Alcarié, Hawkmask had called him; Eaglestar didn’t like what she saw. He was thin from lack of prey, less muscle than any of her warriors, and he seemed ready to fight. I know he has spirit, but is that good or bad for the clan? Every decision she made would be for the best of the clan, she couldn’t mess up. Stopping a tail length from the new cat, Eaglestar sat down, and wrapped her cream-white tail around her paws. “Alcarié, welcome to IceClan, I am Eaglestar,” she began, “Leader of this clan. My main concern is for the well being of every cat in this clan, so I must ask you some questions.” With a harsh glare, she warned, “If you don’t answer them, I must have my warriors case you out.” Softening her next words, Eaglestar hoped that this would go smoothly. “Where have you come from, Alcarié? What has brought you here? How long will you stay? In your stay, do you agree to serve this clan in any crisis it has?” Eaglestar knew the last question would be the most difficult. The bitter, chilled wind ruffled her coat making her tremble for a moment. Thin, like the rest of her clan, Eaglestar had no defense against the icy flakes or storm. Tomorrow, I will see how the other clans are fairing as well. Patchpelt bristled at Larkwing’s unemotional words. They seemed so fake, so still to her, as if her warrior ancestors were just pulling her tail. “How am I to have faith?” Patchpelt yowled. “In my dreams the monsters ran from the snow and ice, but really they almost ate Nigthpaw! They did get Mistsoul’s litter mates and Ashfoot, and all you can tell me is to have faith?” The top line of her back fur stood up, her emerald eyes shone with hurt, and her tail lashed back and forth. With a hiss of frustration, Patchpelt meowed in a defeated tone, “Go away. I don’t want to see or talk to you anymore, Larkwing. Just leave me alone.” Just leave me alone, she thought again. I want to be alone for a while. No Silentheart, Cheetahwind, Eaglestar, or Kestrelheart. I don’t want any cat near me right now. Losing herself into the undergrowth of her territory, Patchpelt made sure to leave no paw prints in the slushy snow. Scenting the air, she found the stale stench of monster. Her ears flattened on her head as her nose wrinkled in disgust, but she kept going. As Patchpelt kept going forward, she noticed that the trees and foliages were thinning. Peeking around a little alder tree, Patchpelt’s eyes widened. The grizzly monsters were lurking on the thunderpath, but no movement came from them. Maybe the snow is helping, but I just don’t know. Looking all around her, Patchpelt was surprised about how detailed her dream was. Rushing from the monsters, she had leapt over that branch on the far side of the clearing, crawled under that stump over here, and tripped on that root. I guess StarClan does get some things right. Turning around, she headed back to camp. The sun was dimly shining through the thick gray clouds, but she could see it traveling down, and soon it would set behind the mighty trees that were left. Mistsoul arrived at camp before Copperfire. She didn’t want any cats from the clan spreading rumors about them, like Emeraldrain and Raveneyes(?). The two seemed to sneak out of clan at odd times, and now Emeraldrain’s moods were a sure sign of kits on the way. I wish that I could be as reckless. Oh, how I want kits, but I’m too afraid to make the clan any larger, and the weather. No kit would survive this. Padding into the warriors den, she wondered, would they? Curling up tight on her moss bed, Mistsoul yawned, and tucked her nose under her tail to fall asleep. The day had been long and she had yet to go on a patrol, but a nap wouldn’t hurt if she was called for the night one.
Just call me Siri.