10:12pm Aug 2 2010
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ooc; I'll try not to ;P
10:37pm Aug 2 2010
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OoC//; LoN
2:00am Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 2:01am Aug 3 2010)
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OoC: East, oh, I'm sorry! I could have sworn it was Graypaw. ::curses:: Hm, what are we going to do. I'll just edit all the posts and scratch all his dreams. I'll have to have Patchpelt run back for Redpaw. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll have Patchpelt run back for Redpaw, she'll have a dream, and he'll go along, and I won't like that, but he will, and it will work. ::smiles:: Yup, I'll get through this brain crunch. EDIT ::stares and twitches:: Ooopie, don't mind that. I was typing my thoughts, disorderly and all. xD EDIT, edit, my post will be a while. My mind is so crazy at the moment, I'm trying to figure this out, so it will all work out....maybe Patchpelt should..? no...::talks more to self::
Just call me Siri.
6:39pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Rainfeather looked at Kestralheart, "Just talking to shadowpaw, " she meowed, "What do you need?" she asked flicking her white tail, her ice blue eyes shawn with little annoyance. Grr!! He reminds me of Crimsonfang! Go away Crimsonfang!! Get out of my mind! Rainfeather's eye twitched, her fur was beginning to rise over a thought of a cat.
7:15pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Onoes, What's happening?))
7:17pm Aug 3 2010
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((Oh, and by the way, if anyone has a ginger intes, could I please have it for the speical quest??))
7:46pm Aug 3 2010
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Desired Name: Riverbreeze Position: Deputy of FireClan Family: in fireclan Mate: none Crush: (Soon to be Grayheart...) Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance:
Personality: Can snap easily and can sometimes have a very short temper. But She is very like able according to her clan mates. Her kind and even judgment could make her a perfect mother for kits, but she always seems to know what is right for her clan even if she will break the warrior code to do it.. ooc; Would she be okay for Grayheart's crush? Instead of Quailfoot?
10:34pm Aug 3 2010
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ooc; Bump =]
1:09am Aug 4 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, I love her. She is a beauty. If I had an open tom, he would be padding hot on her tail! xD ::ish still brain dead from plot thinking:: My post might come later today, probably tomorrow.
Just call me Siri.
8:37am Aug 4 2010
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6:09pm Aug 4 2010
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12:53pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc; Okay cool, now gottah bunmp tish thing .... Bump
5:24pm Aug 5 2010
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7:19pm Aug 5 2010
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"Nothing" Kestrelheart snapped back at her, "Nothing, I just wanted to see what you were doing... I'm bored." oc; Rainfeather is the one on the journey rght?
9:07pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc; Who else would I bring! Lol XD
11:28pm Aug 5 2010
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ooc; Very true.
9:31am Aug 6 2010
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Changing her pace, Rainfeather padded faster to get away from Kesteralheart, Stupid toms... Emeraldrain looked at Fernseed, "Is Snowkit okay now?" she asked, pointing her tail to the sleeping kit.
2:47pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Fernseed looked at Emeraldrain, "Yes." Pacing away, she went to count berries. ::Meanwhile:: Patchpelt lead the group of cats aimlessly. Where am I going? she wondered. I hope StarClan won't let me get lost. OoC: Fails, I know. But I don't know what to type right now. I think I need a break.
Just call me Siri.
9:46pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Wow, that was like the shortest post ever Siri.... Lol X3 Thistlestorm pelted through the snow covered ground, chasing a rabbit was harder than he thought. Than he looked around, as the rabbit vanished, "To slow..." he muttered to himself. Padding over to a near bush, he sat down and began to groom the sand and snow off his paws, he looked around and all was silent. "So much for that... " he meowed, then padded back to the camp. The fresh-kill pile was still very small, even for leaf bare. What are we going to do? Nightpaw padded out of the camp her feet covered in the sticky snow, she smelt around for some cat-mint, the supply was low, and it would be important to keep the stock well filled, with the snow coming down faster. She padded into a small area and found some traces of it. Her mouth began to water as she followed the sweet scent and it was disappointing when she found only few plants growing there, Better than nothing... she thought then grabbed up the herb and padded back to the camp. She Laid the herbs in the proper space and curled up in her nest for some sleep. I could use some sleep... I stayed up quite late last night... then she closed her light blue eyes and drifted into sleep.
11:47pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 7:11pm Aug 7 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((OMG Whered you get the gold ezhani, siri????!! From a very uber epic awesome best freid?))