5:10pm Jul 10 2010
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Alcarié jerked his head around and looked at Eagelstar, unconsciously shrinking back from her cold red gaze. He'd never seen a cat with such a stare, or even heard about them. They made him want to bow down and beg for forgiveness, though he'd done nothing he knew of. "I understand your questioning, and respect it. I will not lie to you unless it interferes with the well-being of my kit." He meowed calmly, dipping his head slightly. "I came here looking for help, as I said I have a kit, and he's been injured in a fall. I'v heard that you have a cat that could help him, and came here to beg to heal him." He muttered, not looking at her, rather turning his gaze to Brightleaf. She was pretty, and it meant he did not gave to look at that piercing stare. "We are travelers, moving from one place to another as long as it has prey for use to eat. Meaning we have no home. For how long we will stay, I cannot really say. How ever long it takes to heal Luoke, the kit, or until you kick us out. But I will say this, and please do not take this the wrong way, but I will not leave Luoke. If you want me gone, and the kit to stay, then you had better kill me. I will not fight and bear my throat right now." He sighed, tipping his head to the side in a show of weakness. He'd never allowed himself to be this weak before, but Luoke was special, more important then his life, or any cat's lives here. At least to him. "I can hunt, and I know how to use my claws. So you will not need to take care of me, I will hunt for your cats as well if you want me to." He meowed, adding a pleading tone to his voice.

5:10pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 5:28pm Jul 10 2010)
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((I'v decided to change Alcarié around a little in looks. I'v seen some of Eklipse's awesome pictures and decided I wanted him to have some odd markings himself.)) 
7:35pm Jul 10 2010
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((What's happening? D;))
10:28pm Jul 10 2010
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Robin nodded. "Thank you, Sun...Sunflash," she mewed, stumbling slightly over his unfamiliar name. Phantasme just blinked and dipped her head roughly, though the wariness in her cold eyes seemed to diminish.
1:36am Jul 11 2010
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OoC: Stray, I love him! That is so beautiful. You draw very well, I am jealous.
Just call me Siri.
11:19am Jul 11 2010
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((Thanks Siri (: he's not the best i'v done but I had fun with it. Detneth: Sunflash? Hehe I think you mean Sunflare.)) Sunflare smiled and started towards the camp, flicking his tail for them to follow. "It's not problem, really." He meowed. At least I hope not. Starclan let my clan understand their situation as well as I do. He prayed, bounding easily over a fallen tree. At the bottom his back paws slipped on soft snow with a la yer of ice under neath. Scrabbling up, he flushed in embarr*censored*ment and cursed his clumsiness. Some times I wonder if I was born a clan cat or if my ancestors were kitty-pets. He thought in disgust, pricking his ears as the camp came into view.Padding in, he stopped at the entrance to wait for the others trying to keep the worried ex pression off his face.
11:33am Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I love the marking Stray!! I only put little squiggles but yea! Those are actual markings :) And yes Siri, Emeraldrain and Raveneyes and together... Larkwing starred at the she-cat in amazement. Her soft fur began to bristle but she could not say anything, nor do anything but stare. Living warriors are allot more suborn than I remember.... She turned away and staked off, She padded into the spot where she arrived then faded away to the stars. She padded up to a cat with a familiar topaz gaze and looked at him, "Leopardheart, it seems as if some Iceclan cats' faith in Starclan may be slipping away..." She meowed in a distressed voice.
12:14pm Jul 11 2010
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Fallenwind pricked his ears from where he was sitting beside Shimmerpool, his amber eyes glancing over to Larkwing. Getting to his paws, he padded over to stand a few lengths from the she-cat, Shimmerpool following. "That is to be expected, so many cats have been lost and the leaf-bare is harsh." He glanced over at Leopardheart to hear his words. "They always seem to think we have infinite powers and can control everything. It might be a hard blow to them." He added softly, glad when his mates pelt brushed his own. It was comforting.
1:42pm Jul 11 2010
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Robin followed Sunflare's footsteps, stumbling slightly over the fallen log because of her swollen belly. Phantasme stayed behind her sister, ready to help her if she would fall.
2:29pm Jul 11 2010
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-StarClan- With a deep sigh, Leopardheart gazed at Larkwing and Fallenwind. When he had gone to StarClan, Leopardheart had been gratefully to the former deputy for easing him into this new life. With three out of four of his kits sitting behind him, Leopardheart, in a way, agreed with the clans thinking. So many warriors had been lost, and the bare-leaf was just beginning. “My kits sit beside me, my kits, Larkwing.” Stroking his tail over first Birdwave, then Ravenblaze, and lastly Duskfire, he continued, “Barely twelve moons old and they have joined StarClan. Healing takes time.” He knew this from personal experience. If I had just listened to Fernseed, would I have lived? But that was in the past, there was noting he could do to change things. “Stumbles in faith are common,” Leopardheart explained, his topaz eyes ethereal, “When a cat falls from StarClan, they learn more than most, and they come back with more strength than other cats could imagine. Patchpelt is like a daughter to me, I understand her troubles. She will make it through this ordeal and come out with more faith than before.” His features softened as he nudged Larkwing’s cheek, “Have faith in us.” Getting to his paw, his spotted pelt glistening with hues of gold and silver as if he had swallowed the sun, Leopardheart meowed with a toothy grin, “Besides, I will still stalk Patchpelt in sleep.” -Back at Camp- Eaglestar wrinkled her nose when she scented more unfamiliar cats, but continued to stare at Alcarié. His display of loyalty towards his kit was common, but sacrifice ones self, that was pitiful. “Don’t bare your neck like a cowering mouse,” she spat. “My warriors are strong, and only when death grasps them whole do they unwillingly surrender.” Her scarlet eyes flashed with menace, “I have mothered four kits, and I would never leave them in the paws of some strange clan. Stand up and show responsibility.” Realizing that she sounded quite harsh, Eaglestar sighed. The topic of kits was a weakening point for her, yet a fierce topic as well. I couldn’t even begin to understand leaving my kits behind. With Redstorm gone, they would have no kin besides their aunt Rainfeather. “Stay in peace until StarClan wills you to leave, with your kit. I won’t have you two separated, besides clan life. There are things you two will have to participate in. I will give you clan names, and your kit will become an apprentice of a warrior. You two will hunt for the clan, but that will be explained later. For now, you can rest in the medicine cat den.” With a glance at the gentle she-cat, Ealgestar mewed, “Brightleaf, would you show him the way?” But even as she asked it, Eaglestar’s thoughts were else where. Gazing with scrutinizing, crimson eyes, Eaglestar saw a russet colored she-cat with black paws and a heavy settled belly. Expecting. The word came to her mind sweetly, yet her pelt ran cold. In this weather? How has she lasted? How long since she had any fresh-kill? Or lavender to sooth the belly cramps? Beside her, another she-cat, gray, stood, but with defiance that she often saw with Nightpaw. Blind. Padding closer, Eaglestar merrowed proudly, “I am Eaglestar. Leader of IceClan, what are your names?” Seeing Sunflare standing nervously beside the she-cats, she could only a.ssume that he had found them. Casting him a brief smile, she hope that he understood that she wasn’t upset at him. The press of night was close. The sky was darkening with each puff of chilled breath Eaglestar took. I need a night patrol.
Just call me Siri.
2:43pm Jul 11 2010
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"I am Robin," Robin meowed, holding her head high. "And this is my littermate Phantasme. I hope we aren't intruding." Phantasme shuffled her paws awkwardly, though her blind gaze seemed to watch Eaglestar's every twitch and movement.
2:51pm Jul 11 2010
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Alcarié tried not to let his anger, his fear of the she-cat over come his sense. He understood her words, sure, but she did not understand his position either. Luoke was not his kit, but some rouges. He had no blood bond with the kit, and only wanted what was best for him to survive. Anyway, I have no fear of death, and in truth would not mind it. Though I will not say so out loud to these forest cats. I'v lived my life all I truly want, and I believe the only reason I was born was the take care of Luoke. I'v done nothing in my life to help any cat, only hurt them. He huffed indignantly and slumped his shoulders. Now that my job is finished, for I know they will take care of The Kit, I don't know what i'll do. I do not want to stay here, or take a new name. But I don't want to leave Luoke alone until I know he'll be alright and live happily. He turned to look at Brightleaf. For now I'll do as they say, then one night i'll slip away and continue on. He smiled slightly to the she-cat, and padded over. "Mind to show me this Medicine cat den?" Sunflare felt himself stiffen as Eaglestar padded over, waiting for a cuff or sharp words. Instead she smiled at him, and he tried not to fall to the ground and thank Starclan. She did not seem made, and from the look in her eyes as she spotted Robin's belly he knew she would not be cruel. Thank Starclan! I don't know what they'd do if our leader cast them out in Leaf-bare.

2:56pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Can Sunflare fall in love with Robin? I'm not sure if he already has a mate, xD.))
2:59pm Jul 11 2010
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((He does not have a mate, so sure (: ))
3:01pm Jul 11 2010
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((It would be cute :P he could act like her kits' father))
3:08pm Jul 11 2010
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((He could, and would be probably be pretty good at it. Sunflare loves kits.)) Watching Eaglestar's eyes, he waited for her judgment on weather or not she would allow the two she-cats to stay. She probably would, considering she was a fair cat but he could not relax until he heard her decision. Glancing over the two loners, he hoped they could fit into the clan. Robin probably would not be hard for them to accept, she was sweet and kind. It would not be hard for for some cat to fall for her. But Phantasme was a bit different. She was a little more aggressive and shy, not to mention blind. She could not hunt for herself, at least he did not think she could. But hopefully the clan gave her a chance.
3:08pm Jul 11 2010
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Starclan Larkwing nodded slowly, then looked at her paws, the wise words of the past deputy of IceClan stung her. She Looked up, I will trust that Leopardheart it right... she thought, then looked down at her past clan. IceClan Brightleaf guided Alcarié to the medicine cat den, "Here it is..." she meowed, loosing her energy, "Fernseed and her apprentices should fix you up..." she padded away into the warriors den then curled up in her nest to let sleep take her. Cardinalkit squealed then ran out of the den, shinny crimson blood flowed out from his cut on his muzzle. His little scarlet eyes darkened as anger flowed through him. The blood reek sank into his nostrils, and he whipped his paws over it, but they turned red and sticky too. Featherkit! Why is she like that? He walked forward to find a small puddle of melted snow, he looked into his and screeched when he seen his reflection, His muzzle covered in blood and a cut above his nose, his cut looked like Tigerstar's. "Great." he muttered to himself then sat down, as the blood trickled out the pain stabbed him more deeply. Wincing, he stood shaking. he had never seen this much blood in his life.
3:15pm Jul 11 2010
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((Phantasme can hunt for herself, xD))
3:19pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((I know, but Sunflare doesn't. XD He's dense at times.))
3:21pm Jul 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Cute ;P))