8:52pm Jul 26 2010
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ooc; That is entertaining.... :)
10:09pm Jul 26 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; LoN I believe :)
10:53pm Jul 26 2010
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ooc; Yepperz
2:14am Jul 27 2010
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His bright eyes trained onto his mentor, Redpaw nodded avidly. The blow Falconwing had gotten on him was simply stunning. It didn’t do damage, well only on his ego, but it did surprise him into obedience once again. Redpaw realized, yet again, that he had much to learn. Taking in all that his mind could in the short time Falconwing explained, Redpaw hoped he would fair better this time. The snow was slushy and melted underneath his paws because his body had heated up during their brief amount excursion. Be light on your front paws, he told himself. Then a thought popped into his mind. Grinning wickedly, Redpaw wondered if it would work. The snow was lightly falling, and his pelt was covered in melting flakes. With the ground being slippery from the slush, Redpaw wondered if he could make his mentor spin off balance. By waiting her out, I could rear up on my hind paws at the last moment, and pushing on her open shoulders while she swiped for my forepaws, I just might get her to fall…Falconwing was running for him now, and Redpaw thought faster as he tensed his haunches. But she’s a smart warrior, so I have to think of something else. A simple push won’t budge her, I need something more. A whisker away, Redpaw noticed Falconwing’s tensed right forepaw. “I got it!” he mewed in delight as he dove underneath Falconwing. Falling into her back legs, Redpaw slipped and slide on the unstable footing, rolling head over paws a few times until he popped out behind Falconwing. The momentum had left them both skidding across the slush. “Did it work?” he asked with glee. “Did I make you fall, too?” Redpaw’s little ears perked forward as he turned around to see. Patchpelt looked at Rainfeather and Lostfoot. Nodding at them, she knew that the others would follow. If these wise warriors are backing me, I know I can do this. Looking at Shadowpaw, Patchpelt murmured, “I am proud of you, Shadowpaw, I hope you know that.” Her emerald eyes shone with unshed tears. “I have not been a good mentor to you, please forgive me. I will try harder from now on,” she promised whole heartedly. The light snow turned her patches to muted colors of black and orange, but that could be from the lack of heal too. Patchpelt didn’t know anymore. I hope the first thing we find is prey, she thought to StarClan. I’m hoping that you sent Graypaw to us for the better of the clan, not our demise. Standing tall, even though she was no larger than an eight moon old apprentice, Patchpelt meowed, “Let us move tonight!” Following some instinct that comforted her the most, Patchpelt headed for TreeClan territory. There was less brush there, but it was a kinder place than FireClan or CaveClan. And where do we head after that? With a peek at Graypaw, Patchpelt could only pray to StarClan that he would know the way.
Just call me Siri.
11:40am Jul 27 2010
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Falconwing watched as her apprentice's eyes seemed to be deep in thought, and she hoped he was coming up with some sort of plan to off balance her. He's smart, and cunning, I'd better watch myself. She thought, swiping at his forepaws. Something though was off, and she tried to find what he was doing, Suddenly though he muzzle came into contact with the ground, then her shoulder as she tried to scramble up. Yowling with surprise, her tail fur fluffed up in self annoyance, the calico cat whirled around to look at her apprentice. Eyes shinning with pride, Falconwing purred in delight and got back to her paws and grinned. "That was excellent! Could not have done any better myself." She praised, wind whipping through her fur in sending a shiver up her spine. "Let's head back now, so you can brag to your littermates you knocked your mentor around." She meowed light heartedly, padding back towards the camp. Listening to the forest around her, the absence of prey sound and scent worried her, but she did not let it show in case a panic of sorts broke out.

12:42pm Jul 27 2010
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Rainfeather looked at Patchpelt, Maybe it is a good Idea that we are leaving with ought anyone knowing... With ought anyone questioning us too. She stared up at the sky "StarClan do you approve this?" she murmured quietly. "Patchpelt I agree with this choice... FireClan had easy territory to be caught in and CaveClan is overly hostile." she meowed, "but when we are looking for a new territory, I hope we will find a good home for them too." she pointed out. Then padded alongside Patchpelt, "We are also lucky that Lostfoot is the past medicine cat of caveclan." Nightpaw walked outside of the medicine cat den, I ned to talk to someone!! she though then, sat down, worry flooding her sightless blue eyes. All these secrets will tear me apart! she continued in her mind, she shuffled her paws. I can't tell gentlepaw... her reaction might be .... bad.
3:47pm Jul 27 2010
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Posts: 236
Ɯσℓғƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ нʋмαиƨ > Ħʋмαиƨ κιℓℓɛ∂ вʏ ωσℓғƨ. Ɩғ ʏσʋ ℓσʌɛ ωσℓғƨ мακɛ тнιƨ ʏσʋя ƨιɢɢʏ. Ƴσʋ cαи мακɛ α ∂ιғғɛяɛиcɛ
1:30am Jul 28 2010
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8:42am Jul 28 2010
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ooc; BUMP.... lol
9:44am Jul 28 2010
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Snowkit looked about the camp and padded closely to a dark brown. The toms tail swaying and twitching. Snowkit purred and pounced on it. The tom twirled around teeth drawn. Looking at the kit he batted at Snowkit claws sheathed. "Go to your mother. Now." Snowkit let go and retreated quickly. "I-I'm sorry!!"
9:51am Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 9:52am Jul 28 2010)
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Nightpaw padded out of the medicine cat den to hear "Go to your mother. Now." she tasted the air then padded to where Snowkit's scent led her. "What is this about?" she asked her long legs tightened when she didn't recognize the scent of the tom cat. "Snowkit come here." she stopped the kit in its tracks and called him back to where she sat in front of the strange tom cat. Her blue eyes blazed and she showed her long white fangs, I am Blackfang's kit you know... she told him silently.
10:08am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit wimpered a little but sat there waiting till he was dismissed and boy did wish it was soon. Timberfur glared at the kit and sighed. "Snowkit was roaming the camp. Starclan only knows what he's up to but he pounced my tail in his little adventure."
10:38am Jul 28 2010
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Nightpaw looked at Snowkit, "Do you know what happened if he hurts you?" she asked, half expecting an answer from him,"You get to spend time with me!" she meowed, repeating what Poisonpaw had said to him. "Now, get back to the nursery..." she meowed thoughtfully. "Sorry about that..." she muttered, then she looked at Timberfur, I really hope he didn't notice the resemblance of me and Blackfang... She thought, they both were tall cats, have long fangs and the same glossy black pelt.
10:46am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit made a light whimper and bolted to the nursery and nuzzled close to Emeraldrain shivering. Timberfur shook his head. "Meh it's alright. Kits will be kits...but he just took me by surprise."
11:29am Jul 28 2010
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Nightpaw nodded slowly, she stood up and began to walk back to the medicine cat den. "What is wrong Snowkit?" Emeraldrain asked as she looked at the ginger kit, as it shivered.
11:36am Jul 28 2010
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Panthergaze woke from his short nap, yawning widely and stretching while trying not to hit any other nest. Padding into the clearing, he purred in delight as he noticed Luoke sitting not far from the medicine cats den. I'll start this so called vigil as soon as I see how he's doing. Bolting over, he licked the tiny cats head roughly, glad he was alright. "Hows your paw?" He asked, surprised at how weak he looked. "It's fine now, Fernseed did great." From his meow, Panthergaze looked more closely at Luoke's eyes, surprised to find a bit of discharge running from the side. He's gotten colds often in the past, from the weakness of his body and immune system. "Go lay back down, you look like walking death." He teased, glad to get a small smile from him. "I think I will." Luoke mused, stumbling back to the medicine cats den. "Why do I have a feeling i'll live longer then him, and i'm twice as old." The very thought of finding Luoke lying on the ground somewhere dead made his fur prickle. "If there really is a Starclan, watch over him now." He meowed, feeling foolish to be speaking to cats that did not exist. These clan cats are getting to my head. Padding to the center of camp, he sat down as Eaglestar had told him and resigned to his fate of being quiet all night.

11:50am Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit looked at Emeraldrain and mewed quietly. "I-I pounced on a cats tail and they batted at my head. Then Nightpaw came and she bared her fangs. I only wanted to have a bit of fun." shivering at the memory of the two cats he ducked his head again. Hawkmask purred as she saw Luoke better then before. "Fernseed is a wonderful medicine cat. I don't what would happen without her." getting up she padded towards the warriors den for the night.
1:36pm Jul 28 2010
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Emeraldrain looked at Snowkit, "What did this cat look like...?" her emerald colored eyes blazed with anger. Whatever cat scared him, I'll claw its face off! ((Fail)
1:42pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 779
"H-he was a grayish brown with grey underbelly and a pale blue left eye that was scarred." he nuzzled closer to her feeling more safe then he would with anyone else...except Cardinalkit. His best friend in his oppinion.
4:20pm Jul 28 2010
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Emeraldrain let out a very low growle, "Timberfur..." she hissed, "Nightpaw has reason to act like that, but Timberfur?" she meowed angrily, nestling Snowkit into her warm fur, "Its late..." she meowed more gently to him, "Come, lets go sleep in the nursery." Featherkit padded around the camp, her fur bristling, "Stupid mouse-brained Cardinalkit!" she spat, "Getting in my way!" She sat down in the darkness, her crimson eyes blazing.