11:07pm Jul 24 2010
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Thistlestorm padded around the camp, he looked across the clearing to see that most of the cats had settled down and begun to share tongs before they sleep. Others just walked around or at fresh-kill. Thistlestorm looked at the small pile of fresh-kill, I will add something tomorrow.. He though and padded up to the thickly snow covered warriors den. He sat outside and began to groom himself.
11:07pm Jul 24 2010
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ooc; LON
11:07pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 779
11:10pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather padded about and saw Thistlestorm go into the warriors den. Taking a deep breath she padded into the den and smiled at him. "H-hello. How was y-you'r day?" ((FAIL!!! DX))
11:41pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 11:49pm Jul 24 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Welcome back Eklipse! It's been slow without you around (: Though I must say Windprint will have issues with Silentheart, he's not about to let another tom get close to Mistsoul as easily as Cheetahwind and Patchpelt XP)) Panthergaze tipped his head back to avoid whip lash at her quickly changing subjects. He smiled slightly, figured her reason for avoiding the question was because he was still not trusted among the clan. Though coming from Hawkmask, who he believed to be the only decent cat besides Brightleaf in Iceclan so far, it was slightly hurtful. To hide his discomfort he shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, you kind of were." He meowed lightly, padding over where the nests were a little less thick. "There are a lot of cats." He muttered a little uncomfortably, shifting his weight from one paw to the other. This really might take some getting used to. Closing his bright green eyes for a second, Panthergaze could remember only one other time in his life he'd shared a den with so many cats. When he was a kit with his mother and littermates. "Eer, sure. a little help would be wonderful." He glanced around. "I'm figuring the best spot for me would be the front of the den to block some of the cool air from reaching more experienced warriors?" The term warrior was still a little fresh and confusing, and he hoped he was using it in the right terms.

11:46pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Welcome back Eklipse! ::giggles:: The Rp was really slow without you, and now that you are back it already has more posts than when you left. xD You're the life of the party~ ::goes to create a post::
Just call me Siri.
10:16am Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Thanks Stray and Siri!! :) Oh and Siri, I switched the Bio for Windprint havin' a crush on Patchpelt... c: BIC; Thistlestorm looked at the smaller back she-cat. "Good..." he meowed awkwardly as she sat there staring at him. "How was yours?" he asked then looked away from the nervous cat for just a moment. He twitched his back and grey tail in annoyance. Windprint padded through the clearing, stretching his long legs as the wind drifted trough the snow, and his pelt. Then he sat down to take a moment for himself, he breathed in hoping nothing annoying would pop up at his side.
11:17am Jul 25 2010 (last edited on 11:18am Jul 25 2010)
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Nightpaw padded outside of the Medicine cat den, she could imagine how the moonlight washed over the camp. My mother lied to me. She lied to Poisonpaw. She padded outside, plowing through the snow. My real mother... Is Blackfang, that terror destroyed us... She tasted the air, I am h-half clan.... She new it was true, Blackfang was a FireClan and CaveClan warrior like Rainfeather and now she was too... No! I can still be loyal to this clan if I.... She paused, then padded back into the medicine cat den, hoping not to disturb the sleeping cats. I only know who my mother is... She thought and began to lay down in her nest. But.. Who is my father? I am sure Poisonpaw has that same thought echoing in her head... She closed her sightless blue eyes, then let sleep take her. Darkness swirled into light as Nightpaw looked around, I can see, this has to be a dream... She padded forward only to be pushed back by a mas.sive bird. The sky began to turn to dark blue/ purple clouds and they thundered above her . The mas.sive bird stepped forward to reveal a dark black wingspan. A Raven!! She thought, then backed away, lightning flashed across the sky like huge silver claws, then the rain came. Plastering Nightpaw's pelt to her skin, she tried to run for cover but her paws wouldn't let her. Then, it began hailing, the harsh chunks of ice fell down and pelted Nightpaw, and priced her skin. Then, everything stopped. The sky became the familiar dark blue with the pale fire of silverpelt dotted along it. The ground changed from harsh stone to the moon bathed gra.ss and Nightpaw could do nothing but stare in awe of the beautiful sight. Then a cat came into the distance, then appeared as a beautiful cream cat with a dark brown face, paws and tail. Her eyes shone delicately, "It is time for the truth to some out.." she whispered, then set a Dark feather at her paws and the setting changed to her medicine cat den, "I never noticed it looked like that..." Nightpaw murmured as she looked around, then silver chips of ice fell onto the feather. And The beautiful cat was gone... Darkness flooded back into Nightpaw's vision, and the feather was still lying there at her paw , along with the chips of ice. Her pelt was drenched, and she had cuts as if it really happened. "I know who my father is..."
1:28pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,713
)) Bump((
3:19pm Jul 25 2010
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)) Bump :D ((
6:44pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 236
Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ
7:18pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,713
)) Candrasa: I love your signature! It is amazing((
8:46pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; East is back from about 16/17 days days of interestingness. During this time I shopped at a huuuuuge mall, kissed a sea lion, patted a stingray, saw a lemur, fed a lion fish, went fishing, went to the beach and got burned so badly I couldn't walk, bought two seasons of DC for cheap, walked around a town aimlessly, read like 15 books, saw my cousins that i havent seen in 2 years, became little A's(not putting her full name), my 4 year old cousin, favourite cousin, (<3 I LOVE HER!) went to my cousins wedding, flew on an aiprlane for the first time, and came home to find my room purple not orange.(Eklipse and Eletro, you know my black skate shoes with the purple laces? Yeah, the walls are the lace colour, with the computrer in my room, my closet cleaned, my little cubes all organized, my bottom bunk a futon(>) and the top bunk cleaned off with my memory fopam topper on it :) I had a great time. How has everyone's sumer been?
11:22pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; That is alot. I hope you had fun though!! And your room sounds crazy! Lolz, it would give me a headache.... But then again... everything gives me a headache! *explodes*
11:31pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Ah! Sorry, I never got to get Eaglestar to lose a life. I was not on very much while you were gone. =/ My bad...but real life comes first. As for my post, I will have one up sometime tonight. I'm kinda sick, so I'm a bit cranky. And I have a major head-ache, but what's new. I'm always in pain now, it seems.
Just call me Siri.
11:32pm Jul 25 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Oh, and East, sounds like you had a blast on your trip. =) Congrats~
Just call me Siri.
1:58am Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Redpaw refused to let Falconwing notice how much he appreciated her words of wisdom. Trotting along behind his calico mentor, the little red tom cursed the frozen waste land underneath his paws. It was much too cold for his taste, and he found himself thinking of home; warm and prey aplenty. But it’s every cat for himself there. Redpaw may not like that the she-cats fight, but he did like the fact that these cats were here for each other. Too bad mother didn’t know more about these cats. Steeling his heart, Redpaw refused to miss his mother. Falconwing took that opportune moment to distract him. As she told him the vulnerable parts of a warrior, Redpaw thought he would be bored to tears. I know this already! She has told me more times than there are trees in this forest! Then, the wise she-cat said something new. “Now, I'm going to try and flip your paws out from under you so I can get a good blow to your underside. Don't let me.” Bobbing his head, Redpaw couldn’t help the light that lit his amber eyes. This is what I want! Thinking the task would be simple, the cocky tom stood where he was, and simply waited. When Falconwing took off in a burst of speed that he hadn’t seen coming, the ginger-red apprentice gapped in shock. What do I do! he yowled in his mind. Mind reeling, he flinted to the right, thinking that she might be aiming left, but he was wrong. Yowling in pain and frustration, Redpaw got barreled to the ground by Falconwing. “That was mean!” He hissed, “Could you have hit harder than a badger!” Back fur bristling with embarra.ssment, Redpaw licked his paw, and ran it over his ear. His paw hurt a little, but it wasn’t even sprained. Mouse-dung, crow baited, kit fighter! That was horrid! Falconwing will never try to teach me again, and I was really rude to her. Peeking up at her, Redpaw pretended not to care when he was really shaking like a leaf. “Well, aren’t you going to teach me, or what?”
Just call me Siri.
9:55am Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 1,713
)) Bump((
11:53am Jul 26 2010 (last edited on 8:09pm Jul 26 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Falconwing rolled her eyes slightly, taking a step back and choosing to ignore her apprentices insults. I didn't hit him that hard did I? She thought, looking him over once. I didn't mean to anyway. Twitching the tip of her tail in slight embarras.sment on her own part, Falconwing had to think on how to explain the tactic. "Alright, well when a cat tries to flip you where tends to be the first place they aim?" She asked, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her small paws. "Your front paws." She answered her own question. "Of course there are other weak places but your paws are what we'll work on today." She meowed, closing her eyes for a moment and visioning a battle and what she would do if attacked in this fashion. "When attacked, placed your weight onto your back paws but leave your fore paws on the ground. This way when a enemy hits your front paws you are not flipped. The only thing that will happen is your front paws are swiped out but your not flipped and you can place your paws right back onto the ground." She demonstrated the move, glad when her muscles seemed to fluidly fall into the correct position. "Got it?" She got back up and fell into a crouch a few tail lengths from her red apprentice. Without waiting for a response she attacked at his front paws, not near as hard as before.

4:32pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Eklipse I need to rmail you kay? Andyes my trip was vereh fun. My four year old cousin is like a cat! She chases the light from laser pointers!