12:03pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,713
IvyNose Slunk down to the bramble filled grownd and thought, I am lonley.
2:05pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 32
Desired Name: Evenstar / Cliffwinds / Lightwave Position: Warrior / Warrior / She's not really anything... Any suggestions? Family: Cliffwinds = Father, Lightwave = Mother / Evenstar = Daughter, Lightwave = Mate / Evenstar = Daughter, Cliffwinds = Mate Mate: Open / Lightwave / Cliffwinds
Crush: Open / No Crush / No Crush
Age: 18 Human years / 42 Human years / 38 Human years Additional Info: Very beautiful, though denies it. / Is over-protective of his daughter. / Is really quite a push-over towards others. Gender: Female / Male / Female Appearance: Evenstar:  Cliffwinds: Lightwave:  Personality: Annoyed fairly easily, and is not afraid to argue, even with older males. Has a sweet side too. / Acts rough and tough to keep up his reputation, but everyone knows he's soft on the inside. / Easy to agree with others, and rarely rises her voice or argues. Very kind.
4:46pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay, so we ARE allowed to make a new Clan?))
4:48pm Nov 30 2009
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"May I go ahead?" Without waiting for permission, Cheetahpaw soared through the trees. Since he had stong, lean legs, he was a bit fast then reagular cats. He tore through the trees, and slowed down as he saw camp. He looked around for Eaglestar. "There's a badger den near the training hollow." He panted, the wind nearly nocked out of him from the run.
4:58pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((no new clan loobylou Evenstar caan have a warrior name but not be a leader))
5:00pm Nov 30 2009
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Falconwing yawned and looked at him, a small purr rumbling in her throat. "Naw im fine now, just a little sore." She murmured, laying her head oncmore across his sholders. To bad we cant stay like this a little longer, its nice. "Plus Fernseed would probably give me some nasty herb." Getting to her paws, she shook her pelt out. "Lets go. I think im going to go hunt, what are you goin to do?" She asked. Silentpaw glanced around the clearing hoping to find his mentor, not Falconwing or worse, Patchpaw. Where is he? We could go hunting for te clan, and he could show me some hunting technices.
5:40pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 5:41pm Nov 30 2009)
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Cougarclaw felt her fur bristle, mouse-brained apprentice we are supposed to stick together so if we do encounter the badger we can fight it. I’ll have to tell him that when I get to … oh no! Slamming to a halt, Cougarclaw looked into the eyes of the badger. Their bigger than I thought, backing away from the beast as it bared its fang-like teeth. Faster than the she-cat could bl ink it swung its paw at her, jumping she barely got by. Sprinting to the side Cougarclaw slashed it across one shoulder, cringing as it growled at her, but continued in her a.ssault. If I can strike and doge enough it might just leave, she thought. Slinking around the back, Cougarclaw lunged again but got the wind knocked of her as the badger head butted her. Teeth bared at Cougarclaw the badger went for the kill but only got a mouth full of claws, as Cougarclaw raked her paws all over its face. Rearing back the badger blindly spun away, leaving time for Cougarclaw to dash away. Swiftdarkness licked Falconwing on the cheek and said, “I think Fernseed would but I don’t think Mistpaw would let her.” Walking out into the clearing, with Falconwing in tow, he spotted Cheetahpaw talking rapidly with some warriors. He only heard the word ‘badger’ and was instantly on alert. Is it here in the camp? Or farther out? I wonder what cats are out there alone, not knowing what’s going on. Sweeping the camp with his gaze he didn’t see Leopardheart, Silentpaw, Patchpaw or Cougarclaw. “Falconwing, come with me to look for the apprentices or maybe even Leopardheart and Cougarclaw.” Dashing for the entrance, Swiftdarkness called to StarClan, let them be safe!
Just call me Siri.
5:45pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Cheetahpaw ran out of camp, heading back to Cougarclaw. He saw her narrowly escape the badger. Cheetahpaw felt a flush of anger inside of him. "Don't touch her!" He snarled, ramming his head against the badger's head. The badger looked dazed, and shot a fearful look at Cheetahpaw before the badger took off on a run, his chubby legs griipping the soil. Cheetahpaw lowered his head. I'm an idiot. He thought.
5:48pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,092
Falconwing nodded, but fluffing out till sh was twice her size. Silentpaw's out there? Maybe? With a badger, he cant fight that! She thought with terror. Oh Shimmerpool, please watch over your son! She bolted out of the camp, tail streaming behind her. "Silentpaw!" She yowled, looking all over for him. She jumped when the apprentice came from the forest, eyes wide. "Whats going on Falconwing?" He asked, but se could not she was to busy purring.
5:54pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 5:55pm Nov 30 2009)
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Posts: 1,771
(((Loobylou900, could you adjust the pictures so that they don't stretch the page. Please and thank you! ~Siri))) Patchpaw was heading back to camp with a mouse, squirrel and sparrow. I can’t believe the sparrow let me get that close, let alone catch it! They’re normally so fast, only Cheetahpaw would be able to get one or Silentpaw because he’s so quiet. I wish that they could get along so I don’t have to choose between the two of them. Suddenly smelling the sweet-metallic scent of blood, Patchpaw dropped her prey and quickly buried it. Where’s this coming from? Peeking through some bushes Patchpaw saw Cougarclaw limping toward camp, with many cuts and gashes. “Cougarclaw!” she called out, “What’s happened?” Dashing to her side, Patchpaw was shocked to hear, “There’s a badger, I don’t know how far it ran but I scared him a little. I’m so glad that he didn’t find you.” Nodding Patchpaw said, “Let’s get you to camp.” Walking with Cougarclaw, Patchpaw suddenly yowled, “Silentpaw! He’s out here too! He’s hunting or looking for Leopardheart. We have to find him!” About to dart away, Patchpaw hissed when Cougarclaw grabbed her by the nape, “No,” the she-cat said, “We have to get to camp. Fallenwind or Swiftdarkness will go out and find him.” Mumbling under her breathe Patchpaw could only think, what if I don’t see him again? I wish that he would have hunted with me. StarClan, let him return home please.
Just call me Siri.
5:56pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 6:14pm Nov 30 2009)
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Posts: 1,771
(((Late post fail. XD My bad.))) (((Ps. I edited my post on the first page. It contains all of the cats. From their selected positions. East if you want to copy it onto your first post that would fine but I'll keep updating it on my too. (= )))
Just call me Siri.
6:01pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,771
Swiftdarkness let out a sigh of relief that Silentpaw was alright. “There’s a badger out here somewhere.” Glancing around Swiftdarkness couldn’t pick up its scent out here, guessing that it was instead over on the other side of the territory. “I don’t think any cat should go out alone for a while. Those things can be nasty and it might come back.” But not if I can help it, thought Swiftdarkness. I want my Clan safe in their territory. Maybe Leopardheart, Fallenwind, Cliffwinds and I can chase it further away tonight. Motioning that they should get back to camp, Swiftdarkness lead the way looking and scenting for danger.
Just call me Siri.
6:14pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,092
Falconwing curled her fluffy tail over Silentpaw's shoulders an lead him to te front so she was waking next to Swiftdarkness. "What are you all going to do about the badger? Please tell me your going to go after it?" She murmured, looking at him worridly. "No, your not stupid, just be careful." She pleaded, licking his ear. She ignored Silentpaw's yuck look. "As if you diddn't like Patchpaw." She meowed to him, and he scowled. "Im not sure we're even still friends. She has Cheetahpaw, and I need to concintrate on becoming a warrior, not friends." He grumbled, and she rolled her eyes. If I ever have kits, please dont let them be as hard headed as Silentpaw, he's worse then his father.
6:22pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((So, nobody cares about Cheetahpaw? He was like, with Cougarclaw.))
6:23pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,771
Swiftdarkness let out a meow of laughter, “Silentpaw, not all warriors are as grouchy as Windkeeper. You are a responsible cat; you can have friends and still excel at being a warrior. As a matter of fact, it’s quite handy to have a cat to battle with, two is always better than one.” He couldn’t help but look at Falconwing. I think I would like to battle with her. We wouldn’t even need to practice; we would just know each other and our attacks would be perfect. Smiling he shock his head, I have to concentrate. Wouldn’t want the badger to come up on us because I got all kitty-feely over Falconwing. Looking at Silentpaw again he continued, “Just ask Leopardheart, he’ll tell you stories of him and Jadewing fighting in battle. It’s better than you think. And as for Patchpaw, you’ll have to work that out.” When we get back to camp, I’m definitely going to have a talk with Falconwing. There’s something that I have to say and it’s long over-due. (((fullmoon, I'll fix that! =3)))
Just call me Siri.
6:27pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,771
Patchpaw noticed, belatedly, that Cheetahpaw was a little bit ahead of them looking absolutely horrible. Why on does he look so bad? Feeling Cougarclaw stiffen at her side, Patchpaw peeked up at her. The she-cat looked between furious and heartbroken. Looking between the two, Patchpaw quickly mewed, “I have some fresh-kill that I need to go get.” Dashing off before they could reply, Patchpaw headed in the general direction that her prey was stashed. ((( Cougarclaw is coming in un momento!)))
Just call me Siri.
6:28pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Cheetahpaw looked up at Patchpaw. He managed a smile, just for her, but it quickly fell.
6:32pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,771
Cougarclaw nearly growled at Patchpaw as the little she-cat dashed away, nice escape. Look at Cheetahpaw, Cougarclaw sighed. No use getting angry over lost prey, it’s over and done with. Now he has to remember this and learn the hard way. She started to say something, noting the slight cringe the tom gave, and thought better. Walking, though more like gimping, up to Cheetahpaw she licked the top of his bowed head. “I know you were trying to do the best but you have to wait. Go at the speed of your slowest companion, because you don’t want them left behind.” She meowed gently, “Did you tell the Clan? I’ll bet that the toms are all getting ready to chase him off now.”
Just call me Siri.
6:36pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
"Mmhm." Mumbled Cheetahpaw. He raced off to camp. "It's gone!" He called. "It's gone! Appearantly, the dont like headbutts."
6:37pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw glanced at Swiftdarkness, thinking about how to word his next sentence. "I want to learn to fight alone first, so I know I can handel myself." He murmured. "And theres nothing to sort out with Patchpaw. She's best friends Cheetahpaw, thats it." He snapped, and took of towards camp, keeping a ear open for danger.
Falconwing touched Swiftdarkness's shoulder with her tail. "Dont mind Silentpaw, he'll get over it." She meowed confortingly, seeing the camp ahead.
((Im going to get this out now because I feel really bad. Im not trying to exclude you fullmoon from the rp with my characters attitude. Silentpaw just doent like Cheetahpaw XD, and none of my other charatcers have had a chance to talk to him. I feel like im being rude to you. Glad you joined fullmoon!))