9:28am Jul 31 2010
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ooc; Jealous! Tell them I say hi :)
9:32am Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 9:32am Jul 31 2010)
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Do Not Mind This Post. It Was A Double ;P
11:17am Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 11:31am Jul 31 2010)
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Nightpaw quickly ran into the den and grabbed some old cobwebs for Fernseed, She rushed outside into the pouring hail, her blue eyes clouded with something other than worry. I new this was going to happen. she thought, I could have warned them... she padded toward the outside of the den, then ran to the nursery where Emeraldrain was sleeping. "You can sleep through that?!" she muttered, then prodded emeraldrain had on her ribs. "Wha...?" Emeraldrain looked around confused, "Snowkit was taken off by a Raven th-" Emeraldrain cut her off. "A raven!? He's dead!!?!" she screeched, "No!! " She hissed back at the queen, "Don't do that!! Swiftdarkness killed the raven and got him, Come to the medicine cat's den now." Frustrated nightpaw padded through the hail and rain, her claws ripping at the ground for every step. Then she paused once she was at the medicine cat den, Snowkit got caught by the raven... But Swiftdarkness saved him...Snowdarkness..... That is the FireClan medicine cats name!! Is he my father? Nightpaw stood still outside of the den and the hail stopped, and a warm breeze p*censored*ed through her. "It must be..." Rainfeather, quietly pushed over the barrier that she and the other cats had made, The sun had finally come, and she figured it would do some good to, warm all the other cats. She padded to the back of the den, then realized a unusual heaviness on her pelt, she turned to see the mud that she had been covered in last night was dried on her and it stuck out like spikes. She looked at her tail and the same thing was there spickey mud covered fur. With a sigh she sat down and stared outside, looking over her pelt once more, she realized that she looked like a cat carved from stone from the mud. She blended in well with the cave wall, But her ice blue eyes stood out like red flowers growing in the snow. She lightly padded over to the outside of the cave, I bet I look like a monster! she thought inside her head, then stood in front of a puddle and looked at her reflection, she couldn't help but suppressing a mmrrow of laughter. I look like a stone cat! she thought then padded back into the cave to start waking the others, "Lostfoot..." she meowed, hoping her appearance wouldn't spook the caveclan medicine cat.
11:30am Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 11:31am Jul 31 2010)
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3:30pm Jul 31 2010
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Lostfoot lifted his head and his eyes opened slowly and sleepily. "Eh? AH!! W-what i-is this?! Who are you?!" jumping up he watched with wide eyes. "!! ...R-rainfeather? Ah don't scare me like that. And clean your fur." purring in amusement at his stupidity he went to wake some of the others up. camp~~ Painfullpaw ran out of the apprentices den his heart clutching in a twist at the thought of a kit about to be eaten. He never wanted to lose a strong cat that would help his clan. Looking about he noticed the raven on the ground. Letting his heart calm down he padded to the med cat's den and poked his head in slightly to check on the kit. ((Painfullpaw needs a mentor))
11:10pm Jul 31 2010
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OoC: Oh, I'm behind. I haven't even added him to the character list yet. ^.^' Sorry. Maybe you should ask Easternbluebird to have Eaglestar appoint on to him. Oh, and East, I think it would be very nice to have Louke get his apprentice name and mentor as well.
Just call me Siri.
1:33am Aug 1 2010
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Having crawled out of her warm nest in Eaglestar’s den, being that she was kit sitting more often than normal, Mistsoul stretched her hind legs luxuriously. Blinking sleep from her honey eyes, she yawned widely. Wiggling her toes, to feel the warm sand under her pads, Mistsoul sighed knowing that she would have to face the cold snow. She loved the snow, but at the moment she wanted nothing to do with it. The clan was in desperate need of prey and the snow only kept it at bay. Spying Jadekit, Larkkit, and Rosekit sleeping away in their combined nests, Mistsoul wondered where Featherkit had wandered off to. Licking each kits’ cheek tenderly, Mistsoul purred, “Morning little kits, but I can’t call you that for much longer. Look at how big you are getting.” Her eyes brimmed with tears as she thought about them becoming apprentices’ in this hardship. We’ve lost so many, should they become apprentices’ now or wait for better times? Can we really spare prey from our hard working warriors? Twitching her tail in agitation, Mistsoul banished the gloomy thoughts. Trotting out of the den, she nudged past the dangling moss that covered the den entrance, and ventured out into the open. Though the sun was bright and high, the air was still shockingly cold compared to the cozy den. “What am I, a pampered kittypet?” she mumbled to herself as she shivered slightly and puffed up her fur. Spotting Windprint by the warriors den, Mistsoul trotted over to the tom. He was handsome, but throughout his apprenticeship and hers they had only been friends. He was loyal and very witty. “Hello, there!” she meowed with friendly welcome, “What have you been up to? Have you seen Patchpelt lately?” Holding in his yowls of agony, Swiftdarkness took his poppy seeds and thanked Fernseed. “I’m fine, really.” He falsely insisted. “Check on Snowkit, I think he’s in worse shape.” “No!” Fernseed fairly growled like a dog, “He’s in shock because of his kitten brained idea, and only Emeraldrain can re*censored*ure him now. So sit back down, you stubborn, old warrior.” Fibbing offence, Swiftdarkness obeyed grudgingly. “I am not old, medicine cat. Though, I will admit that I am stubborn.” Favoring his right paw, where the slash went from knee to across his chest, Swiftdarkness pretended to ignore Fernseed as she applied some remedy, even when it stung like a bee sting. Spotting Painfulpaw peering into the den, Swiftdarkness wondered when the tom would get a new mentor. The apprentice needed a strong guidance for his father had been a poor example. I don’t understand how a father could attack his own kit. I would willingly become a kittypet before harming a single hair on my kits’ pelts. And what he would do to get his two lost ones back, he missed them so. But he refused to ruin the time he had with his two living ones, but they seemed to have vanished lately. Must be all that hard training their mentors are giving them. “Fernseed, are you going to poke at me all day?” he teased lightly. With a smug sniff, she curtly replied, “It would serve you right, but I’m done for now. Just sit still, and let some snow numb the pain.” Staring him straight in the eye, she mewed sternly, “That’s an order straight from your medicine cat.” “Of course,” he yowled playfully, “I have to get ordered about like some nagging elder.” Chuckling, Fernseed teased, “I think you’re halfway there.” Whiskers twitching as he muttered under his breathe about ungrateful she-cat Swiftdarkness left with a wink. He lamely padded around camp until he found his mate, who he greeted warmly. “Falconwing, my bright eyed queen, how are you?” And mewed, before she could get concerned, “Fernseed has no worries about infection in this weather, though it might scar.” ::Prophecy Cats:: Patchpelt yawned at the mouth of the cave, her white fangs bared freely. As her group became nosier, she peered back to find Rainfeather scaring Lostfoot out of his pelt and skin. Mrrowing with laughter, Patchpelt had to admit she wondered briefly this morning about a monster when Rainfeather padded p*censored*ed her. Looking at Shadowpaw, Graypaw, and Littlepaw, Patchpelt prayed to StarClan that she and the other warriors would keep them safe. “I’ll be right back,” she meowed to Rainfeather and Lostfoot, “Let the apprentices’ sleep a bit longer, it was a stressful night.” Loping off into the trees Patchpelt felt defenseless in the open ground. There was hardly any brush to hide under. Whiskers shivering, tail twitching, and paws-steps light, Patchpelt kept her senses open for enemies, scouting out their path for the day. “Stop right there!” Unwillingly, Patchpelt frozen with one forepaw in the air, emerald eyes wide with fear. StarClan! Can’t you help anything go smoothly! Turning around, slowly, she curled her fluffed up tail around her paws. “Let me explain,” she began but was interrupted. “I don’t want excuses! They’re like crowfood, everywhere,” the same smooth voice rasped. “Uh,” she stuttered, looking wildly around her but for the life of her she couldn’t find her spotter, “Where are you?” There was a hump behind her, and Patchpelt spun around as quickly as a fox but the *censored*ailant flattened her to the ground. “Help!” she yelped before she could stop herself. “So there are others?” Opening her eyes, which she hadn’t noticed she closed, Patchpelt gasped as she stared into brilliant aquamarine eyes, “Firpaw!” With a growl, he let her up, and spat, “Patchpelt, really? What are you doing here? And be quick, before Twigstripe comes.” “My clan is starving- “So is every other clan!” he spat. “Let me explain,” she rushed, “My a select few of my clan mates and I have had dreams from StarClan. They are trying to show us a need land. I know it! One of our apprentices’ even comes from the place.” “Mouse-dung,” he spat. “You’re just trying to get prey.” Cuffing his ears, Patchpelt hissed, “Have some sense, Firpaw. I would never do that!” “And I believe that,” mewed a new voice. “Twigstripe,” Patchpelt pleaded her name. “Please let us through, we won’t eat until we are clear of your boarders.” “I accept that, Patchpelt.” Surprised, the calico couldn’t help but ask why she was so trusting. “StarClan sent me a dream last night, they told me to take the morning patrol and let the storm p*censored* its gifts. I’m guessing you are the gifts to all the clans.” Twigstripe dipped her head in an uncharacteristic display of gratitude. “Help the clans, Patchpelt, you and your friends because I don’t know who else will.” Unnerved, Patchpelt looked from one TreeClan cat to the other, and darted off to her clan mates. Shaking slightly, Patchpelt mewed to them, “Let’s move out now, I want us out of TreeClan before Sun High.” It was a long trek, but Patchpelt didn’t think StarClan could help them survive another patrol encounter. Thank you, StarClan. I guess I judged you too soon.
Just call me Siri.
1:34am Aug 1 2010
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OoC: x3 Sorry for all the reading, but I got a little excited.
Just call me Siri.
1:45pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 2:02pm Aug 1 2010)
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((This place has wi-fi, yes! Now I can acually post.)) Falconwing huffed tiredly as she padded after Redpaw into the camp, her skinny body looking odd with her long, thick fur clumped together. Looking up at the sky, she flinched as a heavy drop smacked her nose. Growling slightly, she followed her red apprentice into the camp. Watching to make sure there was not injuries to Redpaw, she was about to tun and go to her own den when her apprentice came back out and thanked her. Blinking in shock, a small smile curled her lips up and a warm feeling flared thorugh her heart. He's a good kit, even if he is slightly disrespectful. I wish he was my own kit, then again I already look at hima s my own. Though he is not a replacemtnt of Lostkit, the name made her twinge, I still consider him mine. A familiar scent whriled around her nose and she turned to meet her mate. A sudden screech make her heart almost stop and a raven lifted off with a small kit in it's talons. Bunching her muscles tightly, her queen instincts told her to fight to the death to save the kit. Suddenly a pelt as back as the revens leapt onto the bird and Falconwing's heart almost stopped in horror. Swiftdarkness, you mouse-brain! Don't gwt hurt, please. Tearing off to see of she could help, the deputy arrived beside the dead raven and two cats a second to late to help. About to yowl for Fernseed, the medicine cat was already leading the two towards her den before the words left her maw. Sitting down, not minding the hail much, the she-cat tried to calm her racing heart. Please be alright. Starclan has taken so many cats already. The thought of living wothout her mate made the world almost spin. Unsure how long she'd been sitting there, Swiftdarkness's scent, mixed with herbs, made the deputy whirl around and let out a releived sigh. "Mouse-brain! Don't scare me like that again." She meowed lightly, burying her muzzle in his fur. Letting his scent calm her, she ushered him into the warriors den and out of the elements. "Mouse-brained maybe but brave. My brave warrior." She mewoed, green eyes meeting his own. "Sleep," She told him, poking his shoulder gently with a forepaw. "The sooner your better the happier i'll be." Shadowpaw pushed himself from the group of cats and stared up at Rainfeather in fear. She was the strongest cat of the group in his eyes, and if she was so easily hurt then was there much hope for the rest of them. I feel so useless, why did Starclan chose me? Flicking his ears flat, he sighed and curled up in his own small portion of the nests. Closing his eyes, he was suddenly hot, hot as if his fur was going to melt off. Whimpering he looked around, and saw nothing but sand as far as his eyes could see. "Where am I?" He asjed, then was sorry he open his mouth. Sand coated his throat and make him cough. "Take a good look around Shadowpaw." Jumping, the apprentice whiurled around to spot Lostkit, cold eyes staring at him intently. "Remember this place, and how it feels." Not sure whatg his brother meant, Shadowpaw tried to speak. Sand made him sputter and cough so hjard it felt as if he was going to p*censored* out. Starting to run, his eyes popped open and was staring at the walls of the cave. Thraot raw and fur still warm, Shadowpaw tried to stand up. That was weird, and told me nothing except that where ever that was there had to be water to survive. They don't need to know I dreamt though, it meant nothing. Padding from the den, making sure not to wake the other apprentice, Shadowpaw sniffed the air for his mentor.

1:52pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 2:03pm Aug 1 2010)
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((>.> Really late post on my part. I'll fix it. Edit: Fixed))
3:11pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Aug 2 2010)
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Eaglestar lept to the top of Highledge, "L:et all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" her yowl rang out, clear nd loud. Sitting she watched as her clan gathered around the base of the large rock, "Today is a very special day as we will be naming apprentices and as.signing mentors!" She took a dep breath and continued, "By doing so we show that IceClan remains strong and will carry on through anything that happens. Cardinalkit and Luoke will you please step forward." she watched the cats walk up and she turned to her nephew, "From now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Cardinalpaw. Ravenfeather will mentor and guide you through your aprenticeship. Luoke from his day until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Starpaw. Windprint you have shown promise and I trust you to entor this cat and teach him our ways." She took a deep breath and continued "And of course I mustn't forget another very special cat, Painfullpaw please step forward, I know that you wil be a great warrior in this clan despite what any cat thinks" she nearly snarled the last words, "Swiftdarkness, you will mentor this cat and teach him what its like to be a warrior." ooc; EDIT: i added Painfullpaw into the ceremony :)
3:21pm Aug 1 2010
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((Starpaw, Luoke will be known as Starpaw. He'll never be leader or anything so the name will be alright.))
3:25pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Aug 2 2010)
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Painfullpaw padded towards the group of cats and smilled at the naming of the apprentices. His eyes shone happily at the kits. His tail swaying from side to side he smilled wider. Swiftdarkness was his mentor now and that made him glad. He knew Swiftdarkness was a nice cat. And he looked up to the black tom like a father.
11:03pm Aug 1 2010
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Rainfeather stared at lostfoot histericly, "No!! I kind of like being a stone cat!" she meowed happily. Rainfeather rushed to Patchpelt, her fur fluffed up and her huge claws unsheathed, to see a TreeClan apprentice. Later Rainfeather and the others padded through TreeClan territory, "Twigstripe will make a great leader." meowed Rainfeather to Patchpelt, her fur finally cleaned off. Windprint turned to her and looked, "Hi!" he meowed, "I was just wondering that too.." he meowed, "I haven't seen her since yesterday, I hope she is alright..." his voice trailed off lightly, "But of course she is..." he continued, "How are you?" he meowed changing the subject. Emeraldrain curled up beside Snowkit, snuggling him in to her warm winter coat. "You will be all right Snowkit," she meowed quietly, "We will take care of you..."
11:16pm Aug 1 2010
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Windprint padded up to his first apprentice, he touched noses with him and then sat down, "Would you like to explore some of the borders.... Maybe try catching some fresh-kill if we have time?" he asked, remembering when he was an apprentice, that was all he wanted to do. Cardinalkit bounced up and down, "What are we going to do now?!" he asked then tried to calm down, " Could we explore the territory?" he asked, silently pleading to starclan that it would be so. Rainfeather looked down at Shadowpaw, she felt tall beside him, and really all the other cats. As they padded through enemy territory, Rainfeather meowed, "How are you doing today?" she asked, her brilliant Ice blue eyes glittered, I feel uncomfortable in this territory, best not to show it... I guess. Her silver fur fluffed up a bit when one of the trees quivered from a breeze, and some snow fell on her, shaking it off, she continued to walk. Looking down at her paws, mainly because she didn't want snow to fall on her face, she looked at her claws, I am still not able to sheath them all the way. They are too long... Hope it doesn't provoke any of the TreeClan cats... she thought, then looked up again. Wonder if SunStripe is here...
8:38am Aug 2 2010
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ooc; Bump
5:39pm Aug 2 2010
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ooc; Kestrelheart is my prophecized cat, pretend he's with the other kittehs :) Kestrelheart yawned and padded up beside Rainfeather, "Whatcha doin?" he asked curiously ooc; FAIL! Also @Electro I added Painfullpaw into the ceremony Watching the cats clear away Eaglestar walked into her den and nuzzled her kits, "How are we doing today?" she asked them. Gving them each a lcik on the head, "Only half a moon left until you four will be appretniced." she said a smile in her voice. Suddenly tired she lay down with her kits and pulled them closer before closing her eyes. Larkkit smiled at her mother and mewed, "Jusss playing momma!" she nuzzled up to the dark shape that was Eaglestar before going to lay down and smile and sleep with her mother.
6:56pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit nodded and leaned into Emeraldrain a little more. "I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry." Hawkmask padded into the elders den in hopes her mother would be in a good mood. Padding towards the old she cat she purred with amusement at the still sleeping elder. "Mother. Mother wake up." She purred and nudged. Oldly though she just fell back down limp and felt cold to her muzzle. "Mother?" she nudged her again. And just like before limp and cold. "Oh no...no...mother...Mother....Mother!!" tears swelling she shook her head and took a deep breath. Carrying her mother out of the den she put her in the middle of camp. Bowing her head she touched noses to her and went to find her sister. OOC; Spiritfeather was OLD she needed to die SOMETIME. )
8:45pm Aug 2 2010
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ooc; -tear- She was like, your first EVER warriors charrie :(
9:53pm Aug 2 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; She was OLD. I'm sorry. Don't make me cry. TT^TT))))