3:28pm Jul 11 2010
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Hawkmask walked about sensing blood she followed it. When she reached Cardinalkit her eyes went shocked. "Cardinalkit! What happened to you?! Did you get cut by a thorn or a branch? I could take you to the medicine cat if you'd like. You better get that looked at we don't want it getting infected."
3:28pm Jul 11 2010
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11:08pm Jul 11 2010
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Cardinalkit stared up at Hawkmask, "Featherkit!! She is so ....GRR!! " he screeched angrily, shaking his head but the blood kept oozing from his scratch. He straited his back "Featherkit scratched me, I am one moon older that her but... Between you and me, I think I should respect the young." he meowed pointing out that he was just about 7 moons old.
11:49pm Jul 11 2010
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Hawkmask looked at him in understanding. "Featherkits not exactly...polite. But I know shes a good cat somewhere in that heart of hers. Just like you're a good cat. You may be from a different clan but to me you're as loyal as any of us." licking the top of his head she smiled *censored*uringly.
9:22am Jul 12 2010
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"Can we got to the Medicine cats now?" Cardinalkit asked, then stared at Hawkmask, "My Tigerstar scratch hasn't exactly stopped bleeding.."
10:25am Jul 12 2010
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Hawkmask nodded. "Come on. Let's go to the medince cats den."
12:25pm Jul 12 2010
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With affection filled eyes, Eaglestar greeted the two cats in turn. “Our clan has been hit hard by this leaf-bare,” she mewed softly, looking at Robin’s engorged belly, “But I will have warriors hunting for you, Robin, so that the kits may grow strong.” Looking at Phantasme, Eaglestar added, “If you are able to hunt, our clan would greatly appreciate the added paws, but if not we understand.” Flicking her tail-tip back and forth, Eaglestar looked at Sunflare. “Show them the elders den. I would have Robin in the queens den, but that would mean separating them and I don’t want to do that at the moment.” It is sad to know that the elders den is the only den not overflowing with cats. I should be proud to have such a large clan, but… She was anything but. With leaf-bare pressing hard on their backs, Eaglestar wondered how much longer the clan would last before a kit or elder died of starvation. It was heartbreaking, but the truth. Dipping her head to the other cats, Eaglestar decided to share tongues with other members of the clan. It seemed like ages had pa.ssed since she last talked with any cat in the clan, beside Falconwing. Looking around the clearing, Eaglestar spotted Grayheart. The tom had been quiet for too long, and it worried her. I can still remember the day he attacked Patchpelt, and she shivered as the episode of that day replayed in her mind. So small, Patchpelt was so small. But the calico warrior was stronger now, and pride filtered up from Eaglestar’s heart. “Grayheart!” she mewed, “Let us talk. What have you been up to lately?” Fernseed gave Nightpaw a hard stare, extremely disappointed in her behavior and her failure to listen. I told her one poppy seed, three would kill this poor kit! Her back fur ruffled, Fernseed scooped one seed onto the pad of her paw and offered it to Luoke. “Eat this,” she mewed. OoC: I’ve had a hard time reading Fernseed’s color, so I decided that it would be hard for you guys too. So I changed it to something a bit more comfortable. =) BiC Glancing over Luoke’s shoulder, she watched as Eaglestar talked with the other tom. Then move on to Sunflare, who had two strange she-cats with him. So many new members, she thought with excitement and dread. “I’m going to feel this paw, ok? So that I know how broken it is.” She informed, “If it needs to be set, I am sorry.” Leaving him to take the poppy seed, Fernseed went over to Poisonpaw. “Your paw has had plenty of time to heal, and with the colder weather, the healing is marvelous. Poisonpaw, you may continue your training, but take it easy this week and even the next.” With a wink, Fernseed joked half heartedly, “I don’t want to see you in here again.” Stalking into the berry and herb den, Fernseed found some broom buds, for the broken bone, some chervil leaves, for the infection, and goldenrod poultice, for the aching. Trotting back to Luoke with a mouthful, Fernseed sat before him. “Ready?” With a great yawn, Mistsoul got up from her little nap. She didn’t know what had awoken her, but she just knew that she had to get up. Her paws carried her toward the medicine cat den, but Mistsoul soon noticed what had awoken her. Cardinalkit was bleeding, a long, ragged gash across the bridge of his nose. “Oh,” she cried! “What happened?” Wrapping her tail around him, Mistsoul licked the wound gently. Her medicine cat knowledge flooding back to her like some awakened beast. “I need to get you some cob webs and marigold leaves.” With her tail protectively resting on his shoulder, Mistsoul looked over at Hawkmask. “Did you see this happen?” The entrance of the medicine den was blocked by Fernseed and a new tom, but Mistsoul snuck in for what she needed. Fernseed looks like she has her paws full with another patient, so I might as well help. Dashing back to Hawkmask and Cardinalkit, she began to fix his cut. “This will sting a bit, just stay strong like a warrior!” Mistsoul encouraged.
Just call me Siri.
9:10pm Jul 12 2010
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ooc; Siri: I could read it just fine :), I mean , I use way brighter colors, for Brightleaf and Thistlestorm... Their's are like... neon :P Poisonpaw looked at fernseed, her sickly green gaze burning with the fire of happiness. She raced out of the den, then noticed her leg didn't really hurt at all, just a bit stiff. She stretched out her leg and stared up at the sky. "Now it is time to catch up to Shatteredkit." She meowed with a sharp tone in her meow. She raced to Sunflare, her paws skimming the snow lightly. "I can train again-" she paused. "Who is that?" she meowed pointing her tail to the queen loner. Cardinalkit stared at Mistsoul, "Featherkit did it, I don't even know why I just walked into the den. She told me that I will look just like Tigerstar now, and I deserve it." he meowed sharply at the mention of Featherkit's name. The sting of marigold priced through his muzzle, but at least it didn't hurt as much as Featherkit giving him the scratch. Her waved his tail back and fourth, it seemed to be helping. The pain will be over soon.....
9:17pm Jul 12 2010
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(( Bumpage!! ))
9:27pm Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Jul 12 2010)
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Sunflare nodded happily, eyes blazing with delight as Eaglestar told that the two she-cat's were allowed to stay. He told himself that next time he hunted be'd bring the leader the best he could find. Flicking his tail for the two newcomers to follow, he padded over to the elders den and poked his head inside. Sadness flared in his heart, remembering when the den used to be full, but instead it was now the warriors and apprentice den that were over flowing. Even thought the clan was hard pressed, he prayed to Starclan that no other cat would be joining them. "You should be comfortable here." He told them, baking out of the den so he could face the she-cats. "If you need anything in the future just let me know and i'll see what I can do." He meowed cheerily, looking at Robin for a second to long. Looking away, he flushed slightly. "Eer, i'd better go see if i'm needed for patrol." Suddenly another voice hit his ears and he spun around to face Poisonpaw. Smiling broadly, he leap to her side and chuckled. "We'll start training in the morning alright." He did not want to disappoint her though. "I have to take care of these two tonight, and I might need your help. It's better then being in the medicine cats den." He poked her shoulder gently. "The pregnant she-cat is Robin, while the other is Phantasme. Their staying with us for a while. Luoke looked down at the herbs with worry, taking a limping step back. He gulped, and looked down at his swollen paw not wanting her to touch it no matter how kind she was. From her vice when she said she had to set it, he could almost hear himself yowling already. "Y..yeah." He whimpered, snapping his eyes closed while he lifted his paw her for to look at.

9:39pm Jul 12 2010
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OoC: Oh. Oopies~ But I like this color better, even if it was Midnightpaw's. She is gone now, and I don't plan on playing her, even in StarClan, so I shall keep this color. =) Mistsoul’s eyes filled with sorrow when Cardinalkit fairly hissed Featherkit’s name. She liked both of the wonderful kits, bad tempers and all. Her ears swiveled acutely, picking up any whimper or mew of distress, but Cardinalkit held strong. Like a warrior, she thought. “You will be an apprentice soon, right?” Mistsoul mewed cheerfully, hoping to brighten the mood and keep Cardinalkit’s mind occupied from the pain. Her honey colored eyes glowed with pride as she looked him over. He is bigger than when he got here, she noted with pleasure. “You are starting to fill those paws! And it only took you seven moons to do it.” Playfully licking his cheek, Mistsoul asked, “Do you think you will receive a strong tom, or a wise she-cat as a mentor?” Swiftdarkness decided to take this patrol alone. The tom was feeling a bit antisocial at the moment anyway. His mate, Falconwing, had the mercy of duty to preoccupy her mind. Swiftdarkness did not. All I can think about are the kits that I have lost, and that only make me more protective of the kits I have with me. “Littlepaw looked like she was about ready to skin me like a fox today,” he murmured to himself. Though, he understood her chafing. Swiftdarkness had chased off Redpaw when he thought they were playing too roughly. Running the territory seemed to ease his mind, after reaching Fourtrees, taking the route that Eaglestar would lead them in tomorrow night, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I best be getting back. Feeling like a kit, Swiftdarkness lurched forward in a burst of speed so fast that the leaves blurred and the ground seemed to disappear. Savoring the speed, he was delighted that his name still fit. Swift as the wind with a pelt stolen from the darkest den, Swiftdarkness. Fernseed could only smile at the tom’s courage. Keeping her touch as light as a feather, the she-cat sniffed the paw, to smell for infection, and studied for any bulging lumps, which would indicate broken bones. Seeing one spot, Fernseed looked at Luoke sternly. “Come farther into the den, I have a moss bed ready for you.” Turning, she mewed, “And eat that seed. I promise it will help with the pain.” With a flick of her tail, Fernseed pointed out the moss bed, that Poisonpaw had occupied earlier. The bedding was still clean from the morning’s routine, so Fernseed decided not the change it. The clan is having a hard enough time trying to find prey, we can live with the moss we have. “After you eat that poppy seed, please sit here.” Her eyes filled with sorrow at the pain she would cause him. Oh, but StarClan will it, this will heal him for the better.
Just call me Siri.
11:48am Jul 13 2010
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Poisonpaw's eyes narrowed, "Whatever, can we train soon?" she asked, I don't like these loners in our camp! There is too many of them... Giving the two she-cats a hard stare, then she turned her gaze back to Sunflare. "Can we train now?" she asked, her white and black fur ruffled. "Yea.. well," Cardinalkit meowed, "I should be one right now, because I am 6 and one half moons old..." Cardinalkit listened intently to the she cat, "I am not really sure. I think it is better to be wise than have the strength to fight." he meowed, "If you watch a cat like Rainfeather fight, you see her using her long legs mainly to confuse the enemy, but when she uses her strength, she fails the battle. I would like a mentor that can teach me fighting moves as well as, which ones I should use according to my size." He looked up at Mistsoul, "Are you a warrior, or a medicine cat?" he asked, She helps me when I am wounded, but is never in the medicine cat den.
1:07pm Jul 13 2010
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Luoke sniffed the seed for a second, contemplating on weather or not to eat it. Finally he sighed and lapped it up, glad when no bitter taste hit his tongue as he knew most of the other plants in the den would. Getting back to his three good paws he started to limp over to the moss bedding she pointed out, bending down for a second to sniff it. Deciding it was fit enough, he lay down and lifted his paw up so Fernseed could get at it better. He knew something was wrong with it, and from her voice knew it would hurt to set right. But he decided it would be for the better once it was all over with. "What now?" He asked curiously, easing himself into a more comfortable position. Sunflare's whiskers twitched in humor, knowing his apprentice was getting impatient. "Alright alright, we'll go train for a bit today." He meowed gently, trying to think of a battle move that would not disrupt her already weakened paw. "Come along, i'll teach you a move seeing as you seem to prefer battle training to hunting." He grinned slightly and started trotting out of the cam, waiting for her to catch up.

1:56pm Jul 13 2010
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Poisonpaw padded rapidly after him, Battle training!! Yes! She matched his pace in no time at all and looked up at him, her eyes Poisonis blazing with the old fire they used to have. "What type of move are you going to teach me?" she asked, her tail sticking strait up.
2:44pm Jul 13 2010
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))Bump :) Someone can have there cat seeing Rainfeather doing this and spy on her, if anyone wants... (( Rainfeather padded through the forest, the deer that Crimsonfang had found was well gone and the Clan seemed to have plunged back into hunger. The fresh-kill pile was very low, and Rainfeather's paws tingled with excitement for the meeting tonight with Patchpelt and the others. Rainfeather's long legs seemed to take her near the FireClan border, What is Pheonixstar doing now? She thought, then padded further back into IceClan territory, Rainfeather paused, tasting the air for Fresh-kill. Mouse! She lightly set her paws down in a hunter's crouch, hoping her white spotted silver fur blended in better than it did in new-leaf. The mouse was still farther away, Rainfeather knew she had to catch it for the clan. Tensing her powerful legs, she leaped magnificently high into the air and landed on her prey, Biting it's neck, and killing it. Three more mice came out of a little hole, looked at Rainfeather and scurried off, quickly burring her fresh-kill, Rainfeather darted after the mice, her long tail trailing behind her. She leaped and landed, killing the mouse beneath her paws, the other two are probably in there burrows now. she thought and carried her fresh-kill back, unburied the other, and padded toward camp, then she paused. Shock ran through her fur and her pelt stood on end. "Leaping like that is how FireClan cats Catch their prey!" she meowed dropping her prey, well I am half FireClan... she thought, then Picked it up again. Once she reached the camp she set her two catches back on the pile. What if another cat seen you catching prey like that?! What if you teach your next apprentice the hunting style of an enemy clan? Questions rang through her head and she sat on the ground, flicking her tail in frustration.
2:56pm Jul 13 2010
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)) Bumpage((
10:33pm Jul 13 2010 (last edited on 10:43pm Jul 13 2010)
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((Thanks, siri :3)) Grayheart whirled around. "Huh? Oh, it's you, Eaglestar." He sighed. Kill her, you idiot! Grayheartfirmly shut his mind down. This hadn't happened much lately, but it came around every so often.. "I've been fine. If you're worried about how I've been so quiet, that's just because.... well, I've got a lot on my mind right now. Anyway," He said, changing the subject, "How's your ickle ones? kits?" (This post might be out of whack, so please tell me if there's a problem with it.) Cheetahwind sauntered up beside Grayheart "Hey, we haven't had much hunting trips together, huh?" Cheetahwind nudged Grayheart. "But with my-" "Oh c'mon Grayheart! Even if you did... you know, I could still beat you to the ground." "But-" "C'mon!" "Fine.." Cheetahwind smiled widely at his friend. "Let's go then. Oh, hello, Eaglestar." He then did a four legged version of a noogie to Grayheart, and then they left.
10:38pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 10
Too late to join?
1:00am Jul 14 2010
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OoC: Love the new siggie, Elipse~ Kumquot, Easternbluebird is the owner of this Role play and she is currently not here, so if you would wait until she gets back, or send her an rmail, that would be great. Though, I think it would be just fine. BiC On her way back to camp, Patchpelt noticed paw marking marring the slushy snow. Deciding it wouldn’t hurt to practice her stalking skills, she followed them. As she caught up to her ‘prey’, Patchpelt began to recognize the foot fall patterns. This looks like Rainfeather, she thought to herself. “I wonder what she is doing out so far,” Patchpelt breathed to herself, no louder than a leaf falling to the ground. Suddenly the pace changed and Patchpelt saw scurrying paws, mice! By the markings on the ground, it looked as though Rainfeather had jumped down from a tree because there was a large gap between the paw steps, unlike any hunting she had ever seen. IceClan crept up to their prey with their bellies fairly touching the ground. How odd, she thought as she picked up her pace. Peaking around some winter foliage, Patchpelt glimpsed white fur streaking through the air. Emerald eyes wide with awe, the calico she-cat blinked multiple times before believing what her eyes told her. The breath rushed from her lungs as she mewed ever so softly, “Great StarClan that was beautiful.” And successful! Loping along behind Rainfeather, Patchpelt kept up her charade of ‘stalking prey’ until camp came into view. Following at a closer range, Patchpelt about fell over with pride that she had followed the senior warrior, and the she-cat hadn’t even noticed. When Rainfeather dropped off her fresh-kill, Patchpelt’s stomach roared with hunger, and she decided to tell Rainfeather exactly what she saw. Picking the small of the two mice, Patchpelt plopped down by Rainfeather. “Hello there,” she mewed with a toothy grin, “I followed you...the whole time.” Her emerald eyes sparkled with mischief, “I promise not to tell, but only if you teach me what you did out there.” Fernseed loved that Luoke was so brave. He will make a fine warrior. “I have to give a tug on that paw, so that the bones go back in place. This is painful, but that seed should be dulling your senses by now.” She informed as kindly as she could. “After that I will make sure to get you some prey so that you might have another poppy seed.” I will also put some lavender around your nest so that you can sleep better, she added to herself, and fix up the rest of the cuts and scratches while you sleep. Nodding, Fernseed knew that this was for the best. That way, poor Luoke wouldn’t have to feel too much more of the pain. If only I could find something stronger. Pacing around the den, Fernseed sighed heavily and looked into the most precious purple eyes she had ever seen. “Are you ready?” she asked, softer than a whisper. Because I’m not, I don’t want to hurt you. With a roll of her crimson eyes, Eaglestar chuckled at the two toms. Still carefree is the clans struggles, but she like that spirit. I can only hope that more of the clan feels like them in the next coming moons. Glancing around, the creamy-white she-cat saw Emeraldrain and trotted over to her. “How are the kits coming along?” Eaglestar asked softly. Warmth filled her entire body from nose to tail-tip at the thought of kits. With a knowing smile, she added, “Don’t hide it from me, I tried to keep it from my own clan. I know the signs.” Whiskers twitching with amusement, Eaglestar sat, and wrapped her tail around her forepaws. Mistsoul felt her honey eyes fill with tears that she refused to shed. “Um, I was a–“ she choked on the past tense and shuffled her paws uncomfortably, “I was once the medicine cat apprentice of IceClan, but that was moons ago.” Licking Cardinalkit’s shoulder, where a speck of blood had dried, Mistsoul coolly added, “Besides, StarClan had a different path for me.” I still don’t know what I am to do now though. Give us time, young one. A shiver of delight spread through her pelt. Her companion hadn’t spoken with her in a long while. What is going on with the clan? So much is happening? I lost my sisters… Things can’t always be stopped. But I just can’t go on like this; I want to have dreams again. They’ve left me, you know. I haven’t dreamt since the tribe Time. Do not give in just yet. Give this all time… Blinking twice, Mistsoul came back to reality. Looking at Cardinalkit, she could only feel protective, and that was enough. She would live to protect her clan, even without the help of dreams. I want to live long enough to have kits of my own, but only when the time is right.
Just call me Siri.
9:36am Jul 14 2010
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ooc; Thanks Siri! and how old is a Senior Warrior? Just wonderin' I think Rainfeathers about 20 moons... :) Rainfeather's tail twitched, "You saw that whole thing?" she repeated then looked at her white paws. Then she looked up at the warrior, "I can teach you... You just can't tell anyone.." she meowed, Last time I said something like that was when I was telling Duskpaw a ScarletClan move. She lifted her Piercing Ice blue gaze to Patchpelt. Her feathery white tail quivered. "Do you do that often?" she asked with a little edge of laughter in her meow. Emeraldrain looked up at Eaglestar, "Oh I am so exited and and..." she broke off, "Looking after Snowkit kind-of tells me what its going to be like with my own. " With her emerald green gaze fixed on Eaglestar, she meowed, "I am nervous about the kitting part." Confessing to Eaglestar made her feel better. Cardinalkit looked up at Mistsoul, "Thank you." he meowed gratefully, "I feel much better now." then he padded away, toward the nursery.